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沪教版2019-2020学年七年级下学期英语期中段考试卷D卷一、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)Is Betty Chinese?_.A . Yes, he is.B . No, he isnt.C . Yes, she is.D . No, she isnt.2. (2分)Thanks your e-mail.A . forB . aboutC . withD . of3. (2分)My friend and I are interested in drawing, but _ of us is good at it.A . neitherB . both C . noneD . All4. (2分)Who _ is going to see the movie? A . anyoneB . otherC . else5. (2分)My bad tooth _ again and I will have it _ out next week.A . aches; to pullB . is ached; pullC . aches; pulledD . is ached; pulling6. (2分)I am busy every day because I have _ homework and housework to do. A . much tooB . so manyC . too muchD . many too7. (2分)Please tell me how long the meeting has _.A . finishedB . begunC . lastedD . held8. (2分)Jack Mike knows little Chinese. They cant understand the Chinese text. A . Not only; but alsoB . As; asC . Either; orD . Both; and9. (2分)Ill ask my father to return your call. A . return your telephoneB . come back with youC . call you back10. (2分)Johns parents _to work_7:20_the morning. A . goes, at, inB . go, in, atC . go, at, inD . goes, in ,on二、 完形填空。 (共2题;共30分)11. (15分)完形填空Each of us fails from time to time. If we are wise, having enough experience and knowledge, we will regard these failures (失败) as a necessary and 1part of learning. But often as parents and teachers, we dont 2_this right (权利) to our children.Donnie was a student in my class. His 3about failure kept him away from classroom games which other children enjoyed. He 4answered my questionshe was afraid of making mistakes.I tried my best to build his self-confidence. But nothing changed 5midterm, when Mary, a new teacher, came. She was young and pretty, and she was loved by every student6Donnie. She made a big difference to Donnie later.One morning, Donnie copied the math problem clearly and 7, but he missed the fourth problem and began to cry with his head in his arms.I didnt know what to do. Suddenly, a smile 8on Marys face. From the desk she got a box that 9pencils. “Look, Donnie,” she said gently, kneeling (蹲在) beside him. “Ive got something to 10you.” She took out the pencils, one at a time, and placed them on his desk.“See these pencils, Donnie,” she continued. “They 11Mrs. Landon and me. See how the erasers are worn (磨损)? Thats because we make mistakes, too. But we erase the mistakes and try again. Thats what you12learn to do, too.”She kissed him and stood up, “here,” she said, “Ill leave one of these pencils on 13desk, so youll remember that everybody makes mistakes, even teachers.” Donnie looked up with 14in his eyes and a smile.The pencil became Donnies prize. That, together with Marys encouragement, gradually made him understand 15the meaning of making mistakes is -its all right to make mistakes as long as you erase them and try again.(1)A . similar B . active C . important D . interesting (2)A . offer B . pass C . send D . lend (3)A . spirit B . worry C . excitement D . pleasure (4)A . always B . usually C . often D . seldom (5)A . since B . because C . until D . although (6)A . including B . except C . without D . with (7)A . simply B . carelessly C . casually D . carefully (8)A . appeared B . froze C . disappeared D . lost (9)A . was made of B . was covered by C . was filled with D . was close to (10)A . tell B . show C . ask D . thank (11)A . come to B . prefer to C . point at D . belong to (12)A . might B . could C . must D . cant (13)A . your B . his C . her D . my (14)A . hate B . love C . fear D . sadness (15)A . how B . why C . where D . what 12. (15分)完形填空“Im really thankful to our government, for it provides us with such a good training program. The training greatly helps us live well. I will certainly study 1and learn the skills. Then I can help with my family difficulties and do good to other people,” a learner on the job training program said, feeling 2.The learners grandfather is nearly 80 years old, and his mother is 3in bed. So his father, who is a farmer, is the main 4for the family. The family is 5The learner finished high school. The job training program helps him learn skills that hell 6in the work place.The story makes me think of another 7It goes like this: Long ago there was a man who liked fishing very much, and was 8to catch lots of fish every day. The man was kind, so he always 9his fish with his neighbors, who did not know how to fish. One day, he thought that it would be 10if he told them how to fish. So he called his neighbors together and showed them 11to fish. Everybody was very happy that they could 12the fish they themselves caught.At present, there are still a lot of poor people in the world. But its not good if we give only 13to them. 14, we should give them a chance to learn new skills. So, training is very important to people in need, because they will learn the ability to 15money. People can learn a lot of useful things in the training program and what they learn can help them on the way to find jobs.