中考英语语言功能题 专练.doc

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2008中考英语选择题之语言功能专练100题Part I 1-401. “How do you do?”“ _”A. How are you? B. Im all right. C. How do you do? D. Fine, thank you. 2. “Hi, Jim. This is my brother Wang Tao. ”“_”A. How are you? B. Fine, thank you. C. Nice to meet you. D. Youre very kind. 3. “Nice to see you. ”“_”A. Good morning. B. Happy to meet you, too. C. Nice to see you, too. D. Good afternoon. 4. Hello, Lucy. How are you?_And you?A. Fine, thanks. B. Glad to meet you. C. Yes, Im. D. Good afternoon. 5. When you want to introduce Mary to others, you should say “_”. A. This is Mary. B. Shes Mary. C. Mary is. D. Its Mary. 6. “_”“Fine, thank you. And you?”A. How do you do? B. Good morning. C. How do you like it? D. How are you these days?7. “Id like you to meet my new friend, Linda. ”“_”A. Hello, there. B. How do you do it, Linda?C. Nice to see, Linda. D. How do you do?Nice to meet you, Linda. 8. “How are things going with you?”“_”A. Quite well, thank you. B. Dont ask such problem. C. Dont say so. D. Pleased to tell you about it. 9. When a new term begins, you meet your classmates at the school gate, you should say“_”A. How do you do? B. Miss you very much. C. Hello!Glad to see you again. D. Are you fine?10. “_”“They are both fine, thank you. ”A. How fine are your parents? B. What are your parents?C. Who are your parents? D. How are your parents?11. When you are at home, someone is knocking at the door, you should say“_”A. Who are you? B. What are you? C. Whos knocking? D. Who is it?12. “Im glad to see you.” “_”A. Thank you. B. So am I. C. See you later. D. Thats all right. 13. “Are you feeling better now?” “_”A. Much better, thank you. B. You too. C. Glad to meet you. D. Im sorry about it. 14. “Is _ here?”“No, Bob has asked for leave. ”A. anybody B. everybody C. somebody D. nobody15. “May I introduce myself?” “_”A. Nice to meet you. B. You may too. C. OK. D. Please do. 16. Kate:_Mary:Thank you very much. A. Bad luck! B. Better wish to your family!C. What a good wish to your family! D. Please remember me to your parents. 17. After the evening party, you say to your guests “_”A. Good evening. B. Good night. C. Ill be back soon. D. Good afternoon. 18. When your friend wants to say goodbye to you at your house door, he should say“_”A. Dont come any farther. B. Stay where you are. C. Good evening. D. See you tomorrow. 19. “I must be going now. Goodbye. ” “_”A. Bye-bye. B. Good morning. C. How do you do? D. How are you?20. “Hello! Could I speak to Mr Li, please” “_”A. Im Mr Wang. B. Thats me. C. Speaking. D. Who are you? 21. “Hello, May I speak to Mike, please” “This is Mike speaking. _”A. Who are you? B. Whos that? C. And you? D. Who speaks?22. “Hello. May I speak to John?” “_”A. Who are you? B. Yes, Im. C. Sorry, hes out. D. Thank you. 23. “Hello. May I speak to Mike, please?” “_ Would you please call back later?”A. Who are you? B. Sorry, he isnt in. C. Thank you very much. D. Yes, here you are. 24. “Could you ask Wang Tao to call me, please?”“Sure. _”A. Whats your telephone number? B. Could you answer the telephone?C. Whats your name, please? D. How do you call the telephone?25. “Thank you for your help. ”“_”A. It doesnt matter. B. Youre welcome. C. Youre kind. D. Its no need. 26. “You speak very good English.” “_”A. Thank you. B. No, my English is poor. C. Dont say that. D. Its a pleasure. 