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第13课时Unit1 2 九全 PARTONE 第一篇教材梳理篇 harmful harmless sleepy asleep led led leader unable disabled ability meaning her hers illness decision worse worst medical graduation introduction whom wrote written writer examination Asian missing Germans Germany lawyer production gotothedentist havenochoicebutto berichin rightaway asaresultof millionsof getintothehabitof succeedin focuson passaway makealotofprogress makeadecision dayafterday setup basedon get haveahighfever deepinthought bewellknownfor getdressed beunableto nowthat regreteatingsomany importantfor tokeep balanced getinto ofsmoking giveitup needs tostay keep isbadfor millionsof encourage tostopsmoking sothat stayawayfrom wasoneofthegreatestminds asaresultof isfamousfor becameknownas succeededindeveloping wasbornin graduatedfrom asbigas regretv 遗憾 点拨 regret的用法 拓展 regret作名词 为不可数名词 意为 痛惜 懊悔 Sheexpressedherregretat overthedecision 她对这个决定表示失望 典例 Didyoutalkbacktoyourmotherwhenyouwereachild Yes ButnowIrealizeIwaswrong Ireallyregretthatsillythingtomymum A doB todoC doingD did C harmfuladj 有害的 导致损害的 点拨 harmful是由 harm 形容词后缀 ful 构成 其反义词为harmless 意为 无害的 常用短语beharmfulto 意为 对 有害 WatchingtoomuchTVisharmfultoyoureyes 看太多电视对你的眼睛有害 拓展 harm作名词 意为 伤害 损害 doharmto意为 对 造成伤害 相当于beharmfulto 反义短语为dogoodto 意为 对 有好处 典例 Drinkingalcohol 酒 canbebrains SopeopleinChinaaren tallowedtodrinkitiftheyareyoungerthan18 A goodatB goodwithC harmfultoD thirstyfor C comeupwith找到 提出 点拨 comeupwith意为 找到或提出 答案 办法等 相当于find或thinkof Noonehascomeupwithanexactexplanationofwhythedinosaurdiedout 还没有人能对恐龙的灭绝作出一个确切的解释 注意 comeupwith不能用于被动语态 拓展 与come相关的短语 comeinto进来comefrom来自comeback回来comeover顺便来访cometrue实现comeout出版 典例 1 2017 岳阳改编 ThegovernmentofChinatheideaoftheBeltandRoadin2013 A cameupwithB cheeredupC putupD madeupwith 2 2018 荆州 Summervacationiscoming Iamthinkingaboutvisitingsomeplacesofinterest WhynotJingzhouandhavealookattheancientcitywall A comeoutB comealongC comeupwithD comeoverto A D setup建立 点拨 setup意为 建立 可指建立一切具体或抽象的事物 如学校 机构 医院 设施等 Thegovernmentsetupaworkinggrouptolookintotheproblem 政府成立了一个工作小组来调查这个问题 拓展 与up相关的短语 wakeup醒来giveup放弃setup建立stayup熬夜putup举起 张贴eatup吃光cleanup打扫endup结束bringup抚养useup用光fixup修理cheerup振作起来turnup出现 调大 音量 pickup捡起 开车 接人 典例 1 2017 贵港 Whatshouldwedoforthedisabledchildren Youshouldastudygrouptohelpthem A takeupB setupC lookupD putup 2 2018 荆州 WeareplanningaYangtzeRiverProtectionDaythisweekend Doyouhaveanyadvice You dbettersignsaroundtheschooltotellallthestudentsaboutthat A makeupB putupC setupD showup B B include including included Myworkincludescookingmeals cleaningthehouseandsoon 我的工作包括做饭 打扫房间等 Ihavemuchworktodo includingcookingmealsandcleaningthehouse 我有很多工作要做 包括做饭和打扫房间 Everyoneintheclasswenthiking ourteacherincluded 班里所有的人都去远足了 包括我们的老师 典例 2019 原创 用include including或included的适当形式填空 1 Ourplanmostofyoursuggestions 2 Hehasboughtdozensofbooks anEnglishnovel 3 EveryoneisgoingtovisittheGreatWall me includes including included wear puton bein dress这四个词 组 都有 穿 的意思 但用法不同 典例 用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空 每词或短语限使用一次wearputondressbein 1 Dannygoesbackandajacket 2 Mr Wang ourEnglishteacher oftenapairofglasses 3 Doyouknowthegirlwhored 4 Thelittleboyissoyoungthathismotherhimeveryday putson wears isin dresses Hegotuplatetoday Asaresult hemissedthefirstbus 他今天起晚了 