初中英语牛津译林版七年级下册Unit 8 Pets单元测试(II )卷.doc

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初中英语牛津译林版七年级下册Unit 8 Pets单元测试(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)Children should be taught how to get along with _.A . anotherB . otherC . any otherD . others2. (2分)Why did you _ the job at that hospital? Because the hospital is too far away from my house.A . write downB . turn downC . cut downD . pull down3. (2分)Im making progress this term, so I am very proud _ myself.A . aboutB . inC . forD . of4. (2分)- Is ready for the trip?- No, we still need to buy a map before we start the trip.A . anythingB . somethingC . everythingD . nothing5. (2分)All of the students in our class are going to plant trees near our school except Susan, because she is ill.A . not includingB . not addingC . including6. (2分)Their living condition (条件) was very poor in the past, but now it improves a lot.A . becomes betterB . becomes cleanerC . becomes worse7. (2分)Shall we meet at the station at 7 am?In fact, we _. The train _ until 9 a. m.A . mustnt; doesnt leaveB . mustnt; leavesC . neednt; wont leaveD . neednt; will leave8. (2分)She cant speak French. I cant _. A . eitherB . tooC . alsoD . Just9. (2分)If farmers the land, the animals wont have any places to live in. A . take awayB . put upC . take offD . put on10. (2分)Excuse me, how can I get to the South Hill? Oh, _ of these buses will take you there, you can only take a taxi.A . allB . bothC . noneD . nothing二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)A new term has begun. Teachers are 1about the fact that new students are not easy to handle. They like to bring cellphones and MP3 players to school. What is2 , some students even use cellphones to do with out-of-class matters in class,or sometimes just for fun. Some other students listen to MP3 players when they are having a lesson that they are not interested in.Are these new students really that3? Yes, says Delaney Kirk,a professor at Drake University.4she adds its not their fault. Instead, the things that they bring into school-cellphones,MP3 players and so on - and the teachers are to blame. Kirk first began thinking about students manners six years ago. I had my first class in which students were sleeping or talking to each other. It seemed that learning well 5nothing to do with them, she says. At first,I got worried about this,but then I said to myself, Youre teaching6 , and you need to manage thisThese students need to know more about manners. Its time to help them develop some good 7. They shouldnt waste time doing nothing when they are young. Sooner or later,they might regret the time they have wasted.Kirk also 8a list of suggestions to help teachers better manage their classes. The following are among her suggestions: Tell students how they will benefit by taking the class. On the first day of class,emphasize its importance9giving some homework that students must turn in next time. Do not allow them to bring cellphones and MP3 players to the class at all. Decide10formal and informal the class will be.(1)A . excited B . worried C . surprised D . interested (2)A . bad B . worse C . good D . better (3)A . rude B . polite C . friendly D . curious (4)A . But B . However C . And D . Therefore (5)A . learned B . did C . had D . shared (6)A . management B . English C . Chinese D . lessons (7)A . ideas B . speeches C . habits D . classes (8)A . makes B . brings C . gets D . takes (9)A . Of B . on C . at D . by (10)A . what B . how C . which D . Why 三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共38分)12. (10分) Before you go to another country it is a great help if you know the language(语音) and some of the customs(风俗)of the country.When people meet each other for the first time in Britain, they say “How do you do?” and shake hands(握手). Usually they do not shake hands when they just meet or say goodbye. But they shake hands when they havent met for a long time or when they will be away from each other for a long time.Last year a group of German students went to England for a holiday. Their teacher told them that the English people hardly ever shake hands. So when they met their English friends at the station, they kept their hands behind their backs. The English students had learned that the Germans shake hands as often as possible, so they put their hands in front and got ready to shake hands with them. It made both of them laugh.