27. “You have done a good job.” “_”A. I dont think so. B. No, I didnt do well enough. C. Really? D. Youre very kind to say so. 28. “If you have any question, be sure to come and ask me.” “_”A. I will thank you very much. B. I dont mind coming at all. C. Im glad to hear that. D. I hope to come again. Goodbye. 29. “Happy New Year!” “_”A. How do you do! B. Merry Christmas! C. Not at all. D. The same to you. 30. When you are invited to your friends birthday party, you should say first “_”A. Glad to see you. B. How happy you are! C. Happy birthday to you! D. Im glad to be here. 31. “Have a good winter holiday!” “_”A. Im afraid I wont. B. OK. Lets have a good time. C. All right, I will. D. Thanks. And you too. 32. “Im going to a birthday party tomorrow.” “Oh, good. _. ”A. Take your time. B. Happy birthday to you!C. Have a good time! D. Play well. 33. “Mike, Ill go now for the new job.” “_I hope you do well.”A. Good wish! B. Good chance! C. Good luck! D. Good hope!34. “Would you like to have some rice?” “_”A. Yes, I like. B. Yes, please. C. Of course. D. Yes, I have. 35. “Would you like to go shopping with me?” “_”A. Yes, Id like to. B. Thats right. C. Yes, please. D. Quite well. 36. “Could you lend me your ruler, please?” “_”A. Thats all right B. Not at all. C. It doesnt matter. D. Of course, with pleasure. 37. “Will you please give this note to her?” “_”A. I will do. B. Yes, I shall. C. No, I dont. D. Ill be glad to. 38. “Im sorry to trouble you, Miss Gao.” “_”A. Fine, thank you. B. Its very kind of you. C. It doesnt matter. D. The same to you. 39. “_, but would you tell me the way to the office, please?”A. Excuse me B. Im sorry C. I beg your pardon D. Please excuse40. Dont forget to say “_” when you interrupt someone. A. Thank you. B. Im sorry. C. Excuse me. D. Pardon. Part I 1-40答案与详解1. C。How do you do?(你好!)是初次见面时的正式用语, 问答语相同。2. C。Nice to meet you. 也是初次见面时用语, 答语可用Nice to meet you, too。3. C。Nice to see you. 见面时的问候语, 回答时就说Nice to see you, too. 4. A。熟人见面所用的问候语。注意问答语的不同。5. A。This is. . . 是介绍某人与别人互相认识的用语。6. D。大致同第4小题, 不同的是在句尾加了一个时间状语。7. D。注意此句中的How do you do?也可不用, 只说Nice to meet you. 也是很得体的, 即使是在较正式场合。8. A。How are things going with you?“你现在怎么样?”熟人间的问候语。9. C。旧友重逢时常用此语。10. D。“How is(are). . . ”句型不仅可用于问候对方(you), 也可用于第三人称。11. D。Who is it?问敲门人是谁, 不知性别。12. B。实际上, So am I. 在此处不如Im glad to see you, too. 更常用。13. A。这是问候病人的常用句型。14. B。这是老师在上课时问全体学生是否都到齐了。15. D。客气地答应对方的请求。16. D。remember me(us)to sb. 代我(我们)向表示问候。17. B。Good night. “晚安”。晚上分别时用语。18. D。See you tomorrow. 明天见。19. A。20. C。“speaking”是“This is Mr Li speaking. ”的省略形式。21. B。“Whos that?”指在电话里问对方是谁。22. C。此题是在电话里找某人接电话的惯用语。23. B。24. A。要给对方捎信得知道人家的电话号码。25. B。答谢语除此之外还有:Not at all. Thats all right. (Its)My pleasure. Its a pleasure. 等等。26. A。在英语中, 对别人的夸奖应表示感谢。27. D。这也是表达谢意的一种方式。28. D。29. D。实际上, 此句仍用Happy New Year!作答更为常见。30. C。表示“祝你生日快乐!”31. D。此句也可用The same to you. 作答。32. C。表示祝愿对方玩得高兴。33. C。祝某人一帆风顺, 运气好, 常用此语。34. B。35. A。表“客气的应允”。36. D。With pleasure. 非常愿意。注意此短语与(Its)My pleasure. Its a pleasure. 的语义及用法区别, 后两句都是答谢用语。37. D。表示愿意帮忙。38. C。It doesnt matter. “没关系”, 是致歉的答语。类似的用语还有:Never mind. Thats all right. Thats nothing. 等等。39. A。Excuse me和Sorry后面都可与but连用。40. C。