(1)A . hard B . heavily C . strongly D . hardly (2)A . surprised B . excited C . bored D . hopeless (3)A . ill B . alone C . silent D . dangerous (4)A . problem B . example C . relative D . support (5)A . poor B . usual C . noisy D . careful (6)A . repeat B . forget C . need D . test (7)A . story B . learner C . family D . program (8)A . afraid B . worried C . sorry D . able (9)A . shared B . cooked C . sold D . weighed (10)A . easy B . great C . useless D . crazy (11)A . what B . where C . how D . who (12)A . feed B . save C . touch D . eat (13)A . time B . gifts C . food D . clothes (14)A . Next B . Instead C . Luckily D . Especially (15)A . pay B . give C . use D . make 三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共38分)13. (10分) When I was seven years old, my family made me an ant farm. First, we put clean sand in a thin glass box. Then we waited for the ants to arrive. After the ants were in the glass farm, they started to make tunnels(地道). I was amazed that each one knew exactly what to do. Each had its own job.On the fifth day a tragedy(悲剧) happened. I put my face so close to the glass farm that I knocked it over. All the tunnels fell down. Although the ants remained alive after their earthquake, one by one began to die. I was scared as I watched them give up building their tunnels to carry the bodies to a corner the farm. My mother said that the ants were dying of sadness. They simply could not stand that their tunnels were gone.Although much time has passed, I still think of that ant farm. Mom had hoped it would teach me about the natural world, but it taught me much more.Over the years, I came to realize the importance of teamwork. Working together, the ants were able to make an amazing world for themselves. I also learned that they should be admired for their hard work.But there was an even larger lesson that I did not realize until recently: Adversity(逆境) is a natural part of life, and must be accepted. Unlike the ants, we cannot give up when we are sad. We have to realize that if a tunnel is gone, we must build another.Giving up, I say, is not a good choice.(1)What did the writers family do for him when he was seven?A . They built a farm of ants.B . They bought a few ants.C . They caught a lot of ants.D . They found an ant city.(2)Which statement is WRONG according to the passage?A . The writer knocked the glass box over because he put his face so close to the glass farm.B . The ants didnt die one by one after the tunnels were destroyed.C . Like people, teamwork is very important for the ants.D . Giving up isnt a good way when we meet trouble.(3)Among the following events, which one happened first?A . All the tunnels fell down.B . The ants died one by one.C . The ants got into the glass box.D . The ants began making tunnels.(4)What did the writer learn from the ant tragedy a few years later?A . Working together is useless.B . Teamwork is important.C . He cant accept adversity.D . Working alone is amazing.(5)What is the best title for the passage?A . Ants Fear AdversityB . My Family and AntsC . Giving Up in AdversityD . Dont give up anytime14. (10分)阅读理解Teenagers cant afford to buy expensive gifts. So what do you do if you want to give gifts to the important people in your life? In fact, you dont have to spend much money on holiday gifts. There are many cheap ways to do that. Here are some make-it-yourself gift ideas to try:To your mom and dad:You can clean the room, sing a song or write a letter to your mom and dad. You could also draw a picture if you like.To your teacher:Sometimes students put their pocket money together and buy a teacher a holiday gift. Some kids would like to give their own gifts. You can send a nice card with the words of thanks inside. You might even write down the favorite things youve learned in the teachers class this year. It will make the teacher feel happy.To the kids who need a friend:The holidays are a good time to think about people who are lonely. Maybe there is someone in your class who doesnt seem to have any friends. Try to do something for this person. It could be giving a Christmas card or just chatting with him or her. Its a small thing, but it could mean a lot to him or her.