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河北专版 新课标 RJ 第9课时Units9 10 八上 PARTONE 第一篇教材梳理篇 videos experienced advise normally certainly angrily anger sadness sadly preparation invitation surprising surprised opening understood understood understanding met met meeting organization organized careful careless carelessly carelessness solution hung hanged hung hanged catches caught caught him his his himself preparefor hangout lookafter takecareof turndown takeatrip lookforwardto keep tooneself gotothe adoctor havetheflu runawayfromproblems getaneducation inhalf attheendof intheend anothertime thedaybeforeyesterday helpout thedayaftertomorrow wentbikeriding hevisitedyou takingatrip attheendofthismonthtovisit Toshowhowmuchwe regoingtomissher haveasurpriseparty keepmyideastomyself Unless feelworse cuttingitinhalf preparev 使做好准备 把 准备好 题1 Whatdoyouthinkofyourschool Linda It sagoodplaceforustoourselvesforthefuture A promiseB proveC prepareD present 题2 根据汉语提示完成句子 1 Icalledyoulastnight Butwhydidn tyouanswerme Oh Iwas 为 做准备 mymathexaminmystudy 2 我准备这周末和朋友们出去闲逛 withmyfriendsthisweekend 题3 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空Teachersandstudentsarebusywiththe prepare fortheNewYearparty C preparingfor Ipreparetohangout preparation 归纳拓展 invitev 邀请 题4 Whyareyousoexcited NancyinvitedmeonatriptoDongjiangLakejustnow A togoB goC goingD went 题5 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 CanyoucometomybirthdaypartythisSaturday Thankyouforyour invite Iwillgetthereontime A invitation 归纳拓展 lookafter照料 照顾 题6 1 Mymotherisillinhospital Ihavetomygrandparentsathome A lookforB lookatC lookupD lookafter 2 Youcanthewordinthedictionaryifyoudon tknowit A lookoverB lookoutC lookatD lookup D 归纳拓展 1 lookafter takecareof 意为 照料 照顾 lookafterwell takegoodcareof 意为 好好照顾 2 look的其他相关短语 lookat 看 lookup查阅 词典 lookfor寻找lookout当心lookround环顾四周lookthrough浏览lookover仔细检查lookoutof 朝 的外面看lookupto敬仰lookdownon upon轻视lookinto调查lookforwardto盼望 期待 D accept receive 题7 1 Ididn tmeantotroubleCurryyesterday ItwaspouringwithrainsoIhisofferofalift A refusedB receivedC allowedD accepted 2 Beforestamps peopledidn tpayfortheletterstheysent butforthelettersthey A remindedB receivedC acceptedD avoided D B 图解助记 Ireceivedaninvitationtothepartyyesterday butIrefusedtoacceptit 昨天我接到聚会的邀请 但我拒绝接受它 advice suggestion 题8 1 Couldyoupleaseoffermesomeonmyresearch Yes sure A ideaB messageC suggestionD advice 2 Whynotbuyasecond handflatfirstifyoudon thaveenoughmoney That sagood A adviceB questionC suggestionD decision 题9 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 1 Youcanaskyourteacherfor advise onhowtopreparefortheexam 2 Thedoctorsuggestedme drink asmuchwateraspossible D C advice drinking 归纳拓展 1 advise的常见用法 advisesb not todosth 建议 劝告某人 不要 做某事 advice的常用短语 asksb foradvice向某人征求意见givesb adviceonsth 就某事给某人提建议take followone sadvice听取某人的建议 2 suggest的常见用法 Ilookforwardtohearingfromyouall 我期盼着你们的答复 题10 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空JaneismynewpenpalandIoftenlookforwardto receive here mail receiving 归纳拓展 1 lookforwardto doing sth 意为 盼望 期望 期待 做 某事 其中to为介词 2 含有介词to的动词短语 payattentiontodoingsth 关注做某事sticktodoingsth 坚持做某事beusedtodoingsth 习惯于做某事 Hopeyoucanmakeit 希望你能参加 聚会 题11 Shallwegofishingatsixo clocktomorrowmorning Willseveno clockbeOK A Sure it suptoyouB Sure noproblemC Sorry Ican tmakeitD Sorry I mnotavailabletoday C 归纳拓展 makeit的常见用法 1 意为 及时赶到 We llmakeitwithaminuteortwotospare 我们能及时赶到 而且还可以早一两分钟 2 用来表示约定时间 Shallwemeetnextweek 下周我们见面 好吗 OK Let smakeitnextSunday 好的 让我们定在下星期日吧 3 用来表示达到预定目标 办成 做到 成功 Icanmakeit 我能完成 Heneverreallymadeitasanactor 他从来就不是一个成功的演员 用所给单词的适当形式填空1 Wearen t surprise atJim sbadgrades becauseheneverstudieshard 2 Couldyoupleasegivemesome suggest onhowtolearnEnglishwell 3 Theyhaven tacceptedthe invite yet 4 IamhappytoknowthatyouwillcometoShijiazhuangandlookingforwardto meet youattheairport 5 Thelittlegirl hang herheadwhensheheardwhathermothersaid surprised suggestions invitation meeting hung 根据句意及首字母提示填空6 EverydayMarypsupperforherfamily 7 Hewentintotheofficewithoutknockingonthedoor Thatmadethebossa 8 Theboythrewtheballtothedoganditctheballsuccessfully 9 HehastaughtEnglishfor20yearsandhasmucheinteachingEnglish 10 IwassocthatImadethesamemistakeagain prepares angry caught experience careless 连词成句11 you to come on could my Sunday party 12 I cometo will to manyfriends invite myparty 13 can some me give suggestions you 14 if willbe onSunday I rains it sad 15 hearingfrom I m lookingforwardto you CouldyoucometomypartyonSunday Iwillinvitemanyfriendstocometomyparty Canyougivemesomesuggestions IfitrainsonSunday Iwillbesad I mlookingforwardtohearingfromyou


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