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2020届九年级下学期第一次模拟测英语试卷C卷一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)Where did you go on Childrens Day?I went to Chengdu and had dinner with my sister.A . the, theB . a, /C . /, theD . /, /2. (2分)I _ my mother and I _ her very much.A . like; likeB . am like; likesC . look like; am likeD . am like; like3. (2分) Time to go to bed, Mary. Oh, mum. I wont go to bed _ I finish my composition.A . afterB . sinceC . untilD . as soon as4. (2分)Alice, could you tell me when your sister _ from Harbin?Im not sure. I will call you when she _.A . will come back; will returnB . comes back; will returnC . will come back; returnsD . comes back: returns5. (2分)- This English problem is difficult to solve.- Dont worry. I will help you.A . find outB . knowC . work out6. (2分)Do you know the girl _ is reading a book under the tree?A . whoB . whenC . whichD . whose7. (2分)The boy go to bed his mother came back. A . doesnt, whenB . doesnt, untilC . didnt, whenD . didnt, until8. (2分)He used to cut down many trees, but now he has to it.A . pay backB . pay offC . pay forD . pay out9. (2分)Most Chinese children like to sleep with their mothers. They are the dark. A . interested inB . full ofC . afraid ofD . sure of10. (2分)Could you join us this afternoon?Sorry, I_. I take care of my little sister because my mother is out.A . cant; mayB . couldnt; have toC . cant; have toD . couldnt; may二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 My father likes collecting(收藏)things very much. He1many things. My father likes basketball very much, 2he doesnt like3basketball. He only likes4basketball games, and he likes basketball shoes very much. He has 45 pairs of basketball shoes. But he5wear these basketball shoes. He also has a collection6about 400 CDs. In his room, you can see these CDs on the table, in the7, and under his bed. My father likes8very much. My father has some other sports collection,9. He has 10 soccer balls, 12 tennis balls, and 7 basketballs. I also10my fathers sports collection very much.(1)A . does B . has C . have D . like (2)A . and B . but C . with D . or (3)A . having B . tidying C . playing D . seeing (4)A . watching B . having C . looking at D . going (5)A . does B . doesnt C . is D . isnt (6)A . on B . in C . at D . of (7)A . table B . floor C . bookcase D . bed (8)A . they B . them C . it D . its (9)A . also B . too C . either D . and (10)A . like B . get C . want D . have 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共40分)12. (10分)阅读理解 With the development of modern technology, robots are going into many fields of human beings. They can be instructed to carry different tasks and finish them well. Robot AlexanderRobot Joanna 2.32m with a handsome face, designed in China. Price: $9,900 per robot. He helps build cars and does simple jobs over and over again. Fewer people will do such boring jobs, but Alexander will never get bored. A middle-aged lady who is 1.67m. designed in India. Price: $10,100 per robot. Joanna is easy-going and acts like a lovely housewife. She does a lot of housework, such as cooking, washing and keeping the house clean and tidy.Robot SusanRobot CharlesOnly 1.10m, a pretty girl coming from France. She can sing many songs and dance to music. If youre tired from study and work, Susan will tell you funny stories and keep you laughing a lot. Price:$ 13,700 per robot. A snake-shaped robot, designed in Australia, less than 1 meter long. Price: $9,760 per robot. If building fall down with people inside, Robot Charles can help look for people under the ruins(废墟).(1)Robot Joanna, a lovely and easy-going housewife is _. A . only 1.10 meter tallB . 2.32 meters tallC . less than one meter longD . 1.67 meters tall(2)Why will fewer people do simple jobs again and again in the coming years? Because _.A . people would like to do them if they get more paidB . modern technology makes people smartC . robots like Alexander will do such boring jobsD . there are many jobs for people to choose from(3)What can Susan do to help you relaxed after a whole days work? A . Paly with snakes.B . Tell you a funny story.C . Cook delicious dishes.D . Design a toy car.