要打断别人的说话应先说Excuse me. Part II 41-8041. “Im sorry to keep you waiting so long.” “_”A. Thank you. B. Im sorry, too. C. Thats all right. D. Excuse me. 42. “Oh, Im not feeling well. Ive got a cold. ”“_”A. Fine. How are you? B. Never mind. Take care. C. Well, Im sure to get well soon. D. Im sorry to hear that. 43. “My brother fell from a tree and broke his leg.”“_”A. Yes, he does. B. Thats too bad. C. Im sorry. D. He isnt lucky. 44. “What a pity I cant go to the lecture!” “_We can tell you about it. ”A. Never mind. B. Not at all. C. Dont mention it. D. Thats all right. 45. “What a wonderful day!Shall we go for a walk?” “_”A. Good luck. B. Good idea. C. Come over. D. Lets go to the park. 46. “Would you go and see the play with me?”“_”A. Not at all. B. Yes, I think I will. C. Excuse me, I cant. D. No, I think I will. 47. “Please take my seat here, Granny. ” “_”A. No, you sit, please. B. Thats very kind of you. C. Fine, thank you. D. Im glad to hear that. 48. “Theres a seat for you, Wang Lin.” “_Its for Granny Lian . ”A. Thank you. B. No, thanks. C. Im very sorry. D. Ill take it. 49. “_madam?”“Im looking for a dress for my sister. ”A. What can I do for you, B. What do you want to buy, C. What about the dress, D. Can you help me, 50. “May I borrow your ruler, please?”“Sure. _”A. Give you. B. You are here. C. Here you are. D. Thank you. 51. “Shall I close the window?” “_”A. Not at all. B. Never. C. No, please dont. D. Dont do that now. 52. “Can you answer this question?” “Well, _.”A. Id like to B. how easy it is C. let me try D. quite good53. “Must the homework be handed in tomorrow?” “_”A. Yes, you must. B. Yes, you may. C. No, you neednt. D. No, it neednt. 54. “May I have a word with you?” “_”A. Sorry, you may. B. No, you may. C. Whats that? D. Sorry, Im too busy now. 55. When the teacher answers your question, you dont hear clearly, you should say “_”A. Say it again. B. I didnt hear clearly. C. I beg your pardon? D. Repeat it again. 56. “I beg your pardon?” “_”A. No, you dont. B. No problem . C. Not mind. D. I said I didnt like it. 57. “Are you free next Sunday afternoon ?”“_I must go and meet my aunt at the railway station.”A. I think so. B. I dont think so. C. Yes, I do. D. No, I dont. 58. “Is he coming, too?” “_”A. Perhaps not. B. He is coming. C. He isnt coming. D. Hes coming, too. 59. “Hi, Jim. This is my brother Wang Tao.”“_” A. How are you? B. Fine, thank you. C. Nice to meet you. D. Youre very kind. 60. Lin Tao: Did you enjoy your holiday in Xian ?Mike: Yes, I had a good time there. Lin Tao: _Mike: Well, I think its a place of great interest. A. Do you like the place? B. How do you feel Xian?C. What do you think of Xian? D. What would you like to visit again?61. “Whats the weather like today?” “_”A. Its summer now. B. I like spring best. C. Its cloudy. D. Its winter. 62. “Its quite cold, isnt it?” “_”A. Youre right. Youd better take off your coat. B. No, I think so. C. Yes. Youd better put on more clothes. D. Yes. Its warmer than yesterday. 63. “Good morning, John. Lovely weather, isnt it?” “_”A. Yes, youre right. B. Yes, isnt it? C. Not very good, I think. D. But I dont think it. 64. “Hello! Could I speak to Mr Li, please?” “_” A. Im Mr Wang. B. Thats me. C. Speaking. D. Who are you. 65. “You have done a good job. ”“_” A. I dont think so. B. No, I didnt do well enough. C. Really? D. Youre very kind to say so. 66. “Do you want the yellow jacket or the blue one?”