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学生英语词汇和语法典型易错题大回放 一、情态动词类1.Facts prove that the worlds economic development is not a winlose game but one in which all _be winners.A. can B.shall C.must D.would 【解析】A:本句想说明:经济发展是一种双赢或多赢的游戏,can 此处为情态动词表“能够”或“有时候会”之意。 2.-I_ asleep while I was reading. -It doesnt matter.A. should have fallen B. must have fallen C. could fall D. must fall【解析】B本题考查情态动词表示猜测。对发生在过去的事情进行可能性极大的猜测,用must have done。3.Everyone in the building can hear Toms words:“Mother, the window _.please come to help me.”A cant be shut B. will be shut C. doesnt be shut D. wont be shut【解析】A:can 表示be able to 之意。结合语境,Tom是向妈妈表明窗户此时的状况。如表示窗户就是关不上时候,习惯上用the window wont shut。用主动表 被动。4. Why _ the car break down just when I was about to start?A must B can C may D need【解析】A 依据句意must在此处为一定之意。二、从句、主谓语一致、虚拟语气类5、.-Is that the small company you often refer to?-Right,just the one _you know I used to work for years.A.that B.which C.as D.where 【解析】D本题考查定语从句。先行词the one在从句中做地点状语,用连接副词where。6.With an electronic typewriter ,we can get evenly typed characters regardless of the pressure _we strike the keys.A. that B. with which C. that D. by that 【解析】B本题考查定语从句。根据句意先行词the pressure作with的宾语,用which来代替the pressure故选B。7.By serving others, a person focuses on someone other than himself or herself,_can be very eye-opening and rewarding. A. who B.which C.what D.that 【解析】B本题考查非限定性定语从句。根据句子意思,用which来替代前面所叙述的事情。8.In the cave they found the very book, the cover of _was torn.A.which B.what C.that D.whose【解析】A:此题为非限定性定语从句,从句中介词of缺少宾语,that 不可用于非限定性定语从句里,whose 需要修饰其它名词,what 为连接代词和疑问代词,不用于定语从句中。Which指代the very book,在从句中作宾语。9.The Gate of Fortune, from _top visitors can enjoy a wonderful sea view, will attract lots of tourists.A. which B. whose C. its D. where 【解析】B:本题的题眼有两处,一是前后两个逗号,排除了句子之间的并列关系,确认了定语从句,从而排除its;二是从top前所缺成分看需要定语,进一步排除A、D选项。10.Get involved in sports or other activities you enjoy_you can meet people who like what you like.A. what B.when C.that D.where 【解析】D本题考查定语从句。先行词other activities在定语从句中作you can meet people抽象的地点状语,用关系副词。11._I admire David as a poet, I do not like him as a man.A Much as B.Only if C.If only D.as much【解析】A本题考查特殊句式。根据句子含义,用到了让步状语从句,as引导让步状语从句时,要用部分倒装,将表语或状语提前。E.g .1).Child as he is ,he knows a lot. 2).Much as I like this book, I will not but it. 12.With that trust _ to serve all Americans and I will do my best to fulfill that duty every day as your President.A.coming a duty B. which comes a duty C. comes a duty D. a duty came 【解析】C:本句考查状语提前后,句子的语序问题。如状语提前,且句子主语不为人称代词,此时句子主语、谓语完全倒装,类似于In the front hangs a portrait.13.-It was fine yesterday.-_.And very day for fishing,isnt it?A.So it was B.So it is C.So was it D.So is it【解析】D本题考查so的用法。 So+主语+助动词,表示对上述说法的同意;而So+助动词+主语则表示上一种情况也适用于下一种。本句子的意思是:昨天天气不错,今天天气也不错。14.His grandfather was among the first to settle in _is now a famous holiday center.A. what B.which C.where D.that 【解析】A本题考查名词性从句。_is now a famous holiday center.部分作in的介词宾语从句,而宾语从句中又缺少主语,要用what ,means:a place that/which15.A woman tearfully explained _she had recently lost her husband in a car accident.A. when B. how C. why D. where【解析】B:与A、C相比,B项表示“如何“之意,更具概括事件的时间、地点等过程全貌。