2019-2020学年八年级上学期英语期中联考试卷(II )卷.doc

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2019-2020学年八年级上学期英语期中联考试卷(II )卷一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)Is this Davids key? No, it isnt _.A . herB . hisC . hersD . yours2. (2分)We have T-shirt in blue, yellow, red and black _ only 20 yuan. A . inB . forC . by3. (2分)I dont know _ they have passed the exam. A . whatB . ifC . whenD . where4. (2分) the bank? Its on Center Street.A . WhatsB . HowsC . WhensD . Wheres5. (2分)He was chosen to be a volunteer of the Olympic Games.Great! No one speaks English him.A . as beautiful asB . as badly asC . worse thanD . better than6. (2分)(2016常州)Ive bought all the food for the party tonight.Thank you. Then I _ go to the supermarket.A . cantB . mustntC . shouldntD . neednt7. (2分)Just a minute! My brother _ his car in the garden.A . washesB . is washingC . washedD . will wash28. (2分)We _ them by three to two yesterday.A . beatB . wonC . will beatD . will win9. (2分)He worked out the math problem. Though it is of all.A . difficultB . more difficultC . the most difficult10. (2分)The temperature is getting higher and higher, _ a volcano eruption. A . There isB . There will beC . there areD . It is going二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)11. (15分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。My six-year-old granddaughter, Cindy, and I stopped at a food shop for some bread. Cindy had1 it for several days. As we were going out of the door, a young teenage boy was coming in.The boy had no hair on the side of his head but a set of blue spiked(成锥形的) hair on top of it. His nose was2 , and a ring ran through the hole. A chain went across his face and it was connected to his earring. He held a skateboard under one arm and a basketball under the other.Cindy, who was walking ahead of me,3stopped when he saw the boy. I thought he had4my granddaughter. I was wrong. My granddaughter backed up against the door and opened it as wide as it would go. Now I came face to face with the young man. I stepped aside and let him5. He replied very6, Thank you very much.On our way to the car, I7 Cindy for holding open the door for the boy. To my surprise, she didnt seem to be troubled by the young boys8 . But I wanted to make sure. I wanted to be ready to talk about freedom of expressing themselves and allowing peoples9 .As it turned out, the person10needed the talk was me. The only thing Cindy noticed about the boy was the fact that his arms were 11 . He held a skateboard under one arm and a basketball under the other. He would have a12 time to open the door, said Cindy.I just paid attention to the partially shaved (部分剃光的)head, the set of spiked hair, the piercing and the chain. She saw a person carrying 13 under each arm and heading toward a(n)14 door.What my granddaughter said reminded me that I should change my ways of judging people and15 my granddaughter to be open-minded and warm-hearted.(1)A . waited B . expected C . dreamed D . asked (2)A . pierced B . cut C . held D . treated (3)A . finally B . suddenly C . generally D . usually (4)A . knocked B . discovered C . afforded D . scared (5)A . pass B . past C . passed D . away (6)A . worriedly B . smoothly C . excitedly D . politely (7)A . praised B . forgot C . paid D . thanked (8)A . behavior B . appearance C . spirit D . request (9)A . styles B . tastes C . differences D . lives (10)A . who B . whom C . which D . what (11)A . heavy B . busy C . full D . open (12)A . long B . hard C . free D . busy (13)A . everything B . anything C . something D . nothing (14)A . open B . closed C . front D . back (15)A . learn about B . hear about C . learn from D . hear from 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共26分)12. (8分)Live MusicLate Night JazzEnjoy real American from Herbie Davis, the famous trumper(小号)player.Place: The Jazz Club Dates: June 15-23Price: $100-150 Time: 10p.m.till lateTel: 4668736Scottish DancingScottish dancing is nice and easy to learn. The wonderful dance from Britain will be shown.Place: Jack steins Dates: May10-20Price: $150 Time: 7-10p.m.Tel: 4021877ShownAnhui MuseumThere are 12,000 pieces on show here. You can see the whole Chinese history.Place: Anhui Museum Dates: 1 March-30 JunePrice: $60($30 for students)Time: Monday-Friday 9 a.m-8 p.mWeekends 9 a.m-9 p.mTel: 4886888(1)If you want to watch dancing, you can call_.A . 4668769B . 4021877C . 4886888D . 4686788(2)You can see the whole Chinese history at _ in April in Anhui Museum.A . 3.p.m.every dayB . 9 p.m.from Monday to FridayC . 7 a.m. at the weekendD . 9 p.m.every day(3)You can enjoy _ at Jack Steins.A . American jazzB . Scottish dancingC . 12,000 pieces on showD . A, B and C(4)You have $70, and you can_.A . listen to American JazzB . watch Scottish dancingC . go to Anhui Museum to see Chinese historyD . watch magic shows in Anhui Museum13. (10分)阅读理解I was 12 when I came to Maywood School three years ago. Like most schools in the US, classes here began at 8:00 am. However, the head teacher, Mr Bergman, found there was a problem so many students were either missing (错过) the first class or arriving late. My classmates and I often found it hard to keep our eyes open in the mornings, so lessons were no fun for us. Our marks werent good either.In the end, Mr Bergman asked the school doctor for advice. The doctor said that because childrens bodies are growing so quickly, they need more sleep than adults (成人). But their body clocks make it hard for them to go to bed before 11:00 pm, so the best time for them to get up is around 8:00 am.Mr Bergman decided to do an experiment (实验). He changed the start time for classes to 9:00 am. The school still opened at 8:00 am and teachers used the extra (额外的) hour to prepare lessons.I didnt think the new timetable (时间表) would make much difference, but I was wrong. I felt much better! Everyones grades improved. Also, more students had time for a hot breakfast together in the dining hall. We all felt healthier and happier.After three months, Mr Bergman asked teachers, students and parents if they wanted to keep the new timetable. Everyone did.