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1. give out放出、发出(气体、气味、烟雾、光、水、热等);耗尽、用完;精疲力竭;发表、公布I like this kind of flower very much, because it gives out a sweet smell. 我非常喜欢这种花,因为它发出香味。At last the water supply gave out.最后,水的供应断绝了。After a long time of hard work, he gave out.长时间辛苦劳动之后他累倒了。What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has given out?(05山东)当世界上所有的石油都用完了,我们用什么来做能源?The news of the mayors coming to our school for a visit was given out on the radio yesterday.(07福建)昨天市长将来访我校的消息已被电台广播过了。2. pick out挑选;辨认I picked out my friend in a crowd. 我从人群中认出了我的朋友。This picture was taken a long time ago. I wonder if you can pick out my father.(05湖北)这张照片是很早前照的,我不知道你能否认出我的父亲。It was so dark in the cinema that I could hardly pick out my friend. (07四川)电影院太黑了,我都认不出我的朋友了。3. work out算出;产生某种结果;锻炼;设计出,制订出I cant work out this problem because it is very difficult.我解不出这道试题,因为它很难。I didnt plan the party very carefully, but it worked out very well.我们没有精心地计划这次晚会,但它举行得很圆满。Do you often work out in the gym?你经常在体育馆锻炼吗?Would you like to help me to work out a plan?你愿意帮助我制定一个计划吗?We didnt plan our art exhibition like that but it worked out very well. (NMET2001)我们并没有很好地计划我们的艺术展览,但最终展览很成功。4. bring out使显现;弄明白;查出;衬托出He consulted his dictionary to bring out the meaning of the word.他查阅字典查出了这个单词的意义。Can you make a sentence to bring out the meaning of the phrase? (02上海)你能造个句子来衬托出这个短语的意思吗?5. look out当心,小心Look out! The bus is coming.当心,汽车来了。Look out for the glass!Its OK. Im wearing shoes. (04湖南)6. turn out结果证明是(不可用进行时态和被动语态)I thought the party was sure to fail, but it turned out to be wonderful. 我以为这次晚会一定会失败,但结果证明它很成功。We wanted to get home before dark, but it didnt quite turn out as planned. (04浙江) 我原想天黑前赶回家,但结果未能如愿。7. put out扑灭;生产;出版How much steel do you put out a year? 你们每年生产多少钢?It is said that his new book will be put out very soon.据说他的新书很快就要出版了。The forest guards often find campfires that have not been put out completely.(04全国卷II)守林员常常发现并未完全被扑灭的篝火。8. come out出来;出版,发行After a while, the old man came out slowly.过了一会儿,老人慢慢地走出来了。The dictionary is being printed and it will soon come out.(05福建)字典正在印刷中,不久它将会发行。9. break out(战争、争吵、火灾等)爆发The American Civil War broke out in 1861.美国内战爆发于1861年。A quarrel broke out between them yesterday.昨天他们两人争吵了。I was still sleeping when the fire broke out, and then it spread quickly.(06广东)火灾发生时我正睡觉,不久火势就蔓延了。10. make out理解;辨认This text is very difficult, so I cant make it out.这篇课文太难了,我无法理解它。It was so dark outside that the girl couldnt make out the way.外面太暗了,女孩辨认不了方向。The idea puzzled me so much that I stopped for a few seconds to try to make it out.(03北京春季)这个主意把我弄糊涂了,我停下来一会儿想弄明白它。11. set out着手(后接不定式做宾语);出发,起程I tend to set out for that village tomorrow morning.我倾向于明天早晨出发去那个村子。Its ten years since the scientist set out on his lifes work of discovering the valuable chemical. (04江苏)12. cut out切掉Part of the apple has rotted away, so you must cut it out.这只苹果有一部分已经烂掉了,所以你必须把这一部分切掉。13. act out用手势和语言表演(某件事)The teacher asked his students to act out the text. 老师叫学生把课文表演出来。14. keep out把挡在外面He shut the window to keep the rain out. 他关上窗子把雨挡在外面。15. go out出去;熄灭He has just gone out to do some shopping.他刚刚出去买东西。Suddenly the light went out.突然灯熄掉了。16. hand out分发Can you help me to hand out these papers?你能帮我分发这些试卷吗?17. hold out坚持住Being very weak, he could hardly hold out. 因为很虚弱,他几乎坚持不住了。18. die out灭绝I know this kind of tiger has died out. 我知道这种虎已经灭绝了。19. leave out省略;遗漏Write down all the words on the blackboard; dont leave anyone out. 记下黑板上的所有单词,不要遗漏任何内容。20. wear out(使)磨光;用旧,穿破;使疲乏My shoes are worn out.我的鞋子已经穿破了。You look worn out. You must have worked for a long time. 你看起来精疲力竭,你一定工作了很长时间。21. run out用完My money has already run out. 我的钱已经用完了。22. stand out突出Mary stands out in almost every subject. 玛丽几乎门门学科表现突出。23. check out付帐后离开;办理手续后离开If you dont want to stay at this hotel any more, you can check out.如果你不想再住在这家旅馆里,你可以办理手续离开。24. drop out 中途退出In the first term, several students dropped out.第一学期有几个学生中途退学了。25. find out发现When I found out the truth of the matter, I was greatly surprised. 当我了解事情真相时我大为惊讶。26. point out指出Dont point out others mistakes in public.不要当众指出别人的错误。27. sell out买完The tickets for this film have already been sold out.这场电影的票全部卖光了。28. hang out闲逛Dont always hang out. Dont you have something to do?别老是闲逛,难道你无事可做吗?29. watch out 注意The thief may come again, so we should watch out for him. 小偷可能还会再来,所以我们应该提防他。30. try out试验;参加选拔We are trying out a new teaching method.我们正在试验新的教学方法。Over a hundred young men came to try out for the basketball team.有一百多个青年前来参加篮球队员的选拔赛。31. carry out 贯彻;执行The soldiers carried out the generals order at once. 战士们立即执行了将军的命令。


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