“_”A. Yes, I want the blue one. B. Yes, I want the yellow one. C. Yes, both. D. The blue one. 67. “Happy New Year!” “_” A. How do you do! B. Merry Christmas! C. Not at all. D. The same to you. 68. “Could you tell me how I can get to the post office, please?” “_”A. No, I couldnt tell you. B. Im afraid I dont. C. Yes, please. D. Yes, of course. 69. “How far is it to the Science Museum?” “_”A. Very soon. B. Two kilometres, I think. C. By train. D. About fifteen. 70. “Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the park, please?” “_”A. You cant miss it. B. No, I cant. C. I dont know. D. Im sorry, but Im a stranger. 71. “_”“Its three fifteen. ” A. What day is today? B. Whats the date today?C. What time is it now? D. When will it start?72. “_” “Its July the first.”A. What day is today? B. Whats the date today?C. What is today? D. When is today?73. “What day is today?” “_”A. Its May 4th. B. Its Saturday. C. Its a fine day. D. Its a holiday. 74. “Could you lend me your ruler, please?” “_” A. Thats all right B. Not at all. C. It doesnt matter. D. Of course, with pleasure. 75. Doctor: Whats your trouble, young man?Bob: _A. Ill be fine soon. B. I think its quite cold. C. Im worried about my mother. D. Ive got a headache. 76. “(At the doctors)Its nothing serious, doctor?” “No. _”A. Youll be all right soon. B. You wont be all right soon. C. Theres some trouble with you. D. Its very serious. 77. “Im not feeling well.” “_”A. Help yourself to the cakes, please. B. I think youll have a good time. C. There must be something wrong with my ears. D. Here, try this medicine. 78. “Help yourself to some meat. ”“_”A. It sounds nice. B. Yes, please. C. Yes. Lets help each other. D. Thank you. 79. “_”“Bring me two eggs and a glass of milk, please.”A. What do you want to eat? B. What you like?C. What can I do for you? D. What do you want to buy?80. “The food you cooked tastes very good.” “_”A. No, I cant cook. B. No, thanks. C. Thank you. Im glad you enjoyed it. D. Can you cook?Part II 41-80答案与详解41. C。Thats all right. 既可作答语(“不用谢”), 也可作致歉的答语(“没关系”)。42. D。对别人说出的不快之事, 应表示遗憾。43. B。Thats too bad. 太糟糕了。44. A。B、C是答谢用语, D既可做答谢语, 也可回答致歉语, 但不能用于安慰别人。45. B。Good idea. “好主意”, 表示同意别人的主意。46. B47. B。Thats very kind of you. “你太好了。”也可说成Thats very nice of you. 其功能相当于Thank you. 48. B。表示婉然谢绝, 可说No, thanks. 49. A。“What can I do for you?”也是问顾客要买什么。类似的还可说Anything I can do for you?50. C。“给你”应说Here you are. 而不能说Give you. 51. C。表示客气地请求别人不要做某事。52. C。表示同意做某事, 并表示“尝试”一下。53. D。此题是被动语态, 主语是homework。it neednt后省略了be handed in tomorrow. 如果主语是I或We, 则可选C。54. D。C项的错误在于主语不能用that, 如将其改成it, 即也是正确选项。55. C。用Pardon?更常见。56. D。问话是要求对方再说一遍。此句也可表示“对不起”, 这要看具体场合而定。57. B。此处的I dont think so. 与Im afraid not. 大致相同。但语气不如Im afraid not. 委婉。58. A。Perhaps not. 是Perhaps he isnt coming. 的省略形式。59. C。初次见面, 应对对方说Nice to meet/see you. can在疑问句和否定句中表示“可能”。may have got表示的“可能”, 是对过去事情的猜测, 与问句不符。60. C。询问别人的看法, 与How do you like. . . ?功能相同。61. C。这是问天气的句型。62. C。63. B。见面时以谈天气的方式表示寒暄的用语。64. A。打电话时, 若对方要找的人正是接电话人, 接电话人可说:Speaking/This is speaking.65. D。得到对方赞扬时, 应表示感谢。可说Thank you./Youre very kind to say so. 66. D。对选择疑问句必须作具体回答, 而不能用YesNo来回答。67. D。对方向你表示新年祝福时, 可回答:Happy New Year!