冀教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期英语期中联考卷(II )卷.doc

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冀教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期英语期中联考卷(II )卷一、 单项选择。 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分) terrible pollution!Yes. We have to do something to protect our environment.A . WhatB . What aC . HowD . How a2. (2分)What was his about?It was about a mouse and a cat.A . planB . wishC . jokeD . action3. (2分)Are these CDs _?No, they are not mine. They belong to _.A . your; herB . yours ; sheC . yours ; hersD . yours; her4. (2分) The cake tastes so nice. May I have _? Sure. I am glad you enjoy it.A . otherB . anotherC . the otherD . others5. (2分)We all think his pronunciation is _ a news reporters. A . as standard asB . as successfully asC . so smooth as6. (2分)The supermarket was the first one jobs for the deaf A . providingB . to provideC . losingD . to lose7. (2分)-Lets _this weekend in the park.- Good idea.A . takeB . costC . spendD . invite8. (2分)She said she hoped her daughter. A . to seeB . you to seeC . seeing9. (2分)Some people wont realize the importance of their health they lose it. A . becauseB . afterC . whenD . until10. (2分)This is a really old bike. Yes, I _it for seven years. A . have hadB . have boughtC . bought11. (2分)In fact, he was my best friend when I was a kid. A . As a matter of factB . At firstC . At that time12. (2分)Li Fang is a college student. What does she do at the Behind Children School?She volunteers there once a week _ the kids learn to read.A . helpingB . to helpC . helpedD . to helping13. (2分)Betty will ring me up when she _ in Beijing.A . arriveB . arrivesC . arrivedD . will arrive14. (2分)Its difficult for me _ English well. A . speakB . speaksC . speakingD . to speak15. (2分)He walked fast for us catch up with. A . so; thatB . such; thatC . enough; toD . too; to二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分) Everyone should do something to protect the environment. How did we help to save our earth this week? Let me tell you.First, my family try to save 1. We never left the lights on when leaving the rooms. We turn off the TV when2is watching it. Mom only uses cold water in the washing machine.Second, we also start recycling this week. We 3to write on both sides of the paper, not just on one side. We also4our rubbish into different bags for bottles, cans, paper and food. Mom keeps the plastic shopping bags from the supermarket to use them again as rubbish bags. These are great5to help our environment.Third, my family also save water. We never take long baths and have short showers 6. We wash the toilet with used water. My sister and I dont7the tap running when we brushed our teeth.At last, mom and dad begin to save gas. Mom 8to drive us to school, but now my sister and I start riding our bikes to school. Its hard work9good exercise! This week dad and his workmates(同事) also start to go to work together in one10and share the cost. This also help reduce greenhouse gases.These are great ways to help protect our environment.(1)A . water B . oil C . electricity D . food (2)A . somebody B . everybody C . nobody D . anybody (3)A . want B . keep C . refuse D . try (4)A . divide B . check C . buy D . change (5)A . ways B . advice C . information D . news (6)A . again B . instead C . already D . too (7)A . leave B . stop C . finish D . watch (8)A . hoped B . began C . used D . needed (9)A . or B . but C . for D . and (10)A . car B . bus C . subway D . train 三、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共36分)17. (8分)阅读理解 Technology is changing our ways of life. Robby Pepper is Italys first robot gatekeeper. He can answer questions in Italian, English and German. He is placed at a hotel to help answer simple questions from visitors. A guest from Moldova, congratulated the robot on his skills. Hes like a real person. Hes really good. She said. He talked to me, and he shook my hand.Japans Softbank Robotics created Robby. It can provide hotel guests with information they need, like where to find a restaurant and its hours of operation. The use of robots is growing in service industries like tourism. But they are expected to become more useful as better artificial intelligence, or AI, is developed.The International Federation of Robotics says about 79,000 professional service robots were sold last year. It expects up to 25 percent sales growth each year. There are many different kinds of artificial intelligence machines: learning robots, cleaning robots, medical robots and public relations robots.We have made some progress in the development of AI, but we still have a long way to go. Experts say people in the United States and Japan seem more welcoming to robots than people in Europe do. Shoppers at a store in Scotland got one robot, Softbanks Fabio Pepper, fired out Customers were not willing to talk to the robot. And a security robot in Washington DC made news last year when it rolled itself into a fountain*and could not get out.In Brescia, the Cayu car sore is using another Softbank Pepper robot to sell cars Named Cayuiki .the robot is programmed to give information on cars, playing games and collecting information. It is helping to bring in possible car buyers .But the head of the Cayu car store said, To sell the cars, you still need human beings.(1)From the passage. We know Robby Pepper is a . A . learning robotB . cleaning robotC . medical robotD . public relations robot(2)How many service robots will be sold in 2019? A . 25.B . 79,000.C . 98,758.D . 59,250.(3)Why do people use Cayuiki in the car store? A . Help do some cleaning.B . offer information on cars.C . Prepare food and drinks.D . Provide some security service.(4)According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? A . Robots are still at the early stage of development.B . Robots are useless in service industries like tourism.C . Robots are highly developed and can do many things.D . Robots are as popular in Europe as they are in the US.18. (8分)阅读理解 If you dont like sports, you can try some non-sport activities. The non-sport activities can also help you take exercise and keep you active. Here are some popular non-sport activities.Walking your dog Lots of teenagers(青少年) like dogs. If you have a pet dog, you can take it for a walk. Dogs always run around. They run faster than you. When you walk your dog, you will run after it. You will get exercise in this way. Walking your dog can also keep you active.Working in the garden Gardening is getting popular nowadays. There are some things you can do in the garden. You can water flowers, grow vegetables or pick apples. Working in the garden can make you feel relaxed. Some people say working in the garden can also make them healthy.Making a snowman Do you feel bored on snowy days? Go outside and make a snowman. You can make a snowman with your parents or friends. You will have great fun making a snowmanIt doesnt matter what activity you will choose. Just remember that the most important thing is to keep healthy and be active.