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第5课时Unit1 2 八上 PARTONE 第一篇教材梳理篇 advise hate painter angrily anger discussion pleasure pleased pleasant finally mine southern recently suddenly surprised disagree happily immediately breath knowledgeable tourist agreement surprising following choice playtheviolin piano makeadeal encouragesb todosth belatefor intwominutes haveacough aquarter Mother s Father sDay remind of beupto toone ssurprise goahead attheendof feelluckytodo missschool beconvenientfor agreewith not atall washappyto advised tochoose hatetogetoutof feelluckytohave encouragesustoask had pleasureoftalking Everyone except reminds of One andtheother introduceyourselfto discussion tostay keep agreev 同意 点拨 agree的用法 典例 1 用to with或on填空 IfyouthinkI mright youwillagreeme Afterdiscussion weagreedthedate Idon tagreetheplan 2 Mymotheragreed go abroadthatsummervacation with on to togo surprisen 意想不到的事v 使惊奇 拓展 surprised与surprising Tomysurprise nobodyissurprisedatthesurprisingnews 令我惊奇的是 没有人对这个令人吃惊的消息感到吃惊 典例 1 2018 呼和浩特 mysurprise thetwinshavenothingcommon A With inB To inC In inD To of 2 2017 遵义改编 Marydidn ttellherparentsthatshewasgoinghomebecauseshewantedtogivethema A surpriseB callC giftD suggestion B A patientadj 有耐心的 能忍耐的n 病人 Weshouldbepatientwithpatients 我们应当对病人有耐心 典例 2018 邢台一模 Mrs Gaooftengetsmadathernoisyson butsheisalwayshernoisypupilsinthemusicclass A angrywithB patientwithC worriedaboutD similarto B seemv 好像 似乎 点拨 seem的用法 Thearticleseems tobe interesting Itseemsthatthearticleisinteresting 这篇文章似乎有趣 典例 Theyseemed find thewaytothecinema tofind remindv 使想起 提醒 点拨 remind的用法 Remindmetowritetomymother 提醒我给我妈妈写信 Youremindmeofyourfather 你使我想起了你父亲 ThedoctorremindedmethatIshouldseehimaftertwomonths 那位医生提醒我两个月后应该再去找他 典例 2018 自贡 WhatdoyouthinkofthemovieFangHua Itismovinganditmygrandmathelifeinthecountryside A reminds ofB lets downC wakes up A dealn 交易v 处理 应付 典例 2017 贵州 Thebestwayoftheproblemisbyaskingtheteacherforhelp A dealingwithB agreeingwithC lookingupD givingup A since for Thefactoryhasbeenopenforamonth Thefactoryhasbeenopensinceamonthago 这家工厂开业一个月了 典例 1 2017 沈阳 2000 thiscompanyhasseenmuchnewdevelopment Ithasbecomeoneofthebiggestcompaniesinthecountry A ForB InC ByD Since 2 2018 福建改编 Chinagreatachievementsinscienceandtechnologysince1978 A makesB madeC hasmadeD ismaking D C borrow lend keep Youcanborrowthisbookfromthelibrary 你可以从图书馆借这本书 Youmustn tlendthisbooktoothers 你不准把这本书借给别人 Youcankeepthebookfortwoweeks 这本书你可以借两个星期 典例 2017 淮安 Howlongcanapersonasharedbike 共享单车 forfreeinNanjing Foranhour A keepB getC borrowD lend A except but besides 典例 用except besides或but的正确形式填空 1 Ilikesportsverymuch swimming Ialsolikeplayingfootballandskating 2 Ihaven ttoldanybodyelseaboutthesecretyou 3 WealllikesingingTom Heprefersreadingalot Besides but except Headvisedmetochoosethatone 他建议我选那张 点拨 advisesb not todosth 意为 建议某人 不 做某事 TheteacheradvisesustopracticeEnglishasmuchaspossible 老师建议我们尽可能多地练习英语 Headvisedmenottobuythatpairofshoes 他建议我不要买那双鞋 拓展 advise的名词为advice 是不可数名词 若表示 一条建议 常用 apieceofadvice 典例 1 2018 南充 HaveyoueverreadthetraditionalstoryYuGongMovesaMountain Yes ourteacheroftenadvisesusmoremeaningfultraditionalbooks A readingB readsC readD toread 2 2017 青海改编 Yourisveryhelpfultohim Iguesshe lltakeit A promiseB adviceC purposeD award D B Ihaveonemorequestion 我还有一个问题 点拨 onemore意为 另一个 再一个 相当于another 其中more意为 额外的 更多的 another 数词 可数名词复数 相当于 数词 more 可数名词复数 Inanothertwoweeks we llfinishthework 再过两个星期 我们就会完成这项工作 Iwanttohaveonemoreapple 我想再吃一个苹果 拓展 在英语中表示 另外几个 再来几个 时 more与another的区别 典例 2017 天水 Ms Wang I mafraidIcan tfinishtheworkintwodays Don tworry I llgiveyoudays A twoanotherB twomoreC moretwoD twomany B Sheencouragesustoaskquestionsanddiscusstheanswerswitheachother 她鼓励我们提问并互相讨论问题的答案 点拨 encourage是动词 意为 鼓励 encouragesb todosth 意为 鼓励某人做某事 Whenthingsaren tgoingwell heencouragesme tellingmenottogiveup 当事情进展不顺的时候 他鼓励我 告诉我不要放弃 Myparentshavealwaysencouragedmetobebrave 父母总是鼓励我要勇敢 典例 2018 盐城改编 The2022BeijingOlympicGamesencouragesthepublicattentiontowintersports A payB topayC payingD paid B Classwillstartintwominutes 两分钟后上课 点拨 in 时间段 表示 在 某段时间 之后 常用于一般将来时 对其提问时用howsoon 多久 Howsoonwillyoufinishyourhomework 你多久能完成你的作业 Inhalfanhour 半个小时以后 典例 2018 连云港 willtheprojectofhigh speedrailwayconnectingXuzhoutoLianyungangbecompleted Inabouttwoyears A HowlongB HowfarC HowsoonD Howoften C 根据句意或首字母提示填空1 Tohiss hisfatheragreedtowatchthefootballmatchtogetherwithhim 2 Weallagreewhatyousaid 3 Mymotherhastaughtinthisschoolsshewastwentyyearsold 4 Thebookisalittleexpensive Whynotbonefromthelibrary 5 Mycousinismuchtooheavyheofteneatstoomuchfastfood surprise with since borrow because 用所给词的适当形式填空1 Theartistdoesn tpaintformoneybutforhisown please 2 They agree witheachotherbecausetheyhavedifferentideas 3 Thegirlwonthefirstprizeinthesingingcontest final 4 Let shavea discuss aboutthewondersoftheworld 5 Thechildrenenjoythelifeinthecountryandlive happy withtheirfamilies 6 Insummer many tour gototheseasideinQinhuangdao 7 Myuncle sfactorywasbuiltinthe south partofChina 8 HeworkssohardathisstudythatIhavehardlyseenhim recent 9 Afterdiscussingitfortwodays theyhaven treachedan agree yet 10 Whenyouhavethe choose ofbeingrightorbeingkind choosebeingkind pleasure disagree finally discussion happily tourists southern recently agreement choice 连词成句1 four are in there family my people 2 mother books reading likes my 3 school father math a my teaches in 4 brother lovely my healthy is and 5 together we happily live how Therearefourpeopleinmyfamily Mymotherlikesreadingbooks Myfatherteachesmathinaschool Mybrotherislovelyandhealthy Mybrotherishealthyandlovely Howhappilywelivetogether


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