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8AUnit6 Revision Reading Timmyisateenager He inTaiwan He the in1999 Hewas someshoppingwhenit Atfirst hefelta throughhisbody Peopleintheshoppingmalllookedateachother Somepeople becausetheywerevery lives survived earthquake doing started slight shaking in fear screamed frightened Thentherealnoisecame like undertheground The startedto Peopleraninall I mybesttoruntothestreettoo Peoplewererunning aspiecesofglassand were down Thenthewallsbeganto down bombs earth shake directions tried wildly bricks falling come thenoiseand ended Hewas and getout Amomentof went hismind Thenhetriedto and forhelp Finally people ina to awaythebricksandstonesand him Finally shaking trapped couldn t fear through calm down screamed were hurry move saved 词汇识记 1 nature 形容词 2 mop 过去式 3 shake 名词 4 trap 过去式 5 dead 反义词 6 wind 形容词 7 fog 形容词 8 loud 副词 9 arrive 名词 10fireman 复数 12 frighten 形容词 13 hear 过去式 14 frost 形容词 15 save 形容词 16 call 名词 17 break 过去式 18 fall 过去式 n natural mopped shaking trapped alive windy foggy loudly arrival firemen frightened heard frosty safe caller broke fell 大自然的地震事故冲掉村庄闪电风暴暴雨雷摇动 naturalearthquakeaccidentwashvillagelightningstormrainstormthundershaking fearscreambombshakedirectionwildlybrickcalmmomentmind 害怕尖叫炸弹摇动方向失去控制地砖平静下来片刻头脑 sincesomebodyhurrydaylightloudlyeverywherecloudwindwindyfog 由于某人急忙日光大声地到处云风有风的雾 有雾的霜有霜的天气下降低的可怕的破碎损坏雪球 foggyfrostfrostyweatherdroplowterriblebreakbreakdownsnowball snowmanhitcovercallerarrivalladyfiremannearlysandstormwarning 雪人击中覆盖打电话的人到达女士消防队员几乎沙尘暴警告 1 自然灾害2 用拖把拖干净3 成千上万的人4 一场汽车事故5 撞毁6 把村庄冲走7 引起一场大火8 从树上掉下来9 感到有点颤动10 听到像雷一样的声音 naturaldisasters mopup thousandsofpeople acaraccident crashinto washthevillagesaway startabigfire fallfromthetree feelaslightshaking hearabignoiselikethunder 11 害怕12 开始晃动13 四处乱跑14 尽某人的努力做某事15 疯狂地跑16 掉下17 镇静下来18 被困19 自言自语20 大声喊救命 infear starttoshake runinalldirections tryone sbesttodosth runwildly falldown calmdown betrapped saytooneself screamforhelp 21 活着22 一包巧克力23 急匆匆做某事24 最后25 移开26 在地震中幸免于难27 降至零下3度28 计划去唐山旅行29 抛锚30 听到从我上面传来的声音 stayalive apacketofchocolate inagreathurrytodosth atlast moveaway survivetheearthquake dropto 3 planatriptoTangshan breakdown hearsomenoiseaboveme 31 覆盖整个地面32 感到又冷又害怕33 报警34 给我发电子邮件35 持续很长时间36 着火37 向前跌倒38 第二天早晨39 把雪清除40 给当地的人分发食物和饮用水 coverthewholeroad feelcoldandfrightened callthepolice e mailme lastlong catchfire fallover thenextmorning removethesnow giveoutfoodanddrinkingwatertothelocalpeople 词组巩固1 填上合适的词组 1 Itoldmyself sinceIwasstillalive 2 Whenthetigerappeared allthelittleanimals 3 WhenTimmyheardthenoiseabovehim he 4 Finally peoplehurried thestonesandsavedthatpoorgirl 5 Lastnightacar thattree tocalmdown raninalldirections screamedforhelp tomoveaway crashedinto 词组巩固2 填上合适的词组 1 WhileDanielwasmakingasnowball he 2 Theirschool becauselightninghitit 3 Theteachers whenitstartedtorain 4 Mydad inthatshoppingmallatthistimeyesterday 5 I mywayoutwhenIsuddenlyheardsomenoiseaboveme