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八年级下册Unit 6 知识检测一连线,把童话和古典名著与其英文翻译连成双成对。并写出你还知道的童话翻译。 Sleeping Beauty 小红帽 三国演义 Heroes of the MarshesThe Sea Mermaid 白雪公主 水浒传 A Dream of Red MansionsLittle Red Riding Hood 海的女儿 红楼梦 Journey to the WestSnow White and the Seven Dwarfs 睡美人 西游记 Romance of the Three Kimdoms_二英汉短语或单词互译:1.很久以前_ 2.把.拿走_3.被.感动_4.提醒某人干某事_ 5.一.就_6.变成_ 7.keep doing sth _ 8.become interested in _9. a little bit_ 10.come out_ 11.instead of_ 12.迷路_ 13.爱上_14.结婚_ 15. 制定计划做某事_. 16. 足够勇敢做某事_17.领着某人去某地/做某事 _ sb _somewhere/ _ _sth18.食物制作成的房子 house _ _ food19.沿路扔白色的石头 _ white _ _the way20.情不自禁的做某事 _ _ _ sth.三一词多意:1. She was moved by him because he moved a comfortable chair for her when they are watching a very moving movie! What a stupid girl! _ _ _2. When I looked at these photos,they reminded me of you-my deskmates who always reminded me to do my homework. What a happy time! _ _.3. Sherk wanted to marry princess Fiona.So,the emperor married them in the church(教堂)。Princess Fiona lived happily after she got married to Sherk. What a wonderful marriage!_ _ _ _四根据汉语提示完成句子。1.我将代替他去北京。I will go to Beijing _ _ him.2.许多孩子对玩电脑游戏感兴趣。 Many children _ _ _ _ computer games.3.我能把这个木棍变成一只钢笔。I can _ the stick _ a pen .4.我们应该尽力找到解决问题的办法。 We should try to find _ _ _ _ the problem.5. 这个箱子是如此的重,以致我不能搬动它。 The box is _ heavy _ I cant carry it.6. 我制定计划来通过英语考试。 I_ _ _ _ pass the English exam.7. 我一醒来,我就打电话给你。 _ _ _ I wake up , I will8,我将不去,除非他邀请我。 I _ _ _ he invites me .五单项选择:1. Ill go to visit my aunt in English_ the summer holidays start.【重庆】 A. while B.until C.as soon as 2. I like these photos.They can_ me _ the life in the countryside.【兰州】 A. think , of B.wake up C.remind, of 3. We cant be successful(成功)_ we keep working hard.【孝感】 A. if B. unless C.because4. -These days,both the young and old are interested _WeChat (微信)。 -Yes, because they can communicate freely. A.by B. about C. In5. Ill live in Longzha,because I went to Longzha last year and _it. A. is in love with B.fall down C.fell in love with6. This movie was so funny that people couldnt stop _ again and again. A.laugh B.to laugh C.laughing 7. Anna got married _ a policeman twenty years ago.【齐齐哈尔】 A.with B.for C.to8. Once upon a time ,She worked_ afternoon. A.whole B. the all C.the whole.9. When I passed (经过)the classroom, I heard a girl _ in it .【黔西南】 A. sing B.singing C.sang 10. Books are made _ paper while paper is made_ wood.【黔东南】 A.of, from B.from, in C.from, of 11. Henry will give us a report as soon as he _【河北】 A.arrives B.arrived C.will arrive12. I wont give the book to him unless he_ here next Sunday. A.will come B.comes C.came13. -When will you uncle leave Shanghai ? - I dont know.but Ill call you as soon as she _.【四川凉山】 A.leaves B. will leave C.left14. -What smells so bad ? - Sorry, Ill_ my shoes and wash them. A. take away B.get away C.put away.15. The great writer wrote many fairy tales for children.Its said that a new book will_ at the end of this month.【浙江丽水】 A.go out B.come out C. look out D.run out 附加题:考死人不偿命的课文翻译。你会做吗?(请回答_ )1.有时,他可以使棍子变的如此小以致于他可以把他放进耳朵里。_2. 最终,一名神仙被愚公如此的感动了,以致于他把山给带走了。_3. 有一年,天气是如此的干燥,以致于没有食物生长。_ PS.有疑问请问董老师,专治各种英语疑难杂症,还不收费哦。

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