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鲁教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期英语期末检测试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项填空 (共5题;共10分)1. (2分) Where is Mr. Green, do you know? I have something to tell him. He to Hong Kong for a meeting. He home three days ago.A . has gone; leftB . has been; has leftC . has gone; has leftD . has been; left2. (2分)Linda doesnt like Japan, because she thinks its too _.A . excitingB . boringC . fascinatingD . interesting3. (2分)Friends should often keep in touch with each other, and then they will know what they are doing. A . be good forB . stay in touch withC . be worried about4. (2分)Mum will not let Simon go out next time_ he returns home before dark. A . ifB . unlessC . whenD . but5. (2分)Sue wasnt happy because she _ the concert given by her favorite singer. A . missesB . missedC . will missD . is missing二、 完形填空 (共2题;共25分)6. (15分)完型填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从A B C D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。I was standing in my shoe store. The door opened and a young man came in pushing himself in a wheelchair(轮椅). I was surprised to see that he had no 1.“I need a new pair of 2for myself, a pair of black ones,” he said. I was so 3that I stood there doing nothing.“I dont need them, 4Im not joking, sir,” he looked at me and explained. “When I was a kid, my parents bought me new shoes every year. It was such a 5feeling that I have never forgotten it.” I 6a pair of shoes and gave them to the young man. He 7the shoes against his nose and took a deep breath(呼吸). 8came to his eyes. At that moment, a homeless old man was standing outside 9shoes, looking at us. The young man found this and said to 10, “Will you ask that old man to come in, please?” I did so and the poor man came in.“ 11is the size of your feet?” the young man asked the poor man.“A nine and a half.”The young man asked me to take out the 12shoes of the size. He turned to the old man, “Sir, would you mind trying them on for me?” The shoes were wonderful on the old man.“Ill buy them,” the young man said. “The good feeling that I have 13forgotten has come back 14, and now I have someone to share it with me.”The young man gave the old man 15he needed most? He did his best to help others in the world although the world seemed not so fair(公平)to him.(1)A . ears B . arms C . legs D . hands (2)A . shoes B . sweaters C . trousers D . glasses (3)A . worried B . tired C . surprised D . happy (4)A . so B . because C . but D . when (5)A . strange B . terrible C . boring D . wonderful (6)A . took out B . took away C . took off D . took on (7)A . gave B . looked C . watched D . put (8)A . Shoes B . Tears C . Parents D . Ideas (9)A . without B . on C . by D . in (10)A . himself B . him C . her D . me (11)A . What B . How C . How much D . How many (12)A . good B . well C . better D . best (13)A . always B . never C . sometimes D . often (14)A . also B . too C . again D . either (15)A . how B . who C . what D . where 7. (10分)完形填空Nick likes sports. He 1basketball every afternoon. He has a brother. 2name is Bob. Bob 3playing sports, but he likes sports show(节目). He 4TV every evening.5like French fries, and they often eat them. But French fries are 6healthy. 7boys and girls like ice cream, but they dont like 8. 9do they like? They like fruit. Nick likes apples and Bob likes 10(1)A . play B . plays C . to play (2)A . Her B . My C . His (3)A . doesnt like B . likes C . dont like (4)A . looks B . watches C . looks for (5)A . Bob B . Nick C . Nick and Bob (6)A . no B . not C . / (7)A . Many B . Every C . That (8)A . them B . it C . these (9)A . What B . How C . Where (10)A . eggs B . chicken C . strawberries 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)8. (10分)Some people like to get up early, but some do not. In fact, it is really good for us to get up early every day. Maybe those who dont like getting up early will not believe this, but it is true. Scientists made a survey(调查) in about one thousand people, and then they found that early rising people had less disease(疾病) than late rising people, and early rising people also look healthier than late rising people, and so on.So we may know early rising is helpful in more than one way. Firstly, it helps to keep us healthy. We all need fresh(新鲜的) air. And air is the freshest early in the morning. Besides(此外), it is useful to do morning exercises.Secondly, early rising helps us in our studies. In the morning we learn more quickly and find it easier to understand what we learn.Thirdly, early rising can give us a plan of our work for the day. We cannot work well without a good plan.Fourthly, early rising gives us enough time to get ready for our work, such as to wash our hands and faces and eat our breakfast.Late risers may find it difficult to form(形成) the habit(习惯) of early rising. They have to make an effort(努力) to do so. As the English proverb(谚语) says, Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.(1)We may read this passage in a _ magazine.A . healthB . sportsC . musicD . travel(2)Early rising people are _ than late rising people.A . fatterB . thinnerC . healthierD . cleverer(3)Air is the freshest _ according to the passage.A . in the morningB . in the afternoonC . in the eveningD . all day(4)Which of the following is NOT the result(结果) of early rising?A . People can get ready for their work.B . People can get fresh air.C . People can learn things more quickly and better.D . People can have enough food for breakfast.(5)If a man always likes to get up late, its _ for him to form the habit of getting up early.A . easyB . difficultC . happyD . sad9. (10分) Its Sunday morning. There are many people in the park, some boys are playing basketball. There are some girls under a big tree. They re singing and dancing. What are those women doing? They are drinking tea. Look at the woman in a blue coat. Who s she? She s my mother. She is talking to Edward. Edward is her student. He is a good student. He studies hard . He s good at all the subjects. And he s friendly to all his teachers and his friends.