/ The same to you.68. D。客气地答应对方的请求。69. B。问距离。70. D。 71. C。问“几点了?”也可以说Whats the time?72. B。73. B。问“星期几”。74. D。Of course 表示同意把东西借给对方。75. D。Whats your trouble?你有什么病?此句还可用“Whats wrong with you?”和“Whats the matter with you?”替换之, 都是问某人有什么毛病。76. A。all right常表示“行、好、可以”, 此处表示“安然无恙”。77. D。同75小题。78. D。Help yourself(yourselves)to sth. 随便吃用。79. C。售货员问顾客要买什么。80. C。对别人的夸奖应表示感谢, 注意此处与汉语用语方面的差别。Part III 81-10081. “What day is it today?”“ _”A. Its a fine day. B. Its Sunday. C. Its cloudy. D. Its June 19th. 82. _. May I use your dictionary, please?Sure. Here you are. A. OK B. Sorry C. Thanks D. Excuse me83. Dont draw on the wall, Jim. _A. No, I dont like. B. It doesnt matter. C. Sorry, I wont. D. Thanks. 84. Which of the followings is often seen in a hospitals waiting-room ? A. NO PHOTOS B. DANGER C. NO SMOKING D. STOP85. Could I have your name, please, sir?_A. Youre polite. B. My name is Jack, Jack Brown. C. Its very kind of you. D. Oh, its a secret. 86. On the morning of Christmas Day, children wake up their parents and say “_!”A. Good morning B. Happy New Year C. Best wishes to you D. Merry Christmas87. “Dont throw paper on the ground, please.”“_” A. It doesnt matter. B. Im sorry. C. Excuse me. D. Thats all right. 88. “I have lost my dictionary.” “_.”A. What a pity B. Its nothing C. It doesnt matter D. Not at all89. “You look so nice in the blue sweater. ”“_”A. Thats all right. B. Not at all. C. Thank you. D. I dont mind. 90. “Will you please give this note to her?” “_” A. I will do. B. Yes, I shall. C. No, I dont. D. Ill be glad to. 91. “_, but would you tell me the way to the office, please?” A. Excuse me B. Im sorry C. I beg your pardon D. Please excuse92. Hello!Can I speak to Alice, please? _ , please. A. Call on B. Hold on C. Go on D. Put on93. Can you stay here longer? _ , but I have to be back tomorrow. A. No problem B. Im afraid not C. Id love to D. No, thank you. 94. Take your time!We still have about an hour left. Here the underlined sentence means_. A. Dont worry. B. No hurry. C. Hurry up. D. Be quick. 95. “Have a good winter holiday!” “_” A. Im afraid I wont. B. OK. Lets have a good time. C. All right, I will. D. Thanks. And you too. 96. I hope you dont mind my pointing out your mistakes. _. A. Not at all. B. Youre welcome. C. Of course D. Its a pleasure. 97. I havent seen you for a long time. How is everything, Kate?_. A. Not too bad B. Very much C. Not at all D. Well done98. Is Mr Green really very ill?_. Hes in hospital. A. I dont think so B. No, he isnt C. I hope so D. Im afraid so99. “How is the weather today ?”“Its_. ”A. sunny B. Sunday C. June 26 D. seven oclock100. “How do you do?” “ _” A. How are you? B. Im all right. C. How do you do? D. Fine, thank you. Part III 81-100答案与详解81. B。“What day(of the week)is(it)today?”是问“星期几”的句型。82. D。要打扰别人应先说“Excuse me. ”。83. C。表示不会再做某事应用将来时态。84. C。NO SMOKING表示“禁止吸烟”。NO PHOTOS表示“禁止拍照”。85. B。86. D。“Merry Christmas!”表示“圣诞快乐!”, “新年好!”是“Happy New Year!”87. B。做错了事, 表示道歉。88. A。What a pity!“真可惜!”表示“同情怜悯”。89. C。在英语中对别人的夸奖、称赞应表示感谢。90. D。91. A。生活常识, 文化背景知识。92. B。常用电话用语。93. C。根据句子意思C项恰当。94. B。别着急匆忙。Worry是“担忧”。 95. D。96. A。日常用语, 表示“不介意”。97. A。日常用语, 根据上下文可知。98. D。同上。99. A。表示天气情况。100. D。How do you do.要用How do you do来回答。

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