仁爱版2019-2020学年八年级上学期英语期中考试试卷(I)卷 (2).doc

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仁爱版2019-2020学年八年级上学期英语期中考试试卷(I)卷一、 听小对话,回答问题。听下面5段对话。 (共5题;共10分)1. (2分)从每组句子中选出所听到的句子( ) A . Tina cant go swimming this weekend.B . Tina is going swimming this weekend.C . Tina isnt going swimming this weekend.2. (2分)据所听到的内容选择正确答语( ) A . No, she cant.B . We dont know.C . Yes, she can.3. (2分)Who jumped highest, Lily, Lucy or Mary? A . Lily.B . Lucy.C . Mary.4. (2分)Who can play chess? A . Bob.B . Alan.C . Bill.5. (2分)What colour is Mikes computer? A . Black.B . Blue.C . White.二、 听较长对话,回答问题。 (共2题;共8分)6. (4分)听第一段对话,回答小题。 (1)What are sweet potatoes good for? A . EarsB . EyesC . Teeth(2)What will Tony do this afternoon? A . Go shoppingB . Go to the library.C . Go swimming.7. (4分)听第六段对话,完成小题。 (1)Where did this conversation happen? A . In a bank.B . In a classroom.C . In a restaurant.(2)Where might the man leave his wallet? A . On the table.B . On the floor.C . In his car.三、 听独白,回答问题。 (共1题;共20分)8. (20分)听一段独白,请根据所听内容回答问题。 (1)How many people are there in this passage? (2)How did they do sightseeing? (3)Where did they come from? (4)What didnt they take last year? 四、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共31分)9. (10分)阅读下面语言材料,然后按文后要求做题。根据材料内容选择最佳答案。BIn todays world, sleep experts say that for a better nights rest, Americans should turn off their smartphones or iPad before sleeping. Such electronic products make the brain more active, and then influence their sleep. But according to a latest survey, more than 90% of Americans regularly use a computer or some other kinds of electronic products in the hour before bed.Researchers are finding that man-made light from some electronic products at night may reduce the brain chemicals(化学物质) that help sleep. The researchers showed that sitting in the light from computer tablets clearly lowered levels of the chemical which manages our body clocks and plays a role in the sleep cycle.In the study, the researchers let volunteers read, play games and watch movies on a tablet for different time while measuring(测量) how much light their eyes received. They found that two hours of sitting before a bright tablet screen at night reduced the sleep chemical levels by about 22%.Studies of students using computers at night have got the similar results. And researchers say that may not only cause sleeplessness, but also raise the risk of obesity(肥胖症), diabetes(糖尿病) and other diseases.To be on the safe side, the researchers advise us to use computers less before bed, or at the very least turning down your screen as much as possible.(1)What can we learn from the first paragraph?A . Americans dont get enough sleep.B . Electronic products are very popular.C . The brain becomes more active at night.D . Sleep experts never use smartphones.(2)The volunteers in the study did the following things EXCEPT _.A . listening to musicB . playing computer gamesC . watching moviesD . reading electronic books(3)How may electronic products influence peoples sleep? A . Make our brains more active.B . Make our body weak.C . Lower our brains chemicals that help sleep.D . Change our body clocks.(4)The underlined word that probably means _ in the passage.A . making a survey about sleepB . using smartphones in the daytimeC . sitting in a bright roomD . surfing the Internet at night(5)What does the passage tell us to do to have a good sleep?A . Learn to use smartphones or iPad.B . Watch some relaxing TV programs.C . Turn down the screen to the lowest.D . Try to sleep earlier than before.10. (6分) Space travel is nothing new. The first spacecraft with a human was sent up into space in 1961. Since then, people have not only traveled to space, but also many of them have lived there in space stations for some time.The Soviet Union(前苏联) sent the first space station into space in 1971. This space station was called Salyut 1. Salyut 1 was designed as a place where people could live while they observed space and did experiments. The first group of astronauts lived there for 23 days. The Soviet Union went on to make seven more Salyut space stations. At about the same time, the United States built its own space station, called Skylab.Astronauts visited and often lived in these space stations for a short time. However, it wasnt until the late 1980s when The Soviet Union sent the Mir space station that people began to live in space for a longer time. Mir stayed in space from 1989 until 2001, when it was decided that the space station was too old and no longer safe to live in.Living in space stations seems to be fun, but astronauts face many problems. One of them is food. All the meals on space station are put together on Earth and sent there by space shuttle. Because the food has to last a long time (sometimes up to three months), a lot of it has to be stored in cans. The space station does not have a fridge, but it has a cool room to keep fruit and vegetables fresh. Astronauts also eat many other foods such as dried meat that do not need special care.Without the help of gravity, sitting down to eat can be tough. Astronauts sometimes have to fix themselves to the wall while eating. They also have to be very careful to that food does not float away.