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第3课时Units1 4 七下 PARTONE 第一篇教材梳理篇 stories brushes teeth buses lives villager dishes central lucky unlucky luckily unluckily homeless sang sung singer swam swum swimmer dancer drew drawn spoke spoken speaker speech wrote written writer taught taught teacher ran run running runner cleaner rode ridden drove driven driver left left fought fought wore worn brought brought relaxing relaxed felt felt feeling kept kept learner funnier funniest quickly truth truly quietly more most farther further farthest furthest swimmingclub artclub busstop bus train subwaystation playchess speakEnglish Chinese playtheguitar piano tellastory tellstories playtheviolin playthedrums makefriends getup gotoschool getdressed brushteeth have eatbreakfast takeashower doone shomework gotobed takeawalk playsports rideabike cometrue listentomusic dothedishes cook makebreakfast thinkof followtherules makeone sbed begoodat begoodwith lotsof alotof bestrict withsb begoodfor ontheweekend between and afterschool onschoolnights days bybike jointheartclub Afterschool playbasketball halfanhour from to rideabike arrivelateforclass beontime listentomusic listentoitoutside togo onfoot playbasketballafterschool domyhomework aresometimesstrict makerulestohelpus eitherwatchTV computergames shown 演出 节目v 给 看 展示 题1 1 Peterwillyouthebuildingandyoucanmeeteveryone A lend toB show aroundC compare withD brush off 2 Don tknowwhereyourkidsareinthehouse TurnofftheInternetandthey llquickly A getupB standupC showupD hurryup 3 Whatareinthemuseum SomephotostakenbythechildrenofYushu Qinghai A ontimeB onbusinessC onsaleD onshow 题2 连词成句me show can you anotherpairofshoes B C Canyoushowmeanotherpairofshoes D 归纳拓展 1 showsb sth 与showsth tosb 同义 表示 把某物给某人看 send give pass也可用于这两种结构 注意 当sth 是代词时 则只能用 show send give passsth tosb 结构 Pleaseshowmeyournewpen Pleaseshowyournewpentome 请让我看一看你的新钢笔吧 如果用代词it代替yournewpen 只能使用如下句式 Pleaseshowittome 请让我看看它 2 show的用法小结 strictadj 严格的 严厉的 题3 Ourteachersusandtheytheirworkverymuch A bestrictwith arestrictinB arestrictin bestrictwithC arestrictwith arestrictinD arestrictin arestrictwith C 归纳拓展 Sheisstrictwithherchildrenandinherwork 她对子女很严厉 对工作很严格 rememberv 记住 记起 题4 1 Jackrememberedthedoorwhenleavinghome Butwhenhecameback hefounditopen A lockingB tolockC tolockingD lock 2 I msorry MissGreen Ileftmymathbookathome Itdoesn tmatter Pleaserememberitheretomorrow A takingB totakeC bringingD tobring 3 TheTVinyourroomisstillon Oh Iforgot A turningitonB turningitoffC toturnitoffD toturniton 题5 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空Thechildiscrying Pleasedosomethingtomakehimstop cry A D C crying 归纳拓展 1 remember的用法 join joinin takepartin attend 题6 用join joinin takepartin或attend的适当形式填空 1 WhynotanEnglishclubtopracticeyourEnglish 2 MayIthegame 3 Doyouknowhowmanycountrieswillthe2022AsianOlympicGames 4 TheteacherwillleaveforGuangzhoutoanimportantmeetingtomorrow join joinin takepartin attend 注意 表示 加入某人的活动 时 可用joinsb in doing sth I msureyou llalljoinmeinwishingTedandLauraaveryhappymarriage 我相信大家会与我一起共祝特德和劳拉喜结良缘 begoodfor begoodat begoodto begoodwith 题7 根据句意 用适当的介词填空 1 Theteacherisverygoodthesenaughtykids 2 HewasverygoodmewhenIwasillinhospital 3 Eatingasmanyvegetablesaspossibleisgoodyourhealth 4 Theyoungmanisverygoodtellingstories Soallthechildrenlikehimsomuch with to to for at wear puton dress in 题8 用wear puton dress或in的适当形式填空 1 Thisisapictureofayoungmanablackcoat 2 Mysonistooyoungtohimselfnow 3 You