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二0一一学年第 二 学 期八年级英语单元评估题参考答案(一) Unit1听力材料.听小对话,选择图片 1W:Hi,Bob! What do you think your life will be like in ten years? M:OhI think Ill be a film star2W:Will England win the next World Cup,Mike? M:I disagreeI think that Brazil will win next time3W:Its raining againI feel boring! M:Dont worryThe radio says it will be sunny but cold tomorrow4M:I have a pet cat at homeWhat about you,Lucy? W:Only a cute pigBut my parents will probably give me a pet parrot for the coming birthday5M:Which city do you want to go this summer vacation, Nancy? W:Its hard to sayIll probably go to the beach with my parentsII.听小对话回答问题6. M:Would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight? W:Id love to, but Im going to do my lessonsWe11 have a Chinese exam tomorrow7. M:When will the supper be ready,Mum? Its half past four W:Wait for a whileWe will have supper in an hour8.W:What do you want to do after you leave school? M:I think Ill be a football playerBut my parents want me to be a doctor or a teacher9. M:Whos that man in the picture, Lucy? W:Oh, its my fathers elder brother10. M:Must I do my homework now? I want to play computer games W:OK. You can finish it this eveningBut dont play it for a long timeIII.听长对话 ,回答问题听下面一段长对话,回答第11至12两个小题 M:Hello! May I speak to Sally, please? W:Speaking M:Hi, SallyThis is FrankWe are going to Tianmu Mountain for a picnic this SaturdayWill you go with us? W:SureWhat should I take? M:Just take some money and something to eat W:How to go there? M:By bus W:When and where shall we meet? M:Lets meet at the school gate at 6:00 on Saturday morning W:Thats OKBye! M:Bye!听下面一段长对话,回答13至15三个小题。 M:Hello, Lucy W:Hello,BenWhy are you still in China? You bought the ticket back to London last week M:Yes,but my little sister was ill three days agoThe doctor asked her to stay at home for one weekSo my father,mother and my grandparents are still here W:OhI seeWhat will you do this summer holiday? M:I want to make a robot for my motherI hope it will often do the houseworkthen my mother can have a good rest W:Good ideaIf you have any problemI will help you M:Thank youIV.听短文, 回答问题 (共5小题, 每小题1分,满分5分)It will be my life in l0 yearsI think Ill be a good doctorWith the help of robots,I call help many peopleIll live in Hangzhoubecause its a beautiful cityThere will be more trees and less pollutionIll go to work by bus,because there will be fewer carsI think Ill live in an apartment near West LakeIll live in it with best friends, because I dont like living aloneIll go hiking every day and sometimes Ill go fishing with my friendsDuring the week Ill look cool,and probably will wear a suitAt weekends,Ill be able to dress more casuallyI think Ill go to Hong Kong on vacation and one day I might even visit HawaiiI-IV听力部分:1-5 CABBA 6-10 CCACB 11-15 CBBCC 16-20 CABBC笔试部分:V.单项填空21-25 B D A C B 2630 A C B B A 3135 B C C C B VI.完形填空36-40. B B A A C 4145 D A A B C 4650 C A D B C VII.阅读理解5155 C DAAD 5660 CCBAA 6165 CDBDAVIII. 任务型阅读6670.B C E F GIX. 词汇(A)71.fell 72 factory 73.paper 74.keep 75. less (B) 76. building 77.wrote 78Robots 79 .scientist 80.alone (C) 81. yourself 82. taking 83. following 84 Learn 85. better .书面表达Our world changes every day. What will the world be like in the future? I think its interesting to predict it. My classmates and I talk about it and we have different ideas. Some classmates think there will be robots in their homes. The robots can help people do a lot of things. Some think people will live to be 200 years old. Others think kids wont go to school. Theyll study at home on computers. I think books will only be on computers, not on paper, so there will be less pollution.