(1)According to the passage, teenagers dont have to their parents as a gift. A . sing a song toB . draw a picture forC . buy an expensive gift for(2)If you want to send your teacher a card, what will you write in it? A . Ways to improve your grades.B . The names of the students you dont like.C . Something youve learned in the teachers class.(3)Which of the following is Not True? A . You should spend much money buying gifts for your teacher.B . Chatting with a classmate who has few friends is also a good holiday gift.C . A small gift during holidays may mean a lot to someone who feels lonely.(4)You might see this passage in a . A . NoticeB . science bookC . school newspaper(5)Whats the best title for the passage? A . Making Friends by Giving GiftsB . Making Holiday Gifts by YourselfC . How to Save Money during Holidays15. (8分) Have you ever had an embarrassing(尴尬的)experience? Last week we asked readers to tell us about embarrassing experiences. We received thousands of letters! Here is a selection.Tony:My most embarrassing experience happened when I had just left university. I had just started teaching in a Liverpool secondary school. One morning my alarm clock didnt ring. I woke up at half past eight and school began at nine. I quickly washed, dressed, jumped into my car and rushed to school. When I arrived, the students had already gone into class. I didnt go to the office, but went straight into class. After two or three minutes the students began laughing, and I couldnt understand why! Suddenly I looked down and understood. I had put on one black shoe and one brown shoe!Henry:The most embarrassing experience Ive ever had, happened two years ago. After seeing a film, my wife and I had lunch in our favourite restaurant in town. Then we decided to take a walk along the street. The street was very busy and we started holding hands. Suddenly my wife saw a dress that she liked in a shop window, and stopped. I started looking at some watches in the next window. After a minute or two I reached for my wifes hand. There was a loud scream, and a woman slapped my face. I hadnt taken my wifes hand. Id taken the hand of a complete stranger!James:My wife and I had decided to buy a new house, and Id made an appointment to see our bank manager. Id never met him before. I went into town in my car and I was lucky enough to find a parking space outside the bank. Id just started reversing(倒车) into the space when another car made its way into it. I was irritated! I opened my window and shouted at the man in the car. He ignored me and walked away. It took me twenty minutes to find another place. As soon as I had parked the car, I rushed back to the bank. I was ten minutes late for my appointment. I went to the managers office, knocked and walked in. The manager was sitting behind his desk. He was the man who had taken my parking space!(1)The students began laughing when they saw Tony_.A . wearing a wrong shoeB . carrying an alarm clockC . looking down suddenlyD . rushing into the classroom(2)Henry was embarrassed because he_.A . slapped the woman in the faceB . took the hand of a complete strangerC . heard his wife screaming in the streetD . knocked over some watches in the shop(3)James went into town to_.A . put money in the bankB . look for a jobC . meet the bank managerD . buy a new car(4)The underlined word irritated probably means _ .A . angryB . impoliteC . worriedD . embarrassed16. (10分)阅读理解,根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。 Maybe a lot of thin people will be worried about their health if the inside fat matters.Some doctors now think that the inside fat around important organs like the heart or liver could be as dangerous as the outside fat which can be noticed more easily.Being thin doesnt surely mean you are not fat, said Dr. Jimmy Bell at Imperial College. Since 1994; Bell and his team have tested nearly 800 people with MRI to create fat maps showing where people store fat.According to the result, people who keep their weight through the food they usually eat rather than exercise are likely to have major deposits(堆积物) of inside fat, even if they are thin.Even people with normal Body Mass Index(体重指数) scores can have surprising levels of fat deposits inside. Of the women, as many as 45 percent of those with normal BMI scores (20 to 25) actually had too high levels of inside fat. Men were nearly 60 percent.According to Bell, people who are fat on the inside are actually on the edge of being fat. They eat too many fatty and sugary foods, but they are not eating enough to be fat. Scientists believe we naturally store fat around the stomach first, but at some point, the body may start storing it elsewhere.Doctors are unsure about the exact dangers of inside fat, but some think it has something to do with heart disease and diabetes(糖尿病). They want to prove that inside fat does harm to the bodys communication systems.The good news is that inside fat can be easily burned off through exercise or even by improving your eating habits. If you want to be healthy, there is no other way. Exercise has to be an important part of your lifestyle,Bell said.