译林牛津版2020年中考英语语法专练(十四):复合句(II )卷.doc

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译林牛津版2020年中考英语语法专练(十四):复合句(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)I wonder _ the students have a physical examination. Once a year. A . how farB . how soonC . how longD . how often2. (2分)She often parks her car near the house _ she can easily get to. A . whereB . whoC . whichD . what3. (2分)Sir, its true that being happy is an ability. So can you tell me _? Yes. Just as President Xi says, “Happiness is achieved through hard work.”A . how we can find happinessB . who can help achieve happinessC . why happiness is so important to usD . what can help achieve happiness4. (2分)I wonder _. She always cares much about others. A . how does Jane get on so well with her classmatesB . why Jane is generally liked by all the other classmatesC . if Jane is popular with her classmates5. (2分)Miss Liu said _ she would leave the message on the headmasters deskA . whatB . whichC . whereD . that6. (2分)Youve no idea _to build a new airport. Let me tell you, young man. Thats billions of dollars! A . how much it will costB . how long it will take usC . how much will it costD . how long will it take us7. (2分) Im going to give a talk on the Dragon Boat Festival to the exchange students. Great! But dont forget to tell them _.A . what should they eat at the festivalB . what kind of race is often heldC . why people enjoy the full moonD . how do people celebrate it8. (2分)Do you remember _ when the car accident happened?A . what you were doingB . what were you doingC . what you didD . what did you do9. (2分)Jack didnt talk with his brother, and they went home_. A . in factB . in silenceC . in English10. (2分) Is Mr. Smith in the office? Yes, _ he is in charge of the office, he must be there.A . sinceB . howeverC . whetherD . for11. (2分)I dont know _ or not he will come. _he comes, I will call you. A . whether, IfB . whether, WhetherC . if, IfD . if, Whether12. (2分)Kate, Angela and Cindy are _ cute kids that they have _ many fans in China.A . so; suchB . such; suchC . such; soD . so; so13. (2分)_ it was getting darker, they were still playing tennis on the playground. A . BecauseB . SinceC . IfD . Although14. (2分)The photos successfully show the rich culture _ makes Beijing so famous. A . whatB . whoC . whichD . why15. (2分)He knows a lot, _ he is just a child. A . howeverB . thoughC . andD . because二、 句型转换 (共10题;共50分)16. (5分)The river is 50metres wide. (向划线部分提问)_ _ is the river?17. (5分)She is a new student. (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答) _ _ a new student?No, she _.18. (5分)David is playing basketball now(用at that time替换now改写句子)David_basketball at that time.19. (5分) 句型转换。 (1)Your friend said something bad about you. (改为否定句)Your friend said _ _about you.(2)Will there be a sports meeting next week? I wondered. ( 合并成一句)I wondered would _ there _ be a sports meeting next week.(3)I invited them to my birthday party last week. ( 改为被动语态)They_ _to my birthday party last week.(4)Yesterday afternoon I asked someone to take some photos for me.(改为同义句)Yesterday afternoon I _ some photos _.(5)If you dont work hard, youll not make any progress.( 改为同义句)You _make any progress _ you work hard.20. (5分)根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词):(1)Our country is thinking of ways to protect the farmland. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ country thinking of ways to protect the farmland?(2)Jane hardly has time for a cup of tea during lunch hours at school. (改为反意疑问句)Jane hardly has time for a cup of tea during lunch hours at school, _ _?