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Lesson 16 (课堂作业)I. 根据汉语提示写出单词的适当形式1.This is the tallest _(塔)I have ever seen.2.Ive got three days holiday, _(包括)New Years Day.3.The bird couldnt fly _(更远)and stopped to rest.4.These bananas weigh about five _(千克).5.Li Ming spent the _(完整的)day in watching TV.II. 单项选择1.Have you heard of the blue whale?Yes. I know its the worlds largest _.A. plant B. animal C. bird D. man2.Workers are busy building the Science Museum.Yes, it will be finished _ 2007.A. on B. at C. by D. from3.Id like to go there with you.Thats very kind _ you. OK, lets go.A. for B. on C. of D. in4.This bridge is the longest bridge in our province and _ of the longest in China.A. one B. each C. every D. some5.Lindas father bought her a new bike as a birthday presentYes, and she felt _. She likes it very much.A. nervous B. tired C. sick D. glad6.Tim, can you throw the ball _ than John?Yes, I can.A. far B. farther C. farthest D. the farthest7.Our playground is very big.Ours is _ yours.A. as big as B. as long as C. as bigger as D. as longer as8.Is this your new bag?Yes. It _ me 80 dollars.A. spent B. took C. cost D. paid9.I dont believe what Tony has said because I dont _ him.A. believe B. believe in C. look at D. tell10.Youre the most beautiful girl I have ever seen._!A. Youre right B. Good luck C. No problem D. Thank you参考答案I. 1.tower 2.including 3.farther 4.kilograms 5.whole II. 1.B 蓝鲸是动物,不是植物、鸟或人。2.C by 2007表示“到2007年”。3.C Thats very kind of you.意为“你是非常友好的。”4.A one of the+最高级,表示“最之一”。5.D 因为得到一辆新的自行车,因此是感到高兴的,而不是感到紧张、累、病的。6.B 由than可知,本句用比较级,far的比较级为farther。7.A asas表示“和一样”。中间加形容词或副词原形,由此可排除选项C和D。比较操场应该用大小,应选A。8.C spend、pay和cost都可用来表示花费钱。spend和pay的主语一般是人,cost的主语是物。take主语多是形式主语it,take多指花费时间。9.B believe in sb表示“相信某人,信任某人。”believe多指相信某人说的话或相信某事。10.D 当别人夸奖你时,应当说“谢谢”。Lesson 16 (课下作业)I. 单项选择1.The old man is very poor but he never borrows money from _.A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everybody2.Li Ming is in Class One. He is taller than _ student in Class Two.A. any other B. any C. other D. the other3.Tina is _ friend. We often play and study together.A. my the best B. the best my C. my best D. best my4.Jim runs very fast.Danny runs _ faster than he does.A. much B. many C. little D. few5.Who is Linda?She is _ of the two girls under the tree.A. taller B. tallest C. the taller D. the tallest6.When will you go to see your grandparents?_ next Sunday.A. Usually B. Maybe C. Almost D. Hardly7.Lily is weak. Im surprised _ that she came first in the 100-metre race.A. to be known B. know C. to know D. known8.When the tall building is finished, it will _ a new record in our city.A. give B. set C. open D. need9.Uncle Wang always drinks beer while _ TV.A. watching B. watches C. is watching D. watch10.Susan _ me a letter since last summer. It will be a surprise to receive her letter.A. hasnt sent B. hadnt sent C. has sent D. had sent II. 句型转换1.The shirt cost me only 50 yuan.(就划线部分提问)_ _ _ the shirt cost you?2.Mr Zhang became an English teacher three years ago.(改为同义句)Mr Zhang _ _ an English teacher _ three years.3.Li Ming did his homework at school yesterday.(改为否定句)Li Ming _ _ his homework at school yesterday.4.My brother is the tallest boy in his class.My brother is _ than _ _ student in his class.5.We cant live if there is no water.(改为同义句)We cant live _ _.III. 完形填空“Where is the university?” This is a question that many visitors to Cambridge ask. But no one can give them a (1)_ answer, for there is no wall to be found (2)_ the university. The university is the city. You can find classroom buildings, (3)_ museums and offices of the university all over the city. And most of its members are the students and (4)_ of the thirty-one colleges.Cambridge was already a (5)_ town long before the first students and teachers arrived 800 years ago. It grew up by the river Granta, and the river was once (6)_ the Cam. A (7)_ was built over the river as early as 875. So the town got its name “Cambridge”.In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries more and more land was used for college buildings. The town grew much (8)_ in the nineteenth century after the opening of the railway in 1845. Cambridge became a (9)_ in 1951 and now it has a population of over 100,000. Many young students in other countries (10)_ to study at Cambridge. Thousands of people from all over the world come to visit the university town. It has become a famous place all around the world.