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沪教版备战2020年中考英语专题复习改错题(真题)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 改错题 (共8题;共45分)1. (5分)此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾;如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:此行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线()划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。此行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。此行错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。 注意:原行没有错的不要改。 Anna is only 11 years old. She is a girl whom is full of love. At the age of five._she began to learn how to play the violin. And she did good in it._She wanted to help the poor kids in her town, so she decided raise some money._by playing the violin in the street. At first, only a few of people gave her mone._Three days late, she put a sign beside her, saying why she was doing._When people saw the sign, they were all moving and started to help her with the work._Anna also sold her favorite things to collect money. When her classmates got to know this,_they all began to sell their old toys, clothes and books to collect money, either._Anna has raised money for two years, and now shes got more than 3000 dollar._says she will continue to do anything like this and help poor children._2. (5分)下面短文中有10处语言错误。请在有错误的那行增加、删除或修改某个单词,将答案写在其后横线上。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号()。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错误的词下划一横线。注意:每行有且只有一处错误。I live in the country and my father was a farmer.He is now forty-five year old. Because of years of hard work, he looks old than his age. When I was young, he used to tell me the important of study. Father knows a few about English and other subjects, but he usually gives me some good advices on how to learn my lessons good. He is not only kind to me but also very strict in me. With his help, Ive made great progress. Ill never forgot what he taught me. I think my father is best father in the world.3. (5分)(2015贵州毕节)改错。阅读短文,判断标有题号的每一行画线部分和有漏字符号()处是否有错误。如无错误,在该行右边横线上写一个“正确”;如有错误(每行只有一个),则按下列情况改正:画线部分为多余的词:把该词写在该行右边横线上,并画上斜线()。画线部分为错词:在该行右边横线上写出正确的词。有漏字符号()处缺一个词:在该行右边横线上写出所缺的词。Do you know about Chinese paper cuts? Here Im glad to tell you _anything about them. Chinese paper cuts have a long history of over _2, 000 years. They can be see in different parts of China. Many people _no matter young or old, are fond them. People in northern part of_China do well in make paper cuts. They cut paper into different shapes_like birds, animal, flowers and so on. I think Chinese paper cuts are_not only beautiful but also very usefully. People usually put them on_doors or windows when they celebrated something happy, especially_for the Spring Festival. More and more people are interesting in them. _So come to the China and see more Chinese paper cuts someday. _4. (5分)短文改错:找出短文中有错误的地方划线并改正,每行只有一处错。Hundred of years ago, news was carried _by people on foot or by a horse. _It takes people a long time to receive news. _Now it is possible to sending words and pictures_in seconds. Billions of people learn about newseither by watching TV and by reading. _5. (5分)找出错误并改正There was nothing that could stop me form do what I want to do.A B C D6. (10分)找出错误并改正 7. (5分)找出错误并改正 8. (5分)找出错误并改正Put on it, or you will have a cold.A BC D第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、 改错题 (共8题;共45分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、

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