(1)It is _ if you know the language and some of the customs of a country before you pay a visit to that country.A . not usefulB . not helpfulC . very helpfulD . very bad(2)English people usually shake hands when they _.A . meet every timeB . meet for the first timeC . say goodbye to each otherD . say hello to each other(3)Usually, English people dont shake hands _.A . when they will be away for a long timeB . when they say “How do you do?”C . when they just meet or say goodbyeD . when they havent met for a long time(4)Which is right?A . German people shake hands as often as possible.B . English people like shaking hands very muchC . German people hardly ever shake hands.D . Both English people and Germans dont like shaking hands.(5)This story is about _.Ashaking handsBshaking handsCcustomsDlanguages and customsA . shaking handsB . languagesC . customsD . languages and customs13. (10分)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(B)What are your clothes made of? Are they made of cotton or wool? Some students in Shandong wear different things. Their clothes are made of discs(光盘) or old clothes!On October 7th, 36 students in Linyi, Shandong Province, wore beautiful clothes in a show. Their clothes were made of all kinds of things.The show gave the students a chance to make things with their own hands. It also helped them learn to make good use of waste and not to throw everything away.Students had lots of good ideas. Some found used things, like old clothes, to make new dresses.“We hope to save energy. Our world is short of energy. So I dont want to just throw old things away,” said Xie Jing at Linyi Art School.Xie had more than 20 discs on her nice blue dress. She got them from her family and friends.“Though the discs are old, I look very cool in them!” she said.Song Dandan, a student from the school, looked like a farmer in her straw(稻草) coat and hat. She picked the straw from the fields and put them all together.“I want to show what people wore in the past.” she said.Du Yue made clothes for astronauts(宇航员)! She had white cloth all over her. When she walked, she tried to be slow. It looked like she was walking on the moon.“I hope to wear it in space some day. I wish that I could walk on the moon!” she said.(1)The passage mainly talks about _. A . how to make clothesB . energy savingC . how to look coolD . a special fashion show(2)The students clothes were made of _. A . silkB . cottonC . waste paperD . all kinds of things(3)The underlined(画线) word “short” in the sentence “Our world is short of energy. ” has the same meaning as “short” in the sentence “_”. A . Its only a short way from here.B . The man is short.C . Im short of money. Can you lend me some?D . She was here a short time ago.(4)The three students used all these things except _ to made clothes. A . discsB . strawC . old paperD . cloth(5)The show tells people _. A . we should save energyB . they are cleverC . how to make use of old thingsD . A, B and C14. (8分) An artist went to a beautiful part of the country for a holiday, and stayed with a farmer. Every day he went out with his paints and brushes and painted from morning to evening, and then when it got dark, he went back to the farm and had a good dinner before he went to bed.At the end of his holiday he wanted to pay the farmer, but the farmer said, “No, I dont want money but give me one of your pictures. What is money? In a week it will all be finished, but your painting will still be here.”T he artist was very pleased and thanked the farmer for saying such kind things about his pictures. The farmer smiled and answered, “Its not that. I have a son in London. He wants to become an artist. When he comes home next month, Ill show him your picture, and he will not want to be an artist any more, I think. ”(1)_ people are mentioned (提到) in the article.A . TwoB . ThreeC . OneD . Many(2)The artist lived with the farmer _.A . for about a monthB . for a yearC . for a holidayD . for the farmers son(3)The farmer asked the artist to give him a picture because _.A . he liked his pictureB . he didnt want his moneyC . he wanted to sell his pictures for some moneyD . he wanted to show it to his son(4)The artist was very pleased and thanked the farmer because _.A . the farmer didnt want him to pay himB . the farmer decided to let his son learn from himC . the farmers son would be an artist like himD . he thought the farmer praised (表扬) him for his pictures15. (10分)阅读理解Im Eric. Welcome to our classroom. You can see a nice classroom. A blackboard(黑板) is on the wall. A map of China and a map of the world are on the wall, too. The map of China is old. But the map of the world is new. There is a teachers desk. An eraser and a ruler are on it.There are two doors in the wall. Some brooms(扫帚) and a football are behind the door. Fifty desks and chairs are in our classroom. They are our desks and chairs. That is a bookcase. And some books are in it. The students can read them after class but cant take any of them out.Some flowers are near the window. They are red. We like our classroom. We like our class, too.