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教 学 计 划教学内容:Unit1 A public signs教材简析: 本单元主要围绕“公共标志”这个话题开展各项活动,所涉及到的日常交际项目有介绍、询问、忠告和建议等,其中,以“询问公共标志含义”及其应答为重点内容。学生们在日常生活中对“公共标志”并不陌生,但作为一个话题谈论是会有一定困难的。为了使学生更好地掌握本单元的学习内容,教师在学习过程中要多考虑学生的年龄特点,充分利用多媒体课件、图片、幻灯、简笔画等手段,运用形象化的语言和动作,使教学内容更贴近学生的生活,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生参与语言活动的积极性。教学目标:(知识和能力、过程和方法、情感态度和价值观)1、听懂、会说、会说和会拼写单词 mean, danger, must, should, shouldnt, make, litter, park, cycle.2、能听懂、会说和会读单词和词组public, a sign, a cousin, always, a question, grass, a cage, quiet, touch, keep off, make noise.3、能听懂、会说、会说和会写句型What does it /this/that mean? It means you/we must /should/shouldnt 4、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型There are a lot of signs here. They mean different things. Keep off the grass. Keep quiet. No cycling. No smoking. No littering. No parking. Danger. Do not touch. 5、了解元音字母组合ea在单词中的读音。 6、会唱歌曲The signs in the park.7、认识公共标志,培养学生遵守社会公德的积极态度。教学重点: 听懂、会说、会说和会拼写单词 mean, danger, must, should, shouldnt, make, litter, park, cycle.教学难点: 能听懂、会说、会说和会写句型What does it /this/that mean? It means you/we must /should/shouldnt教法学法: 读导法、听说法、表演法教学具准备: 投影片、录音机、磁带、多媒体电脑课时安排: 5课时课 时 教 案教学内容:Learn Unit 1 Public signs Part B教学目标:(知识和能力、过程和方法、情感态度和价值观)1、掌握以下单词:public(公共的,公众的), sign(标志,告示牌), smoke(吸烟), litter乱丢杂物), park停放(汽车), cycle(骑自行车), danger(危险), quiet(安静的), mean(意思是)。2、掌握以下短句:No smoking! No littering! No parking! No cycling! Danger! No eating and drinking! Keep off the grass! Keep quiet! Do not touch!3、初步掌握句子:What does this sign mean? It means.4、培养学生认读公共标志的能力。教学重点:1、掌握以下单词:public(公共的,公众的), sign(标志,告示牌), smoke(吸烟), litter乱丢杂物), park停放(汽车), cycle(骑自行车), danger(危险), quiet(安静的), mean(意思是)。2、掌握以下短句:No smoking! No littering! No parking! No cycling! Danger! No eating and drinking! Keep off the grass! Keep quiet! Do not touch!教学难点:初步掌握句子:What does this sign mean? It means.教法学法:读导法、讨论法教学具准备:投影片、录音机、磁带课时时间:the First Lesson教学过程:Step 1 : Free talking, then begin the class. (Or show some pictures about public signs to the students.)In the street or beside the road, we can see some public signs. Do you know: What do they mean? (Show some pictures about public signs to the students.) Today lets talk about them. (新授单词:public 公共的,公众的 , sign标志,告示牌 )Step 2:创设各种情景,引出各种标志。T: In our school, what signs can you see? Examples:( In front of the school gate : No smoking ! )( 新授单词:smoke 吸烟- No smoking 禁止吸烟 )Learn the sentence: What does this sign mean? Its means (you shouldnt).(新授单词:mean 意思是)What does this sign mean? Its means no smoking. (It means you shouldnt smoke.)Step 3 : Learn the other signs.a. Litter - - littering - No littering What does this sign mean? It means no littering. It means you shouldnt litter.b. park - parking - No parking What does this sign mean? It means no parking. It means you shouldnt park.c. cycle - cycling - No cycling What does this sign mean? It means no cycling. It means you shouldnt cycle( ride bikes ).d. Danger !What does this sign mean? It means danger.e. eat and drink - eating and drinking - No eating and drinking What does this sign mean? It means no eating and drinking. It means you shouldnt eat and drink.f. keep off the grass What does this sign mean? It means keep off the grass. It means you shouldnt walk on the grass.g. keep quiet What does this sign mean? It means keep quiet. It means you should keep quiet. It means you shouldnt make noise. It means you shouldnt talk.h. Do not touch.What does this sign mean? It means do not touch. It means you shouldnt touch it.Step 4. Practice Ask and answer : What does this sign mean ? It means.Step 5. Open the books , talk about Part B.Step 6. Homework: 作业设计课作:Copy the new words:public, sign, smoke, litter, park, cycle, danger, keep off, grass, quiet家作:Copy the new phrases:No smoking, No littering, No parking, No cycling, Danger, No eating and drinking, keep off the grass, keep quiet, do not touch板书设计:Unit 1 Public signsWhat does this sign mean? It means It means you shouldntNo smoking! No littering! No parking! No cycling! Danger! No eating and drinking! Keep off the grass! Keep quiet! Do not touch!