(3)Joannas flight from Shanghai to New York will take off in an hour. (对划线部分提问)_ _ will Joannas flight from Shanghai to New York take off?(4)Be careful, a cars coming! Get out of the way. (保持句意基本不变)_ _, a cars coming! Get out of the way.(5)Please tell me where we can buy the tickets for the concert this weekend. (改为简单句)Please tell me _ _ buy the tickets for the concert this weekend.(6)Teachers have given girls the same opportunities as boys in our school. (改为被动语态)Girls have _ _ the same opportunities as boys in our school.(7)to, really, in winter, play with, its, wonderful, snow (连词成句)21. (5分)I think it will be rainy today. (改为否定句) I _ _ _ _ be rainy today.22. (5分)This song is popular around the world(改为同义句)This song is popular_the world23. (5分)Weve already finished cleaning the classroom(改为否定句)We_cleaning the classroom_24. (5分)Maybe he is in the libraryHe_in the library25. (5分)句型转换(句型转换)(1)Ruth comes from New York. (同义句)Ruth_New York.(2)Whats the weather like today ?_the weather today ?(3)Many people are in the room. They are dancing .(合并为一句)Many people_in the room .(4)Tomis studying now .( 划线部分提问)_Studying now .(5)They have an English class every day. (用now替换 every day )They_an English class now.三、 翻译 (共13题;共57分)26. (3分)他昨天没在家吗? _he_home yesterday?27. (2分)他定正在公园里锻炼。 He _ _ _ in the park.28. (3分)让我们惊讶的是, 晚会办得很成功。 29. (5分)最后,她找到了解决这个问题的方法。_ _ _, she found the way to solve the problem.30. (4分)当下雪的时候,天很冷。 It is too cold _ _ _.31. (5分)你们以前爬过长城吗?(climb)_32. (5分)默写 (1)辨认出;认识(v.) _(2)罕有;很少;不常(adv.) _(3)重要地(adv.) _ 重要的(adj.) _(4)操作;控制;使运行(v.) _(5)命令;指令(n.) _(6)文章;著作(n.) _(7)长度(n.) _长的;长时间的(adj.) _(8)意义;意思(n. ) _ 意味着;打算(v. ) _(9)距离;间距(n. ) _ 遥远的(adj. ) _(10)超级的(adj.) _(11)没意识到;未察觉_ (反义词组) _(12)依靠;依赖_ (同义词组) _(13)常识 _(14)暂时;眼下 _ (同义词组) _(15)更为重要的是 _(16)提出问题 _33. (5分)翻译下列短语(1)多么美好的一段经历啊!_(2)写一篇关于的文章_(3)全世界_(4)过着幸福的生活_34. (5分)美国和加拿大已经鼓励农民少用化学物质。 35. (5分)我最喜欢的动物是熊猫,因为它们很可爱。 My _ animal is the _, _ they are very cute.36. (5分)根据汉语完成句子。(1)他英语学得和我一样好。He studies English _ _ _ I.(2)James 赢了上周的歌唱比赛。James _ the _ _ last week.(3)留短发的女孩比那个男孩唱得更清晰。The girl _ short hair sang _ _ than that boy.(4)李莉和吉娜一样勤奋。Lily is _ _ _ Gina.(5)最重要的事是学到新东西。The _ _ thing is _ _ something new.37. (5分)当音乐响起,我开始放松。 I _ _ _ when the music started.38. (5分)他们有许多朋友吗?_they_many friends?四、 选词填空(词汇运用) (共2题;共13分)39. (4分)选词填空。take part in, feel awful, all over, in excellent condition, a girls football team(1)Hows your grandma?Shes_Thank you(2)Because of his foot problem,Jason didnt_todays football match(3)What are you going to do next term?Im going to start_(4)The thin air made everyone_(5)Alan, you have got wet_Whats the matter?40. (9分)根据句意,从方框中选择适当的词, 并用其适当形式填空。only, one, table, behind, under(1)There is a big tree _ the house.(2) Is this your _ visit to Beijing? Yes, it is.(3) How many guitars do we need? _ a few.(4) What can you see _ the chair? Some books and pencils.(5) Whats on the _? There are some keys and glasses.第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 句型转换 (共10题;共50分)16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、20-6、20-7、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、25-2、25-3、25-4、25-5、三、 翻译 (共13题;共57分)26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、32-2、32-3、32-4、32-5、32-6、32-7、32-8、32-9、32-10、32-11、32-12、32-13、32-14、32-15、32-16、33-1、33-2、33-3、33-4、34-1、35-1、36-1、36-2、36-3、36-4、36-5、37-1、38-1、四、 选词填空(词汇运用) (共2题;共13分)39-1、39-2、39-3、39-4、39-5、40-1、40-2、40-3、40-4、40-5、


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