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No,thanks B. No,I wouldnt,C. Yes,I want D. Yes,I like,Although they are twins, they have nothing in _.,usual B. common C. alwaysD. Fact,He _ to me last week,A. is writing B. writes C. wrote D. is written,He is one of the greatest writers in the world.,他是世界上最伟大的作家之一。,-Would you like something to,7,Passage1,Barbara Jordan, one of the most respected lawyers and politicians in the United States, was the first black woman from the South to be elected to Congress10.,She was born in Houston, Texas, on February 21, 1936. Right from the start, she set high standards for herself in school,In high school, Miss Jordan decided to become a lawyer,At Texas Southern University she studied political science and history and graduated in 1956 at the top of her classBy 1959 she had,earned a law degree from Boston University,Miss Jordan began practicing law at her parents dining room tableThree years later she opened her own office.,The,restless,Miss Jordan first broke into politics in 1966,becoming the first black woman elected to the Texas senate.10 After an impressive record as a state senator, she entered the national scene,In 1972 she won a seat in the USHouse Of Representatives9During her time in office she was devoted to helping minorities,the poor, and the elderly“My approach is to respect the humanity(人性,人道) of everybody,”she once said. That just the way Barbara Jordan was,6Miss Jordan decided to become a lawyer_.,A. before she ever started school,B. when she was in high school,C. while she was in Congress,D. as soon as she finished her school,7What did she study at Boston University?_.,AHistory and science,BLaw,CPolitical science,DPolitics and history,8.,The word “restless” in Paragraph5 meansin its sentence_,A. having no rest all days and nights,B. being nervous and impatient,C. having too much rest,D. not satisfied with the life she was living and wanting to have some new experience,BBD,6Miss Jordan decided to becom,8,Passage1,Barbara Jordan, one of the most respected lawyers and politicians in the United States,was the first black woman from the South to be elected to Congress(10).,She was born in Houston, Texas, on February 21, 1936. Right from the start, she set high standards for herself in school,In high school, Miss Jordan decided to become a lawyerAt Texas Southern University she studied political science and history and graduated in 1956 at the top of her classBy 1959 she had earned a law degree from Boston University,Miss Jordan began practicing law at her parents dining room tableThree years later she opened her own office.,The restless Miss Jordan first broke into politics in 1966,becoming the first black woman elected to the Texas senate.10 After an impressive record as a state senator, she entered the national scene,In 1972 she won a seat in the USHouse Of Representatives(9),During her time in office she was devoted to helping minorities,the poor, and the elderly“My approach is to respect the humanity(人性,人道) of everybody,”she once said. That just the way Barbara Jordan was,9In her political life she won _in 1972,Aa law degree,Ban appointment to the presidents cabinet (内阁),Ca seat in the state senate,Da seat in the USCongress,10Miss Jordan was the first black woman_.,Ato be appointed as an ambassador,Bfrom the South to be elected to Congress,Cto be appointed (任命) to the congress,Dto win a national election,DB,9In her political life she wo,9,步骤一,了解大意,步骤二,初选答案,步骤三,寻找线索,步骤四,回头补缺,步骤五,核实答案,完型填空解题五步骤,步骤一 了解大意步骤二 初选答案 步骤三 寻找线索,10,考试大纲,分值: 15分,字数: 不少于80字,建议时间: 30分钟,常见类型: 应用文/ 叙述文/ 说明文/议论文,考试大纲分值: 15分,11,写作,建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目用英语写一篇不少于80词的短文。,How to keep healthy,More and more people are getting fatter ,They prefer fast food to healthy food. Eating too much junk food is bad for our health and study . So do you want to know how to keep healthy? there are four kinds of ways which can help you to keep healthy.,First, drink milk and eat eggs every day.,Second, eat more vegetables and more fruit.,Third, take more exercise.,Fourth, sleep well.,Good habits and a healthy lifestyle is good for our health,写作 More and more people ar,12,温馨提示,时间控制。 要求是30分钟完成。 所以一旦你开始打作文, 考试系统就会开始记时间。 所以如果你的作文写作速度很慢的话,可以先构思好,基本成型后再开始打作文。 以免30分钟时间一到,系统就不会允许再做作文。,字数要求。 作文要求是80字,而且考试系统随时告诉你此时字数是多少。 所以一定要做到写满80字。 但最好是写到100字。 主要是后期的评卷系统中没有标注字数是多少。80的感觉还是很少的,如果表达不够简练的话,可能不能在80字内表达全面自己想要表达的意思。 所以会从卷面和文意上显得有点单薄。 所以建议最好写到100. 但也不要太长,毕竟越长,出现错误的机率越高。,打字要求。 由于是机考, 在一方面也考察了大家的英文打字水平。 在阅卷过程中出现了一种现象,就是很多没有含义的乱码,其实是在打字时候敲错了左右相邻键造成的。 