(二)Unit 2听力材料 听小对话,选择图片1W:I lost my pursewhat should I do? M:You should ask that policewoman for help2W:Jim, whats wrong with our vase? M:Sorry, MumI broke it just nowI dont know how to mend it W:Dont worryI think Uncle Li can help us3M:I cant find my English book W:Here it isin my desk 4M:Its much colder when I ride to work W:You should buy a car or go there by bus 5M:Who is going to your birthday party, Angel? W:Let me thinkTomthe twins and Jim听小对话,回答问题6. M:Mr Wangmy classmates dont like meWhat should I do? W:You shouldnt laugh at others any more7. W:My neighbor upstairs always makes noise these daysI cant do any lessonWhat should I do?M:You should go upstairs and tell him about it8. W:Could you tell me the way to the nearest hospital? M:SorryIm new hereYou can ask the policeman over there9. W:Dad, should l water the flowers? M:No, you shouldntMum watered them this morning10. W:How do you spend your spare time recently, watching TV or playing computer games? M:NeitherI am ready for the coming testIII. 听长对话,回答问题 听下面一段较长的对话, 回答第 11, 第12两小题M:Good morning,Betty! Why do you look so sad?W:Good morningMr. Xu My father had an accident yesterday eveningM:Ohmy god! I am so sorry to hear that! Is it serious?W:No, but he hurt his legs! What should l do? I cant stop thinking of himM:You should study hard in school and look after your father after schoo1It will make him happyW:You are right1 will听下面一段较长的对话, 回答第13至第15 三个小题W:Ben, would you please turn down the radio. Dad and I cant feel asleepM:Sorry, mumI didnt know I was troubling youW:You see. Its half past nineYou should go to bed nowM:But, mum, tomorrow is SaturdayW:OKBut you must go to bed at ten oclockIV.听短文, 回答问题 My doctor said I was over weightMy friend says I have to go on a dietInstead of three meals l will have only twoAt about ten oclock in the morning, 1 will have a small meal1 will take a piece of sandwich Between the two slices of bread there will be only vegetables. And then in the afternoon at about five 0clockI will have some soupI should not have any bread for the afternoon mealBetween the two meals and in the evening. I will drink Chinese tea,just tea,no biscuits at allIm afraid its difficult for meDo you have any good ideas?I-IV听力部分: 1-5 CACAC 6-10 BABCA 11-15 CABBA 16-20 BBCCA笔试部分:V.单项填空2125 A A D B A 2630 C A C C B 3135 C C A A A VI.完形填空3640 AABDC 4145 DBBCD 4650 BCDBAVII.阅读理解5155 D A C B C 5660 D DDBC 6165 CBDBAVIII.任务型阅读66- 70. DACBE词汇(A)71 argue 72. fail 73. except 74. possible 75 style (B)76. pressure 77 tickets 78. left 79. future 80.complained(C)81. mine 82. members 83.give 84 surprised 85.both.书面表达How can you be a good child?In our life, there are many people caring about us. I think my parents care about me most. All of us hope we can have good parents and our parents also hope they can have good children. So how can we be good children? In our class most students think they should study hard to get good grades. They neednt do housework. A few students think they should listen to parents and help them do housework. They neednt study too hard and they neednt get good grades. I think we should try our best to study well. And we should help parents do some housework when they are busy or were free. (三)Unit3 听力材料 I.听小对话,选择图片 1W:What was Sally doing when the teacher came in? M:She was drawing a plane2W:You went shopping yesterday, didnt you? M:YesMy mother bought me two new shirts3W:Were they having an English lesson this time yesterday? M:No, they were having a science class then4W:Were you cleaning the classroom at half past four? M:YesAnd at five we were playing games on the playground5W: Where were you when I called you? At the barber shop? M:No,at the airportII.