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晋宁县新街中学七年级英语教学稿课型:新授 编制:余发友 审核: 审批: 时间:2012年2月Unit2 Wheres the post office ? (第一课时Section A 1a1c )一、学习目标:1、学会1a的地点名词。2、学会There be 句型的用法。二、学习重点、难点1、There be 句型的用法。2、Where引导的特殊问句。3、记住1a的单词。预习稿:一、拼读下列单词post 邮件 邮递office 办公室 事务所library 图书馆restaurant 餐馆 饭店bank 银行supermarket 超级市场street 街 街道pay phone 投币式公用电话park 公园avenue 大街 林荫道center 中央 中心bridge 桥mail 邮件there 在哪里near 在附近二、读下列句子并把它翻译成汉语Wheres the post office? Is there a bank near here? Yes, there is. Its on Center Street. 三、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 1. Students often read books in the l . 2. Is the m coming? 3. My house is n the railway station.4. He sits in the c of the classroom. 5. Does your father work in a b ? 6. You need to p ten yuan for the notebook.7. Here is the p office.8. I live in Hertfood S .四、就划线部分提问1、 The post office is on the Bridge Street. ?五、回答问题 Is there a bank near here? .六、我的疑惑: 探究稿一、 任务一: 拼读1a的新单词并匹配这些单词和图画中正确的地方二、 任务二: 听录音并圈出这些地方在1a中你听到的。三、 任务三: 练习1c的对话,并问和回答问题关于别的地方的在图画中。 四、探究一:There be 句型There be句型表示“某地存在某物”,其结构为:There be+人/物+地点短语。(1)There be 句型中的主语通常放在谓语后面,动词be为谓语。若主语为单数,用There is;若主语为复数,用There are;若主语为不可数名词时用There is 即:There is+名(单)/不可数名词+地点There are+名(复)+地点eg : There ten trees in front of the room .There some milk in the glass.(2)There be 句型中的谓语应和后面的主语保持一致,若有两个以上的主语,谓语通常和最接近它的那个主语保持一致,如:There is a chair and two desks.in the office There two desks and a chair. in the office.(3)否定句:在There be 句型中be 动词后加“not” There isnt/arent+名词+地点注意:some any ; and or There a boy in the house.Some和any的区别运用 some 一些;若干 用于修饰名词,后直接跟不可数名词或复数形式可数名词。Some 一般用肯定句中,包括肯定形式的祈使句中。如:She has some pen pal in Australia. Give Julie some ice cream.另, some 也可以用于预期/想要得到肯定回答的疑问语气句中。如:Would you like some noodles, please? Can I eat some chicken now? any 一些 ;任何 用于修饰名词,后直接跟不可数名词或复数形式可数名词。any 般用在否定句或一般疑问句中。这是和“some”的根本区别。 如:Does she have any brothers or sister? We dont know any Japanese.另,any 还有“任意一个”之意,此时,后跟单数形式可数名词。作此用法时,any 可用于肯定句,疑问句等各种句型中。如:She knows any student in my class. (她认识我们班的任何一个学生。) Can I take any book here? 将含some 的肯定句变为一般疑问句或否定句时,需要把相应的some变为any 。 如:Maria can speak some Chinese. (变为一般疑问句) Can Maria speak any Chinese? He has some nice clothes. (变为否定句) He doesnt have any nice clothes.(4)一般问句:前提be动词到句首,改大小写,句末用问号。Is/Are there+名词+地点?肯定回答:Yes, there is /are (不能缩写)否定回答:No, there isnt / arent (否定必缩写)注意:I/WeYou myyour someany训练稿一、用be动词填空1.There a book、a cup and three pens on the desk.2. there any birds in the park?3.There some people on the bus.4.There some water in the glass.5.What between the bank and the park?二、按要求完成下面各题1.Are there any maps on the wall? 肯定回答: 2.How many (woman) are there in the picture?(用所给词填空)3.Are there (一些)trees near the house?三、汉译英1、在这个桌子上有一本书和两支钢笔。There on the desk. 2、这个书包里没有钱。There any money .3、树上有一些鸟吗? in the tree?4、在教室里有多少学生? there in the classroom?四、教学反思: Unit2 Wheres the post office ? (第二课时Section A 2a2c )一、学习目标:1、学会描述某地的位置2、学会如何问路和指路二、学习重点、难点1、描述某地的位置(某地+be+介词+某地)2、Where引导的特殊问句。预习稿:一、拼读下列单词across from在对面 next to紧靠.的旁边 贴近 最接近 between 介于(两者或多者)之间in front of 在前面behind 在之后二、下划线介词短语并把该句翻译成汉语1. The pay phone is across from the library. 2. The pay phone is next to the library. 3. The pay phone is between the post office and the library. 4. The pay phone is on the Green Street . 5. The pay phone is in front of the library. 6. The pay phone is behind the library. 三、看第八页的教材,根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 1. The library is between the r and the s .2. The h is next to the library.四、 补全对话 A: . Is there a hotel in the neighborhood? B: Just go straight and turn left. Its down Bridge Street the right. Its next to a supermarket. A: Thank you very much. B: 五、我的疑惑: 探究稿一、 任务一:把句子和图画正确匹配。二、 任务二: 听录音并用方框中的词填空。