(1)We can do some things in the garden EXCEPT(除了)_ according to the third paragraph. A . watering flowersB . growing vegetablesC . cooking mealsD . picking apples(2)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A . There are four non-sport activities in the passage.B . We can know how teenagers get exercise by walking dog.C . Lots of teenagers dont want to work in the garden.D . The writer thinks the most important thing is to have fun.(3)The purpose(目的) of the passage is to _. A . ask teenagers to take more exerciseB . tell teenagers some ways to have fun.C . ask teenagers to work in the garden.D . ask teenagers to try some non-sport activities.(4)Which part of a magazine can we read the passage? A . Health & ExerciseB . Seasons & GamesC . Animals & PlantsD . Food & Drinks19. (20分)There are many fruit and vegetable gardens across the countryside. More students, at Madison Elementary School, are growing their own food in the gardens.The vegetables are washed. Then kids can eat them at a salad party. They are also sold in the school dining hall for lunch. This month, students will plant tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, broccoli(西兰花) and strawberries.Why are students learning how to grow food? Teachers want kids to learn healthy eating habits. Healthy food gives us energy. We need energy to grow.Many kids are now trying new food and learning how to grow food. Lisa is the parent volunteer of the program. She says a lot of students have told her, “I like salad. I didnt think I liked salad!” Then those students have gone home and asked their parents to buy vegetables that they have tried at school.Lisas daughter, Lucy, is one of those students. She is in Grade Two.“I love the garden,”she says.“I didnt really like vegetables before we had the garden. Then we found out that gardening is cool. Now I like vegetables. My favorite vegetable is carrots.”(1)The kids love to grow their own food . A . on the farmsB . in the gardensC . in the schoolD . on the beach(2)The kids love to grow their own food . A . on the farmsB . in the gardensC . in the schoolD . on the beach(3)This month , the kids will plant kinds of fruits and vegetables. A . 3B . 4C . 5D . 6(4)This month , the kids will plant kinds of fruits and vegetables. A . 3B . 4C . 5D . 6(5)The students learn how to grow food because A . they like playing in the countrysideB . they need healthy food for energy C . their teachers like healthy foodD . their parents want them to do this (6)The students learn how to grow food because A . they like playing in the countrysideB . they need healthy food for energy C . their teachers like healthy foodD . their parents want them to do this (7)Many students like to eat the salad .A . they have tried at schoolB . they have planted at homeC . their teachers boughtD . their mothers chose(8)Many students like to eat the salad .A . they have tried at schoolB . they have planted at homeC . their teachers boughtD . their mothers chose(9) didnt like vegetables before gardening. A . Some parentsB . LisaC . The teachers D . Lucy.(10) didnt like vegetables before gardening. A . Some parentsB . LisaC . The teachers D . Lucy.四、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共5分)20. (5分)任务型阅读Perhaps youve already watched or heard about Readers(朗读者), a TV show that has recently become popular. It invites different people to read aloud on the stage, as well as tell the touching stories behind them. They can read everything, like poems, books, and letters.Many people are fans of the show and begin to enjoy reading aloud at home. Now the show gives people a special place to read across China. Reading pavilions(朗读亭) are now in cities like Shanghai Hangzhou and Xian.The pavilion is quite small. Only one person can come into it each time. There is microphone in it and it records peoples voices. Everyone can read anything they like for three minutes in the pavilion. The show will later pick some of the readers and invite them to read on TV.People of all ages have come and read in the pavilion, according to Peoples Daily. Reading should be just like singing and talking, said Dong Qing, the host of the show. We can actually express our deep feelings through reading aloud.Both the TV show and the pavilion are promoting(促进) reading among the public. In fact, this is also what our country is trying to do now.回答下面5个问题,每题答案不超过6个词 (1)According to the article, is Readers a popular TV show?_(2)What is in a reading pavilion?_(3)Who is the host of the show?_(4)How long can people read in the pavilion?_(5)What can you learn from the passage?_五、 选词填空。 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)根据语境从方框中选择恰当的单词填空。 有的需要变换形式。past,carrot,some,park,remember(1)These_are from the farm. (2)There are_trees in front of the classroom building. (3)I cant _his phone number. (4)Its twenty_five.Lets play basketball (5)These old men play taijiquan in the_everyday. 六、 单词造句。 (共1题;共25分)22. (25分)根据横线后的标点提示,将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。 (1)his, name, last, is, Green (.) (2)is, key, this, your (?) (3)Gina, in, her, are, China, and, friend (.) (4)is, QQ, what, your, number (?) (5)Mike, is, in, school, not, the (.) 七、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)作为中学生的你应该怎样完善自己呢?请以“How to Be an Excellent(优秀的)Student”为题,写一篇英语短文 短语提示:go to school on time, listen tocarefully, finish ones homework, share something good with, help each other, learn from each other, try ones best, helpwith, do chores, take part in, volunteer work要求:1)80词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。2)提示短语必须全部用上,并且要适当发挥。How to Be an Excellent StudentAs a middle school student, its very important to have good study habits. At first, II believe Ill be an excellent student. 第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共36分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、19-1、答案:略19-2、答案:略19-3、答案:略19-4、答案:略19-5、答案:略19-6、答案:略19-7、答案:略19-8、答案:略19-9、答案:略19-10、答案:略四、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共5分)20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、五、 选词填空。 (共1题;共5分)21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、六、 单词造句。 (共1题;共25分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、七、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)23-1、


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