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Unit 14 Festivals重点单词:theme parade symbol argument opinion major probably honour purpose creativity faith light joy similar celebration 重点短语:in ones opinion play a trick on sb. take in be similar to to ones joy for the purpose of remind sb. of sth have something in common with sb. make a decision treat sb. to sth in honour of get together a long history give thanks for their harvests keep-alive have faith in life think for oneself give away主要句型: 1. I dont think it is necessaryto do sth. 2. In my opinion, we should do sth. 3. The first time I saw her ,I fell in love with her.语法:情态动词 重点单词1.opinion. n.意见,看法(1) ones opinion on/of sb.sth.某人对-的看法Ill be glad to hear your opinion of him.(2) hold the opinion that-持-观点,that引导同位语从句He held the opinion that you two ought to part.(3)in ones opinion在某人看来In the opinion of most people, what the boy did was not right.(4) have a good /bad opinion of对-印象好/坏We have the highest opinion of her. 2.greet vt.向打招呼(1) greet sb. with-/by doing-He greeted me with a smile. He greeted us by shouting a friendly” hello”.(2) 迎接,欢迎,祝贺,欢呼She greeted her guests at the door. They greeted these fighters from Iraq.(3) greeting n.招呼,称呼 “Hello”and “Good moring”are greeting He sent me a letter with the greeting “Dear Sir”.greetings复数问候,祝贺= regards /best wishesIn his letter my father sent you his greeting. Please give my greetings to your sister.3.create vt 创造,建立;造成,引起. creation n.创造.建立,造成u;创造的东西u Man creates history. That will create a wrong impression.4. purpose 1)目的 (可数) For what purpose did you go to Africa? 你到非洲去有什么目的?I didnt meet him for the mere purpose of talking.我并不是仅为了谈话才见他。My purpose in going there was to meet some people on business.我到那儿的目的是会见商务人士。2)用途,效果 (不可数)Is there any purpose in waiting? 等下去有用吗?Whats the main purpose of this building?这栋建筑物的主要用途是什么?on purpose 故意地 (反义词:by chance, by accident )I think he lost the key on purpose.我认为他是故意丢失钥匙的。He went to town on purpose to sell one of his paintings.他为了卖自己的一幅画而特意进城。His explanation was not to the purpose. 他的解释不得要领。5. respect n.1) Children should show respect for their teachers.孩子应该尊敬老师。The doctor was held in respect by everyone.这位医生受到了大家的尊敬。2) He has no respect for his promise.他不重视他的诺言。We must have respect for the needs of the general readers.我们必须考虑一般读者的需要。 He has no respect for the feelings of others.他毫不在意别人的心情。3) My mother sends her respects to you.我母亲向你问好。v.He is respceted by everyone. Do you respect the laws of your cuontry?If you dont respect yourself ,how can you expect others to respsct you?6. gift n. 1) a Chrietmas/birthday gift 圣诞(生日)礼物 He made a gift of $10 000 to his old high school.他给了他的高中母校捐赠了10 000美圆。 2) He is a boy of many gifts.他是个多才多艺的孩子。He has a gift for music.他有音乐天赋。7. celebrate( 宾语为节日,生日, 胜利, 成功, 事件之类的词) congratulate sb. on the. congratulations on sth. 8.oneself1) be oneself 独自, 独立2) for oneself亲自 Youd better go there for yourself. think for oneself 独立思考 3) to oneself 独自, 对着自己 (常与say, talk, think, smile 连用) say to oneself talk to oneself 自言自语 think to oneself 心理想 smile to oneself自己暗自笑4) of oneself自行地( 没有外力的) The door opened of itself.9. hope n. 对-希望1) -and share our hopes for a happy future. 2) We talked about our hopes for peace.v. hope for希望得到 hope for the best We all hope for success.Let us be calm, gentlemen. Shylock, how can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none? hope to do hope that hoping重点短语1. dress up打扮.给-穿上某种衣服穿盛装,化装, 修饰,掩饰dress sb./oneself up as打扮成-be dressed up as-表示状态He dressed himself up as a gentleman He was dressed up as a gentleman.She was dressed up to play Snowmhite in the play.Children love dressing up. He dressed himself up as Father Christmas. The facts are quite clear. Its no use trying to dress them up. 事实明摆着, 想掩饰没用.1)be dressed in/ as 穿着The lady was dressed in white at the party. The girl was poorly (well) dressed穿着随便2) dress down 穿着随便He dressed down while working in the field.2. take in ( 动词搭配)1) 欺骗, 上当 He is no fool, so you wont take him in easily. Why were you taken in by such silly tricks he played on you?2) 领会, 理解, 明白 The boy is so clever that he can take in what the teachers teach in class.3) 容纳, 包含, 包括 His speech took in some new points.4) 让 -在家居住,收留 He had nowhere to go, so I took him in.5) 在家承揽 (活计) She has been out of work, so she has to take in sewing.6) 改小衣服 I want to get a tailor to take the coat in.1) take along 带-一起去Its going to rain; youd better take along a raincoat with you.2) take away拿走Not to be taken away ! The child was taken away from school.3) take