16.Having checked the doors were closed, and _all the lights were off, the boy opened the door to his bedroom.A. why B. that C. when D. where【解析】B本题考查宾语从句的连接代词。that 引导的宾语从句,若有两个或两个以上,只有第一个that可以省略。Having checked the doors were closed中省略了that。17.We live day by day ,but in the great things, the time of days and weeks _so small that a day is unimportant.A. is B.are C.has been D.have been 【解析】A本题考查主谓一致。句子的主语是the time,是第三人称单数;并且根据句子的时态,要选一般现在时。18. _is known to us all is that the old scientist, for_ life was hard in the past,still works very hard in his eighties.A. As; whom B. What; whom C. It; whose D. As; whose【解析】B本题考查连接代词。_is known to us all 是主语从句,排除AD,第一个空上的词要做主语, 第二个空上的词做for的宾语,代替the old scientist。19.-What did he want to know,Anne?-_I could finish writing the report.A. When was it B.It was when that C.It was when D.When it was that【解析】D:本句承接上文考查know的宾语,所以回答应该是陈述语序的名词性从句。When 引导的强调结构的特殊问句作宾语,用陈述语序。20.We cannot figure out _quite a number of insects, birds, and animals are dying out.A. that B. as C. why D. when【解析】C:figure out=understand by thinking. 理解。从句意看我不明白大量物种正在消亡,缺少状语,排除A、B项。从are dying out的时态排除D项,应该是我不明白大量物种为什么正在消亡。21.He arrived in Hollywood in 1964,_some time later,he became a foamous actor.A. when B.where C.that D.which【解析】B:干扰点是关系词距离时间1964近,而从句中已有some time later这一时间状语,不可能重复,所以应该是在某一地点的一段时间后,他成了著名演员,定语从句应修饰Hollywood。22.-Were all the toys for the children carried to their kindergarten?-No,_ only some of them.A. It was B. they ere C. there were D. there was【解析】A:本举考查强调结构的省略用法,补全后为:It was only some of them that were carried to their kindergarten.23.-You could have asked Mr. Richards for help. He is kind-hearted.-Yes. But that _him a whole day.A would have taken B. had taken C. would take D. would be taken【解析】A:本句为承前省略的虚拟语气主从复合句,还原后为:If I had asked Mr. Richards for help, that would have taken him a whole day.24. -Why are they taking all the equipment away?-The job _, they are packing up to leave.A. done B. being done C. was done D. having done【解析】A:本句最重要的标志符号为第二句两段之间的逗号:前后如为主句和从句之间关系,必有连词。既然没有连词,且后一句为完整句,前半部分势必为独立主格结构。排除C项;B、C分别因时态和语态不正确被排除。三、交际口语类25. - _ ?-Well, hes tall. He dresses nicely.A. What does your friend look like B. Is your friend tall C. How is your friend D. Could you meet him【解析】A:描述人或物的永久性特征即短期不会改变的特征一般用what like;描述暂留性特征如暂时的身体状况等多用how提问。26.- Here. Your new computer is ready.-Thank you.- _to call this number if you have any problems or questions.A.You are free B.It is free C. Feel free D.Dont forget 【解析】C:Feel free用以表示准许。27.-How have you been doing recently?-_.Nothing really goes wrong.A. Good luck! B.Ill keep my fingers crossed C.Cant complain D.So long 【解析】C:Cant complain也作I cant complain,意思为“没说的。”表示对事情的满意。B项中cross ones fingers =hope that ones plan will be successful.祈求成功。Keep your fingers crossed!祈求好运吧!28. “Dont you believe me?” “_, Ill believe _ you say.” A. No; whatever B. Yes; no matter what C. No; no matter what D. Yes; whatever【解析】D但容易误选A。