(1)This passage(文章)is about(关于) _. A . our roomB . our classroomC . my bedroomD . our school(2)_ are on the wall. A . A blackboardB . A blackboard and a mapC . A map of ChinaD . A blackboard and two maps(3)Where is the eraser? A . In Erics schoolbag.B . On Erics desk.C . On the teachers desk.D . Under the teachers desk.(4)The underlined(下划线的)word “take” means(意思是)_ in Chinese. A . 带走.B . 买C . 读D . 卖(5)Which is NOT true (正确)? A . A bookcase is in classroom.B . Some flowers are red.C . Eric likes his classroomD . Erics notebooks are in the schoolbag.四、 单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)。 (共2题;共6分)16. (5分)单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)。(1)It took a long _(时期) of time to build the Great Wall in Chinas history.(2)The _(甜的) food is bad for your teeth.(3)At present, transport _(变得) better and better.(4)Im often _(兴奋的) when I am watching football matches.(5)If you _(失败) for the first time, you will have a second chance to do it again.17. (1分)Kate was sad because she didnt _(通过) the maths exam. 五、 翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)。 (共1题;共1分)18. (1分)在图书馆里尽量不要发出噪音。Try not to_in the library六、 阅读与表达(表格式)。 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)今年春晚小品扶不扶引发热议:本是学雷锋做好事,结果竟变成一件须“谨慎”的事。今天是学雷锋日,你校就“你会不会扶老人”进行了一次调查。Percent %What will they doWhy70Give a hand.A good deed(好事); in need; the old should be cared for20Dont know.10Do not help.A lesson from Peng Yu Incident请根据上述调查结果以及自己的观点完成下列短文,词数不限。An old man fell down on the ground and couldnt get up. What would you do if you were there? We have asked all the students this question in our school. Here are the results.70%of the students say they will help the old man. They think the old man is really in need and he is supposed to be_. Besides, its_and should be advocated(提倡). But 20% of the students dont know _. And the rest of the students say they will not help the old man. They say they _from the Peng Yu Incident. They are afraid of being blackmailed(讹诈). I think_.七、 阅读与表达(问答式)。 (共1题;共10分)20. (10分)阅读理解 March, 2013, the H7N9 virus (病毒) hit (袭击) Shanghai, Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and so on. It seemed that most people who were infected (被感染) with H7N9 had the common flu (流感). Some people suffered from a fever or a cough. Dont be afraidits not easy to be infected with the virus. Here is some advice to help you protect yourself when it comes. Wash your hands. You need to wash your hands with soap and hot water before you eat, after you use the toilet, and after you touch animals, because your hands may carry viruses. Cover your nose and mouth. When someone sneezes (打喷嚏) or coughs, flu viruses can travel as far as one meter through the air, so youd better keep a proper distance (距离) while talking to someone who has a cold. And always cover your mouth and nose with a piece of paper when you sneeze or cough, and then clean your hands. Wear a mask (口罩). Some doctors say that masks can stop the flu as much as 80%, but if you dont wash your hands often, its no use wearing a mask. And its necessary to wear the mask in the groups of people. Do sports often. Exercises will help make your body strong enough to resist the virus. (1)Most people who were infected with H7N9 had . A . a common fluB . a stomachacheC . a headacheD . a cold(2)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A . Some people who were infected with the H7N9 virus had a toothache.B . You should cover your mouth and nose with a piece of paper when you sneeze or cough.C . Some doctors say that masks can stop the flu as much as 100%.D . Its easy to be infected with the H7N9 virus.(3)How many ways to stop the virus are mentioned in the passage? A . Three.B . Four.C . Five.D . Six.(4)What does the underlined word resist mean in Chinese? A . 抵抗B . 传播C . 感染D . 消灭(5)Whats the main idea of this passage? A . It tells us how to wash hands.B . It tells us why we should use masks.C . It tells us not to touch animals. D . It gives us some advice on how to protect ourselves when the H7N9 virus comes.第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)11-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共38分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、四、 单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)。 (共2题;共6分)16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、17-1、五、 翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)。 (共1题;共1分)18-1、六、 阅读与表达(表格式)。 (共1题;共5分)19-1、七、 阅读与表达(问答式)。 (共1题;共10分)20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、


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