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20132014年第一学期八年级第一单元测试题姓名: 班级: 得分: 听力部分(30分)第一节:听句子两遍,选择与对话内容相符的图,并将相应的编号填在横线上(其中一幅是多余的),完成15题。(5分) A B C D E F1 2 3 4 5 第二节:听句子两遍,选择正确的答语,并将相应的编号填在括号内,完成610题。 (5分)( )6. A. Yes, you do B. Yes, She does C. No, I didnt ( )7. A.Delicious B. Difficult C. Interesting ( )8. A. It was sunny B. It is raining C. Its expensive ( )9. A. Not really B. Thank you C. Beijing ( )10. A. I did my homework B. Its six oclock C. Because I play football第三节:听对话和问题两遍,选择正确的答案并将相应的编号填在括号内,完成1115小题。(10分)( )11. Q: Who has the most(最多的)apples ? A. Kate B. Billy C. Jim ( )12.Q: How was the weather yesterday?A. Rainy B. Sunny C. Snowy ( )13.Q;What size(什么尺寸) does the girl want?A. Small B. Large C. Medium . ( )14.Q: Who did Tom played Pingpong with?A. Father B. Mother C. Teacher ( )15. Q: What are they talking about (谈论)A.Weather B. Summer C.Spring 第四节: 听短文三遍,根据短文内容填写所缺的单词(每空一词),并将所缺单词填入横线上,完成1620题。(10分)My friends name is Tom. He is 16 years old, too. He is very handsome(帅的). His birthday(生日) is On May 1st. He is from the USA. He can speak English very well. He likes playing basketball, he thinks its important(重要) to be healthy(健康的). He would like to eat tomatoes(西红柿) and potatoes(马铃薯).They are very 17 . He also likes 18 TV at home, because he can learn a lot . His favorite subjects(最喜欢的科目) are English, Chinese and maths. He says “he wants to come to China. ”Sure, he 19 animals, he thinks animals(动物)are very 20 and lovely . 16、 17、 18、 19、 20、 笔试部分(70分)一、单项选择题:(20分) ( )1.Im happy to have money and friendsA. little , a few B. few. a little C. a little, a few D. a few, a little ( )2. -Can I help you , boy?-Yes , There is wrong with my bikeA. everything B. anything C. nothing D. something ( )3.-Did you buy for your parents?-Yes, I did A. anything special B. special anything C. something special D. special something ( ) 4. -How did you like the food ?-I thought it was A. enough delicious B. delicious enough C. enough difficult D. difficult enough ( ) 5. He decided the poor boy . A. help B. helped C. helping D. to help ( )6. I dont feel like out tonight . A. to go B. go C. going D. went ( )7. The two pictures are Can you tell me what the are? A. difference , different B. different, differences C. difference , differences D. different, different( )8. - does your father do morning exercises?- Hardly ever . A. How B. How often C. When D. What time ( )9.These kids had great fun with sand on the beach . A. playing B. play C. to play D. played ( )10. The terrible news made him very sad . A. feel B. feels C. felt D. to feel ( )11. children there are in a family, their life will be , especially in the past. A.The less , the better B. The fewer , the better C. Fewer, richer D. More , poorer ( )12. He doesnt feel well, he goes to see a doctor . A. so B. but C. because D. or ( )13. -Did he go to Xijiang Miao village? - A. Yes, he didnt B. No, he didnt C. Yes, he does D. No, he did ( )14. -Would you like ?-No, thanks . I dont want A. any, any B. any , some C. some, some D. some , any ( )15. The boys arrived late at the cinema, and the start of the film. A. caught B. missed C. got D. lost ( )16. She dislikes the winter because the weather is very cold . A. dont like B. didnt like C. unlike D. doesnt like ( )17. I feel like another two tomatoes . A. want B. want to C. look like D. am like ( )18. These things looks boring . so he bought nothing . A. didnt buy anything B. doesnt buy anything C. cant buy nothing D. bought everything ( ) 19. He wonders how GuizhouA. wants B. feels like C. wants to know D. knew ( ) 20. There is some money in her bag. A. little B. a little C. a few D. few二、正确形式填空(15分) It was a fine day. I went to Leisan on 1 (假期) with my parents. On the first , we went to Lei gong Mountain and 2 (watch) the animals , Like birds, flowers . It was really 3 (wonder). Then we visited Xijiang Miao Village . Then we visited Liang de Miao Village.We took a few 4 (photo).They are 5 (足够的) There are lots of 6 (建筑物) . 