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仁爱版2019-2020学年九年级上学期英语教学质量检测(月考)(一)D卷一、 听下面 5 段对话,回答问题 (共5题;共10分)1. (2分)据所听到的内容选择正确答语( ) A . They are talking about how to make salad.B . They are taking an order in a restaurant.C . They are eating salad.2. (2分)When can Bob watch TV? A . Every Sunday nightB . Every Saturday nightC . Every Friday night3. (2分)Choose the best answer to the question you hear. A . It will be fine.B . It will be rainy.C . It will be warm.D . It will be warm but rainy.4. (2分)What are the dresses made of ? A . Silk.B . Cotton.C . Steel.5. (2分)Which room would the man like? A . A double room facing the lake.B . A single room facing the garden.C . A double room facing the garden.二、 听下面 2 段对话和 1 段独白,回答问题 (共3题;共20分)6. (4分)听下面一段较长对话,回答问题。 (1)Wheres the baseball bat? A . On his desk.B . In his bag.C . Under his desk.(2)Wheres the volleyball? A . On the teachers desk.B . On Pauls desk.C . In Pauls desk.7. (6分)请听对话,回答问题。 (1)What are they planning for? A . A trip.B . A party.C . An interview.(2)Who doesnt eat chicken? A . Linda.B . Jack.C . John.(3)What will the man do next? A . Prepare the dishes.B . Plan the menu.C . Make a phone call.8. (10分)听短文,选择正确答案 (1)When did Paul go to the zoo? A . Last Sunday.B . Last Saturday.C . Last Friday.(2)Whats Pauls favorite animal? A . The panda.B . The elephant.C . The tiger.(3)Did Paul see an elephant? A . Yes, he did.B . No, he didnt.C . We dont know.(4)Where is the elephant? A . Next to the lion.B . In front of the lion.C . Behind the tiger.(5)How many kinds of animals did Paul see in the z00? A . Six.B . Seven.C . Eight.三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共35分)9. (10分)阅读下列短文, 从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。BOur school decides to organize (筹备) an EnglishWeek to improve our English.English WeekTime25th, August31st, AugustplaceHaixiang Middle SchoolActivitiesReading EnglishTime: 8:008:40 every morning & 9:009:40 ever nightPlace: Haixiang Square All the students in the school go to the square to read English. Every student will get a piece of newspaper. A teacher named Mr Green from England will teach us to read it. He will help us improve our spoken English.Watching English filmsTime: 10:0012:00 every dayPlace: On the first floor oft the library You can watch many interesting English films, such as The Pursuit of Happiness, Ella Enchanted, and Princess DiariesI. We can learn English when we enjoy the films. From the films, we can know a lot of culture and learn lots of words.A speechTime: 2:00 pm4:00 pm on 31st, AugustPlace: Xuehai Hall The best English teacher from our school will give a speech called How to Learn English Well. He is an experienced teacher. He has plenty of teaching and learning experience. He will share his own experience with the teachers and students in the school.(1)Where does Mr Green come from? A . China.B . America.C . England.D . Australia.(2)How long will the students spend on reading English on the square a day? A . Forty minutes.B . One hour.C . Two hours.D . One hour and twenty minutes.(3)Which of the following film is NOT mentioned? A . Princess Diaries I.B . Princess Diaries II.C . Ella Enchanted.D . The Pursuit of Happiness.(4)How many activities are there in the English Week? A . One.B . Two.C . Three.D . Four.(5)What is this passage mainly about? A . Activities in English Week.B . Where to hold English Week.C . People who take part in English Week.D . When to hold English Week.10. (10分) My name is Tom. My best friends are John and Ann. John lives near my house and we are in the same class. Hes tall and thin, he has blonde hair and blue eyes. He is polite and very clever. He is very good at math and sometimes helps me with my homework sometimes. He usually wears jeans and a blue T-shirt. We three often play basketball in a nearby park.My friend Ann studies at another school.Shes short and slim(苗条的) with straight brown hair and brown eyes. Shes a little bit shy. We all have Kong fu lessons every Tuesday and Friday afternoon. We love Kung fu very much. Ann is really good at Kung fu. We call her the “Kong fu girl”. Sometimes she practices Kung fu with us. She loves wearing a Tshirts and a hat. The three of us have great fun together.(1)What does John look like?A . He is shortB . He is fatC . He is tall and thinD . He has brown eyes(2)What do three children do together?A . Play footballB . Play basketballC . Have English lessonsD . Watch movies.