教学反思:课 时 教 案教学内容:Review Part B, learn Part C.教学目标:(知识和能力、过程和方法、情感态度和价值观)1. Review the words of Part B.2. Learn and grasp the sentences below: What does this / that sign / it mean? It means.You should. You shouldnt.3. Have a dictation. (The words of Part B.)教学重点:Learn and grasp the sentences below: What does this / that sign / it mean? It means.You should. You shouldnt.教学难点:Learn and grasp the sentences below: What does this / that sign / it mean? It means.You should. You shouldnt.教法学法:读导法、讨论法教学具准备:投影片、录音机、磁带课时时间:the Second Lesson教学过程:Step 1 : Review the Part B. ( the signs )Use the sentences below: a. What does this sign mean? It means No smoking. (It means you shouldnt smoke. )b. What does that sign mean? It means No parking. (It means you shouldnt park.)c. What does it mean? It means “ Keep off the grass”(Look at this sign.) (It means you shouldnt walk on the grass.)(The others: pass over)Through this process, make the students grasp the sentences: What does this / that sign / it mean? It means . (It means you shouldnt.) 通过这个环节的练习,使学生掌握本单元的基本句型。Step 2 : Talk about Part C. ( 通过前面的练习,部分的句型对于学生来说就比较容易了。) Picture 1 : What does this sign mean ? It means you shouldnt climb the tree. (It means No climbing.)Picture 2 : What does this sign mean ? It means you shouldnt cycle (ride a bike, ride bikes). (It means No cycling.)Picture 3 : What does this sign mean ? It means you shouldnt litter. (It means No littering.)Picture 4 : What does this sign mean ? It means you shouldnt take photos. (It means Do not take photos.)Picture 5 : What does this sign mean ? It means you shouldnt eat and drink. (It means No eating and drinking.)Picture 6 : What does this sign mean ? It means you shouldnt touch it. (It means Do not touch.)( 先让学生自由讨论,然后师生一起讨论。)Step 3: Talk about Part D.Can I? No, you cant. You should now.Picture 1: Can I go to the park? No, you cant. You should go home now.Picture 2: Can I have an ice-cream? No, you cant. You should have dinner now.Picture 3: Can I watch TV? No, you cant. You should read your books now.Picture 4: Can I play computer games? No, you cant. You should go to bed now. ( 结束这部分书上的练习之后,教师提供一些时间和情景,让学生进一步进行句型:You should .的练习。For example: It is six oclock in the morning. What should you do?Then make some sentences: I (You, We, They, She, He) should.Step 4: The dictation of Part B. Smoke, No smoking, litter, No litter, park, No parking, cycle, No cycling, danger, Keep off the grass, Keep quiet, public, sign, mean, touchStep 5: Homework 作业设计课作:Write the sentences of Part C on the copybook.家作:Write the sentences of Part D on the copybook.板书设计:Unit 1 Public signsWhat does that sign mean? It means . It means you shouldntWhat does it mean? It means “ ” It means you shouldnt 教学反思:课 时 教 案教学内容:Learn Part A.教学目标:(知识和能力、过程和方法、情感态度和价值观)1、掌握下列单词、词组: must(必须,应当), should(应该,应当), shouldnt = should not(不应该), cousin(堂/表兄弟姐妹), always(总是), question(问题), make(制造), make noise 发出(喧闹)声音 , away (离)开2、掌握句子:Jack is only four years old but he always has a lot of questions.He is asking Ben some questions about them.There are a lot of signs here.They mean different things.You must stay away from the building.3、学会和他人谈论所见到的公共标志。教学重点:掌握句子:Jack is only four years old but he always has a lot of questions.He is asking Ben some questions about them.There are a lot of signs here.They mean different things.You must stay away from the building.教学难点:学会和他人谈论所见到的公共标志。教法学法:读导法、讨论法教学具准备:投影片、录音机、磁带、多媒体电脑课时时间:the Third Lesson教学过程:Step 1: Review the sentences below: What does this / that / sign it mean? It means “_”. It means you should (not).Step 2: Educe the new lesson and learn the new words and sentences.T: (Take out the pictures of Part A.) It is Saturday. Ben and his cousin are in the park. They are talking about the signs in the park. . What are they saying? We will learn their conversation. First lets learn the new words and sentences. Then learn the words and sentences: must(必须, 应当), should(应该,应当), shouldnt = should not(不应该), cousin(堂/表兄弟姐妹), always(总是), question(问题), make(制造), make noise 发出(喧闹)声音, only(只,仅仅), away(离)开, stay away from (远离), cage (笼子)Jack is only four years old but he always has a lot of questions.He is asking Ben some questions about them.There are a lot of signs here.They mean different things.You must stay away from the building.