dbetterblueorblackpantswithbrownshoes 4 It scoldoutside Sandy You dbetteryourcoattokeepwarm in dress wear puton bring take get carry 题9 I msorryIleftmyhomeworkathome ShallIgoandit No youneedn t itheretomorrow A get TakeB bring TakeC get BringD carry Bring C 词义辨析 bring意为 拿来 带来 指从别处带到说话处 take意为 拿去 带去 指把某物 人 从说话处带到别处 与bring所表示的方向相反 get表示到某地去把某物取来 相当于fetch carry意为 搬运 携带 没有方向性 arrive get reach 题10 用arrive in get to 或reach的适当形式填空 1 ItwasrainingheavilywhentheGermansattheairport 2 TheSmithswillShijiazhuangtomorrow 3 Iusuallytoschoolinmyfather scar arrived reach arrivein getto get 注意 1 三者在一定情况下可相互转换 2 当它们后接地点副词there here或home等时 副词前不加任何介词 3 当后面不加地点时 只能用arrive Whendidyouarrive get reachhome 你何时到家的 Whenwillhearrive 他什么时候到 HowdoesMarygettoschool 玛丽如何到校 Shetakesthesubway 她坐地铁 题11 1 Doesyourfathergotoworkcarorfoot A by onB by byC on byD on on 2 Johnlivesfarfromhisoffice sohealwaysgoestoworkhiscar A onB byC withD in A D 归纳拓展 表示 乘坐某种交通工具 可用以下表达 Howlongdoesittakeyoutogettoschool 你到学校要用多长时间 题12 Ittakesmehalfanhourplayingthepianoeveryday Howaboutyou Iusuallyspend20minutesit A practicing onB topractice inC topractice onD practicing in 题13 同义句转换Myfatherspentabouttwohoursfixingmybikeintheyard 归纳拓展 Ittakes sb 时间段 todosth 意为 花费 某人 多长时间做某事 还可用 sb spend s 时间段 in doingsth 表示 IttookJimtwohourstoreadthebook Jimspenttwohours in readingthebook 吉姆花了两个小时读那本书 C Ittookmyfatherabouttwohourstofixmybikeintheyard Formanystudents itiseasytogettoschool 对许多学生来说 到校很容易 题14 WasitnecessaryJohnsomephotosbeforetheoldman Ithinkso Inthisway hecouldprotecthimselflater A of takingB for takingC of totakeD for totake 归纳拓展 1 It s adj for ofsb todosth 意为 做某事 对某人而言 是 的 it是形式主语 后面的动词不定式短语为真正的主语 2 在该句型中 若形容词是对动作进行评价 如easy important necessary等 则其后用介词for 若形容词是用来描述人的性格或品质 如kind friendly clever等 则其后用介词of It sdifficultforustoclimbupthetree 对我们来说 爬上那棵树是困难的 Itwasgenerousofyoutogiveawaysomuchmoneytotheschool 你真大方 捐出这么多钱给这所学校 D 用所给单词的适当形式填空1 Thedentistsuggeststhatthegirlshouldbrushher tooth beforegoingtobed 2 Theeffectofthiskindofmedicineneeds far studybeforeitcanbewidelyused 3 Pleaseremember do yourhomeworkfirst 4 I m true sorrythatyouhavemissedwatchingthefilmDyingtoSurvive 我不是药神 5 Heusedtobeamanagerwhoranahotel Butnowheworkedasa write teeth farther further todo truly writer 6 Ididn theartheringbecauseitwastoo noise inthebar 7 Pleasedonotmakedecisionsso quick Youmustthinktwicebeforeyoutakethisstep 8 Isawapoor home catintheparkyesterday 9 luck themanhurtbadlyintheaccident 10 It sdifficultforus finish theworkontime noisy quickly homeless Unluckily tofinish 根据句意及首字母提示填空11 Atfriendreachesforyourhandandtouchesyourheart 12 Amisapersonwhoplaysaninstrumentorwritessongs 13 Trump sgranddaughterArabellacansChineseverywell 14 HeusuallywaredcoatonChristmasEve 15 HisgrandpaisusedtotakingawafterdinnereverydayonRuofeiSquare 16 Myfatherugoestoworkearlytoavoidheavytraffic 17 Squaredancingisbecomingpopularbecausetakingplentyofeisgoodforpeople shealth 18 LastsummerItookapart timejintheInternationalCampforchildren 19 Tonylikesdrawingsomuchthathewantstojointheartc 20 Itisitolearnaforeignlanguage true musician speak wears walk usually exercise job club important 连词成句21 rules inourschool thereare many 22 can t flowers we pick 23 don t in run classroom the 24 inclass be we haveto quiet 25 run intheschool we quickly can t Therearemanyrulesinourschool Wecan tpickflowers Don trunintheclassroom Wehavetobequietinclass Wecan trunquicklyintheschool


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