(1)What problem did Mr Bergman find? A . Some teachers couldnt keep their eyes open in class.B . Some teachers didnt have time to prepare lessons.C . Many students couldnt arrive at school on time.D . Many students didnt like to go to school.(2)According to the school doctor, . A . children need to do more exerciseB . children need more sleep than adultsC . children should get up early in the morning.D . children should go to bed before 11:00 pm(3)During the experiment, A . classes began laterB . teachers had less workC . the school opened laterD . students had breakfast at home(4)Paragraph 4 mainly talks about A . when the experiment startedB . why the experiment endedC . how the experiment startedD . what the experiment found out(5)At the end of the experiment, everyone agreed to start classes at A . 8:00 amB . 8:30 amC . 9:00 amD . 9:30 am14. (8分) In life, people come across many experiences, which they remember all their lives. I had a similar experience, too.It was the day of my last paper of the final exam. My uncle had invited me to spend my vacation with him. I was especially excited about the invitation that my uncle had given me to stay with him for a few days in Cambridge.On that day we got into our classroom. The teacher quickly handed out the paper. The exam would last two hours and some of the expected questions came. I finished it almost forty-five minutes earlier. But since it was a rule not to collect the paper before the allotted(规定的)time. I had to sit till the teacher collected the paper. I checked my paper twice and corrected some of the mistakes in it. I started thinking about the place my friends and I had planned to go to after the exam. The time seemed to be endless. So I thought of drawing something on the paper and turned it overleaf. I was shocked to see that the page which I had supposed to be blank had four more questions on it which carried 20 marks and would take at least half an hour to complete. There were only 10 minutes left. I was so nervous that I could hardly write anything. They were the sub-questions(小题)of the last question. Suddenly our physics teacher came in and told all of us that in the last question, out of 6 sub-questions only 2 had to be solved. I felt very relieved.From then on, I realized that my anxiousness and excitement could have cost me to lose 20 marks and decided never to make such a mistake again. (1)Which of the following statements is true?A . The writer didnt work hard at physics.B . The writer lost 20 marks for the last question.C . The writer made some mistakes during the exam.D . The questions on the paper were difficult for the writer.(2)The underlined word “relieved” means _.A . less worriedB . less afraidC . more surprisedD . more nervous(3)We can infer(推断) from the passage that _.A . the writer did 2 sub-questions of the last questionB . the writer finished doing all the sub-questionsC . the writer spent 45 minutes finishing the paperD . the writer got full marks in the physics exam(4)We can learn from the passage that we should _.A . learn some exam skillsB . be careful not to make mistakes in the examC . try our best to do well in the examD . concentrate on what we are doing四、 其他 (共1题;共5分)15. (5分)任务型阅读One morning I got up late. I quickly jumped out of the bed, washed my face, then hurried to the bus stop. As soon as I got on the bus, it started raining. Suddenly the bus stopped. Something was wrong with it._, so I ran to school. I reached the classroom but I was all wet. The physics teacher had already begun his lesson._. All the students were a little afraid of him. I liked neither him nor his physics lessons._. “Im very sorry, Mr. Smith. Im late,” I said with a red face.“Its you, Jim,” Mr. Smith said angrily. Ive told you not to be late, but you he suddenly stopped and looked at my wet clothes. He turned to the class and said, Im very sorry, my boys and girls.”_. “Now take off your wet coat and put on this one or youll catch a cold,” he said kindly.I went to my seat with Mr. Smiths jacket on._. I found, for the first time, physics was so interesting and how well I could understand it!A. It was Mr. SmithB. I had no time to wait for the next busC. I stood for a moment and then opened the doorD. It was a bit large for me but I felt very warm in itE. With these words he quickly took off his own jacket and handed it to me五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)16. (5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的AF选项中选出适当的选项补全短文。When you are feeling unhappy or forget how great you are, these are six ways to make you feel good about yourself.Look in the mirror(照镜子) and say to yourself, I am a special person and theres no one in the world like me. I can do anything! _Do something nice for someone. Helping others always makes you feel good.Smile! _ Look for the good things in your friends and family._ Have you always wanted to decorate(装饰)your own room or learn how to swim? Go for it! New challenges are fun and give you a sense (感觉)of accomplishment(成就)when you have finished.Read and start a diary. Turn off the TV and let your imagination (想象) fly! _Stay with your family. We all need our family time. _A. Learn something new!B. Theres something terrible in our life.C. Talk with your Mum or Dad or maybe even your cousin.D. It may not sound so good, but it really works!E. Be friendly to people you meet.F. Write down your thoughts, dreams or anything you want! Writing always helps to六、 书面表达 (共2题;共10分)17. (5分)假设你是No.2 Middle School的学生李华。下周,一批英国中学生将来你校进行为期两周的学习和交流。请根据下表要点,写一封自荐信,邀请其中一位学生来你家居住。Like to domake friends, . Able to dogood at, know British culture, .Familyfriendly, helpful, able to speak English, .注意: (1)短文内容可适当增加。18. (5分)假如上周日你和爸爸一起去了公园, 公园里有很多树, 花也开了, 很漂亮。你和爸爸划船、爬山, 还拍了很多照片, 公园里有很多人, 有, 还有你直到下午4点才与爸爸回家。虽然有些累, 但非常高兴。请以A Happy Sunday”为题写一篇英语短文, 词数在6080之间。要求: 语句通顺, 语法正确。第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共26分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、四、 其他 (共1题;共5分)15-1、五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)16-1、六、 书面表达 (共2题;共10分)17-1、18-1、


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