认为Yes 永远译为“是”,No 永远译为“不”29. “Would you mind if I _ one of these books?” “_.” A. took; Certainly not B. take; Yes, of course C. can take; Yes, please do D. may take; No, Im using it【解析】A。做对此题要注意两点:一是would you mind 后接 if 从句时,从句谓语通常要用一般过去时(但 Do you mind if 后的谓语不用过去式);二是对 would you mind 的回答实际上是对 mind(介意)的回答,即肯定回答表示“介意”,否定回答表示“不介意”。请做以下类似试题:30. “Havent seen you for ages! Do you still work in Guangzhou?” “_. Its two years since I worked there.” A. Yes, I have B. Yes, I do C. No, I havent D. No, I dont【解析】D。要做对此题,首先要正确理解 Its two years since I worked there 的意思。按英语习惯,since用作连词时,它所引导从句的谓语通常应是非延续性动词,若为延续性动词或状态动词,则它所表示的动作或状态的应是其完成或结束(而不是其开始)。31. “Ive never found a better job.” “_.” A. I dont think so B. Too bad C. Congratulations D. Dont worry【解析】C。但容易误选B或D,主要是将上文的意思理解错了,即将其理解为“我Ive never found a better job 的实际意思是“这是我所找到的最好的一份工作”,可视为 Ive never found a better job than this job (我从来没有找到比这份工作更好的工作,即这是我所找到的最好的工作)省略。32. “How do you like the food in this restaurant?” “Oh, _. We couldnt have found a better place.” A. too bad B. sorry C. wonderful D. impossible解析】 C。We couldnt have found a better place 的实际意思是“这是我们所能找到的最好的地方”,可视为 We couldnt have found a better place than this place 之省略。33. “How do you like the food in this restaurant?” “Oh, _. We couldnt have found a worse place.” A. too badB. sorry C. wonderfulD. impossible【解析】 A。此题与上面一题仅差一词,即将 better 改成了 worse.We couldnt have found a worse place 可视为 We couldnt have found a worse place than this place 之略,其意是说“我们不能找到一个比这个地方更好糟的地方了”,言外之意,“这是最糟的地方”。34. “Could you do me a favour and take the box up to the six floor?” “_.” A. With pleasure B. My pleasure C. No wonder D. No comment【解析】 A.with pleasure 的意思是“高兴地”、“乐意地”。注意不宜选B,my pleasure 主要用于回答感谢,意为“这是我乐意做的事”、“不用客气”,也可说成 Its my pleasure 或 Its a pleasure等。35.“Its $500, but that is my last offer.” “OK, it is a _.” A. cost B. price C. reward D. deal【解析】D.Its a deal 的意思是“就这么办”、“一言为定”。36. “I hear Johnson was badly injured in the accident.” “_ lets go and see him.” A. Whats moreB. If so C. Where possible D. When necessary 【解析】B.if so 为 if it is so 之略,意为“如果那样的话”。37. “Will you go skiing with me this winter vacation?” “It _.” A. all dependB. all depends C. is all depended D. is all depending【解析】B.It all depends 的意思是“那要看情况”,也可说成 That depends.38. “Do you want to go to the movie, Jane?” “_. I feel like doing something different.” A. Dont mention itB. I dont want it C. I dont think so D. Not really【解析】D.not really 表示否定,但语气较轻,意为“不很”。 39. “Would you like me to show you the way?” “_.” A. Thats very kind of you. B. Yes, you could. C. Good idea! D. With great pleasure!【解析】A.Thats very kind of you 意为“你太好了”、“你真是太客气”,常用于感谢对方的友好提议。 40. “I prefer a computer made in your company, but I may need some more information about the product.” “_.” A. Thank you B. Its a pleasure C. You are welcome D. At your service【解析】D.at your service 的意思是“随时为您服务”、“随时为您效劳”。41. “Have a drink?” “No thanks, _.” A. I do mindB. I dont like it C. Never mindD. Id rather not【解析】D.Id rather not 通常用于委婉地拒绝对方的邀请或提议。 42. “Weve missed the train!” “_, therell be another in ten minutes.” A. All rightB. Not at all C. Never mindD. Dont mention it【解析】C.never mind 表示安慰,意为“不要紧”、“没关系”。