fellover caughtfire werereadingnewspapers wasdoingsomeshopping wastryingtofind 词组巩固3 填上合适的词组 Theycalledthepoliceat8 00a m Hisfather scar becauseoftheterribleweather HoboandEddie onthefloorwhenwecame Ilookedoutofthewindowandsawmanypeople atthatbusstop They ifyoudon tcheerforthem usingthemobilephone brokedown weremoppingupthewater waitingforabus willlosethegame 重点句型 1 I 睡觉 whenit 开始下雨 2 TheTaiwanearthquakekilled 成千上万人 3 Theylookedat 对方 惊恐 4 Peoplewere 疯狂地跑 whilebrickswere 掉下 5 Thesnowwas 的确很大 Badweathersometimes 导致自然灾害 MillieaskedmetogotoherhousebecauseI 忘了带 mykeys I 告诫自己 Imust 活下去 Whenthenoise 结束 we 被困 inadarkplace 10 Thetemperature 降至 5yesterday 16 Theschool 着火 becauselightning 击中 it 17 Amomentof 恐惧 袭入我的心头 18 Isawmanypeople 辛勤忙碌 除去 thesnowat9 00a m yesterday 19 They 尽力 跑向 thatstationjustnow 20 They 分发 foodtothelocalpeoplewhenwe 到达 21 Allofus 告诫自己保持镇静 whentheearth 开始晃动 1 人们急匆匆地把石头移开 People thestones People thestones Peoplemovedawaythestones Peoplemovedawaythestones 2 三人在那场交通事故中丧生 Threepeople Threepeople That threepeople wereinagreathurrytomoveaway hurriedtomoveaway inahurry hurriedly diedinthattrafficaccident losttheirlivesinthattrafficaccident trafficaccidentkilled 3 昨天雪下得很大 Thesnow yesterday It yesterday It yesterday 4 昨天天气如何 yesterday yesterday 5 1999年台湾发生了一场地震 inTaiwanin1999 inTaiwanin1999 washeavy snowedheavily Whatwastheweatherlike Howwastheweather Anearthquakehappened Therewasanearthquake snowedhard 6 他们不知道该往哪儿走 Theydidn tknow Theydidn tknow 7 整个马路现在被雪覆盖 Nowthewholeroad snow Nowthesnow thewholeroad 8 他们站在树下谈论得很开心 They underthetreeand happily They underthetree happily 9 最终他在那场洪水中幸免于难 he thatflood he inthatflood wheretogo wheretheyshouldgo iscoveredwith covers 表达与应用1 用shake shaking填空1 thebottlebeforeyoutakethemedicine 2 Hefeltaslight throughhisbodybecauseoffear 3 He hisheadandsaid No Shake shaking shook shake v 摇动 晃动过去式 shookshaking n 摇动 震动 2 alive live living life1 Allofthem ahappy 2 Theseplantscan tstay inthisweather 3 She soneofthegreatest writersintheworld live life alive living alive adj 在世的 活着的 只能作表语living adj 在世的 活着的 可作定语修饰名词 如livingthingslive v 活着 居住life n 复数 lives一生 介词with和without的用法 根据提示完成下列句子 1 它是一幢带有花园的漂亮建筑物 8AP39 Itis 2 鱼睁着眼睛睡觉 7BP57 Fish 3 没有闪电就没有植物的生命 7BP57 Thereis 4 下了一场大暴雨并伴随着电闪雷鸣 8AP103 Therewasaheavystorm 总结 1 with 有 带有 用 2 without 没有 不 3 with和without后面可接名词或动名词 abeautifulbuildingwithagarden sleepwiththeireyesopen noplantlifewithoutlightning withthunderandlightning NounsAdjectives sunsunnywindwindyrainrainysnowsnowy NounsAdjectives cloudfogfroststorm cloudy stormy frosty foggy Noun yAdjective 1 Itis outside Ishouldbringmyumbrella 2 Look How itis Itwillblowmyhatoff 3 It squite Icannotseethingsclearly 4 Don tforgetyoursunglasses Itisvery today 5 Therearemany inthesky it svery It sgoingto Completethesentenceswiththerightwordsaccordingtothepictures rainy windy foggy sunny clouds cloudy rain 用所给动词的适当形式填空1 We llgetthereontimeifit notrain tomorrow 2 There