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鲁教版2020届九年级上学期英语期末考试试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 语音辨析 (共2题;共4分)1. (2分)When he was unknown _the young people, he served _ a singer at a bar.A . for; forB . to; asC . for; toD . to; to2. (2分)The of printing helped to spread the knowledge. A . inventionB . experienceC . decisionD . reason二、 单项选择 (共18题;共36分)3. (2分)The whole family were_agreement about what they should do next. A . aboutB . ofC . inD . on4. (2分)There are _ trees on both sides of the street in our hometown. A . much tooB . too muchC . too manyD . many too5. (2分)Youd better get home earlier today we can go out for a big meal. A . in order toB . such thatC . so thatD . in order6. (2分)My new friend is a _ boy. A . fifteen-year oldB . fifteen-years-oldC . fifteen years oldD . fifteen-year-old7. (2分)Its about _ kilometers from Nanchong to Chengdu. A . two hundredsB . two hundreds ofC . two hundredD . two hundred of8. (2分)The fish tastes _. We have eaten it up It is certain that she cooked it _. A . good; wellB . well; goodC . well; wellD . good; good9. (2分)Its almost eight years we _ each other last time.A . since; sawB . before; seeC . after; will seeD . when; have seen10. (2分)Dont late for school. A . isB . beC . arrivesD . are11. (2分)When will you come to my house? I cant wait _ you.A . meetB . metC . to meetD . meeting12. (2分)My friend John knows_ about football because he doesnt like it at all. A . somethingB . anythingC . everythingD . nothing13. (2分)The girl got the only chance to study abroad. proud her parents felt! A . HowB . WhatC . What aD . How a14. (2分)Wow, so many new buildings! But it used to be a poor village. Yes, _ has changed in our hometown.A . NothingB . NobodyC . Everything D . Everybody15. (2分)Did you go to Jacks birthday party?No, I _.A . am not invitedB . wasnt invitedC . havent invitedD . didnt invite16. (2分)How many times _ Carl _ to the Great Wall ?Only once .A . does ; goB . did ; goC . has ; goneD . has ; been17. (2分)Peter _ to have a cool model plane. A . hopedB . had hopedC . has hopedD . hopes18. (2分)_ you _ him around the museum yet?Yes. We had a great time there.A . Have; shownB . Do; showC . Had; shownD . Did; show19. (2分)Could I swim here? Look at the sign NO SWIMMINGA . No,you couldntB . Certainly,you couldC . Sorry,please dontD . Of course,you can20. (2分)She has the flu(流感), so she cant come to the party .A . It doesnt matterB . Im sorry to hear thatC . It sounds goodD . Thats all right三、 选词填空 (共2题;共20分)21. (10分)用方框中所给的词语的适当形势填空,使短文正确、通顺、连贯(每词限用一次)not support , zoo , care for , keep , good , hardly , surprise , for , much , be suitable forYesterday I visited the Hong Shan Forest Zoo. I was_to find few people there. _are very important places. They provide homes_many endangered animals .They also help to educate the public about_them . If we _our zoos, they wont have enough money to take care of so_fine animals. Therefore, People should go and visit the zoos more often to learn about animals and help to protect them_.However, some people dont think so. They think zoos are terrible places for animals to live.“Ive visited a lot of zoos in my life, and I have never seen one I like or one that_animals to live in .”Jenny said The animals_in small cages and can _move at all .Whats more, they are only given food once a week Thats terrible.22. (10分)根据语境从方框中选择恰当的短语填空。有的需要变换形式。每个短语限用一次。knock, come, look, colour, ready, cut, open, symbol activity, alsoHalloween is all important holiday in America. It_on the evening of every 31st October. The pumpkin(南瓜)is a(n)_of Halloween. So orange has become one of the traditional Halloween_. Another traditional colour is black. It is probably because Halloween_take place(发生)at night. Every autumn, when vegetables are_, children pick large orange pumpkins. Then they_faces in pumpkins and put burning candles (蜡烛) in them. It looks as if there was a person_out of the pumpkin. Children_like wearing strange masks(面具)and clothes every Halloween. They carry bags and_on neighboursdoors from house to house. The neighbours_their doors and put sweets or fruit in their bags. If people dont give them food, the children will play a trick (恶作剧)on them. 四、 词汇运用 (共1题;共9分)23. (9分)B)根据句意及括号内所给单词的提示填空。 (1)There are three_(hall)in our school (2)Jeff never_(fight)with his classmates (3)Tom_(feel)unhappy because he cant find his cat (4)Are Toms and Lauras_(kitchen) big? (5)My sister always (practice)singing at 8:00 pm 五、 句型转换 (共1题;共3分)24. (3分)This is my box.(改为复数句)_ _ my _.六、 阅读理解 (共1题;共10分)25. (10分) Once Effendi had a joke with the Prime Minister (宰相). He said that the Minister would die the next day. The next day, the Minister fell to the ground from the horse and really died. When the king learned this, he got angry and sent his men to catch Effendi at once.When Effendi was brought to him, the king shouted angrily, “Effendi, since (既然)you knew when my Minister would die, you must know the date of your own death. Say it out, or youll die today.”Effendi looked at the king for a while. Then he answered, “But how can I know? Ill die two days earlier than you.” The king was afraid that if he killed Effendi, he himself would die after that. He thought he must keep Effendi alive (活着) as long as possible, so he let Effendi go.(1)This story tells us _.A . how Effendi fooled (愚弄) the kingB . when the king would dieC . why the Minister diedD . Effendi knew the dates of everyones death(2)The Prime Minister died because _.A . Effendi killed himB . Effendi said he would dieC . he was badly illD . he fell off the horse(3)Why did the king ask Effendi to tell him the date of Effendis own death?A . Because the king wanted to know when he himself would die.B . Because the wanted to find an excuse to kill Effendi.C . Because he himself had known the date of Effendis death.D . Because he wanted to know when Effendi would die.