( )1. A. true B. clear C. right D. real( )2. A. around B. in C. near D. by( )3. A. cinemas B. parks C. zoos D. libraries( )4. A. parents B. farmers C. workers D. teachers( )5. A. interesting B. usual C. developing D. common( )6. A. said B. called C. spoken D. talked( )7. A. bridge B. building C. station D. house( )8. A. smaller B. slower C. faster D. cleaner( )9. A. city B. college C. university D. country( )10.A. stop B. hate C. hope D. needIV. 阅读理解Jupiters Moons and How They TravelThe many moons of Jupiter travel around the planet in different directions (方向). Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. Over the years, scientists have found that Jupiter has its own small solar system. Earth has one moon. Jupiter has at least sixteen and probably more.Since there are so many moons, scientists began to number them. The numerals(numbers)tell the sequence, or order, in which the moons were found. They were slower to name the moons. All of Jupiters moons now have a name as well as a number.The first five moons to be discovered are known as the “inner moons”. But they are not the closest to the planet. The closest is only 127,600 kilometers away from Jupiter. All the inner moons circle the planet in counter-clockwise direction, that is, opposite of the hands of a clock.Jupiters middle group of moons are at least 11,100,000 kilometers from the planet. They also move in a counter-clockwise motion (moving). The four farthest moons are at least 20,700,000 kilometers away. These are called “outer moons”. They circle in a clockwise motion.How many more moons do you think will be discovered? 1.What does “solar system” in this article mean?_ A. 银河系 B. 宇宙空间 C. 流星雨 D. 太阳系 2.Things that travel in the same direction as the hands of a clock are said to be traveling in a_.A. clockwise direction B. counter-clockwise direction C. same direction D. different direction 3.Jupiters _group of moons travel in a clockwise direction.A. planets B. inner C. middle D. outer 4.The numbers given to Jupiters moons tell _.A. the order in which they were discovered B. the order in which they travel C. the order of their distance from Jupiter D. the order of names 5.According to the passage,which of the following statements is true? A. None of Jupiters moons have names.B. Most of Jupiters moons circle clockwise.C. Jupiters inner moons were discovered first.D. Jupiter is the nearest planet to the earth.6.How far away are the middle group of moons from Jupiter? A. Its not mentioned. B. 11,100,000 kilometers away. C. 127,600 kilometers away. D. 20,700,000 kilometers away.参考答案I. 1.B 本题考查有关“body”的不定代词。本句意为“这位老人虽然很贫穷,但是他从来没有向任何人借过钱。”应选B。2.B 李明是一班的,他比二班的任何一个学生都高。any表示“任何一个”。3.C best前有形容词性物主代词,就不用定冠词the。4.A much可以修饰比较级。much+比较级,表示“更的多”。5.C 有“of the two”时,比较级前加定冠词the。6.B 本句是对将来的猜测、打算,因此用“或许”。其他选项是表示频率的词,在这里不能用表示频率的词。7.C be surprised to do sth表示“惊讶做某事”。8.B set a new record意为“创造一个新的纪录”。9.A while后可跟进行事态的句子,还可跟动名词,表示“一边一边”。10.A since+过去的时间,构成现在完成时的时间状语。由此可排除选项B和D。由下一句可知,自从去年夏天到现在没有信的来往,故选A。II. 1.How much did 2.has been for 3.didnt do 4.taller any other 5.without waterIII. 1.B. 由于剑桥大学的规模很大,因此谁也说不清它的具体位置。2.A. 按照常例,围墙应该建在学校的周围。3.D. 由于是学校,所以我们在里面见到的不会是很多的影院,动物园或公园。4.D. 在剑桥大学城里除了学生之外,其他更多的就是教师了。5.C. 从过去到现在,剑桥始终在发展前进。6.B. 河的名字是被人们所称呼的。7.A. 河的上面有一座桥。8.C. 根据“after the opening of the railway in 1845” 可知,自从铁路开通之后,剑桥的发展一定更快了。9.A. 随着剑桥规模的进一步扩大,它逐渐成了一座城了。10.C. 能到剑桥读书是很多人的愿望。III. 1. 选D。文中介绍Jupiter(木星)是最大的行星,地球只有一个月亮,而木星至少有16个,甚至更多。由此可见,solar system即为太阳系,木星同地球一样都是太阳系中的行星。 2. 选A。“clockwise direction”指“顺时针方向”。文中对“counter-clockwise direction”的解释是“opposite of the hands of a clock”,即“逆时针方向”。3. 选D。最远的四个月亮称为“outer moons”,它们以顺时针方向转。4. 选A。由文中“The numerals(numbers)tell the sequence, or order, in which the moons were found.”这句话可知。 5. 选C。统观全文,可知选项A、B不符合文意,根据常识判断,选项D也不正确。再由环绕木星旋转的月亮团以依次发现的时间为序,由此推理可得出“the inner moons were discovered first”。 6. 选B。在文中可找到“Jupiters middle group of moons are at least 11,100,000 kilometers from the planet.”。根据这一句话的意思,便可得知此题答案为B。

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