( 在学习单词和句子的过程中,让学生根据实际情况,用所学的新单词来组词,根据所学新句型的模式,替换单词灵活练习句子。如:学习cousin这个词时, 可以说:My cousin, your cousin, and How many cousins do you have? 等等。学习这个句子时:He is asking Ben some questions about them. 可以进行替换练习:I am asking the teacher some questions about Maths. They are doing some exercises about Science. 等等。)Step 3: Learn the conversation.a. Close your books; listen to the tape (twice). b. Then try to answer my questions.How old is Jacks cousin? Does he always have a lot of questions? What does he find in the park? How many signs do they talk about? Does Jack know the meanings of the signs? What does the each sign mean? c. Open your books, then read the conversation after the tape . d. Then read it with your partners.e. Then try to act it. f. Underline the phrases of Part A.His cousin , four years old , a lot of questions , some public signs , ask Ben some question about the signs , mean different things, stay away from the building, walk on the grass , on the birds cage , make noiseStep 4: Homework: 作业设计课作:Copy the new words and the phrases , then put them into Chinese .家作:Try to recite the conversation and act it after class.板书设计:Unit 1 Public signsHow old is Jacks cousin? Does he always have a lot of questions? What does he find in the park? How many signs do they talk about? Does Jack know the meanings of the signs? What does the each sign mean? 教学反思:课 时 教 案教学内容:Learn Part D , Part E.教学目标:(知识和能力、过程和方法、情感态度和价值观)1、复习表演A部分对话。2、学习E部分, 掌握下列单词、短语:Take a walk, suddenly, something, a ten-yuan note, look around, nearby,Quickly, walk to, pick it up, a park keeper, come up to him, point to,Fine ten yuan.教学重点:学习E部分, 掌握下列单词、短语:Take a walk, suddenly, something, a ten-yuan note, look around, nearby,Quickly, walk to, pick it up, a park keeper, come up to him, point to,Fine ten yuan.教学难点:学习E部分, 掌握下列单词、短语:Take a walk, suddenly, something, a ten-yuan note, look around, nearby,Quickly, walk to, pick it up, a park keeper, come up to him, point to,Fine ten yuan.教法学法:读导法,讨论法教学具准备:投影片、录音机、磁带课时时间:the Forth Lesson教学过程:Step 1: Ask and answer : What does this / that sign / it mean ? It means “ _”. It means you ( we ) should ( not ) _. Step 2 : Review : Part A. (Take out the pictures of Part A.) Look at the pictures, and try to answer my questions.1. We can see two boys in the picture, what are their names? (They are Ben and Jack. Jack is Bens cousin.)2. How old is Jack? (He is only four years old, but he always has a lot of questions.)3. Where are they? (They are in the park.)4. What are they talking about? (They are talking about the public signs in the park.)5. What does the each sign mean? ()Step 3: Learn Part E.a. Talk about the pictures, and then learn the new words and phrases.1. take a walk 散步2. suddenly忽然 3. a ten-yuan note 一张十元钞票 4. look around环顾四周 5. nearby 在附近 6. pick up 捡起,拾起 7. a park keeper公园管理员 8. come up上前,上来 9. point to 指向 10. fine ten yuan 罚款10元b. Read the sentences and match.c. Try to act. Step 4: Homework:作业设计课作:Copy the words and phrases家作:Act this interesting story with your partners after class.板书设计:Unit 1 Public signsWhat does this / that sign / it mean ?It means “ _”.It means you ( we ) should ( not ) _.教学反思:课 时 教 案教学内容:Learn Part F, G and H , then complete the workbook of Unit 1.教学目标:(知识和能力、过程和方法、情感态度和价值观)1. Learn Part F , G and H.2. Complete the workbook of Unit 2.教学重点:Learn Part F , G and H教学难点:Learn Part F , G and H教法学法:讨论法教学具准备:投影片课时时间:the Fifth Lesson教学过程:Step 1. Free talk.Step 2.Talk about Part F: Draw and guess. Step 3. Talk about Part G. Step 4.Sing the song: The signs in the park .Step 5: Complete the workbook .作业设计课作:Complete the workbook家作:Complete the workbook板书设计:Unit 1 Public signs练习册中难题教学反思:


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