结果没赶上首班车 Thetrainarrivedlateasaresultoftheheavyrain 由于大雨 火车晚点了 典例 2019 原创 Mr Black smemoryisgettingpoorer heoftenleaveshiskeysathome A AsaresultB InsteadC AsaresultofD Bytheway asaresultof asaresult A Needwegothererightnow 我们现在需要去那儿吗 点拨 need作情态动词 意为 需要 必要 通常用于否定句和疑问句 作实义动词 意为 需要 常用结构 sb need s todosth 某人需要做某事 sth need s doing sth need s tobedone某事需要 被 做 拓展 need的否定形式为needn t 意为 没必要 相当于don thaveto 可用于回答must引导的疑问句 MustIfinishitnow 我必须现在完成吗 No youneedn t don thaveto 不 你没必要 典例 2019 原创 Mycomputerneeds IthinkIneedtoaskMr Zhangforhelp A fixing goingB tofix goingC fixing togoD tofix togo C Ithinkweshouldtryhardtoformgoodhabitssothatwecanstayhealthyandstayawayfromthehospital 我觉得我们应该努力养成好习惯来使我们保持健康 远离医院 点拨 sothat是固定用法 意为 以便 当sothat引导目的状语从句时 可与inorderthat互换 从句常含有情态动词 may might can could should would等 引导结果状语从句时 从句中一般不用情态动词 拓展 1 so that 意为 如此 以至于 so后接形容词或副词的原级 that引导结果状语从句 Westudysohardthatweforgetthetime 我们学习如此努力 以至于都忘了时间 2 so that 还可以和too to not enoughto 等结构互换 Thegirlissoyoungthatshecan tlookafterherself Thegirlistooyoungtolookafterherself Thegirlisnotoldenoughtolookafterherself 这个女孩太小了 不能照顾自己 典例 2018 东营 Whatamess Thesharingbikesarethrowneverywhere Let scollectandputthemintherightplacetheycanbeusedconveniently A unlessB sothatC becauseD solongas B Ithinkweshouldtryourbesttoliveagoodandhappylife 我觉得我们应该尽我们最大努力去过一种美好和幸福的生活 点拨 tryone sbesttodosth 意为 尽某人最大努力去做某事 相当于doone sbesttodosth I lltry domybesttoimprovemypronunciation 我将尽我最大努力来改善我的发音 拓展 try的用法 ShewilltrytolearnEnglish 她将要尽力学习英语 Trypushingthedoortoseeifitislocked 试着推一下那扇门看是否上了锁 Ican topenthebox Canyouhaveatry 我打不开箱子 你可以试一试吗 典例 2018 贵阳改编 Chineseparentsalwaystrytheirbestagoodeducationenvironmentfortheirkids A provideB toprovideC providingD provided B Inthedream hegrewanewtypeofricethatwasasbigasapeanut 他的梦想就是要种植一种像花生那么大的新型水稻 点拨 as as 意为 与 一样 是两个事物之间的同级比较 两个as中间用形容词或副词的原级 它的否定形式为 notas so as 意为 不如 那么 Iamnotas sooldasher 我的年龄没有她的年龄大 典例 2017 铜仁 IthinkthatJanewritesasasMike Soshedoes A carefulB carefullyC morecarefulD morecarefully B 根据句意及首字母提示填空1 I msureifyouaskherforhelp Alicewon tr 2 KeepinganEnglishdiarycanhelpusimproveourwritinga 3 Chinahasmadegreatpinthepastfortyyears 4 Ithinktheoldmanneedssomemtreatmentatonce 5 Weshouldhelpbpeoplecrossthestreet becausetheyhaveproblemswiththeireyes refuse ability progress medical blind 用所给词的适当形式填空1 Thetwo German needtoliveandworkinEngland 2 Theyhaven tmadea decide wheretospendtheirsummervacation 3 YangJiang awell known write wenttoEnglandforfurtherstudyin1935 4 Hemissedalotoflessonsbecauseofhis ill lastyear 5 Tryyourbest talk withyourparentsandtheywillunderstandyouridea 6 Therearethreemonthsinspring include March AprilandMay 7 The mean ofthissentenceisnotcleartome 8 Bobstayeduplatelastnightandnowhefeels sleep 9 It sreportedthatthiskindofproductsis harm toourenvironment 10 Maryisgoodatsinging Shesingsas good asthefamoussinger ZhangLiangying Germans decision writer illness totalk including meaning sleepy harmful well 连词成句1 with what s her thematter 2 last hadafever night she 3 took herparents her then tothehospital 4 medicine took thismorning some she 5 much isfeeling now better she What sthematterwithher Shehadafeverlastnight Herparentstookhertothehospitalthen Shetooksomemedicinethismorning Sheisfeelingmuchbetternow


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