(1)What is this piece of news mainly about? A . Thin people may be fat inside.B . How to deal with inside fat.C . Inside fat leads to many diseases.D . Thin people also have troubles.(2)What does the underlined word organs in the second paragraph mean? A . 地位B . 地方C . 器官D . 肝脏(3)Doctors have found _. A . the exact dangers of inside fatB . being thin doesnt mean you are not fat insideC . being thin is not dangerous at allD . inside fat is the cause of heart disease and diabetes(4)According to the passage, which of the following is wrong? A . Exercise can help to reduce the inside fat.B . People can reduce inside fat by improving their eating habits.C . Women have more chances to have too much inside fat.D . Not all the people who look thin are really thin inside.(5)From the last paragraph ,we can find that _. A . it is true that inside fat can lead to diseaseB . exercise plays an important role in peoples life for keeping healthyC . thin people usually have inside fat even if they are thinD . it is easier to burn off inside fat than outside fat四、 情景交际。 (共1题;共5分)17. (5分)方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使对话通顺、正确。每词仅用一次(每空一词)。steal matter friend valuable attendSandy: Mom, Im really worried.Mom: Why? Whats the _?Sandy: I cant find my schoolbag.Mom: Well, where did you last put it?Sandy: I cant remember! I _a concert yesterday so it might still be in the museum hall.Mom: Do you have anything _in your schoolbag?Sandy: No, just my books, my pink hair band and some tennis balls.Mom: So it cant be _.Sandy: Oh, wait! I went to a picnic after the concert. I remember I had my schoolbag with me at the picnic.Mom: So could it still be at the park?Sandy: Yes. I left early, before the rest of my _. Ill call them now to check if anybody has it.五、 单词分类。 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。be full of; give up; last; make mistake; be proud of(1)_, could I ask all of you to keep this information secret?(2) Mom, I was the first to reach the top of the mountain. Good job, Jack! I _ you.(3)David Beckham decided to _ playing football match forever because he is not energetic enough.(4)People who are afraid of _ will never succeed.(5)The subject may _ interests to you, but I dont like it at all.六、 补全对话。 (共1题;共10分)19. (10分)根据对话内容和所给首字母,在空格内填入一个适当的单词,使对话意思完整。A: Excuse me, can you tell me w_is the way to the police s_?B: Yes. First, walk s_on. Then when you go to the street c_, turn right into Garden Street walk two h_metres and take the first t_on the left, youll see it on your right.A: Sorry. I cant r_it. Could you say it again?B: OK. you can take the bus there. F_me. Ill take you t_the bus stop.A: Thank you very much!B: Youre w_.七、 选词填空。 (共1题;共8分)20. (8分)根据短文内容从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,使短文完整、通顺,有的需要变换形式,每词限用一次。large, quiet, answer, bottom, mean, name, time, metreWhat is the highest mountain on earth? Most of us think the _is Mount Qomolangma. But there is something that is three hundred and four _taller than Mount Qomolangma. However, it is mainly underwater. It begins at the_of the Pacific Ocean. Its _is Manna Loa. In the Hawaiian language, Mauna Loa_Long Mountain. It is the _and most active volcano(火山)on earthIt has produced liquid (液体的)rock more than thirty_. Liquid rock is also called lava(熔岩). Today, Mauna Loa is_. It doesnt produce lavaHowever, volcano expels say it is only a matter of time before this happens once again.八、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)假如你有一个外国笔友,你准备向他介绍你最好的朋友 李阳。李阳是个很聪明的学生,住在南京, 但他有一些不好的习惯。请你根据下面表格提供的信息,用英文写一篇短文,并针对他存在的一些问题提出合理的建议。NameLi YangClassClass 10, Grade 7Looksbig eyes、short and fat,glassesLikesplay computer games; watch TV; hamburgers; colaDislikesswim; run; vegetablesSuggestions具体要求:1)不少于80词,开头已给出,不计入总词数;2)语句通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,字

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