2019年春八年级英语下册 Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet自我综合评价八练习课件 新人教版.ppt

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2019年春八年级英语下册 Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet自我综合评价八练习课件 新人教版.ppt_第1页
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2019年春八年级英语下册 Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet自我综合评价八练习课件 新人教版.ppt_第2页
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2019年春八年级英语下册 Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet自我综合评价八练习课件 新人教版.ppt_第3页
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Unit8HaveyoureadTreasureIslandyet 单元自我综合评价八 单元自我综合评价八 测试范围 Unit8时间 40分钟满分 100分 Unit8HaveyoureadTreasureIslandyet 1 Whereareyougoingforyourvacation Well we yet haven tdecidedB don tdecideC didn tdecideD hadn tdecided 单项填空 共15小题 每小题2分 共30分 A 单元自我综合评价八 解析 根据句意及提示词 yet 可知用现在完成时 3 YangLinisa oftheTVprogramAnimalWorld Heoftenwatchesit A fanB ticketC successD tool 2 Mr Whitecametoourschooltwoyearsago andsincethenhe usEnglish A teachesB taughtC hastaughtD willteach C 单元自我综合评价八 A 解析 考查名词词义辨析 句意 杨林是电视节目 动物世界 的粉丝 他经常看它 fan意为 迷 符合句意 故选A 5 Benisaforeignteacher Sofar he inChongqingforsevenyears A wasteachingB taughtC willteachD hastaught 4 Lookatthebluesky Therain Let sgooutforawalk A stopsB willstopC hasstoppedD hadstopped C 单元自我综合评价八 D 解析 考查动词的时态 根据 Sofar 和 forsevenyears 可知用现在完成时 因此选D 7 Thetrainiscoming A WakeupB GetupC TurnupD Hurryup 6 Thetoyisbeautiful Ican t A putitdownB putdownitC putthemdownD putdownthem A 单元自我综合评价八 解析 putdown意为 放下 down是副词 如果接代词作宾语 代词要放在动词和副词之间 thetoy是单数 要用it代替 故选A D 解析 考查短语辨析 根据 Thetrainiscoming 可知 前面应该是催促对方快点儿 因此用hurryup 8 I thebookclublastweekandI twobooksalready A join readB joined readC joined havereadD joined hasread 9 Wouldyoulike Yes I dlikesomedumplings A somethingtodrinkB anythingtoeatC anythingtodrinkD somethingtoeat C 单元自我综合评价八 D 10 DiaoyuIslandshave Chinaeversinceancienttimes A belongedtoB belongedinC belongedunderD belongedwith 11 Bobisoneof mostpopular inourschool A a studentB the studentC the studentsD a students A 单元自我综合评价八 C 12 Nowthenumberofthementeachersinourschool 20 A isB areC wasD were A 单元自我综合评价八 解析 thenumberof意为 的数量 其后接名词作主语时 谓语动词用单数 由 Now 可知用一般现在时 故选A 13 Mymother eatingfruit strawberries bananasandpears A likes likesB like likeC likes likeD like likes 14 peopleofferedtohelpthesickkids A TenmillionofB TenmillionsC MillionsofD Millionof C 单元自我综合评价八 C 15 Wewanttwosmallbowlsofnoodlesandaplateofbeef Anything A otherB elseC anotherD eachother B 单元自我综合评价八 解析 other和else均译为 别的 其他的 other是形容词 修饰名词 else是副词 常放在疑问词后面或不定代词的后面 故选B 完形填空 共10小题 每小题2分 共20分 ThestoryofRobinsonCrusoeisknownallovertheworld It saboutthelifeofarealperson 16 namewasAlexanderSelkirk Selkirkwasbornin1676inScotland Helikedto 17 ashiponthesea Whenhewas28yearsold hewassailing 18 thePacificOcean Onedayhe 19 theshipwasinbadcondition Hetoldthecaptainthattheshipwasnot 20 andthathewantedtogetoff Thecaptaindidn tlikeSelkirk soheletSelkirkgetoffonasmallisland morethan600kilometersfromthe 21 country Chile 单元自我综合评价八 Therewereno 22 orhousesontheisland Selkirkfoundacaveashishomenearthebeach He 23 fishandotherseaanimals Heoften 24 strangenoisesontheisland Hewastoo 25 toleavehiscave