(1)The boys are .A . singingB . playing basketballC . dancingD . drinking(2)are under a big tree.A . Some people.B . Some women.C . Some girls.D . Some boys.(3)My mother s coat is .A . blueB . whiteC . redD . yellow(4)My mother is .A . a teacherB . an officeC . a doctorD . a woman(5)Edward is in .A . my homeB . the classroomC . the zooD . the park10. (6分)根据短文理解,选择正确答案。Down by the salley gardensmy love and I did meet;She passed the salley gardenswith little snow-white feet.She bid (请求) me take love easy,as the leaves grow on the tree;But I, being young and foolish(傻的),with her would not agree.In a field by the rivermy love and I did stand,And on my leaning shoulder(肩膀)she put her snow-white _.She bid me take life easy,as the grass grows on the weirs(河堰);But I was young and foolish,and now am full of tears(眼泪).(1)The passage is written by Yeats, a famous writer from Ireland. It is a .A . storyB . poemC . reportD . letter(2)The best word to fill in (填入) the blank(空白处) of Line 12 should be .A . headB . faceC . handD . arm(3)Which of the following rhymes with each other?A . Foolish and easy.B . Stand and shoulder.C . Feet and meet.D . Tree and tears.11. (8分)阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, its your online shopping! Imagine a world where your shopping was dropped off on your doorstep by a delivery (投递) drone (无人机). Well, many companies are working to make this idea a reality. Among them, Amazon and UPS are just some of the front runners in the race to have the first ever business drone delivery service.Pros:Fast. Delivery drones can cut down the time of delivery to just 30 minutes.Environmentally friendly. Companies like UPS have started that the use of drones would cut down on waste gas (气体).Cheap. Though exact prices for drone delivery arent known, companies such as Amazon suggest deliveries could be as cheap as $1.Emergencies. Drones can fly straight to areas theyre needed without using any roads.From Dispatch (分派) to Doorstep:Usually products available for drone delivery will be stored somewhere nearby. Customers will choose these products through shopping apps or websites. The suggested weight to be carried is no more than 2.3 kilograms. Once the products are put into the drone, it will take off from the dispatch center. It will fly below 120m and avoid any No Fly Zones like airports for safety reasons. Before landing, a pad will be placed in the customers garden for the drones landing. After the drone puts down its product, it will rise to return to the dispatch center. So a drone delivery could one day be just a touch of an app with your finger.Cons:Weather like strong winds, lightning storms and heavy rainfall may influence deliveries.Dispatch centers will have to be built within certain distance.Drones might be unable to land safely in high-rise buildings.Something will have to be done to make sure about the safety of the products and of people walking below.The future of flying transportationThough the delivery drone service is alive with new technology, we are a long way from seeing them through the air. There are still many difficulties such as flight law making. Its said that by 2021 we might see the beginning of drone delivery systems in action.(1)If you choose drone delivery service, you may _. make air less pollutedonly need to pay a littleget your product at any placehave to send the drone back yourselfget your product in less than an hourA . B . C . D . (2)Suppose a law for drone delivery is going to be made, which of the following should be considered according to the passage? A . Customers should only order products on apps.B . Once products are delivered, they cannot be returned.C . We should always put the safety of products in the first place.D . Drones should never fly higher than 120m for safety reasons.(3)According to the passage and the information below, who will most probably get the products by drone after ordering? NameDelivery placeThe productThe weatherToman airporta sweaterwindyMikea schoola bookstormyJacka house with a gardena bottle of medicinesunnyCathya 20-floor apartmenta fridgecloudyA . TomB . MikeC . JackD . Cathy(4)The underlined sentence in the passage has the closest meaning to _. A . Apps for drone delivery will be popular in the futureB . Everything could be delivered by drones in the futureC . You need to touch drones with your finger if you want somethingD . Drone delivery will make delivery quicker and more convenient四、 、单词拼写,根据下列句子中所给汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正 (共5题;共5分)12. (1分)My friend doesnt come from_(日本) but he can speak Japanese well. 13. (1分)All the students are p_ of the winners at the sports meeting. 14. (1分)Dont worry about me. I can take care of m_. 15. (1分)I live near a supermarket. So its _(方便的) to go shopping for me. 16. (1分)_(上百万的)of people visit the Great Wall. 五、 短文改错 (共1题;共5分)17. (5分)在下列短文中,每一行都有一处错误,请你在原文中划出错误的地方并在后面的横线上改出来。Mr Green is our teacher. He come from London. He teaches our English. He knows a little Chinese. too. But he cant ask us with Chinese. He likes work in China. Mrs Green works in China too. She is a worker. Shes works hard. Her factory is near our school. Mr and Mrs Green have the son. He is fifteen. Hes name is Jim. Hes a student. He studys in a middle school. The school is near their home. He goes to school by a bike every day. The Greens is friendly to us. We like them very much.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)你身边肯定有一些胖的朋友, 为了让他们更加健康, 请你给他们一些建议。不少于60词。提示词语: eat less/morefood, take exercise, vegetables. fruit, meat, milk, go for a walk第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单项填空 (共5题;共10分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、二、 完形填空 (共2题;共25分)6-1、7-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、8-5、9-1、9-2、9-3、9-4、9-5、10-1、10-2、10-3、11-1、11-2、11-3、11-4、四、 、单词拼写,根据下列句子中所给汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正 (共5题;共5分)12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、五、 短文改错 (共1题;共5分)17-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)18-1、

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