(3)Who is good at math?A . AnnB . TomC . JohnD . All of them(4)When do they have Kung fu lessons?A . Every MondayB . Every Tuesday afternoon.C . Every Saturday afternoon.D . Every day(5)Which of the following is NOT true?A . Ann is a little bit shy.B . John usually wears jeans and a T-shirt.C . They call Ann the “kung fu girl”.D . Tom dislikes kung fu at all.11. (10分)阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D选项中选出最佳选项。DDo You Care about Protecting the Environment and Saving Energy(能源)?How green are you? Try these questions and see.Do you try to walk or ride a bike to school?Do you buy new clothes just because they are the latest fashions?Do you sort(整理) the waste before throwing it away?Do you buy things produced locally instead of made abroad?Do you take your own cloth bag when shopping instead of using plastic bags?We all need a healthy environment, but we produce waste every day and it does harm to our environment. Though we are young, we can still do something to help. In fact, even the simplest everyday activities can make a real difference to the environment. Here are some ideas for you. Remember these three words: reduce, reuse and recycle.REDUCEReduce means use less. Dont waste things. This saves money and reduces pollution and waste going into the environment. Before we buy something new, think whether it is really necessary- or maybe the old one will be just as good! When we do buy things, choose local products if possible, and try not to buy too many things from abroad. It may cost a lot of money to bring them to us.REUSEReuse means use again. Use things for as long as possible. When we buy things, make sure that they last a long time. We should look after them so that they will last, and we should repair them if we can instead of throwing them away and buying new ones. Dont use a paper cup or a paper bag. Its better to use a china cup and a lunch box because you can use them again.RECYCLERecycle means change things into something else. Although it takes energy to change something into something else, its better than throwing things away or burning them. Find out what can be recycled in your neighborhood and join in recycling programs. We should also buy products made from recycled materials, such as recycled paper, to help save trees.(1)How many ideas of protecting the environment does the writer talk about?A . 6B . 5C . 4D . 3(2)What does the underlined word green mean in the passage?A . 绿色的B . 健康的C . 环保的D . 可行的(3)What should we do to protect the environment?buy the latest fashionschoose local productsbuy things from abroadwalk or ride a bike to school sort the waste before throwing it awayA . B . C . D . (4)According to the passage, which of the following is RIGHT?A . We should learn to grow vegetables.B . People mustnt produce waste any more.C . Children are too young to do anything to save energy.D . The simplest everyday activities are important to protect our world.(5)What does the writer mainly want to tell us?A . Waste does harm to our environment.B . The disadvantages of wasting things.C . The importance of protecting the environment and save energy.D . We should protect the environment and save energy by reducing, reusing and recycling.12. (5分)任务型阅读 Why should students play sports? Some people think that students play sports in order to get exercise. Others think it can help students have fun. But that is not enough. If students play sports, they can get more than healthy bodies. Why? Here are three more reasons.Students who play sports do better in school. Some people think that doing exercise will take up students study time. But a recent study has shown that student who play sports get better scores in school than those who dont. Exercise gets students to learn, remember things and concentrate better.Students who play sports develop their teamwork spirit and learn problem solving skills. When they are working together with other to win games and reach goals, theyre learning how to be successful in practice. And these skills will be useful to them for study or their future work.Playing sports can also improve confidence. Students who play sport feel better about themselves. When they know they can improve and reach their goals by practicing, it builds their confidence. And sports can also help them communicate with others actively and make new friends. Now, how about going out to play sports with your friends every day?根据短文内容,完成下列的表格(每空不超过3个词)Why should students play sports?Common reasonsStudents play sports to get exercise or _.More reasonsPlying sport helps students get _ in school. It also makes them learn, remember things and concentrate better.Students who play sports can learn how _ in practice. Students develop teamwork spirit and learn problem solving skills.Playing sports can improve confidence. Sport can help students communicate with others actively and _.AdviceStudents should _to play sports with friends every day.