43. “Would you mind telling her the news?” “_, but I dont know if I _ her these days.” A. Of course, shall seeB. Of course not, see C. Of course, seeD. Of course not, shall see【解析】D.第一空填 of course not,表示“不介意”;第二空要填 shall see,因为 if 引导的是宾语从句,而不是条件状语从句,所以不能用一般现在时表示将来。44. “May I borrow your paper?” “ _.” A. By all meansB. Never mind C. You are welcomeD. Dont mention it【解析】A.by all means 表示同意,意为“完全可以”。 45. He pushed his way through the crowd, saying “_.” A. Never mindB. With pleasure C. Go aheadD. Excuse me【解析】D. excuse me 用作从别人面前经过时的礼貌用语,又如:Excuse me, could I get past? 对不起,让我过去好吗?46. “Heres what you asked for.” “_.” A. Many thanksB. Thank a lot C. Thanks youD. Thank you a lot【解析】A. 若选B,则应改为Thanks a lot;若选C,则应改为 Thank you 或 Thanks;若选D,则应改为 Thank you very much 之类的。英语中虽然可说 Thanks a lot,但习惯上不说 Thank you a lot.47. “Can you spare me a few minutes now?” “_, but Ill be free this afternoon.” A. No, I wont B. Yes, with pleasure C. Im not sure D. Im afraid not【解析】D. 对方现在抽不出时间,所以选D最适合。48. “Would you like to turn that music down? Im writing a letter.” “_.” A. No, Id like to B. No, please C. Yes, sorry. D. Yes, Id like it. 【解析】C. 从上下文语境来看,一方因音乐声放得太大已对另一方(正在写信)造成影响。49. “You must find such long hours very tiring.” “_. I enjoyed it.” A. After all B. Never mind C. Not in the leastD. Thats all right【解析】C. Not in the least 意为“一点也不”。注意联系下文的 I enjoyed it.50. “Would you take this along to the office for me?” “_.” A. Thats rightB. With pleasure C. Never mind D. Not at all【解析】B,with pleasure 主要用于回答请求或邀请。 51. “Do you need any help with those heavy bags?” “No, thanks; _.” A. Never mindB. All right C. I can manageD. You are welcome【解析】C.由句意推知。 52. “Mr Smith is a kind person. I like to to work with him.” “In fact, everyone _.” A. is B. does C. has D. likes【解析】B. does 相当于 likes to work with him.注意不能选D,因为 like 是及物动词。 53. “At lunch time Id like to have a chat with you.” “Pardon, Have _ with me?” A. when B. who C. which D. what【解析】D.答话人由于没有听清问话人的 chat 一词,故针对问话人的 have a chat with you,反问 have what with me?54. “I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her.” “_. It was her fault.” A. No wayB. Not possible C. No chanceD. Not at all【解析】 A.no way 的意思是“没门”。根据上下文的语境(尤其是It was her fault)可推知。四、it类55. Everyone knows that _ is dangerous to play with fire, but _ is difficult is to prevent children from playing with fire.A. it, it B. what, what C. it, what D. what, it【解析】D但很容易误选B,认为两空均考查形式主语。第一空填形式主语,真正的主语是其后的不定式 to play with fire。第二空填 what,what is difficult 是主语从句,注意 what is difficult 后的谓语动词 is。请做以下类似试题:56. I dislike _ when others laugh at me in publicorthink poorly of me behind.A. that B. those C. it D. them【解析】C。因为在通常情况下,like 是及物动词,其后应有宾语(句中 it 即为其宾语)。句中的 when 从句不是宾语从句,而是时间状语从句,其中的 when 的意思是“当的时候”。其实,也有的词典将 I dont like it when (if) 作为一个句型来处理。能这样用的动词不多,主要的有enjoy, like, dislike, love, hate, prefer, appreciate等表示喜好的动词。57. Ive no idea. I just pretended nobody was at home, so I didnt ask who _ was. A. he B. that C. she D. it【解析】D。要防止误选A或C。it 用以指身份不明的人。若指身份明确的人,则不宜用it。 