sohealwaysfelthungryandlonely 单元自我综合评价八 单元自我综合评价八 16 A HerB ItsC MyD His 解析 由第二段中 Helikedto 可知选D D 17 A startB sailC buyD run 解析 由下文的 hewassailing 18 thePacificOcean 可知选B B 18 A fromB forC atD on D 解析 onthePacificOcean意为 在太平洋上 19 A readB walkedC foundD looked C 20 A safeB difficultC importantD different 解析 由上文的 inbadcondition 可知 船 不安全 A 21 A mostbeautifulB biggestC smallestD nearest 22 A peopleB animalsC childrenD food 23 A fedB soldC ateD kept 24 A sawB smeltC tastedD heard 25 A surprisedB scaredC interestedD Excited A 单元自我综合评价八 D C D B 任务型阅读 共5小题 每小题3分 共15分 Onceuponatime intheforesttherelivedababyelephant whohadnofriends Noneoftheotheranimalswantedtobehisfriendbecausehewastoolarge Oneday awildfirehappenedintheforest Theanimalsrantosaferplaces Thedrytreescaughtfireandthefirewassuretogoallaroundtheforest Thebabyelephantrantothenearestriver collectedmuchwaterinhistrunk 象鼻 andrushedtotheburningtrees Hesprayed 喷 thewateronthefire Finally heputoutthefire 单元自我综合评价八 Later whilehewasrestingafterthehardwork alltheotheranimalsandbirdscametohimandexpressedtheirthanksforhiskindhelpintime Theywerenowreadytoregardhimastheirgoodfriendandtheirhero Theysaid Afriendinneedisafriendindeed Thebabyelephantwashappytogetsomanyfriendsandplayedgameswiththem Hewalkedthroughtheforest carryingseveralsmallanimalsandbirdsonhisback 单元自我综合评价八 根据短文内容 回答下列问题 26 Whydidthebabyelephanthavenofriendsatfirst 27 Wheredidthewildfirehappen 28 Whoputoutthefireintheend Becausehewastoolarge 单元自我综合评价八 Ithappenedintheforest Thebabyelephant 29 Atlast didalltheotheranimalsregardthebabyelephantasagoodfriend 30 Whatcanwelearnfromthestory Yes theydid 单元自我综合评价八 Afriendinneedisafriendindeed 用所给单词的适当形式填空 共5小题 每小题2分 共10分 31 Hisfathertaughthim ride abikelastweek 32 Where syourfather Hehas go toBeijing 33 Mybrother be asingersinceheleftschool 34 Goodnews We break twoschoolrecordssofar 35 Thereare million oftreesinthemountains 单元自我综合评价八 toride gone hasbeen havebroken millions V 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空 共5小题 每小题2分 共10分 36 Tomhasn tclosedhiseyes yesterdaymorning 37 Thechildrenwereshoutingat astheteachercameintotheclassroom 38 It s4 40 We reaskedtofinishitby5o clock 39 Allowme afriend you 40 Mygrandmother athome Sheisbored 单元自我综合评价八 eversince oneanother Hurryup tointroduce hasnothingtodo hurryup eversince introduce to havenothingtodo oneanother to 书面表达 共15分 单元自我综合评价八 假设你是张杰 Jack是你远在美国的网友 请给他写一封e mail谈谈近况 词数 60 80 开头和结尾已经给出 不计入总词数 要点如下 1 最近已经读完了 汤姆 索亚历险记 很有趣 2 想了解美国的神话故事 3 和父母关系紧张 很难沟通 4 希望Jack给你些建议 5 请补充一点相关内容 单元自我综合评价八 参考词汇 communicate交流 TheAdventuresofTomSawyer 汤姆 索亚历险记 fairystories神话故事 单元自我综合评价八 DearJack Howisitgoing I mgladtohearfromyou Writebacksoon Yours ZhangJie Onepossibleversion DearJack Howisitgoing I mgladtohearfromyou IhavefinishedreadingafamousnovelTheAdventuresofTomSawyerthesedays Thecharactersaresofunny I mveryinterestedinfairystoriesofAmerica Couldyoupleasehelpmebuysomebooks AndI mhavinganotherproblem Ifindit smoreandmoredifficulttocommunicatewithmyparents Doyouhavesimilarproblems Could 单元自我综合评价八 youpleasegivemesomeadvice I mlookingforwardtohearingfromyou Writebacksoon Yours ZhangJie 单元自我综合评价八


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