(4)The king let Effendi go because _.A . he hoped to live a long lifeB . he was afraid of EffendiC . he didnt believe (相信) Effendis wordD . He knew he would die two days later(5)Which of the following is not true?A . Effendi played a joke on the MinisterB . Effendi didnt know when the king would die.C . The king was afraid of death.D . If the king killed Effendi, he himself would die two days later.七、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)26. (10分) One night a young American doctor was sleeping at home when his doorbell began to ring. When he opened the door he saw a man 1outside.“Excuse me, Doctor,”said the man. “Can you come at once to a place out of town. Its quite far but you have a car and I can2 you the way”“Certainly,” said the doctor, “Im ready. Ill come soon.”3 a few minutes, the car came. The man got into the car and they4 off.They drove for a5 time, and then the man said, “Here we are. This is my home. Now I can pay you and you can go6 to town.”“But I must 7the patient,” the doctor said. “Wheres the patient?”“Theres8 patient,” answered the man. “Nobody is ill. I live here, you see, and I must9home from the town. There are no taxis at this time of the night. Heres the money for you. Thank you, doctor. Good10 !(1)A . listening B . standing C . sitting D . watching (2)A . take B . pass C . see D . show (3)A . After B . For C . In D . With (4)A . drove B . left C . got D . went (5)A . short B . long C . hard D . late (6)A . away B . quickly C . back D . slowly (7)A . watch B . look for C . see D . know (8)A . my B . no C . a D . your (9)A . go B . lose C . find D . ask (10)A . evening B . night C . idea D . for you 八、 短文填空 (共1题;共10分)27. (10分)语法填空A young rich man was traveling down a neighborhood street, going a bit fast in his new sports car. There were many kids p_among the cars.As his car passed, one child appeared, and s_a brick hit the cars side door. The young man stopped the car and jumped out. He _the kid and pushed him up against another car, s_, “What is wrong with you? Thats a new car. What you did just now will c_me a lot of money. Why did you do it?”“Please, sir, please, Im sorry. I didnt know w_else to do! Its my brother,” he said.“He fell out of his wheelchair. I cant lift him up.” Almost crying, the boy asked the man, “Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? Hes h_and hes too heavy for me.”The young man was deeply touched and had tears in his e_. He lifted the kids brother back into the wheelchair.The man then watched the little boy p_his brother toward their home.It was a long walk back to his car . a long, slow walk. He never repaired the side door. He kept it that way as a reminder. Dont go t_life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention. Listen to the whispers of your soul or wait for the brick!九、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)28. (5分)先通读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在空格内填入一个最适当的词,所填单词必须在答卷标有题号的横线。每空只能填一字What is a hurricane?(飓风)You may already know that hurricanes are storms that can cause devastating(毁灭性的) waves, wind, and rain. They happen during “Hurricane Season, from June 1st until November 30th in the Atlantic Ocean and from May 15th until November 30th in the Pacific Ocean.Categories(类别)of HurricanesThere are five categories of hurricanes, which are based on wind speeds. The categories help people know how much damage(危害) a hurricane may cause because the greater the wind speed, the more dangerous the storm. For example, a Category 5 hurricane has winds over 155 miles per hour, which are strong enough to break the buildings along the seaside completely.Hurricane DangersWhen a hurricane happens together with heavy rainfall(降雨), there can be a devastating flood. The centre of a hurricane is called the eye. While most of a hurricane has dangerously strong winds, the eye in fact is a calm area in the storm. When the eye of a hurricane passes over land, people might think that its over, but before long the wind and rain increase(增长) again as the second part of the hurricane moves through.Hurricane Safety TipsThere is no way to stop a hurricane or make it change direction, so if you ever find yourself in the path of a hurricane, be sure to stay inside during the storm. You could be seriously injured(受伤) if you go outside.HurricanesCharacteristicsDevastating waves, wind, and rain are usually the _of hurricanes.CategoriesHurricanes are _into five categories by scientists, based on wind speeds._The eye is the _of a hurricane. Soon after it passes, the wind and rain increase again.Safety TipsIts _to stop a hurricane or change its direction.Stay inside during the storm, or you could be seriously injured.十、 书面表达 (共1题;共1分)29. (1分)提示:在我们的成长过程中,我们需要和不同的人相处,(如parents, teachers, classmates 等)。在相处的过程中,你会遇到开心或不开心的事,那么,你是怎样处理的呢?请写下你的经历和感受与我们大家一起分享。请以“How do you get on well with_?”为题,用英语写一篇短文。要求:1)请把题目补充完整;2)语言流畅,书写规范,卷面整洁,词数不少于70个。3)文中不得使用真实姓名,否则以零分计算。第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 语音辨析 (共2题;共4分)1-1、2-1、二、 单项选择 (共18题;共36分)3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、三、 选词填空 (共2题;共20分)21-1、22-1、四、 词汇运用 (共1题;共9分)23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、23-5、五、 句型转换 (共1题;共3分)24-1、六、 阅读理解 (共1题;共10分)25-1、25-2、25-3、25-4、25-5、七、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)26-1、八、 短文填空 (共1题;共10分)27-1、九、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)28-1、十、 书面表达 (共1题;共1分)29-1、


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