比如 words 有学生打成worsd。 此处就会被判为单词错误。 所以拼写错误绝对会影响作文平分。 所以平时要加强打字练习,考试中要注意检查打字错误。,范文选用。作文的话题一般是与学习生活中有关,很多也出现在考试用书和模拟考试端。 需要熟悉范文。 但在考试中要灵活组编,绝对不要不顾话题生搬硬套。,另外抄写考试中的阅读文章是考试之大忌。,温馨提示,13,考试方式与时间,全国高校网络教育考试委员会组织命题,在同一时间全国统考。,时间:,12月26-29日,考点:,东阳电大,考试形式:,闭卷,考试方式与时间,14,第一讲: 交际用语,解题技巧及例题讲解,总体原则:,交际用语的答案不是明显的对错问题,而是,符不符合英美人士口语习惯或者说思维习惯,的问题,语言的使用是否更规范,是否更有利于良好人际关系的建立和维护。,总体来看,答题时须遵循,礼貌原则、合作原则、最长就是答案原则、有比较“恐怖”或者不认识的单词或者搞不清什么意思的选项就是答案,的原则。,第一讲: 交际用语总体原则:交际用语的答案不是明显的对错问题,15,一、 礼貌原则,1. 就是对邀请、表扬、祝贺、赞美以及感谢等要表示感谢;对好消息要表示祝贺;对坏消息要表示同情。,Thats a beautiful dress you have on!,_,Oh, thanks. I got it yesterday.,B. Sorry, its too cheap.,C. You can have it D. See you later.,A,C,Thank you for inviting me.,_,A. I really had a happy time.B. Oh, its too late,C. Thank you for comingD. Oh, so slowly?,一、 礼貌原则Thats a beautiful dre,16, Please help yourself to the seafood _,A. No, I cant. B. Sorry, I cant help.,C. Well, seafood dont suit for.,D. Thanks, but I dont like the seafood.,D, Congratulations! You won the first prize in todays speech contest. _.,A. Yes, I beat the others. B. No, no I didnt do it well.,C. Thank you. D. Its a pleasure., My grandfathers taken ill and Ive got to go down to the hospital. _,A. Were going to the same place. B. Really?,C. Very sorry to hear it. I hope its nothing serious.,D. Let me go with you.,C,C, Please help yourself to the,17,2.,对于别人的邀请,永远是先答应,即使不能赴约,也要说明不能去的理由, Can you go out with us for dinner this evening?, _,A. No, I already have plans.,B. Id love to/thanks a lot, but Im busy tonight.,C. No, I really dont like being with you.,D. Im ill, so I shouldnt go out for dinner.,B, Oh, Betty, we will be having a buffet party next Saturday, and wed like you to join us., _, Susan. Whats the occasion? What time do you want me to come?,A. Id love to B. No way,C. By no means D. Im afraid not,A,2. 对于别人的邀请,永远是先答应,即使不能赴约,也,18,3、,给别人带来不方便或者对方有请求时却不能给予帮助要说“对不起”,并要说明不能帮忙的理由或者告诉对方怎么做,Can you turn down the radio, please?,.,A. Oh, I know B. Im sorry, I didnt realize it was that loud. C. Ill keep it down next time,D. Please forgive me,Could you help me with my homework, please?,.,A. No, no way B. No, I couldnt,C. No, I cant D. Sorry I cant. I have to go to a meeting right now,B,D,3、给别人带来不方便或者对方有请求时却不能给予帮助要说“对不,19,Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the airport?,.,A. Dont ask that B. Sorry, Im a stranger here,C. No, I cant say that D. No, youre driving too fast,Excuse me, sir. Where is Mr. Browns office?,.,A. You cant ask me B. Pardon? I have no idea,C. Please dont say so,D. Sorry I dont know, but you can ask the man over there,D,B,Excuse me, but can you tell m,20,That man alone over there who is he?,.,A. He is a studentB. He is Doctor Took,C. A driver, I supposeD. Hes drunk,二、 合作原则(,语用学认为,合作原则是交际得以成功的一个基本前提,也就是说回答要有针对性,而不是答非所问,),Shall we sit up here on the grass or down there near the water?,.,Id rather stay here if you dont mind,B. Sorry, I dont like neither,C. Certainly, why not? D. Yes, we like these two places,B,A,That man alone over there wh,21,三、 文化遵从原则,要克服本民族的习惯思维和应答模式,要使用得体的、符合对方习惯的方式来应答,要有跨文化视角。,Mary, your dress is really beautiful. How is John?,.,A. Thank you very much,B. No, no, John is not bad,C. Thank you. He is fine,D. Dont say that. Its ugly. John is good,-You havent been to Shanghai, have you?,-_,A. Yes, I havent. B. No, I have.,C. No, I havent. D. Yes, I did it.,C,C,三、 文化遵从原则Mary, your dress is,22,Could I speak to Jane Smith, please?,.,A. Oh, how are you,B. Im Jane.,C. Im listening. E. Who are you?,D. Speaking. F. Hello, who are you looking for,Would you mind if I smoke here?,.,A. Yes, you can.,B. Of course, I like to.,C. No, I dont mind.,D. Certanily, please do.,D,C,Could I speak to Jane Smith,23, Tomorrow is my birthday., _,A. Oh, I have no idea.B. Im glad you like it.,C. Many happy returns of the day!,D. You must be very happy.,四、不懂就是答案的原则 (,仅供参考,),You know, I have three kids now. _,A. Well, Ive grown a mustache.,B. Thats terrific!,C. Say, youve really changed your hair.,D. Well, I gave up drinking.,C,B, Tomorrow is my birthday. 四、不,24,五、要掌握对话的大意和主旨,了解双方在谈论什么话题,弄清情境。, May I see the menu, please? Ive been waiting half an hour already., _,A. That is the menu, sir. B. Yes, please go on.,C. Here you are, sir. D. Of course, sir.,May I help you, sir? _,A. Sorry, I have no idea.,B. Yes, I know what to say.,C. Youd better give me a hand.,D. Yes, Id like 3 kilos of pears.,C,D,五、要掌握对话的大意和主旨,了解双方在谈论什么话题,弄清情境,25,六、从应试的角度看,应多做此类的习题。,六、从应试的角度看,应多做此类的习题。,Good Luck To You!,六、从应试的角度看,应多做此类的习题。 六、从应试的角度看,,26,


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