(1)Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word “observed” in Paragraph 2?A . DiscoveredB . CheckedC . WatchedD . Fixed(2)What can we infer(推断)from the passage?A . Astronauts can never have a chance to eat fresh food when they live in space stationB . The Soviet Union sent a total of 9 space stations into space in the 1970s and 1980s.C . Astronauts could live in the Mir space station for no more than three weeks.D . Space travel has quite a long history of more than 60 years.(3)What is the best title of this passage?A . Exploring SpaceB . Space TravelC . Living in SpaceD . Space Stations11. (10分) When I was a kid in Minnesota, watermelon was expensive. One of my fathers friends, Bernie, was a rich businessman, who owned a large store in St. Paul.Every summer, when the first watermelons arrived, Bernie would call. Dad and I would go to Bernies place. Wed sit on the edge of the dock(码头), feet dangling(摇晃), and got ready for a big meal.Bernie would take his knife, cut our first watermelon, hand us both a big piece and sit down next to us. Then wed bury our faces in watermelon, eating only the heartthe reddest, juiciest, firmest, sweetest, most seed-free partand throw away the rest.Bernie was my fathers idea of a rich man. I always thought it was because he was such a successful businessman. Years later, I realized that it was not Bernies wealth itself but his way of dealing with it that my father liked. Bernie knew how to stop working, get together with friends and eat only the heart of the watermelon.What I learned from Bernie is that being rich is a state of mind. Some of us, no matter how much money we have, will never be free enough to eat only the heart of the watermelon. If you dont take the time to dangle your feet over the dock and enjoy lifes small pleasure, your work is probably hurting your life.For many years, I forgot that lesson Id learned as a kid on the loading dock. I was too busy making all the money I could.Well, Ive relearned it. I hope I have time left to enjoy the success of others and to take pleasure in the day. Thats the heart of the watermelon. I have learned again to throw the rest away.(1)We learned from the second paragraph that the writer and his father were feeling _.A . relaxedB . worriedC . hungryD . proud(2)How did the writer and his father eat the watermelon?A . They ate it in a polite way.B . They only ate its best part.C . They ate every part of it.D . They shared only one piece.(3)In the eyes of the writers father, Bernie _.A . was just a rich businessmanB . worked hard all the timeC . lived a rich but healthy lifeD . knew how to make money(4)The underlined part “the heart of the watermelon”in the last paragraph refers to _.A . the best part of the watermelonB . the writers busy lifeC . the writers decision of making moneyD . the writers hope of enjoying life(5)It can be learned from the passage that _.A . one has to work hard to reach his goalB . a friend in need is a friend in deedC . watermelon is the healthiest fruitD . one should keep work-life balance12. (5分)信息归纳:请阅读下面文章,根据所提供的信息,完成下面表格。 Hello, everyone! Im Mike and Im 12 years old. I live in Beijing with my parents. Im looking forward to the weekend. All the students in our class are going to Tiananmen Square to watch the flag- raising ceremony(升旗仪式) on Saturday morning .Were going to meet at five oclock at the school gate. Were going there by underground(地铁). After watching the ceremony,we are going to visit the Railway museum(铁路博物馆). I hope the weather is fine. In the afternoon we are going to watch a basketball match in the sports hall. In the evening were going to watch a movie. On Sunday morning, Im going to Beihai Park with my friends. Were going to take a walk in the park and collect litter there.What an interesting weekend!Information CardMikes age_.The place where Mike is going to watch the flag raising ceremony_.The thing Mike is going to do on Saturday afternoon_.The time when Mike is going to Beihai Park_.Mikes feeling(感觉) of his coming weekend_.