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VIP中考英语 阅读理解 翰林院培训学校以小学、初中、高中各科分项教学为核心教学竞争力,“分项教学”是翰林院教育名师通过长期教学研发出来的最能提高学生分数的教学模式。翰林院培训学校是2010年蚌埠招商引资项目,其团队百分之八十以上都是全国中高考巡讲师。名师团队包含来自于北京、天津、上海、昆明等知名学校的明星教师、教材解析员、考纲分析员和试卷分析工作者。我校以“把优质教育送到社区”为愿景,以“教育,让家庭生活更美好”为核心价值观,教学风格:清新,励志,感恩。我校强调趣味教学,因材施教,坚信每一个孩子都是天才,提倡“没有教不好的孩子,只有不会教的教师”的教学观,力争成为二级地市教育的引领者。翰林院是“一个创造学习奇迹的地方”,我校的教学目标是:培养兴趣,提高分数。一 阅读 1、In the early 1990s,the word”Internet”was strange to most people.But today,Internet has become a useful tool for people all over the world.Maybe Internet has been the greatest invention in the field of communication in the history of mankind(人类)Communicating with others on the Internet is much faster.We can chat with a person who is sitting in the other part of the world.We can e-mail our friends and they can read the e-mails within a minute.Giving all kinds of information is probably the biggest advantage of the Internet.We can use search engines to find the information we need.Just type in a keyword or keywords and the search engine will give us a list of suitable websites to look at.We can enjoy a lot on the Internet by downloading games,visiting chat rooms or surfing (浏览)websites.There are some games for free.We can meet new and interesting people in the chat now.We can also listen to music and see films.Now ,there is a lot of service on the Internet such as online banking ,job finding and ticket buying.We can also do shopping and find nearly all kinds of goods.Sometimes we can find something that is quite good but very cheap.26.How many main advantages of the Internet are talked about in the passage?A.Three.B.Four.C.Five.D.Six.27.What fact doesnt the passage provide? 全品中考网 A.We can find almost anything we want to know on the Internet.B.Some games on the Internet are free.C.We can buy most things we need on the Internet.D.Goods on the Internet are more expensive than those in real shops.28.Which title best gives the main idea of the passage?A.Online Shopping B.Exchanging Information on the InternetC.The Advantages of the Internet D.Surfing the Websites on the Internet 2、Expo 2010 is held in Shanghai from May 1to October 31.People all over the world are looking forward to it.Here are several golden rules on how to best plan your trip.Rule 1:Do your homeworkRead everything you can before going.Really study the maps .Know the pavilions.Arrive at the entrance nearest to the things you want to see.Have a plan.It will make a big difference.Rule 2:Allow plenty of time Expo 2010 is the largest attraction event in the history of the world.It will take many days too see it.Plan to spend from five to eight days of more seeing it.Rule 3:Pace yourselfExpo is enormous .The distances are punishing .It is better to spend a day seeing a single area than to run back and forth all over the site.Remember to wear the most comfortable shoes.Never mind what they look like.Rule 4 :Get going in MayAt many Expos the crowds are smaller in May and in early June than any other time.And beware the last two weeks.During every Expo,people delay their visits and then in early October they suddenly realize. “Expo will close soon! I havent seen it!”As a result ,the last several weeks usually have the most crowed days of the entire Expo.Rule 5 :Find out what everyone else is doing and do the oppositeIf you dont like large crowds and long lines,do the opposite.Here is an axample:Most people go on Saturdays or on holidays .So avoid Saturdays and holidays.Go on weekdays when most people are at work.Rule 6 :Turn upExpo 2010 is the largest celebration in Chinas history-am amazing once in-a-lifetime event.When it is gone and it will never be seen again.So whatever you do,dont miss it!48.Expo 2010 will last _.A.five to eight daysB.several weeksC.six monthsD.a year49.According to Rule 4,youd better not go to Expo on_.A.May 3B.July 5C.September 16D.October 2050.When there are lots of people waiting in line to see the most popular attractions ,whats your best choice?A.Ill wait in line as other people do. B.Ill go back and return tomorrow.C.Ill visit the less crowded places instead.D.Ill sit on a bench to have a rest for about two or three hours.51.In Rule 6 “turn up” here means _.A.dont miss itB.come and seeC.make the sound louderD.never be seen again 3、Reading newspapers has become an important part of everyday life. Some people read newspapers as the first thing to do in the morning. Others read newspapers as soon as they have free time during the day so that they can learn what is happening in the world.Sometimes, we do not have enough time to read all the news carefully, so we just take a quick loot at the front page. At other times, we may be in such a hurry that we only