七年级英语下册 Unit 2 What time do you go to school(第4课时)课件 新人教版.ppt

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七年级英语下册 Unit 2 What time do you go to school(第4课时)课件 新人教版.ppt_第1页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 2 What time do you go to school(第4课时)课件 新人教版.ppt_第2页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 2 What time do you go to school(第4课时)课件 新人教版.ppt_第3页
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Unit2Whattimedoyougotoschool Period4 SectionB2a SelfCheck Whatdoyouusuallydointhe Goodmorning inthemorningonSundaymorning afternoon evening morning afternoon evening inthemorning intheafternoon intheevening eatbreakfast gohome eatdinner gotobed dohomework Peopleusuallyeatbreakfastinthemorning Whendopeopleusuallyeatbreakfast Whendopeopleusuallyeatbreakfast Whendopeopleusuallydohomework Whendopeopleusuallyeatdinner Whendopeopleusuallygotobed pairwork Theyusuallyeatbreakfastinthemorning Theyusuallydohomeworkintheafternoon Theyusuallyeatdinnerintheevening Theyusuallygotobedintheevening Learnnewwords quicklyadv 快 迅速eitheradv 或者 也 用于否定句中 either or 要么 要么 或者 或者 lotpron 大量 许多lotsof大量 许多tastev 有 味道 品尝n 味道 滋味lifen pl lives 生活 生命 2aCheck theactivitiesyouthinkarehealthy 2bReadthepassage thehealthyactivities circle playbasketball brushmyteeth eatsagoodbreakfast playsvolleyball swimsortakesawalk UnhealthyhabitsHealthyactivitiesTony Mary Writedowntheunhealthyhabitsofeachperson Thenthinkofhealthyactivitiesforthem Practice eatveryquickly eathamburgers eatice cream playbasketball brushmyteeth eatsagoodbreakfast playsvolleyball swimsortakesawalk Iusuallyexercisefromsixfifteentoseven Ialwaysgetupearlyatsix Afterthat Ialwaysbrushmyteethandgotoschoolateight ThenIquicklyhaveashowerandeatbreakfast Ihavelunchataquarterandeatbreakfast Igethomefromschoolathalfpastfouranddomyhomework Ihaveaveryhealthylife Ihavedinneratseventhirty Igotobedatten Numberthesesentencesinordertomakeastoryaboutadailyroutine 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 practice 1 Makephraseswiththewordsintheboxes Thenusethephrasestocompletethesentences SelfCheck 2 Completetheconversationswithquestionsandanswers Usethewordsinthebracketstohelpyou HomeworkMyday Writingworks all mother night his 2 music love all to listen we to Twin s 3 you name can what his think is 4 usually movies he go does to the 5 family write please and me about tell your Hismotherworksallnight WealllovetolistentoTwin smusic Canyouthinkwhathisnameis Doesheusuallygotothemovies Pleasewriteandtellmeaboutyourfamily Exercises 完成句子 1 我早上5点起床 I at5inthe 2 Mary晚上7点做作业 Mary at7inthe 3 你什么时候回家 Whendoyou 我下午6点回家 I at6inthe 4 Tony什么时候睡觉 When Tony 5 他晚上9点睡觉 He at9intheevening getup morning dohomework evening gohome gohome afternoon does gotobed gotobed 补全对话Henry David it stimetogetup David Really Henry It s7 35 David what It s7 35now Imustgetup Henry Hey David wait Justsitdownandhavebreakfast David Ihavenotimeforbreakfast Henry Whatareyoulatefor David Schoolstartsat8 00 Henry Well David Aha Henry Yes youdon thaveclassesonweekends Whattimeisit What sthetime I mlate I mlateforschool Whatdayisittoday It sSaturday Sunday 书面表达 Iamastudent EverydayI upat6 00 ThenIeatmy atabout6 30 I toschoolat6 45 Ioftenhavelunchat12 00 Ioften basketballbeforeI home Igethomeat7 00 7 30Ihavemysupper Atnight I TVat8 00 ThenI myhomework I tobedat10 00 get breakfast go play go At watch do go HomeworkMyDay

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