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-*Which function is used for starting a process?A.wait()B.exec()C.exit()D.fork()-*Which is not one of the major differences between user-level threads and kernel-level threads?A.One user-level thread can be only mapped be one kernel thread.B.User threads are scheduled by the thread library and the kernel schedules kernel threads.C.User-level threads are unknown by the kernel, whereas the kernel is aware of kernel threads.D.Kernel threads need not be associated with a process whereas every user thread belongs to a process.-*In operating system, which sturcture is used for controlling and managing the process executionA.interruptB.system kernelC.semaphoreD.process control block+?When a process changes state, which of the following conversion will not occur?A.Running-ReadyB.Ready-RunningC.Waiting-RunningD.Running-Waiting-*If there are five processes in the system, how many processes at most may be under the waiting stateat the same time.A.0B.5C.4D.1-Which one of the followings is not a method for communication between processes.A.sharing memoryB.message bufferC.pipeD.semaphore operations wait and signal+-*With indirect communication, the messages are sent to and received from_.A.supplyB.chanelC.pipeD.mailbox-*Which information is not included in PCBA.page sizeB.memory addressC.priorityD.process ID+-*One process may include many threads. Which one of the followings is not occupied by only thread?A.thread control blockB.stackC.memory spaceD.CPU+-In banch system, job scheduling program chooses multiple jobs from the job queue and put them intoA.external storageB.cacheC.memoryD.pool?*The purpose of real-time operating system isA.utilization ratio of the computer systemB.interactivity of the computer systemC.reliability of the computer systemD.increase speed of software+-Which of the following statement is not true regarding system calls?A.System calls are functions that run in system mode in a dual mode system.B.System calls are functions defined as part of the operating systems.C.System calls are functions that run in user mode in a dual mode system.D.System calls are implemented using a trap instruction which generates an interrupt.+*The main objective of time sharing system isA.quick responseB.reduce system costC.high throughoutD.full use of memoryWhich one is wrong with operating system?A.operating system provides a friendly interface for usersB.operating system is the resource manager and arbitratorC.operating system manages all kinds of resources in the systemD.operating system is an application software in computer system+-In computer system, the technology that allows multiple programs enter the memory and execute at the same time is calledA.SpoolingB.multi-programmingC.cachingD.virtual memory+*Which kind of operating systems has well-defined, fixed time constraints?A.time-sharingB.network systemC.real-timeD.batch system+*Whatis notthe major activity of an operating system?A.Main memory managementB.File managementC.User managementD.I/O system management+In user program, operating system services are requested byA.terminal commandB.primitiveC.system callD.job control language*Which of the following performs interrupt responseA.system kernelB.user programC.interrupt hardwareD.interrupt handler*Which element is not part of a microkernel?A.memory managementB.IPC mechanismsC.a file systemD.basic I/O-*Which one can identify the existence and state of a processA.PCBB.CAWC.PSWD.CCW+-Which one of the following is not a feature of processA.concurrencyB.staticC.sharabilityD.interactivity+-Which environment considers memory, process, and device and file management from a global viewpoint?A.Distributed Operating SystemB.Network Operating SystemC.Multiprogramming Operating SystemD.None of the aboveOn designing batch system, we should first considerA.interactivityB.flexibilityC.the balance of resouce utilizationD.response time+In multiprogramming system, operating system allocates resources inA.instructionB.threadC.programD.process*In multiprogramming system, in order to achieve the full utilization of resources, the running program shouldA.be suitable to memory allocationB.have a sound balance between computing and I/OC.be with massive I/OD.be with massive computationThe purpose of multiprogramming isA.improve the applicability of the systemB.enhance the friendliness of the systemC.full utilization of CPUD.enlarge memory capacityThe operating system is _.A.A user programB.Application softwareC.System softwareD.Hardware+?The computer system consists of (fromdown to up)A.compile system, operating system, support software, application softwareB.support software, operating system, compile system, application softwareC.application software, compile system, support software, operating systemD.operating system, compile system, support software, application software+*In operating system, which function does not need hardware supportA.address mappingB.clock managementC.process schedulingD.interrupt+-*If a process is waiting for printer to continue executing, it is under which sate?A.waitingB.runningC.readyD.stopped+-A process may be in one of the following states, except _.A.interruptedB.newC.waitingD.Running+-*In operating system, when a process turns to ready from running, it indicatesA.wait for some eventB.the process is chosen by schedulerC.the waiting event happensD.time-slice is used out+-What state is a process in when it can not run because it needs a resource to become available?A.BlockedB.RunningC.ReadyD.interrupt+-Which is set in program state word (PSW) to avoid the user program executing special instructionsA.Condition bitB.Protection bitC.Mask bitD.CPU state bit


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