have a few minutes to look at the headlines (标题) of the passage.Newspapers can be found everywhere in the world. We can get many different kinds of newspapers in big cities, but in some mountain villages we can see few newspapers.Some newspapers are published (出版) once a week, but most of the papers are published once a day with many pages, some even published twice a day! You know different people enjoy reading different newspapers. Some like world news, and others prefer short stories. They just choose what they are interested in.Today newspapers in English have the largest numbers of readers in the world. The English language is so popular that many Chinese students are reading English newspapers such as China Daily or 21st Century. Also they bring us more and more information with Internet.56. People read newspapers in order to _ . A. learn the latest newsB. meet their own different needs C. read the short storiesD. find the morning news57. From the passage we can see that _ when people get newspapers. A. they read them very carefully B. they just read the headlines C. not everyone reads all the pages D. they have no time to read them58. Newspapers have so many pages because _ . A. more and more people like to read them B. people enjoy reading something different C. newspapers become cheaper D. more pages mean more money59. Newspapers _ are the most popular in the world. A. in English B. in Chinese C. in other languageD. with many pages60. According to the passage, besides newspapers, people also get information from _ . A. magazines B. advertisements C. e-mails D. Internet4Computers are very important to modern (现代的) life. Many people think that in the future computers will be used in lots of everyday life. It is thought that we wont have to go shopping because we will be able to get most things which are sold in shops on the Internet. There will be no more books because we will be able to get all texts from computers. The Internet will be used to play games, see films and buy food. Most telephone calls will be made by computers.Some people are glad about these new ways of shopping and communicating (交流). Others do not think that computers will replace (取代) our old ways.Lets look at books, for example. Some people think that one day we will not read books made of paper. Instead, we will buy and read books using computers. We will read texts on small pocket computers. The computers will keep many different books in them at the same time. We wont need to turn lots of pages and paper will be saved, Computerized (计算机化的) books will be used more and more.Is Internet shopping such a pleasure as going to the shop? Many people say it is not. It is a pleasure to go into shops and look at things you want to buy. Also probably people wont like to read large texts on our computers. Because paper books seem to be more friendly. Maybe computers wont change these two habits (习惯).61. In the first paragraph it is thought people will use computers to . A. play games, see films and have meals B. play games, go shopping and make telephone calls C. see films, buy food and see the doctor D. make telephone calls, play games and do housework62. Which reason for using computerized books is NOT said in the passage? A. Computerized books wont be very expensive. B. Texts can be read on small computers. C. We wont turn so many pages. D. We wont use so much paper.63. The underlined sentence in the last paragraph means . A. paper books regard people as friends B. paper books are very kind to people C. people like to read paper books D. people dont really like to read paper books64. The last paragraph tells us . A. internet shopping is a great pleasure B. people will like to read texts on computers C. whether the computers will change these two habits D. how people will use computers in the future 65. The best title of this passage could be . A. Computers Will Replace Shops and Books B. Computers Will Do Everything for Man C. Computers Are the Future D. How Computers Change Our Habits5. Throughout history, people had dreamed about joining England and France together. Even Napoleon had a plan to dig a tunnel (隧道) and reach England. One of the first people who tried to dig a tunnel under the Channel (英吉利海峡) was a French engineer called Albert Mathieu. His tunnel failed.In 1881, Colonel Beamont and Captain English from Britain also tried to dig a tunnel. Their tunnel went six kilometers into the Channel. Queen Victoria stopped them and said it was dangerous to connect with France. It was a very good tunnel, and it is still there today. The new tunnel (ready in 1993) is, in fact, three tunnels-two for trains and a “service tunnel” for fresh air to go