splenty 大量的 of rain inthesouth 3 It sbettertostayathomeon rain days 4 It s rain heavily You dbettertakearaincoat 同义句改写1 What stheweatherliketoday theweathertoday 2 Thetemperaturewillbe2 9 The temperaturewillbe2 andthe temperaturewillbe9 doesn train rain rainy raining How s low high 过去进行时的用法和结构 过去进行时主要表示 在过去某一时刻正在进行的动作 a Theywereeatingbreakfastat7 00amyesterday b Iwaswritingaletteratthistimeyesterday 在过去某一阶段一直在进行的动作 a From1983to1998 hewasteachingatYale b Theywerebuildingadamlastwinter 过去进行时的句式 1 基本结构 was were verb ing 2 否定式 was werenot verb ingwasnot wasn twerenot weren t 3 疑问句 将was were调到主语前 4 I he she itwas verb ingyou we theywere verb ing 时间状语atthistimeyesterday atthattime atnineyesterdaymorning thewholeafternoon from6 00to8 00yesterdaymorning 巩固练习1 What yourbrother do atnineo clocklastnight 2 They listen tomusicatthattime 3 WhenIsawhim he search theInternet 4 They discuss aprobleminthemeetingroomatthistimeyesterday 5 Amy visit theScienceMuseumfrom9 00a m to11 00a m yesterday was doing werelistening wassearching werediscussing Was visiting 连词while与过去进行时 当两个延续性动词同时进行时 我们可以在两个句子中都用过去进行时 并用while连接 1 Peoplewererunningwildlywhilepiecesofglassandbrickswerefallingdown 2 SuzywasmakingasnowmanwhileKittywasstandingbesideher 当延续性动作进行的同时也有别的动作发生 用when或while连接两动作 延续性动作用过去进行时而短暂性动作用过去时 1 TheearthquakestartedwhileIwasdoingsomeshopping 2 IwastryingtofindmywayoutwhenIsuddenlyheardsomenoiseaboveme when和while作并列连词时 when意为 就在这时 突然 相当于andthen While则表示 而 却 相当于but yet 1 Iwaswalkingwhensomeonecalledmefrombehind 2 Shewasdoingherhomeworkwhilehermotherwascooking 3 Ilikeappleswhilemysisterlikesoranges 巩固练习1 Mywalletdroppedontheground Iwasrunning 2 Iwasfallingasleep therewasaloudknockonthedoor 3 hewasreading anearthquakestarted 4 Werethestudentslisteningtotheteachercarefully theteacherwasgivingalesson 5 thetelephonerang Ibecamenervous while When While while When 试管婴儿医院 6 Wassheclearingupthedesk thebellrang 7 Thedaysgetlonger springcomes 8 Lucywaslisteningtotheradio LilywaswatchingTV 9 wewereboatingonthelake wesawafishjumpoutofthewater 10 TheyhavetheirPElessonindoors itrains when when while while when 不孕不育医院 中考链接 1 Didyouseethetrafficaccidentyesterday 苏州2005 Yes IthappenedwhenI pastthemuseum A walkedB amwalkingC willwalkD waswalking D 点评 根据上下文语境 我们可以知道对话所谈及的是昨天发生的事 所以该句只能选择用过去进行时 表示 事情发生时我正从展览馆走过 2 Wouldyoupleaseshowmeyournewradio 连云港2005 I msorry I listen tothemusic Ididnotcatchyou Wouldyoupleasesayitagain waslistening 点评 根据语境 由于 我 刚才正听音乐 没听清对方所讲的话 所以才用Wouldyoupleasesayitagain 刚才正听 应该用过去进行时 D D 3 Ifelloffmybikeandhurtmyselfyesterday 南京市2005 You dbetterbemorecareful A CongratulationsB That sfunnyC AllrightD I msorrytohearthat 4 Nanjingisacitywithmanyplacesofinterest touristscomehereeveryyear A ThousandofB ThousandC ThousandsD Thousandsof 5 OnherwayhomeLucysawathief inashop Shestopped 110atonce A steal callB tosteal callC stealing tocallD stealing calling C


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