仁爱版七年级上学期Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball_ 单元测试 C卷.doc

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仁爱版七年级上学期Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball_ 单元测试 C卷一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)Dont _ the tap _ again!Sorry. I wont.A . let; runB . let; runningC . leave runningD . leave; run2. (2分)_ Mark and Henry like sports?A . IsB . AreC . DoD . Does3. (2分) When _your mother _ the room? Last week.A . does; cleanB . did; cleanC . did; cleanedD . was; clean4. (2分)Its great fun to play _ chess, but she likes to play _ guitar. A . the; theB . /; /C . the; /D . /; the5. (2分)Mike has only driven to the pub to show _ his new car he usually walks.A . ofB . offC . aroundD . with6. (2分) Mary hates her teacher. Why? Shed better change her attitude or it will affect her study.A . likesB . lovesC . dislikes7. (2分)After working with each other for months, they felt so to each other that they began to share lunch together. A . closely; closelyB . closely; closeC . close; closeD . close; closely8. (2分)(2015黑龙江) Im very worried about tomorrows test. I am afraid I cant pass this time._ ! Im sure youll make it.A . Of course.B . Cheer upC . Thats right.9. (2分)This_ my pen. Its yellow. Mine is green. A . isB . isntC . areD . arent10. (2分)Sam came to visit me,I was cooking dinner in the kitchen A . WhileB . UntilC . AfterD . When二、 完型填空 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)完形填空It 1Sunday yesterday . We had2 classes. I got up at 6:303morning. Then my mother and I went to the shop. We wanted to do some4.My mother wanted to buy some food5 supper and I wanted to buy some school things: some books and a pen. The shop 6 early in the morning . 7 a lot of people in the shop. They were 8 , old and young. Some things in the shop were cheap ,some were not. We bought some food and school things. The people in the shop 9 friendly10.(1)A . is B . were C . its D . was (2)A . no B . not C . not many D . no any (3)A . in B . in the C . at D . for (4)A . shops B . shoping C . shopping D . shop (5)A . for B . to C . with D . at (6)A . open B . opening C . opens D . opened (7)A . There is B . There has C . There were D . There was (8)A . man and woman B . mans and womans C . men and women D . man and women (9)A . was B . were C . did D . have (10)A . for we B . to us C . for our D . to ours 三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共18分)12. (8分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。CDear Sir or Madam:Last Thursday I traveled on the 8:00 a.m. train from Glasgow to London Kings Cross and I was quite angry with the service (服务) of your company.The train didnt come on time and it was forty minutes late when it left Glasgow. A man at the station said sorry to us, but he didnt give us any reasons for the delay (延迟). We then had further delays on the way and had to wait another thirty minutes. As a result, I missed my plane from London to Frankfurt and had to wait for several hours.Whats more, the service on the train was also very poor. The trip took more than five hours. Unluckily, we could buy nothing but some soft drinks on the train. Worst of all, something was wrong with the air conditioning (空调系统) and it got hotter and hotter in the train. Before we reached Kings Cross the temperature was over 40.Because of your poor service. I feel you should pay me compensation(赔偿).I am looking forward to hearing from you.Yours faithfully,David Roberson(1)When did the train leave Glasgow?A . At 8:00 a.m.B . At 8:40 a.m.C . At 9:00 a.m.D . At 9:20 a.m.(2)How long did David stay on the train?A . 40 minutes.B . 30 minutes.C . 70 minutes.D . Over 5 hours.(3)What could David buy on the train?A . Hot dogs.B . Sandwiches.C . Soft drinks.D . Hamburgers.(4)Which of the following is TRUE?A . David didnt catch the plane from London to Glasgow.B . David wants to get compensation for the poor service.C . The train was late but the service was not too bad.D . The temperature was not so high on the train.13. (10分)根据材料内容选择最佳答案。Dear Dad,I know you are busy. You have a lot to do in the army (部队), but I am hoping you can help me out anyway. I m thinking of quitting (离开) the football team, and I want to know your advice.Dont be surprised. Its just that I have so much homework to do this year. If I play with the football team, I wont have enough time to finish my homework. And Im the only man of the house while you are away, so I have more housework to do.On the other hand, Ive put in two years on the team. I love football more than any other sport in the world. I m a really good player. And the coach says I will make captain (队长) soon. So I really dont want to quit.Dad, what do you think? Should I try something new that will take less time? My friends on the football team are great. We will be friends to the end, but it will be cool (妙极了) to meet some new kids, right?I miss (想念) you so much! Please write back to me soon.Paolo(1)Where does Paolos dad work? A . In a hospital.B . On the farm.C . In a school.D . In the army.(2)Paolo is thinking of quitting the football team because A . he is too busyB . he has no friends thereC . he doesnt like his coachD . he cant be captain of the team(3)What can we know from Paragraph 3? A . The coach wants Paolo to quit.B . Football is Paolos favourite sport.C . Paolo joined the football team this year.D . Paolo wants to be a football player in the future.(4)What does Paolo think of knowing some new kids? A . Boring.B . Natural.C . Cool.D . Easy.(5)Paolo writes this email mainly to A . thank his dadB . ask his dad for adviceC . tell his dad about his school lifeD . ask his dad to come home earlier四、 将字母重组成单词 (共1题;共15分)14. (15分)根据所给单词或汉语提示写出单词的正确形式。(1)My father enjoys_(躺)on the sofa and watching TV after supper.(2)Sweets have too much sugar and are bad for our_(牙齿)(3)Simon usually _ (借) me his bike(4)Most people wear _ (围巾) in winter.(5)Mum asks me to buy two packets of _ (盐) .(6)This basketball is very _(昂贵的).(7)This big meal gives me energy for the _(整个的)afternoon.(8)Doing morning exercises_ (be) good for us.(9)Does he often practise_ (play) the piano after school?(10)He usually has a glass of water before _ (have)dinner.(11)This pair of shoes _(match) your red skirt.(12)Everyone need clean water _ (keep) healthy.(13)The playground is a good place _(fly) kites in spring.(14)Keep quiet! Our teachers_ (plan)a day out to Wuxi.(15)He usually makes us _ (get)up quite early.五、 将所给单词连成句子 (共1题;共25分)15. (25分)连词成句 (1)be, a, sentence, one, word, can (2)to, you, need, me, dont, call (3)many, read, you, how, can, words (4)easy, English, language, is, an, learn, to (5)hope, out, facts, dig, they, to, important 六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)16. (5分)Anna即将到育华国际中学( Yu Hua International Middle School)上学,在上学前需要了解该校的一些制度,请根据提示,帮助Anna完成表格。每空一词。 Yu Hua International Middle SchoolYou mustYou mustntarrive at school _ time every morning.wear jeans.hand in (上交) your homework before the first lesson._ iPad to school.look _ and tidy.eat or drink in the classroom.be quiet in the library.run or shout in the school buildings.stand up _ a teacher comes into the classroom.fight with others.Ask teachers or classmates for _ if you have a question.第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完型填空 (共1题;共10分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共18分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、四、 将字母重组成单词 (共1题;共15分)14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、14-6、14-7、14-8、14-9、14-10、14-11、14-12、14-13、14-14、14-15、五、 将所给单词连成句子 (共1题;共25分)15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)16-1、


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