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九年级上学期英语第一次阶段考试试卷(不含听力音频)A卷一、 听力部分(共20小题, 每小题1分, 共20分) (共10题;共10分)1. (1分)What sets the two speakers free from hard work? A . B . C . 2. (1分)Which foreign country does the woman want to visit? A . B . C . 3. (1分)Whats the last number of Pauls telephone number? A . B . C . 4. (1分)Where did Jack hurt? A . B . C . 5. (1分)What time will the woman see Mr. White this morning? A . At 10:00.B . At 10:15.C . At 9:45.6. (1分)What did the woman do yesterday morning? A . Called the man.B . Waited for the man at home.C . Played football with the man.7. (1分)How much is one ticket? A . $9.B . $4.5.C . $ 2.8. (1分)Where does the conversation probably take place? A . In a library.B . In a theatre.C . In a park9. (1分)When will Lily go to bed at last? A . At 8: 00 pm.B . At 8: 30 pm.C . At 9: 00 pm.10. (1分)What do you think the man is? A . A hotel guest.B . A cook.C . A waiter.二、 听对话和短文答题。 (共3题;共10分)11. (2分)听下面一段对话,回答问题。 (1)How far is Heping Hotel? A . Half an hours bus ride.B . An hours walk.C . 15 minutes walk.(2)How many buses go to Heping Hotel a day? A . 4.B . 5.C . 6.(3)How will the man go to Heping Hotel? A . By bus.B . On foot.C . By taxi.12. (3分)听独白,选择最佳选项。 (1)Li Huas father was a . A . teacherB . doctorC . worker(2)Li Mei was born in . A . LondonB . BeijingC . New York(3)They are children in Li Huas family. A . oneB . twoC . three(4)Li Gang was born in . A . 1990B . 1991C . 1992(5)Li Huas brother and sister are . A . strictB . difficultC . friendly and nice13. (5分)听独自,回答问题。 (1)The speaker thinks learning English well _ for him. A . easyB . difficultC . important(2)The speaker to learn English well. A . tries his bestB . makes up his mindC . pays attention(3)Every morning, the speaker listens to English _ by radio. A . songsB . newsC . words(4)Every afternoon, the speaker _. A . listens to the English songsB . writes some new wordsC . talks with a foreigner(5)The speaker spends about three hours learning English _. A . every dayB . every weekC . every month三、 单选题(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) (共20题;共20分)14. (1分)(2017邵阳)This is _ interesting story for the kids.A . anB . aC . /15. (1分)Ms. Chen has a bad cold, _ she still keeps on working as usual. A . becauseB . soC . orD . but16. (1分)Do you know that a 13-year-old English boy has done a nuclear experiment successfully?_ unusual work he has done!A . What anB . What aC . WhatD . How17. (1分)Do you often go to school by bus _ on foot? By bus. Its faster.A . andB . soC . orD . but18. (1分)He helps his friends _ their English.A . inB . atC . with19. (1分)Thank you! Ill_ your advice. A . listenB . giveC . followD . hear20. (1分)Listen! Is Millie playing the violin in the music room? No. It be her. She has gone to the teachers office.A . shouldB . mustC . needntD . cant21. (1分) Where are you going? Im going to have my hair _. Its too long.A . cuttingB . to cutC . cut22. (1分)Zhu Yawen won peoples heart with his amazing voice in The Sound. Theres no doubt that be showed his _ to use different voices.A . abilityB . interestC . secret23. (1分)Nobody else knows the news, ? A . does heB . doesnt heC . is he24. (1分)-_ is it from your home to the park.-Oh, its about ten kilometers.A . How farB . How manyC . How long25. (1分)Its cold outside. Please keep all the windows _. A . closedB . to closeC . closeD . closing26. (1分)Mum, can I get a new dress? _.A . Yes, I canB . Yes, you doC . Yes, you areD . Sure, dear27. (1分)_ my daughter is only ten years old, she knows a lot.What a clever girl!A . BecauseB . WhetherC . ThoughD . So28. (1分)Its really that a tortoise can 150 years old. A . amazed; live toB . amazed; live up toC . amazing; live up to29. (1分)Sorry, I took the wrong seat. _. I will take yours instead. A . No wayB . Better notC . Excuse meD . Thats all right30. (1分)You look better than before.Yes. I _ the life here now.A . get used toB . used toC . was used toD . am using to31. (1分)I am from _. Its a beautiful country. A . ChineseB . JapaneseC . EnglishD . America32. (1分)Joe had a nosebleed in PE.class. Did someone hit him on the nose?A . How do you like it?B . What happened?C . I cant stand it.D . Its nothing.33. (1分)Lily, I wonder_. We will go for a picnic tomorrow unless it rains.A . where will we go for a picnicB . where we will go for a picnicC . when we will go for a picnicD . when will we go for a picnic四、 完形填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,计15分) (共1题;共15分)34. (15分)完形填空Alice