听小对话,回答问题 6. M:Did you see the accident, Lucy? W:Yes,1 was walking near the park when the motorbike hit the tall tree.7. M:What happened? W:1 was looking in a shop window when a car hit an old woman8. M:What time shall we leave? At 8:30?W:Well, I cant leave before nineI have a lot of work to doYoud better go first.9. M:Betty, what were you doing at 8:30 last night? Doing your homework? W:No, watching TV. What about you? M:Reading an English book10. M:Where did Mr. Green live before he came to Harbin? W:He lived in GuangzhouHe came here half a year agoIII. 听长对话,回答问题听下面一段较长的对话, 回答第 11, 第12两小题 W: What are you doing, Bill? M:1 was watering flowers 。 W: But you dont look well today M:I was terribly ill yesterday and was lying in bed W:Did you see a doctor? M:YesAnd the doctor asked me to take some medicine听下面一段较长的对话, 回答第13至第15 三个小题M:HiLucyWhen did you buy that new bike? W:Oh. It was my birthday present M:Who gave it to you? W: My parentsIs it nice? M:YesI like it very much W:Thank youMikeWill you have a try? M:Id like toThank you W: Youre welcomeIV.听短文, 回答问题 (共5小题, 每小题1分,满分5分)Can people move to another planet? You can move from city to cityHow about moving to another planet? A US company now has an idea:send people to Mars 20 years from nowThe company plans just to send a few people at firstIt will take them months to get to Mars Mars is not an easy place to liveIts rocky, cold and has no air for people to breatheHow will people live? They will have to live inside a special space with good airThey will have to wear special clothes if they go outsideThey will have to get water from the ice on Mars Sounds interesting? Its still a long way awayRight now, the company is just trying to find money to pay for its big planWe11 have to wait and see听力部分I-IV 1-5 BACBC 6-10 CCCBB 11-15 CBBBA 16-20 CBCAC笔试部分:V.单项填空2125 C B C A A 2630 B A C C A 3135 D C B A DVI.完形填空3640 CBACD 4145 CBDBA 4650 CACDA VII.阅读理解51-55 BBACB 5660 ADACC 6165 ACCBB VIII 任务型阅读66.Singapore 67.Arabic 68.Moscow/Russia 69.Singapore City 70.English词汇(A)71. animals 72 even 73 strange 74somewhere 75 climbing (B)76 While 77 murdered 78 accident 79 silence 80 taught(C)81.report 82.more 83. same 84 children 85.understanding书面表达Learn from the HeroWe all know there was a big earthquake in Wenchuan on May 12, 2008. There were many brave people and their good stories. A student named Lin Hao did very well. He was only 9 years old. He was having a class when the earthquake happened. He saved two students then walked to safety. He was so brave and great. I was deeply moved. He didnt think about himself when the earthquake happened. He thought about others first. We must learn from him.(四)Unit13听力材料I.听小对话,选择图片 1. W: What are you going to be in ten years, Kim?M: Im going to be a doctor like my father.2. M: Will you go to Toronto to travel first if youre very rich, Judy?W: Youre wrong. I like Beijing best.3. W: Im too heavy. I often get tired. What should I do?M: You shouldnt eat too much. Why dont you do more exercise?4. M: Miss Li, what kind of animals do you like to keep?W: I like to keep rabbits. Theyre clean and lovely.5. W: What were you doing when the earthquake happened, David?M: I was cutting hair in the barbers shop.II.听小对话,回答问题 6. M: You look unhappy, whats wrong?W: Oh, my clothes are out of style, and I dont look cool enough.7.M: Is the park far from your home, Cathy?W: No. Its only one kilometer.8.M: Zhang Hua, would you like to have some fish? M: No, thanks. But Id like to have some meat, please.9.W: Hi, Jim. What are you doing? M: Im washing my shirt.10.M: Excuse me, do you know where Joan is?W: Joan? She went to the teachers office a moment ago.III. 