(4)If an earthquake happens,_ will help look for people under the fallen buildings. A . Robot AlexanderB . Robot JoannaC . Robot SusanD . Robot Charles(5)Where can you read the above information about robots? A . In a science newspaper.B . In a story book.C . In a geography book.D . In a tour guide.13. (10分)阅读理解DTwo years ago, a 9-year-old girl from Massachusetts, US, wrote a letter to American President Barack Obama. Why arent there any women on the dollars or coins of the United States? Sofia asked. There are many women that could be on the dollars or coins because of the important things theyve done. To her surprise on April 20, also her 11th birthday, Sofia got a call from the White House telling her that her wish will come true.Harriet Tubman, an African-American woman, will be on the face of the $20 bill, and the final design will be released(发布) by 2020, said US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew. This means that Tubman will become the first woman in more than a century and the first black person to appear on the countrys currency (货币).Tubman was born a slave (奴隶) in 1822. When she was 27, she made her escape. But Tubman wanted to help other slaves become free, so she later returned to the South 19 times and saved more than 300 people. She fought against slavery all her life.However, while Tubman is going on the new currency, women still bring home far fewer $20 bills than their men colleagues (同事). According to the Institute for Womens Policy Research, women are paid only 79 percent of what men are paid in the US.Women have long been undervalued (低估), said Susan Ades Stone from the US. To put a great woman on the currency can remind us every day of womens value, abilities and contributions. At least its a step in the right direction.根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。(1)What did Sofia write in her letter to Barack Obama? A . She wanted to raise money.B . She hoped to visit the White House.C . She wished women were on US dollars or coins.D . She wanted to invite him to her birthday.(2)Which is NOT true about Harriet Tubman? A . She will be the first woman on US currency.B . The bill with her picture will be used in 2020.C . She was a black woman who fought for slaves.D . She made her escape from slavery 19 times.(3)According to the Institute for Womens Policy Research, _. A . women get the same pay as menB . women are paid much lower than menC . 79 percent of women get the same pay as menD . 79 percent of men get paid more than women(4)Why do people think it is important to put women on dollars or coins ? A . The bills will look more beautiful.B . It can remind people that women are great.C . It means men and women get the same money.D . It tells the many stories of great black women.(5)We may see this passage from a _.A . Guide book.B . Diary.C . Magazine.D . Science book.14. (10分)(2016襄阳)阅读下面材料,根据材料内容从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AThe homestay(寄宿家庭) provides English language students with the good chance to speak English outside the classroom and the experience of being part of an American home.What to ExpectThe host will provide places to live and meals. Rooms will be cleaned every day. And the host is there to offer help and advice on your physical and mental(精神的) health.Living AreaHost families are mainly in Zones 2, 3 and 4. Most hosts dont live in Zone 1 because much of central New York is trading center. Zones 3 and 4 often offer larger houses in uncrowded areas. But its very convenient to travel to the center of New York by subway.Meal PlansIts important to know that few American families still provide a traditional cooked breakfast. Your breakfast mainly includes fruit juice, bread and coffee. Cheese, fruit and cold meat are not part of the breakfast. Dinners are usually made up of meat or fish with vegetables followed by dessert, fruit and coffee.FriendsIf you wish to invite a friend to visit you, you must ask your host for permission(许可) first, because some families feel uncomfortable when there are strangers at their home.(1)Which of the following will the host provide?A . Room cleaning.B . A swimming pool.C . Free transport.D . Traveling guide.(2)Most hosts would like to offer you for breakfast.A . fruit juice, cheese and coffeeB . bread, fruit juice and coffeeC . fruit, fish and cold meatD . fruit juice, dessert and vegetables(3)We can infer(推断) that is in central New York.A . Zone1B . Zone 2C . Zone 3D . Zone 4(4)Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A . The hosts will care for your physical and mental health.B . Few American families offer the traditional cooked breakfast.C . You cant invite any friends to the house without asking the host.D . Most of the rooms in Zone 4 are smaller than those in Zone 2.(5)The passage is probably written for .A . hosts who want to receive foreign studentsB . travelers planning to visit families in New YorkC . English learners who want to live in American homesD . foreigners hoping to study American culture15. (10分)阅读理解BLast week, scientists said they discovered a new birdlike dinosaur. With feathers, a beak (鸟嘴) and long legs, it looked pretty funny. This kind of dinosaur was 3 meters (10 feet) long, and it was higher than most humans. It also had sharp claws (爪子).Fossil hunters dug out the bones of this species in a rocky place of southwest North Dakota. The scientists nicknamed this dinosaur the Chicken from Hell. They also gave it a more formal name: Anzu Wyliei. Anzu was a mythical (神秘的) fire-breathing bird. Wylie is the dinosaur-loving grandson of a man who supports the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh, Pa. Scientists at that museum were part of the team that told the new dinosaur in a paper published on March 19 in the journal PLOS ONE. The Anzu dinosaur is based on a surprisingly nice specimen(样品), and past digs turned up this animal, a scientist told Science News for Students.