back 取回;归还I take back what I said. 4) take off 除去;脱掉;动身;起飞When I got to the airport, the plane had taken off. You should take your toys off the table. Take your coat off.5) take on 雇佣;承担;呈现The manager will take on a new secretary. Dont take on more work than you can do.Im glad to find that our school has taken on a new look.6) take up 拿起;站空间;消耗时间;开始从事;继续She took up her bag and left. Visiting grandfather will take up the whole of Sunday.John took up art while at school. Ill take up the story where I finished yesterday.Carry the table out. It takes up too much room.3.There used to be - 过去曾有-There happens to be-碰巧有-There seems -好象有-There appears-好象有- There used to be a lot of wild animals in the forest. There happened to be a traffic jam, so I was twenty minutes late this morning. There seems to be a rain, for there is black cloud in the sky. There appears to have been a mistake. There is going to be a meeting tonight4. hear about /of sth. hear from sb.5. get together 聚首.碰头Were going to get together with some friends for a picnic. Would you like to join us?6. a seven-day festival a three-minute walk a five-year plan an 11-year-old boy my ( almost) 400-mile journey7. so that引导的目的状语从句,从句常用情态动词can, could, may might, will, wouldRoses need special care so that they can live through winter. Roses need special care so as to live through winter.8. have much/( a lot, a great deal, little, nothing) in common ( with -)9. give ones thanks to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人表达感谢10. as well as1) as -as 和 -一样好John plays football as well as, if not better than, David.2) as well as 不仅-, 而且-, 也, 又, 和, 连接两个并列的成分 Xiao Wang, as well as his parents, has seen the film.Janet as well as the other young people who _ sent abroad by the government _ brought up in the small town. A. was, was B. was, were C. were, were D. were, wasPippa, as well as the other children who _ the presents, _.A. wants to divide, has taken his place B. wants to divide up, have taken their placesC. want to divide, have taken their places D. want to divide up, has taken his place3) 除-之外 ( = besides)As well as the danger from enemy action, people had to deal with a severe shortage of food, clothing, fuel and almost everything .4) as well用于句末.( 也, too) He bought some books and some fruit as well.5) might/may as well 不妨, 不如- 为好We might as well wait for a bus to get to the station since we are not in a hurry.11. 竭尽所能做某事do everything one can to do do all one can to do do what one can to dodo as much as one can to do do ones best to do My parents love me dearly of course and will do all they can make sure that I get - 78 _(2001高考短文改错)12. keep -alive1) Hes still alive though he is very old. ( 表语) 2) Who is the greatest man alive in the world? ( 定语) 3) bury - alive ( 补语 ) catch -alive burn alive13. give away 1) give sth. away to sb. ( give sth. free of charge) 2) 泄露秘密, 出卖某人 Please dont give away my secret. Her face gave her away when she told a lie. He pretended to be French, but his German accent gave him away.14. play a trick on sb. ( play tricks on sb.) 开某人的玩笑, 捉弄某人15. 形容词前加the, 指一类人 the + living/ dead, young, blind, deaf, injured ( 谓语动词用复数)重点句型1.Each time we celebrate a festival it changes a little and in that way we keep our culture alive.each time 在此相当于连接副词,引导时间状语从句,表示动作的习惯性、经常性,也可以用every time 表示。另外,the first time, next time, the time, the monent也可以用来引导状语从句。1) Each time we made mistakes in our homework, he would ask us to correct them.2) Every time you meet someone in a social situation, give him your undivided attention for four minutes.每次你在社交场合遇到人时,集中精力于他四分钟。3) Every time I saw him, I was overcome by his brilliance.每次见到他,都为他的聪颖倾倒。4) Be sure to call on us next time you come to town.5) She rushed into the room immediately/ the moment she heard the noise.6) He left me a good impression the first time I met him.我第一次见他时,他给我留下了好印象。2.情态动词 must, have tomust 1) 必须, 应该As a student, you must be strict with yourself.- Must I stay here after class? - Yes, you must. / No. you neednt2) 想必, 一定 ( 猜测, 推测) ( 用于肯定) He must be at home. He must be waiting upstairs. He must have missed the early bus.3) 偏偏要 ( 表不满意, 不耐烦) The machine must break down at the busy moment. John, look at the time. _ you play the piano at such a late hour?A. Must B. Can C. May D. Need (2005高考题)have to 客观My clothes are too dirty. I have to wash them. It is going to rain. Youve to take an umbrella with you.mustnt do sth.一定不要dontdoesnt have to do sth.不必做( needn t do sth.)


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