7 (一切) is beautiful . I bought something for 8 (my).And I waited to buy gifts for my friends . Im excited about 9 (write)them down 10 (因为) Im happy to tell you about my story. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 三、翻译题(10分)1. 我昨天晚上没有做作业。(do ones homework ) 2. 他们决定去看电影。(decide to ) 3那个小男孩迷路了。(be lost ) 4. 星期天早上,她发现一个小女孩在哭。(found .crying ) 5. 她假期去看望了她的叔叔和阿姨。(visit ) 四、补全对话(注意把答案填在题目下面的横线上)(10分) A: Long time no see 1 B:I went to Huang guo Shu waterfall .A: 2 B:On August 15th.A: 3 B:My uncle and aunt.A: 4 B:It was wonderfulA:Oh,great!Did you take any photos there?B: 5 Ill show you when they come out.A:Ok,thanks.A. Who did you go there with? B. How did you go there?C. When did you go there? D. Yes,I did.E. Where did you go on vacation,Bob? F. Sorry,we didnt.G. How was your vacation? 1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 五、作文(15分)上周末,周六早上,6:30起床;然后打扫卫生,下午我去了图书馆;晚上和妈妈做晚饭。星期天早上,我7:00起床,然后我做作业,中午和朋友踢足球;晚上看电视。我有一个忙碌又快乐的周末。(注意:用过去时)要求:1.所写短文必须包括以上所有内容,可适当发挥。 2. 词数80左右。 3.提示词:get up, clean the room, go to the library, cook dinner, do my homework, play football, watch TV, 附加题:(10分)In England people dont usually talk too much .You can go on a bus ,or in a train ,and everyone sits looking out of the window .Often they read .They read books and papers .But they dont talk much.When you meet English people, they often talk about one thing, the weather. So when you meet somebody in England, you can say, “Nice weather for the time of year!”“But it was a little cold yesterday, ”somebody may answer .“But it got a bit warmer later!” you can Talk like this ,and the English will think ,how friendly you are !( )1. English people often _on a bus .A. talk much B. talk about C. eat something D. read papers( )2. When you meet English people ,talk like this :_A. How do you do? B. How are you ? C. Nice weather! D. Nice to meet you ( )3.If you talk with the English people about the weather, they will think _A .you are friendly B. you are right C. you are English D. you talk too much. ( )4. English people always hope the weather will get _.A. better B. warmer C. colder D. hotter( )5.Which is right?_A. English people like to talk on a bus . B. English people enjoy the best weather.C. English people are the most friendly . D. English people dont talk much .20132014年第一学期八年级第一单元测试题听力材料第一节:听句子两遍,选择与对话内容相符的图,并将相应的编号填在横线上(其中一幅是多余的)完成15题。1. I like oranges best 2. Lets take a bus there. I want to go Shamu River .3. Im going to play volleyball . Its my favorite .4. The weather reporter says there will be a heavy rain. Please forget your umbrella. 5. There are a few buildings In Xijiang. 第二节:听句子两遍,选择正确的答语,并将相应的编号填在括号内,完成610题。6. Did you go out with anyone ?7. How was the food? 8. How is the weather ?9. Where did you go on vacation?10. What did you do yesterday morning ?第三节:听对话和问题两遍,选择正确的答案并将相应的编号填在括号内,完成1115小题。 11.-How many apples do you have , Jim、 -I have five . And Billy has seven. What about you , Kate? -I have only three. Q:Who has the most apples ?12、-Whats the weather like today? -Its sunny, but yestersay was rainy . Q: How was the weather yesterday?13、-Can I help you , Miss? -Yes, please. -Would you like the large shoes or the small shoes ? -Neither. Id like a medium one. Q;What size does the girl want?14、-What did you do last weekend , Tom? -I played pingpang with my English teacher. 15. -Its very hot, isnt it ? -Yes, it seems that summer is coming Q: What are they talking about ?第四节: 听短文三遍,根据短文内容填写所缺的单词(每空一词),并将所缺单词填入横线上,完成1620题。My friends name is Tom. He is thirteen years old, too. He is very handsome His birthday is On May 1st. He is from the USA. He can speak English very well. He likes playing basketball, he thinks its important to be healthy. He would like to eat tomatoes and potatoes.They are very delicious . He also likes watching TV at home, because he can learn a lot . His favorite subjects are English, Chinese and maths. He says “he wants to come to China. ”Sure, he enjoys animals, he thinks animals are very friendly and lovely . 6


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