听长对话,回答问题 听下面一段较长的对话, 回答第 11, 第12两小题M: What are you talking about, Stella?W: Hi, Dick, I am asking John about his car. He says hes going to sell it.M: But why? He just bought it, didnt he?W: Yes, but he had a lot of trouble with it recently.M: By the way, how much does he want for it?W: One thousand dollars.M: Im looking for a second-hand car. I might buy it.W: Why not buy a new one?M: A new one? Id like to. But I dont have enough money.W: What a pity!听下面一段较长的对话, 回答第13至第15 三个小题W: What are you doing, Bill? M: Im making a robot with my father. W: Why are you doing that? M: Because I want to make a robot to help my mother. My mother is always too busy and tired. Every day she has to go to work and also do housework.W: Do you know how to make a robot? M: No. But my father is a robot engineer. He knows a lot about making robots. He is helping me do it. W: What do you think the robot will do?M: I think it will be able to clean the rooms, do the laundry and so on. Then my mother will have enough time to relax. W: How long will it take you to finish the robot? M: It will take two years. W: I hope to see your own robot soon. M: Sure. IV.听短文, 回答问题My friend Mike is a studentLast summer he went to France and stayed there for two monthsI was surprised that Mike could have a very long holiday because he didnt have any moneyBut he told me that he got a jobHe taught an owner of a small shopI knew Mike couldnt teach him well,but the owner wanted to practice his EnglishHe had a lot of American customers,so it is very important for him to speak EnglishMike spent three hours a day talking to himThe owner gave him a room,three meals a day and a little pocket moneyWhen Mike came back,he told us that the owner didnt learn much English but he learnt a lot of French听力部分:I-IV 15 C C B C C 610 B A C AA 1115 A B A A A 1620 C A B C A笔试部分:V.单项填空2125 B B A A D 2630 B B A B A 3135 B B C C A VI.完形填空3640 BABCD 4145 DBDCA 4650 BACACVII.阅读理解5155 DCDBB 5660 CADDB 6165 ACBDBVIII.任务型阅读6670 CBEAD 词汇 (A)71.unusual 72.tickets 73. failed 74. riding 75. fit (B)76. future 77.hundred 78.except 79 kitchen 80 .heroes(C)81. party 82.outside 83. slept 84 couldnt 85.alone.书面表达Dear Scott, This is Ben. Today I got my school report. When I saw my English result of the end-of-year exam, I felt very nervous. The result was very disappointing. It was the worst of all my subjects. I want to learn English well, but I dont know how to learn it. I have some problems in learning English. First of all, the textbook, GO FOR IT, is too difficult for me. There are too many words and phrases in each unit. I cant remember all of them. Then, I know how to say the word, but I forget how to write it. I am better at learning and speaking, but I am bad in writing. Sometimes, I cant finish the homework, so I copy others homework. I really want to learn English well, so I want you to give me advice. Please tell me how to improve English. Thank you very much. Please write to me soon. I am looking forward to it. Yours, Ben(五)unit 4听力材料:I.听小对话,选择图片W: Dont hurry. The class meeting will begin at 9:00. M: Oh, its early. Theres thirty minutes to go.2W:Whats your favorite animal ? M:I like dogs best and I want to keep one in the future.3M:Do you think it will be sunny tomorrow? W:I hope so. It is said that will be sunny tomorrow.4W:Whats your favorite sport?M: Soccer. And I always play soccer in my spare time.5M:How do you go to work, Helen ?W:I go to work by school bus in the morning and he has lunch in the workplace.II.听小对话,回答问题6.W: Shall we make another cup of tea? M: Why not ? 7.W: Are you going to decorate your room on Tuesday or Wednesday ? M: Im going to do it at the end of the week. 8.M: Do you know whats on after the news? W: Its a TV play . 