went down the rabbit hole after the White Rabbit. It was a very strange 1. Alice 2falling very slowly. She had no time to think and look around her. She could see nothing because it was dark.Down, down, down. 3she was sitting on the ground. She jumped to her 4and looked around. She could see the White Rabbit. He was 5saying, “Oh, dear! Oh, dear! Ill be late.” Alice ran after him like the wind(风). She was getting very near 6.Now Alice was in a very long, dark room with a door and she could not see the White Rabbit. She tried 7the door, but it was locked(锁、上锁). Then she saw a little table in the room. On it was a very small key(钥匙). She looked out of the window into a beautiful garden 8green trees and bright(鲜艳的)flowers.She went back to the table. 9she saw a little box on the table. She opened it and 10a very small cake with the words EAT ME on it. Very soon Alice finished the cake.(1)A . tree B . hole C . hill D . river (2)A . is B . am C . was D . were (3)A . Nearly B . Suddenly C . Quick D . Quickly (4)A . foot B . feet C . hands D . arms (5)A . ever B . never C . still D . since (6)A . he B . him C . she D . her (7)A . open B . opens C . to open D . opened (8)A . with B . at C . in D . after (9)A . So B . But C . Because D . Then (10)A . finds B . found C . find D . is finding 五、 、阅读理解(30分) (共3题;共30分)35. (10分)阅读理解 The Internet is shaping our lives. We already have online shopping services and mobile payment. However, this is just a start. The worlds leading technology companies are planning to build smarter online communities. They discussed this at the World Internet Conference(会议), which was held in Wuzhen.The development of artificial intelligence (AI) was a hot topic at the conference. If a machine can learn and solve problems as humans do, it can be called AI.The company Alibaba uses AI technology in its unmanned supermarket in Wuzhen. There is no salesperson in the supermarkets, just a computer on a desk that says please smile. If you smile, it gives you a lower price for your goods. The bigger you smile, the lower the price will be. Payment is done through your Alipay account (支付宝账户). When you first enter the supermarket, the supermarkets AI examines your face and connects you to your account.There is also AI that can read lips (嘴唇). Sougou brought its lip-reading system to the conference. It examines your mouths movements and turns them into voice or messages. This could be very useful when you are trying to talk to someone on your phone in a noisy place. Police could also use the technology to help them find criminals by lip-reading recordings from video cameras.Another type of AI focuses on understanding human feelings. Microsoft chatbox XiaoIce can not only provide useful information but also chat with people like a real friend. XiaoIce has Wechat account. After following the account, users can start talking with her. She knows when to comfort you or tell jokes. She keeps improving herself by talking with users.These technologies are being put into wider use. We may see a smarter world and better life in the near future.(1)The underlined phrase artificial intelligence (AI) probably means . A . 信息技术B . 人工智能C . 人脸识别D . 三维动画(2)At the conference, the leading technology companies discussed how to . A . catch criminals with AIB . use AI in the supermarketsC . put the new technologies into useD . set up smarter online communities(3)Who will most probably be interested in XiaoIce? A . Teenagers who feel lonely.B . Salespeople who work in a noisy shop.C . Shop owners who want to save money.D . Customers who have left their wallets at home.(4)Whats the best title for this passage? A . Building a Smart FutureB . Developing Artificial IntelligenceC . Shopping in Unmanned SupermarketsD . Communicating with Microsoft Chatbox36. (10分) An ant(蚂蚁)was drinking at a small river and fell in. She tried her best to reach the side, but she couldnt move at all. The poor ant got too tired but was still doing her best when a big bird saw her. What a luck! The bird threw a piece of wood in the water. With it the ant reached the bank again. While she was resting and drying herself in the grass, she heard a man coming up. He was walking without shoes on his feet and with a gun(枪)in his hand. As soon as he saw the bird, he wanted to kill her, and he would certainly do so, but the ant bite(咬)him on one of his feet and at the moment the bird flew away at once. (1)What