2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第14课时 Units 9-10(八下)课件 新人教版.ppt

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2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第14课时 Units 9-10(八下)课件 新人教版.ppt_第1页
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2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第14课时 Units 9-10(八下)课件 新人教版.ppt_第2页
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2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第14课时 Units 9-10(八下)课件 新人教版.ppt_第3页
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第14课时Units9 10 八下 PARTONE 第一篇教材梳理篇 基础自主梳理 peaceful peacefully Germans Germany memorize scarves shameful society believe belief safely safety honesty 基础自主梳理 collector collection inventor invention held held sale sold sold location maker encouragement 基础自主梳理 checkout clearout partwith searchfor teaset breadmaker juniorhighschool boardgame yardsale closeto tobehonest ontheonehand ontheotherhand thousandsof allyearround asfor accordingto acoupleof 基础自主梳理 Themostinterestingmuseum thousandsoftouristsfromChina wonderfulandsafeplace totakeaholiday Onegreatthing allyearround wheneveryoulike relaxingandpeaceful 基础自主梳理 sweetmemories with greatinterest cannotalwaysstaythesame asymbolof theplace softand 基础自主梳理 haven tbeenback tothink toimprove 核心考点突破 considerv 注视 仔细考虑 题1 1 Whydoyouconsiderthejobasateacher BecauseIlikeitandateacherisoftenconsideredagardener A totake tobeB totake beingC taking tobeD taking being 2 Weshouldallaspectsbeforewemakethisprogram A regardB findC understandD consider 3 Wemustconsidertodonextorwewon tfinishtheprojectontime A thatB whatC whichD when C D B C 核心考点突破 题2 根据句意 用适当的词填空MaYunisasthegodfatherofAlibabaGroup 归纳拓展 considered regarded 核心考点突破 if whether 题3 1 Ithinktheenvironmentintheareawillbeevenbetterthegovernmenttakesactiontoprotectit A untilB unlessC ifD whether 2 Theyhaven tdecidedtoleaveforParisthissummervacation A beforeB ifC untilD whether C D 核心考点突破 3 MyneighboraskedmeornotIheardtheloudnoisefromourneighborhood A asB whetherC ifD after 4 Itdependsonyoubelieveinthetwelve year oldgirlfromthepoorvillage A whetherB whileC ifD when B A 核心考点突破 核心考点突破 Ontheonehand morethanthreequartersofthepopulationareChinese soyoucansimplyspeakPutonghuaalotofthetime 一方面 超过四分之三的人口是华人 因此多数时间你可以只说普通话 题4 ofthelandinthattowncoveredwithtreesandgrass A Twofifth isB Twofifth areC Twofifths isD Twofifths are 题5 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 1 Aboutthreeofthestudentsinourclassaregirls four 2 Look Fiveseventhsofthearemadeinthisfactory camera C C fourths cameras 核心考点突破 归纳拓展 threequarters意为 四分之三 英语中分数的表达法 分子是基数词 分母是序数词 如果分子大于1 分母要加 s 分数与名词搭配时 常用介词of连接 即 分数 of 名词 结构 此结构作主语时 谓语动词的数依名词的数而定 若名词是单数或不可数名词 谓语动词用单数形式 若名词是复数 谓语动词用复数形式 Twothirdsofthewaterinthetownisfromthelake 这个城镇三分之二的水来自这个湖 Fourfifthsofthestudentsinourclassridebikestoschool 我们班五分之四的学生骑自行车上学 核心考点突破 I vehadthismagazineforacoupleofmonths 这本杂志我买了几个月了 题6 Theshoppingmallfortwoyears butIthereonlyonce A hasopened havegoneB hasopened havebeenC hasbeenopen havegoneD hasbeenopen havebeen 归纳拓展 1 此句中的had表示 买 buy是短暂性动词 不与时间段连用 若要与时间段连用则要改为延续性动词have Hehasboughtthebookfortwoweeks Hehashadthebookfortwoweeks 他买了这本书两周了 2 有类似用法的词有 borrow keepdie bedeadbegin beonopen beopenleave beaway from D D 当堂效果检测 单项填空1 You llgetbettergradesyoufollowtheteachers advice A ifB untilC thoughD while2 ImustreturnthebookstothelibrarybecauseIthemformorethantwoweeks A havelentB haveborrowedC havekeptD hadhad3 Canyoutellmehowlongyouthemobilephone Mr Zheng Nearlyayear Itworksverywell A willbuyB havehadC haveboughtD hadhad A C B 当堂效果检测 4 Hi Tom Ihaven tseenyourparentsfordays Wherearethey Theyaren tathome TheyAmericaforholiday A wereinB havegonetoC havebeentoD willgoto5 ofthestudentsinourclassgoingtothesummercampinBeijingnextweek A Twofifth isB Secondfifths areC Twofifths isD Twofifths are B D D 当堂效果检测 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空6 Maria sparentsalwaysencourageher speak outheropinions 7 These German aretalkingabouttheirschoolsandfriends 8 Intwentydays I llgosomewhere peace andrelaxingonvacation 9 Thereare thousand ofvisitorsfromdifferentcitiesvisitingthetown 10 Thekidsaretoo truth tolieaboutanything 11 Johnisconsidering change hisjobbecauseit sboring 12 Hereismyclassmate s invent andit sverycreative 13 Mybrotherlovesplanes He make 26modelplanessofar 14 Mr Smithhas have thehousewithaswimmingpoolfortwoandahalfyears 15 Threequartersofthefoodinthefridgehas go bad tospeak Germans peaceful thousands truthful changing invention hasmade had gone 当堂效果检测 从方框中选择恰当的短语并用其正确形式填空16 Myfatherboughtabreadmakerdaysago Hewantedtomakedeliciousbreadforme 17 Inthecenterofthecitythereisabiglibraryandit smyhome 18 Pleaseallthethingsweneedduringthetrip We llsetoffinanhour 19 Themoviestarlivesintheapartment Hemovedtoanislandwithhiswifeafewyearsago 20 Thegirlwasverysadtoherfavoritetoysandshecriedmanytimes 21 Iwanttogetthewashingmachinerepaired Idon twanttobuyanewone acoupleofcheckoutpartwithnolongertobehonestcloseto acoupleof closeto checkout nolonger partwith Tobehonest

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