9.W: Hello !Whos that ? This is Roy speaking. M: Hello !Roy .This is Emma speaking . 10.W: Can I help you ,sir? M: I bought a walkman here this morning but it didnt work .III. 听长对话,回答问题听下面一段较长的对话,回答第11、12两小题W: You didnt look happy. What seems to be the problem?M: Ive got to write a long passage for my English writing class, and I just cant come up with any ideas, and I have to hand it in tomorrow.W: That shouldnt be too difficult. Remember those pictures you were showing me last week?M: Sure.W: Why not write about your visit to the Great Wall in China?M: That sounds a good idea. I can also talk about what we saw in Xian.听下面一段较长的对话,回答第13-15两小题W: Good morning, Mr. Smiths office.M: Good morning, Id like to speak to Mr. Smith, please.W: Im sorry, sir. Mr. Smith is busy at the moment. Would you like to leave a message?M: Well, can I speak to Mr. Sharp, please?W: Mr. Sharp is out of town , sir. He wont be back until next Monday.M: I see. Well, do you think Mr. Smith will be free? I have to talk to him as soon as possible.W: Hell be free in less than two hours. Shall I call you back later?M: All right. My telephone number is 2034657.W: May I know your name , please?M: My name is Johnson. Goodbye! Ill be waiting here in my office.W: All right, Mr. Johnson. Goodbye!M: Goodbye!IV. 听短文,回答问题 Mr. Hill was a teacher at a school in a city in the north of England . He usually went to France for a few weeks during his summer holiday, and he spoke French and English quite well. One year , Mr. Hill wanted to have a holiday in China . But he couldnt speak Chinese . So he went to evening classes and had Chinese lessons for three months before he went to China. When he came back from China a few weeks later, some people asked him, “Did you have any trouble with Chinese people when you were in China?” “No, I didnt have any,” answered Mr. Hill. “But the Chinese did.”听力部分:I-IV 1-5 CBCCB 6-10 CCCAA 11-15 BCACA 16-20 CCCCB 笔试部分:V.单项填空21-25 B C B A D 26-30 A A A D D 31-35C A B C A VI.完形填空3640 CDBAB 4145 ADCAD 4650 BCADBVII.阅读理解51-55DCAAD 56-60 DBBDC 61-65 DDBCAVIII. 任务型阅读66-69 B D A C 70.Thanks for your great party, I enjoyed it very much.IX词汇(A)71 influence 72 danger 73 hard-working 74 decision 75message (B)76 better 77 Luckily 78 own 79 copied 80 nervous(C)81.difficulties 82. spoken 83. improve 84 learning 85.forX. .书面表达Our weekends are coming again. Our class made a plan about their weekends. They will do different things. Some students will go for a trip to relax themselves. Some will do some reading at home for the future study. Some will take some exercise to stay healthy. I will go to the beach with my family because I like swimming and I can lie on the beach and enjoy the beautiful sunshine.(六)Unit 5I听小对话,选择图片。1W:When were you born,Jim ?M:I was born in 19942W:What sport do you like best,Peter ? M:I like tennis best3M:Where should I put the relish,Mum ? W:On the fish4W:Tony,you look tiredWhats the matter ? M:Dad kept me practicing the violin for hours this morning5W:When and where will the next Olympic Games be held ? Can you tell me ? M:Oh,in London in 2012听小对话,回答问题。6W:Supper is ready,Allan M:Im coming,Mum7W:Is MrBrown coming to our school soon ? M:YesIn five minutes8W:I heard you were in Beijing last SundayHow was the weather there ? M:It was fine and we enjoyed ourselves very much9W:What are you going to do this afternoon ? M:Im not sureMaybe Ill go to buy some books10W:How much are these socks ? M:5 dollars for each pair W:OKTwo pairs please听长对话,回答问题。 听下面一段较长的对话,回答第11至12两小题。 W:Tom,I hear you are going to Tokyo M:Yes,Ive got a new job there W:Oh,thats great ! But Im going to miss youM:Do you have my QQ number ?W:Yes,of course M:OK,lets ta


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