四、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)13. (15分) A boy was sent by his parents to a boarding school(寄宿学校). Before being sent away, this boy was the 1student in his class. He was at the top in every competition. But the boy changed after2home and attending the boarding school. His grades started dropping. He 3being in a group. He was lonely all the time because he felt no one loved him.His 4started worrying about the boy. But they did not know 5was wrong with him. So his dad 6to travel to the boarding school and 7with him. They sat on the bank of the lake near the school. The father started8him casual(随便的) questions about his classes, teachers and sports. 9some time his dad said, “Do you know, son, why I am here today?”The boy answered back, “To check my 10?”“No, no,”his dad replied, “I am here to tell you that you are the most important person for 11. I want to see you12. I dont care about grades. I care about you. I care about your happiness. YOU ARE MY LIFE.”These words caused the boys eyes to fill with tears. He hugged(拥抱) his dad. They didnt say13to each other for a long time.Now the boy had everything he wanted. He knew there was someone on this earth who cared for him14. And today this young man is in college at the 15of his class and no one has ever seen him sad!(1)A . healthiestB . nicest C . loneliest D . brightest (2)A . reachingB . going C . leaving D . coming (3)A . hatedB . enjoyed C . wanted D . liked (4)A . friendsB . parents C . teachers D . cousins (5)A . whatB . why C . how D . where (6)A . likedB . continued C . decided D . thought (7)A . quarrelB . talk C . sing D . dance (8)A . sayingB . telling C . speaking D . asking (9)A . When B . Before C . After D . Until (10)A . groupsB . grades C . happiness D . brightness (11)A . meB . him C . her D . them (12)A . sadB . lonely C . happy D . moved (13)A . nothingB . anything C . something D . everything (14)A . widelyB . strongly C . heavily D . deeply (15)A . topB . bottom C . middle D . height 五、 语法填空 (共2题;共15分)14. (10分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式(不超过2个单词)。The police do many things for us. They help keep our things and us safe and help keep cars _(move) safely. They take care of people who are _ (hurt). Then they send these people _ a doctor.The police go around town to see _ everything is all right. They get around town in many ways. Some of them walk or go by car. In some big cities, some of the police ride on _(horse). It is strange.As _ (them) go around town, the police help people. Sometimes they find lost children and take them home. If the police see a fight,they will put _(冠词) end to it right away. Sometimes people will ask the police how to get to a place in town. The police can always tell the people which way to go.Some police stand at crossings. They tell the cars when to go and when to stop. They help children _ (cross ) the street. They also help people who cant walk too _ (well).Without the police, our streets would not be safe. Cars might go too fast and hurt people. _(lose) people might never be found. The police do a good job. We need them. And we should thank them for a job well done.15. (5分)单词拼写 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。I always w_ my face and brush my teeth before I go to bed.He is very f_ to everyone around him. We all like him.Xiao Ming r_ quickly and got the first price in the school sports meeting yesterday.I go to the English Corner t_ a week.My fathers birthday is coming, so I bought a p_ for him.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)16. (5分)开学以来,你一定在努力适应初三的学习和生活,相信你取得了一些成绩和进步;同时也遇到了一些困难和烦恼需要倾诉和帮助。假设你是Tommy,请你和你的新笔友Daniel写一封信,要求包含以下要点。 要点:1)你的个性;2)你的烦恼以及你的处理方式;3)你的希望。注意:1)词数80100之间;2)文中不得出现真实的地名、校名和人名等信息。Dear Daniel,Yours,Tommy第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 听下面 5 段对话,回答问题 (共5题;共10分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、二、 听下面 2 段对话和 1 段独白,回答问题 (共3题;共20分)6-1、6-2、7-1、7-2、7-3、8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、8-5、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共35分)9-1、9-2、9-3、9-4、9-5、10-1、10-2、10-3、10-4、10-5、11-1、11-2、11-3、11-4、11-5、12-1、四、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)13-1、五、 语法填空 (共2题;共15分)14-1、15-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)16-1、


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