牛津深圳版九上Module 4 Unit 7 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer单元测试B卷.doc

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牛津深圳版九上Module 4 Unit 7 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer单元测试B卷一、 词汇测试。选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。 (共8题;共16分)1. (2分)After reading the novel Treasure Island, Paul has more than before because of the main character, brave Jim. A . humourB . wealthC . luckD . courage2. (2分)一 Her job is to look after the baby.一 You mean shes a baby-sitter?A . take care ofB . wake upC . make fun of3. (2分) Are the beaches in Dalian beautiful? Sure. They lots of tourists from home and abroad every year.A . promiseB . adviseC . attractD . tell4. (2分)Someone who is _ is unable to see because his eyes are damaged.A . sillyB . blindC . deaf5. (2分)-How did he finish the work?-I hear that he did it _.A . in the ownB . on his ownC . of the ownD . all his own6. (2分)We will have to choose a person to _ our class to take part in the competition.A . returnB . rememberC . recommendD . represent7. (2分)Could you tell me how to _ the airport? A . arrive inB . get toC . arriveD . get8. (2分)My mother has a good _habit and she likes _food. A . eating; a healthyB . eating; healthyC . eating; healthD . eat ; healthy二、 选出恰当的词语完成句子。 (共7题;共14分)9. (2分) Do you like English? No, Im not in it.A . wellB . interestingC . interestedD . good10. (2分)Can you your little brother ?Im busy now.All right,mun.Ill do it right now.A . wearB . put onC . dressD . in11. (2分) How _ are these apples? $10 each kg. It is so expensive that _ of us can buy them.A . much; allB . much; fewC . many; allD . many; few12. (2分)Its not safe for teenagers to give out too much_ about themselves on the Internet.A . informationB . questionC . ideasD . things13. (2分)A is a popular holiday center.A . resortB . countrysideC . city14. (2分)Doing sports is good _ your health.A . toB . forC . at15. (2分)I think teenagers should be allowed to make their own decisions when they have problems at school._. Theyre not calm enough, after all.A . I agreeB . I disagreeC . I think soD . Im sure三、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)完形填空 A man asked his friends one evening, Whats the most beautiful 1in the world? The sound of bird 2? one of his friends said.No, its the sound of a piano. the 3one said. No, no, the third said. Its the sound of a guitar. The three friends 4. Soon they were shouting.Stop! Stop! the man cried out. Youll never 5each other this way. Come to dinner next week. Ill help you agree on whats the most beautiful sound in the world.A week later, the mans three friends came to his house. They were looking forward to (期待) a good dinner, 6the table was empty. Time passed and still there was no 7.At last, it was midnight. The mans friends were very 8but they were too polite(礼貌的)to say 9. Then, as they were standing up to leave, they heard the click, click of dishes. A servant came in and put the dishes of food on the table.Soon they were all enjoying a fine meal. Tell me now. the man said 10with a smile, What is the most beautiful sound in the world? And this time they all gave the same answer.(1)A . bird B . guitar C . food D . sound (2)A . passing B . eating C . singing D . jumping (3)A . first B . second C . third D . fourth (4)A . fought B . crying C . leaving D . answering (5)A . find out B . depend on C . agree with D . think about (6)A . but B . because C . if D . so (7)A . sound B . food C . answer D . song (8)A . angry B . hungry C . between D . against (9)A . everything B . nothing C . anything D . something (10)A . loudly B . quickly C . angrily D . kindly 四、 阅读理解。 (共5题;共63分)17. (25分)根据短文内容回答下列问题。Round the WorldMr and Mrs Spencer both had very busy jobs and didnt have much time to spend with their young children. They wanted to change this, and because their hobby was boating, they decided to sail round the world together.It took six years to prepare everything for the trip. First, they bought a new boat. Then, both the husband and wife had to take advanced(先进的) sailing lessons and learn all about the sea and the weather. Mr Spencer also did several courses in repairing engines and Mrs Spencer spent an hour in a restaurant learning to cut up fish.In October, they had one year off from their jobs and sailed away from England with their two children. The next year, in August, their long journey ended in Australia.The boat was not big, but they took a teacher for the children with them. None of them found the trip boring because there were three computers, many CDs, a TV and a DVD player on the boat.The family loved being at the sea and seeing the stars in the sky. But, most of all, Mr and Mrs Spencer enjoyed spending time with their children while they were still young.(1)What was Mr and Mrs Spencers hobby?(2)How long did it take them to prepare for the trip(3)Where did they finish their journey?(4)How many people were there travelling together?(5)What was the best part of the trip Mr and Mrs Spencer enjoyed?18. (10分)阅读下面短文,并做每篇短文后的题目。从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。Look at this mail-order advertisement:SUNSHINE COMPANYProducts for a Safe EnvironmentA2477-HAND SOAP (肥皂)Youre going to love this natural soap. There are no chemicals in it. It is very good for your hands and face.D4545-GARDEN SPRAY(喷雾剂)Insects(昆虫) are going to run away from our new chili garlic spray. Its safe and natural.B2377-HOME CLEANER(清洁剂)Youre not going to need 5 or 6 chemical cleaners. You have Dr Clean! It is safe and strong, and it cleans everything in your house!A2104-CANVAS BAG (帆布包)Youre going to say, No paper or plastic! You have this excellent heavy canvas shopping bag.ItemCode(代码)PriceItemCodePriceHand soapA2477$1.00Garden sprayD4545$2.50Home cleanerB2377$2.25Canvas bagA2104$4.00Postage(邮费): $3.50(1)How many products are mentioned in this advertisement? A . 4.B . 5.C . 6.D . 8.