happened to the ant?A . She fell in the waterB . She wanted to swimC . She was thirstyD . She was eating(2)What did the ant want to do in the water?A . She wanted to look for somethingB . She wanted to swim to the bankC . She wanted to catch a fishD . She wanted to drink some water(3)Who helped the ant?A . A manB . A fishC . A birdD . Herself(4)What did the man with a gun wear on his feet?A . A pair of shoesB . A pair of socksC . NothingD . Some clothes(5)The man couldnt kill the bird, Why?A . He couldnt see the bird clearlyB . He couldnt use the gunC . He didnt like to hurt the birdD . His foot was bitten by the ant.37. (10分)阅读理解 The year is 2045. A goal is scored at the soccer World Cup. Is that possible? Many scientists believe it is. In fact, there are already robots that can play soccer. Todays scientists are working on robots with various skills.When people started making robots, they were made to do just simple things, mainly in factories. Since then, however, robots have changed a lot. Early robots were operated by humans. Todays robots function(运行) themselves. Some can only move around a little, like robot cleaners, but others can do much more like running, dancing and even playing soccer.Then there are robots designed to be like humans. These robots have faces and can show emotions(表情). Such robots can learn new things, and show us how they feel.Scientists arent just building humanlike robots. They are also making robots that look and act like animals. At NASA, scientists are making a robot snake. Its a kind of vehicles with wheels. These snake buts can enter holes and move over rough(粗糙的) ground. They might one day help scientists look for signs of life on Mars.But can a robot soccer team ever operate all on their own, or play as well as a human team? Many robot scientists think so. Anything is possible. One day, they may even be world champions(1)Todays robots can . A . act like animalsB . think like humansC . look for signs of life on MarsD . win the world championship(2)The underlined word various in Paragraph 1 probably means . A . 良好的B . 多样的C . 复杂的D . 先进的(3)The second paragraph mainly talks about . A . how the earliest robots worked in factoriesB . how todays robots are different from early robotsC . why early robots could not do things by themselvesD . why todays robots can do much more on their own(4)Which of the followings would the writer probably agree with? A . Scientists cannot build humanlike robots.B . Robots can learn new things without feelings.C . There wont be robot soccer players that think by themselves.D . There will be robot soccer Mavers that May as well as humans.六、 阅读表达(共5小题;每题2分,满分10分) (共1题;共10分)38. (10分)请认真阅读下面短文,用英语回答短文后的问题。It was Mothers Day. John was so busy with his work that he couldnt go back home. When he passed by a flower shop in the evening, an idea came to his mind. Ill send Mum some roses.While John was picking his flowers, a young man went inside. How many roses can I get for only five dollars, Madam? he asked. The assistant was trying to tell him roses were as expensive as forty dollars a dozen (一打). Maybe he would be happy with carnations (康乃馨).No, I have to have red roses. He said, My mum was badly ill last year and I didnt get to spend much time with her. Now I want to get something special, it has to be roses as rose is her favorite.After hearing it, John said he would pay the rest of the money for the young man. Moved by both of them, the assistant said, Well, lovely young men, thirty dollars a dozen, only for you. Taking the roses, the young man almost jumped into the air and ran out of the shop. It was well worth twenty-five dollars John paid to see the exciting moment. Then John paid for his dozen of roses and told the assistant to send them to his mother.As he walked out, he felt nice. Suddenly he saw the young man crossing the street and going into a park. But soon he realized it was not a park but a cemetery (墓地). Crying, the young man carefully laid the roses, Mum, oh, Mum, why didnt I tell you how much I loved you? God, please help me find my mum and tell her I love her.Seeing this, John turned and quickly walked to the shop. He would take the flowers home himself.(1)Whose mother died?_(2)How much did John spend in the flower shop that day?_(3)Do you want to say Mum, I love you to your mother? Why or why not?_七、 阅读短文完成表格(10分) (共1题;共10分)39. (10分)阅读短文,根据短文内容完成表格(每空一词)。 