in and for men who take care of the tunnels. The tunnels are fifty kilometers long, forty meters under water. Forty kilometers of tunnel are under the sea itself. They are the longest undersea tunnels in the world. Trains travel through the tunnels at 160 km/h. People drive their cars onto trains and the trains take them through the tunnel. Each train takes 1,500 people and there are trains every ten minutes.A special radio station called Channel has started, because it is impossible to receive normal radio signals (信号) when you are under the sea. The station sends news to keep people up-to-date with the world outside while they are in the tunnel.56. What was peoples dream about England and France? A. Napoleon could reach England. B. Napoleon could dig a tunnel for them. C. Albert Mathieu would succeed. D. England and France could be joined together.57. Which is TRUE about the tunnel building in 1881? A. The tunnel went six kilometers from France. B. Tunnel-building was a dangerous job. C. The old tunnel is still under the sea. D. The queen agreed to the digging plan.58. Whats the traveling like in the tunnel? A. Trains and cars can travel at 160 km/h. B. People can travel by trains through two tunnels. C. It takes ten minutes to go through the tunnel by train. D. People can drive their cars or take trains through the tunnel.59. Channel Channel has started to _. A. tell people what the date is B. send news about people in the tunnel C. tell people news about the outside world D. receive radio signals of the outside world60. The passage mainly tells us _. A. the history of the Channel tunnel B. the importance of the Channel tunnel C. its hard work to dig an undersea tunnel D. the people who tried to dig the Channel tunnel6.USA? Britain? Which country is better to study in?We often hear such discussions. As China opens its doors,studying abroad has become a dream for many Chinese students. They want to learn about the world.Its true that studying abroad can help students develop themselves. Language skills(技能)will improve and it may be easier to find jobs. But there are problems that should be considered考虑)Language is the first. Students must spend a lot of time learning another language and getting used to a different culture. Students must also learn to live without parentscare and deal with all kinds of things they havent had to do before,like looking after themselves. There are reports about Chinese students abroad sinking into an ocean of difficulties and giving up easily. When they have to take care of themselves,it is hard for students to study well. Finally, studying abroad brings a heavy burden(负担)to the family. For most Chinese parents, the cost of studying abroad is very high. But is it worth it? We know that there are many famous people who succeed in great things through their hard work in China. Liu Xiang is a good example. Once an American teacher invited him there but he refused. He kept training hard with his Chinese teacher. He surprised the world when he won a gold medal(金牌)at the Athens Olympics. So when you wonder which country is better to study in,consider whether studying abroad is the right choice(选择)56From the passage,we learn that many Chinese students dream about studying abroad to A. taste a new life B. make a lot of money C. learn about the world D. learn to look after themselves57The writer thinks should be considered first before students study abroad. A. places B. time C. money D. language58. The writer mentions Liu Xiang in the passage in order to tell us that A. Chinese teachers are better than American ones B. studying abroad is not the right choice C. people can also be successful in China if they work hard D. Liu Xiang was a gold medal winner59. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Studying abroad will cost studentsfamilies a lot of money. B. Studying abroad will make it easy for students to learn well. C. Studying abrpa4;will help students to improve language skills. D. Studying abroad will bring students a lot of difficulties in their life.60. This passage is mainly about A. the question of studying abroad B. the dream of studying abroad C. the disadvantages of studying abroad D. the story of Liu Xiang7.Walter owns three Italian restaurants which are running very well in Rhode Island in America. Every day his restaurants welcome crowds of customers (顾客) all over the world. He studied to be a cook, but he sees now that his success is the result of a lifetime education. When he opened his first restaurant, all of a sudden his schooling knowledge, the history of his family and the ethics (道德准则) of his father came into play. It made him a person who studied and explored