(2)Dr Clean is . A . a strong man who can clean everythingB . a newly-invented machineC . a can of cleaning powderD . a magic cloth for cleaning(3)According to the ad, where can you mail your letter if you want something to kill the ants? A . D4545 Garden Spray.B . Sunshine Company.C . A2104 Canvas Bag.D . The Dr Cleans.(4)Youre going to the natural soap, because . A . it is cheapB . it smells sweetC . there are no chemicals in itD . it is powerful(5)According to the ad, how much do you have to pay for 10 hand soaps and 2 canvas bags totally? A . $13.25.B . $21.50.C . $14.50.D . $18.00.19. (8分)阅读理解 If youre feeling tired and stressed because you have too much going on, like lots of after-school activities, you might feel better if you give something up, even if its just for a term or so. Sometimes lots of activities-even if theyre all fun-can make you feel stressed by keeping you busy all the time. On the other hand, if problems at home are troubling(使烦恼)you, in fact some after-school activities may help you relax and feel better. There are also relaxing exercises that you can use to keep stress away. The easiest one is to breathe(呼吸)in slowly and deeply through your nose, and then exhale slowly through your mouth. Do this two to four times. You can do breathing exercises anytime. You can even do breathing exercises in class if youre nervous before a test. The best way to keep stress away is to have a balanced life. That means making good decisions about how to spend your time. If youre always busy with schoolwork and have to play, you can get stressed. Make sure you keep yourself in mind Sleep, Exercise, Leisure(something fun), and Food. If you take care of yourself and get enough sleep and food, and if you exercise and leave time for fun, youll probably be less stressed out! (1)What may help if you have problems at home according to the passage? A . Doing a part-time job.B . Doing some housework.C . Doing some after-school activities.D . Watching much TV.(2)Which is the best way to keep stress away? A . Doing exercise anytime.B . Making good decisions about how to spend time.C . Taking care of yourself and getting much food to eat.D . Doing breathing exercises in class.(3)What does the underlined word exhale mean in the passage? A . To breathe in.B . To breathe out.C . To get on.D . To get off.(4)Which of the following is the best title of this passage? A . How to Keep Stress AwayB . How to Keep FitC . Where is Stress FromD . What is Stress20. (10分)阅读理解Milford Sound A Place Worth Visiting Peter Jackson filmed the movies Lord of the Rings in New Zealand for a reason, the view there is simply fantastic. Milford Sound is located to the southwest of New Zealand South Island. It is one of the most faraway, well kept, and beautiful places you could ever hope to visit. People described the place as the Eighth wonder of the world. Thousands of visitors come here each day, with between 550,000 and 1 million visitors in total per year. This makes Milford Sound one of New Zealands mostvisited tourist spots. And also the most famous New Zealand tourist at action It has been said to be the world top travel destination in an international survey. With If:(销壁)rising from the dark waters, mountain peaks(峰巅)pointing to the sky, and waterfalls as high as 300 fete falling into the wales below, it is clear why. Rainforests cover the sides of the mountains, there are home to different animals such as fur seals, penguins and dolphins. Visitors also have the chance to see rare corals and sea life. You can visit Milford Sound in a number of ways: by boat, small plane or even kayak. One thing is for sure, though: One day isnt enough, and once you get there youll find yourself wanting to stay forever.(1)Milford Sound is _. A . the movie Lord of the RingsB . New Zealands most famous tourist attractionC . the most unpopular place visitors hope to visitD . the most far-away, well kept, and beautiful place in the world(2)Milford Sound has the following sights EXCEPT . A . waterfallsB . cliffsC . rainforestsD . deserts(3)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A . People described Milford Sound as the Tenth wonder of the world.B . Waterfalls in Milford Sound can be as high as 5000 feet.C . You can visit Milford Sound by boat.D . Visitors cant see rare corals and sea life in Milford Sound.(4)The number of visitors to Milford Sound can probably be_ per year. A . 400000B . 540000C . 800000D . 1200000(5)The passage is probably from _. A . a travel magazineB . a novelC . a poemD . a science fiction21. (10分)Here is a new picture. There are four boys and three girls in the room. They are all students. The boy on the desk is Jim. The girl near the window is Kate. Jims sister Jane is on the chair. Ann is behind Mike. Mike is at the door. Mikes brother Sam is under the table. Where is Tom? Oh, he is over there, behind the door! They are all very happy.(1)_ girls and _ boys in the room are all students.A . Three, fourB . Four, threeC . Two, threeD . Three, five.(2)The students are not _.A . in the pictureB . in the room.C . at homeD . at school(3)Where are Ann and Mike?A . They are behind the teachers desk.B . They are near the window.C . They are under the bed.D . They are at the door.(4)Who is Jims sister?A . TomB . JaneC . KateD . Ann(5)Sam is _ .A . Mikes sisterB . Jims brotherC . Kates sisterD . Mikes brother五、 语法填空。 (共1题;共1分)22. (1分)As the doctor was checking him, the light_(go) off. 六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)如今,环境污染已经成为一个全球性的问题。假如你们班要以环境为主题进行一次英语作文竞赛,请你根据下面的提示问题写一篇80词以上的作文来参赛。提示:1、你周围的环境受到了哪些污染?2、它们都造成了什么后果?3、我们应该如何解决这些环境污染问题?第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 词汇测试。选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。 (共8题;共16分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、二、 选出恰当的词语完成句子。 (共7题;共14分)9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、三、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16-1、四、 阅读理解。 (共5题;共63分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、五、 语法填空。 (共1题;共1分)22-1、六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)23-1、


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