Do you know S.H.E? It is a singing group from Taiwan, China. There are three girls in it. They are Selina, Hebe and Ella. They are very popular. Lots of girls like Selina because she is very beautiful. She has long, straight hair. She is of medium height and she is thin. Hebe is a nice girl. She isnt tall but she has long, straight hair, too. She likes to wear cute hats. Ella is really cool! She looks like a boy. She has short, straight hair and she likes to wear jackets and pants. Many fans think that she is the best singer. NameWhat does she look like?SelinaShe is very _. She has _, straight hair. HebeShe isnt _and she likes to wear hats. EllaShes really _. She likes to wear _and pants. 八、 单词拼写(词汇运用)(共6小题;每小题1分,计7分) (共7题;共7分)40. (1分)After a long week, the students feel s_on Friday afternoon. 41. (1分)Miaomiao lives in a small v_. She wants to go to the city someday. 42. (1分)Please look at the_(菜单)and choose what you would like to eat. 43. (1分)John got his drivers _ (证件) last month. Now he can drive to work. 44. (1分)根据图片和上下文的提示,填写正确的单词补全短文。Daisy is little girl. She didnt have a _Lifestyle(生活方式)before .She liked eating junk food very much,_as hamburgers,fried chicken and chips.She_like doing sports at all.One day,Daisy didnt _well. So she went to the_.The doctor said there was nothing serious _Daisy and asked Daisy to_her lifestyle. So Daisy follows the doctors _.She goes to gym to_sports every day.And she doesnt eat junk food any more and begins to eat a lot of vegetables and fruit. She goes to_early and has enough sleep.She is thinner and stronger than before. 45. (1分)阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式(每空一词)。 Last Tuesday, Janes father bought a book for her from the new bookshop in the town _ (中心). Jane really _ (享受) reading it. The book was about a girl. She sailed (航行) around the _ (世界) in a very small boat. Her _ (名字) was Mary Banks and she was only 22. It was a very _ (令人激动的) story. Mary often _ (遇见) sharks in the sea. But she was never _ (惊慌的). When Mary came back home, lots of people wanted to know about her.There is a _ (电影) about Marys trip. Jane loves watching it. One day she asked her dad, Can we buy a boat? I want to sail around the world, too! Janes father said, I think thats _ (相当) a great idea, Jane. But first you must learn to _ (游泳).46. (1分)Sometimes my father _ (买) tickets on the Internet. 九、 语法填空:根据句意,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。(每空1 (共8题;共8分)47. (1分)I like to watch soap operas, because theyre _(enjoy). 48. (1分)Wang Ping is _ (short) and _ (thin) than her sister. 49. (1分)阅读下面短文,根据语境、音标或单词等提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的单词,使短文意思完整、行文连贯。 Pandas live in the forests and mountains of Southwest China. They feed on _. But now they have less and less _/lnd/ to live on. So pandas are becoming _(few) in number. The heaviest animals in the _are not elephants. They are blue whales. They are the _(large) but they feed on the smallest _/s:/ animals. Now they are in danger because some people _their ocean home dirty and others _/kl/ whales for their meat.Chinese tigers live in the south of China. They are also in _(dangerous) now. They are the oldest type of tigers in the world and they eat small animals. Some people kill tigers _their fur and bones.50. (1分)语法填空 My mother only had one eye. And because of this, I never wished her to show up in my school, being afraid that my classmates would find out I had _ ugly mother.One day during elementary school, I was terribly ill. My mother _ (come).Your mom only has one eye?! asked some of my classmates. I was so embarrassed.I wished _ (I) mother would just disappear from this world. If you make me teased(嘲笑), why dont you just die? I shouted at her, taking no notice of the sad look on her face. My mother just handed me some medicine and _ (leave) without saying anything.At that time, I felt good to say what I always wanted to say, and I _ (not) think I had hurt her feelings very much. That night I saw my mom crying in her room, so _ (quiet), as if she was afraid that she might disturb me. Even so, I hated her _ (tear) from one eye. I made a decision: I must study hard and leave her.Years later my dream came true. I was quite successful and lived alone. I never thought of going back to see my ugly mother _ one day I got a letter, which said, My sonIm sorry I only have one eye. When you were little, you got into an accident and lost your eye. As a m


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