the secret in the food business. Walters learning never stops. He says, The food business is one where you need to stay on top. Cooks should be trained. You have to keep on studying or you will be left behind. So he spends more time in reading. Every time he gets new ideas from the book, he brings them into his work. Walter also has a clear understanding about success. That is he would like to be remembered as a person who is innovative (创新的), who believes in the Italian cooking culture (文化) in America. Food is like a bridge connecting to the past, to the family and to the country. He says, Success to me is not how much money I make, but if at the end of the day I am able to make fifteen or twenty customers happy, Im a happy man. 51. The underlined (划线的) phrase came into play means_. A. played a joke on him B. needed to be used C. gave him much help D. began to be studied 52. The secret of Waiters success is_. A. building a bridge to the country B. keeping on learning without any stop C. getting new cooking ideas from his family D. bringing the Italian cooking culture into America 53. From the last sentence of the passage, we can infer(推断) that it is _. A. rewarding to make a lot of money B. exciting to have more and more customers C. important to make the customers pleased D. impossible to make 15 or 20 customers happy every day 54. We can learn from the passage that_. A. the lifetime education is important B. innovative spirit always comes first C. exploring the food business is more difficult D. new ideas are necessary in running a restaurant 55. The best title (题目) for the passage is_. A. Culture is Important for Cooks B. A Cook and His Customers C. The Story of Three Restaurants D. A Winner is Made, not Born 8.Mobile homes, pulled by specially designed (设计) trucks have been increasing in numbers all over the United States. Often, driving along, you can see some mobile homes high on a hill. Some stand under trees along a river or a lake. Theyre wonderfully built homes. Sometimes theyre as much as 40 feet long, with two to five rooms, and you can find many things you need in them. When you park your mobile home, water, electricity power and telephones are connected, and you can enjoy yourself there. The fact that these homes can be moved doesnt mean that they do move all the time. Sometimes their owners stay for years in one place, plant gardens, build walls and so on. These homes are often quite expensive. Some even cost $ 20,000. Why does a family choose to live in such a home? Well, its comfortable, easy to keep clean, easy to keep warm, no need to paint. Whats more, the fast increase of mobile homes in numbers has something to do with the job uncertainty (不稳定性). Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow. If a factory closes down, you may be trapped with the house you cant sell. However, if you have a mobile home, you can move on easily. The greatest selling attraction of these mobile homes is that they can be improved every year. If youre doing well, you may change a new model just as you do with a car. There is a ready market for used ones, so the price of the mobile homes is higher than that of automobiles (汽车). 56. From the passage, we know that mobile homes_. A. can be built better than our homes B. need to move all the time C. can provide something people need D. must stand only high on a hill 57. _is one of the reasons for people to choose mobile homes. A. The job uncertainty B. The strange design C. The low price D. The high speed 58. Which of the following may NOT attract people to buy mobile homes? A. The new model appears every year. B. Walls can be easily built around them. C. They dont need to be painted. D. They can be moved here and there. 59. We can infer that the increase of the mobile homes shows_. A. great changes in peoples living style B. great interest in developing new things C. some problems in peoples life D. peoples hope for new jobs 60. Which of the following is the best title for the passage? A. How to Choose a Mobile Home B. The Developing Mobile Homes C. The Uses of Mobile Homes D. Mobile Homes Are Popular in the US 9 The British are known as people who love to stand in line, but a new research shows that the British are only about average (平均数) at waiting politely in a queue. The French are the best. Its the Germans who dont have a good habit of standing in line. They cant stand to wait for anything. They begin to shout loudly and noisily if the line doesnt seem to be moving fast enough. Sadly it never moves fast enough for them. The experts studied 940 people across Europe. They watched secretly as they waited in l


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