(1)What did the dinosaur look like? A . A cow.B . A bird.C . A dog.D . A fish.(2)Which of the following is TRUE about the dinosaur? A . The dinosaur had no mouth.B . The dinosaur was 2 meters long.C . Hunters found the dinosaur in the southwest East Dakota.D . Its nickname was the Chicken from Hell.(3)We can know from the passage that _. A . Wylie likes dinosaurB . the name Anzu wyliei comes from a mans nameC . the Carnegie Museum of Natural History gave money to the dinosaurs studyD . the specimen is very usual(4)Students are able to get more information about the dinosaur from _. A . Science News for StudentsB . the Carnegie Museum of Natural HistoryC . PLOS ONED . scientists(5)The writer wrote the passage to_. A . tell us a discovery of a new kind of dinosaurB . tell us what the new dinosaur looked likeC . tell us who found the new dinosaurD . tell us how people found the new dinosaur四、 短文填空 (共1题;共5分)16. (5分)阅读短文,根据短文内容回答下列问题或翻译句子。It was very cold .It snowed heavily and blew very strongly . It was not a good night to go out . But David had to walk home from work .I can be warmer , he thought ,I wear my coat backwards (反方向地).He took off his coat and put it on backwards Thats much better. He thought and walked on . About ten minutes later a car hit him. The driver stopped his car and got out of it .He ran to help David .Soon a police car arrived .The policeman ran to look at David .Im afraid hes dead. The policeman told the driver .The driver could not believe it . He cant be dead .He cried, I did not touch him. Look at my car. There is not a mark on it.Hes dead . The policeman said again .I dont understand it . The driver said ,As soon as I hit him. I ran to help him. He was lying on the road , but he was breathing and there was no blood.Did you touch him ? The policeman asked .Yes, The driver said ,but I only turn his head around the right way ._Why was David walking in such bad weather ?_How did David make himself warmer ?_Did the driver run to help David ?_Who killed David ?_把画线的句子译成汉语。五、 补全对话 (共1题;共4分)17. (4分)从方框中选择合适的单词并用其适当形式填空,补全对话。so, also, play, good, sportMary: Hi, Frank, what club do you want to join?Frank: I want to join a sports club.Mary: Great! What sports can you _?Frank: Soccer.Mary: _you can join the soccer club.Frank: What about you? You speak English very _. You can join the English club.Mary: Sounds good. But I like to draw, _.Frank: Then join two clubs.Mary: OK.六、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)18. (10分)选词填空 friendly a happily classmates promised write for best that mePablo and I were walking home from playing football. On the way, I told him that our school needed _football team. At once, Pablo suggested, Why not run for(.竞选) class president so that you can set one up ?Who would want _?I asked, surprised at the idea.Pablo made a list of reasons: I was the _student of all in sports and lessons; I was _to everybody. When I told him running for president would be much work, he _that he would help me.I did run, and Pablo did help me. First, we made posters to hang in the hallway. Next, Pablo helped me _a speech about why Id make a good class president.The big day came. I gave my speech in front of the whole grade, promising my _that if they chose me, Id start a football team.As Pablo and I nervously waited _the results, I was told that my speech was so successful _I was the right person to be class president.Now we went _to Coach Simpason and asked how I could start our new football team.七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)假如你是李明,你的网友Mike发来电子邮件询问你是如何保持身体健康的。请根据下列写作要点给Mike回复一封80词左右的电子邮件(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。写作要点:1. 我对每个人都友善、有礼貌,因此我总是很快乐;2. 我很活跃,每天进行锻炼;3. 我有健康的饮食习惯;4. 我每天都睡眠充足。Dear Mike,Thank you for your email. Here is what I do to stay healthy. Could you tell me what you do to stay healthy? Im looking forward to your email.Best wishes,Li Ming第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共40分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、四、 短文填空 (共1题;共5分)16-1、五、 补全对话 (共1题;共4分)17-1、六、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)18-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)19-1、


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