五、 完型填空。 (共1题;共10分)13. (10分) We make traffic rules to keep order on the roads. These rules also help keep us1 on the roads.People have to 2many traffic rules. In China, you must walk 3the sidewalk or on the side of the road. Look carefully (仔细地) before you 4the street.If you are riding a bike, dont ride in the middle (中间) of the roads or run through (通过) the road when the traffic light is 5. When you ride a bike 6a friend, dont look around and talk.If you drive, you must slow down at the traffic lights. You must always 7a seat belt安全带). Without (没有) belts, 8the driver and the other people in the car may hurt themselves when the car stops suddenly (突然地).When you take a bus, you must be9 . Get on or get off a bus only when it comes to a 10When its full (满的), you shouldnt get on it or you may fall down.(1)A . happy B . safe C . dangerous D . quiet (2)A . miss B . show C . obey D . take (3)A . on B . in C . at D . across (4)A . walk B . cross C . walk cross D . across (5)A . brown B . black C . green D . red (6)A . with B . and C . about D . from (7)A . bring B . dress C . wear D . take (8)A . every B . both C . each D . between (9)A . glad B . interesting C . careful D . wonderful (10)A . school B . sign C . corner D . stop 六、 英语知识运用。 (共1题;共1分)14. (1分)Its six oclock in the morning. Simon_(have) breakfast. 七、 根据下列句子及所给的首字母,写出各单词的正确、完全形式(每空 (共10题;共35分)15. (1分)This is a new machineI dont know how to c_it. 16. (5分)根据提示写出正确的单词。(1)I dont like the_(节拍)of the drumsIts too noisy(2)Can you go and_(去拿来)the newspaper for me? Im too busy now(3)My mother wants to buy a_(手提包)for herself(4)_(请再说一遍)?I didnt pay attention to what you said just now(5)These_(薄煎饼)are delicious, I like them17. (5分)(2017恩施)根据句意和首字母提示,用单词的适当形式填空,毎空限填一词 (1)Christmas comes in the t_month of a year (2)She practices the p_of English words every day to improve her spoken English (3)Yao Mings height give him a big a_over other players (4)G_speaking,she has made great progress this time (5)Government has p_children in poor areas with food for free since 2011 18. (1分)I like eating ice cream. It t_ nice. 19. (10分)词汇题(1)When you walk slowly around the big lake,youll feel the _(美丽)of the old park(2)I often play with Julie. She is my _ (亲密的) friend.(3)At the_(开始) ,we didnt enjoy the party at all .(4)_ (幸运) ,he didnt hurt himself in the fire .(5)Do you know who is the_(总统)of the USA?(6)Liu Xiang and Yao Ming are both my _(英雄) .(7)My favourite s_is Home Economics(8)His daughter has poor e_. She cant see the words on the blackboard .(9)English is an important l_. We should learn it well .(10)It is a m_ school . Boys and girls have lessons together .20. (1分)Look! The monkey is_(爬) the tree over there. 21. (5分)根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。(1)Water is very important to us. So we must s_ it.(2)Please follow us, or youll get l_.(3)My grandfather is o_ seventy years old.(4)Dont f_ to bring your homework to school.(5)People k_ elephants for their ivory.22. (5分)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。(1)Its 39C. Its_(相当)hot.(2)How about _(plant) a donut tree?(3)An old man _(water) the flowers there now.(4)When autumn comes, the l_ on the trees begin to fall.(5)Danny _(摔下来)the climbing bar and broke his leg.23. (1分)Do you like these_(连衣裙)? 24. (1分)I like football and I was the first _ (成员) of the team. 八、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)25. (5分)假如你是Li Ming, 最近你的英国笔友Susan要来温州体验中国的传统文化,请你为Susan设计温州一日游的活动,帮助她体验温州的文化习俗。请根据以下要点用英语给她写一封电子邮件: 1)计划去的地方;2)一日游的活动安排;3)阐述安排的理由要求:1)不能出现真实的个人身份信息;2)词数:110词左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Susan,Im glad to hear that you are coming to Wenzhou. Yours,Li Ming第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 听小对话,回答问题。听下面5段对话。 (共5题;共10分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、二、 听较长对话,回答问题。 (共2题;共8分)6-1、6-2、7-1、7-2、三、 听独白,回答问题。 (共1题;共20分)8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、四、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共31分)9-1、9-2、9-3、9-4、9-5、10-1、10-2、10-3、11-1、11-2、11-3、11-4、11-5、12-1、五、 完型填空。 (共1题;共10分)13-1、六、 英语知识运用。 (共1题;共1分)14-1、七、 根据下列句子及所给的首字母,写出各单词的正确、完全形式(每空 (共10题;共35分)15-1、16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、19-6、19-7、19-8、19-9、19-10、20-1、21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、23-1、24-1、八、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)25-1、


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