58. “Excuse me, I want to have my watch fixed, but I cant find a repair shop.” “I know _ nearby. Come on, Ill show you.”A. one B. itC. some D. that【解析】A。但容易误选B。it 和 one 的区别可简单地概括为:it = the + 名词,one = a + 名词。59. Will you see to _ that my children are taken good care of while I am away?A. it B. me C. yourself D. them【解析】A。it 为形式宾语,真正的宾语是空格后that引导的宾语从句。see to 意为“负责”、“注意”,其中的 to 为介词,不宜直接跟that引导的宾语从句,遇此情况可借助代词 it。60. Will you see to _ that the luggage is brought back as soon as possible?A. me B. yourself C. it D. them【解析】C it为形式宾语,真正的宾语是空格后that引导的宾语从句,类似以上 see to 用法的短语还有 depend on, answer for 等。61.I cant answer for _ that the boy is honest. A. it B. me C. which D. them【解析】A it为形式宾语,真正的宾语是空格后that引导的宾语从句.62. Why shouldnt I buy a new coat I havent bought _ for five years. A. it B. that C. one D. which【解析】C。one 指 a coat。比较:it = the +名词,one = a+名词,换句话说,it 是特指的,而one 则是泛指的。63. He made _ known to his friends that he didnt want to enter politics. A. that B. it C. himself D. him【解析】B。it 为形式宾语,真正的宾语是 that he didnt want to enter politics。64. It used to be thought _ the Earth was flat.A. as B. when C. since D. that【解析】D。it 为形式主语,此句为 People used to think that the Earth was flat 的被动语态形式。65. The Parkers bought a new house but _ will need a lot of work before they can move in. A. they B. it C. one D. which【解析】B。it 指前面提到的 new house。注意不能选D,因为其前有并列连词but。66. _ is well known _ Hong Kong returned to China on July 1st, 1997.A. It, that B. As, / C. As, as D. It, which【解析】A。it 为形式主语,其后的that从句为主语从句。比较下面一题,答案选B:67. I dont know whether I should go abroadornot, Mum. I leave _ to your own judgment whether you should do it.A. that B. it C. this D. what【解析】B。it 为形式宾语,真正的宾语是 whether you should do it.68. Does _ matter if he cant finish the job on time?A. this B. that C. he D. it【解析】 D。it doesnt matter if, does it matter if 等为英语常用表达。69. They are good friends. _ is no wonder that they know each other so well. A. This B. That C. There D. It【解析】 D。its no wonder that 意为“难怪”、“不足为怪”,为英语固定表达,其中的 its 也可省略,即只说 No wonder that。70. They live on a busy main road. _ must be very noisy. A. There B. It C. That D. They【解析】B。it 指环境。71. Why dont you bring _ to his attention that you are too busy to do it? A. this B. what C. that D. it 【解析】D。it 为形式宾语,真正的宾语是 that you are too busy to do it.72. “Look at that lady on the stage. Shes already forty.” “You are joking. She doesnt look _.” A. so B. it C. that D. this【解析】 B。it 指 her age。look ones age 为习语,意为“容貌与年龄相称”。73. _ was known to them all that William had broken his promise _ he would give each of them a gift. A. As; Which B. What; that C. It; that D. It; which 【解析】C。第一空填 it,为形式主语;第二空填that,用以引导一个同位语从句,修饰 promise。74. _ is well known, _ Hong Kong returned to China on July 1st, 1997.A. It, that B. As, / C. As, as D. It, which【解析】B 句子中间有逗号隔开,此句考查的是非限制性定语从句。75. In the west, people make _ a rule to send Christmas present to their relatives and friends.A. this B. that C. it D. the following【解析】 C。it 为形式宾语,真正的宾语是其后的不定式 to send Christmas present to their relatives and friends。本资料来源于七彩教育网http:/www.7caiedu.cn


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