探究一:神秘的介词(prep)at表示一个点(或小地方) at homeon表示一个表面 在 on Center Streetin表示一个范围(或大地方) in the schoolunder在下 under he bedbehind在后面 behind the house near the housenear在旁边 near here在附近next to 在旁边 next to the post officebetween 在之间(两者)between A and B between the school and the hospital.across from在对面 across from the supermarketthrough穿过,通过 go/walk through the parkdown=along 沿着 go/walk down the streeton the left/right 在左边/右边on ones left/right 在某人的左/右边 on my lefton the left/right of 在左/右边 on the left of the housein the front of 在前面(表示在物体内部的前面)in front of 在前面(表示在物体外部前面)趁热打铁:你能在下面的空格处填入多少介词,越多越好。The restaurant is the post office.There are some chairs the room.介词巩固练习Li Lei sits (紧挨着)Liu Mei.Our school is the library the hospital.(两者之间)There is a restaurant (在上)Center Street.The hotel is (在对面)the hospital.I live (在)No.65 Bridge Street.沿着这条路往前走 在商店的右边 在你的右边 三、 任务三: 问和回答关于1a图中地方的问题。探究二:含There + be的特殊疑问句:疑问词+is/are+ there+地点?有时地点状语可省略,重点句型有: How many+名(复)are there+地点?某地有多少How many in your class ?你班有多少学生?Fiftythree. 53个。四、任务四:就划线部分提问1、 The park is on Center Street. ?2、 The hotel is across from the bank . ?3、 The pay phone is next to the post office. ?4、The library is between the restaurant and the supermarket. ?五、任务五:回答问题 Is there a supermarket?(作肯定、否定回答) .五、 任务六:读对话并找出保罗和南希的位置。探究三:问路 指路 Is there a near here? Where is the ?(1)如何问题:Excuse me How can I get to the?Can you tell me how to get to the? It is+介词短语(2)如何指路 Go down the,Then turn left.Go straight and then turn right.七、任务七:看3a的图画并完成对话。训练稿一词汇 A.请根据句意及所给汉语提示填写单词 1. The hospital is on your (左边). 2. Is there a bank in the (附近,街区) 3. (转动) right and then go down the street. 4. The boys come here for (娱乐) 5. Lily, are you (饥饿)?B.用合适的音讯填空1. Is there a (公园) near your school?2. Look! There is a (银行) over there.3. Where is the pay (公用电话)?4. The hotel is next to the (超市).5. Do you know the way to the (邮局)?C. 写出下列单词的反义词1. small 2. left 3. old 4. busy 5. dirty 二单项选择( )1. The teacher sits the two students.A. between B. in C. on D. over( )2. Jack, there is for you.A. calling B. calls C. call D. a call( )3. I know that you will Beijing next Sunday.A. arrive B. arrive at C. arrive in D. go( )4. Mary, I say it just .A. to fun B. fun C. for fun D. of fun( )5. This is my first the USAA. visit B. visit to C. visiting D. visiting to( )6. . Where is the mens room?A. Sorry B. Excuse me C. Old man D. Mr.( )7. When is your mother arriving? - .A. In next Tuesday B. On next Tuesday C. With next Tuesday D. Next Tuesday( )8. Next to the school a small supermarket.A. are B. is C. am D. be( )9. Let me you the storyA. say B. talk C. tell D. speak( )10. When you see your teacher, hello to him.A. and say B. to say C. say D. saying三完成下列句子,每空一词1. 那是一个带有花园的房子吗? that a house a garden? 2. 图书馆在邮局的对面 The is from the post office. 3. 我们轮流读课文. We turns to the text. 4. 让小明做这件事情吧. Xiao Ming it. 5. 你是位受欢迎的老人.You a old man. 6. 吉姆经常在公园开心的玩耍。Jim often _ _ in the park. 7. 那边有超市吗? _ _ a supermarket over there? 8. 他们拥有一座带大花园的房子。 They have house _ _ _ _. 9. 在中央大街上有学校吗? Is there a school _ _ _?(3) 祝你旅途愉快! I hope you _ _ _ _! 四、教学反思: Unit2 Wheres the post office ? (第三课时Section A 3a4 )一、学习目标1、学会问路和指路2、知识与技能词:(1) 单词与短语:neighborhood just straight turn left down right on the right二、 学习重点、难点Go straight and turn left.Its down Bridge Street on the right.Its next to a supermarket.预习稿一、 根据音标试读单词表中的单词 neighborhood 街区 附近 附近地区just 直接地 就 只 仅仅straight 径直地 直接地turn 转弯 转变方向left 向左 左边down 向下 下去 沿着on the right 在右边二、 单词检测,依照汉语意思,写出下列单词及短语(1) .中心街道_(2).邮局_(4) .投币式公用电话_ (4).在.对面_(5) .在.前面_ (6)在.之后_ (7)在.附近_ (8).紧靠._三、我的疑惑: 探究稿一、阅读3a并找出方位介词。1. 大声朗读然后小组间练习对话。三、 再次朗读对话并找出Paul和Nancy在图画中的位置,看谁找的又快又准。四、 根据3a完成3b五、 小组活动完成4中的游戏。六、 归纳总结1. 巩固记忆本节重点词汇2. 怎样问路和指路说说并写出相关句子七、 拓展提高1 翻译下列短语。1. between the bank and the park_2. on Green Street_3. next to the supermarket_4. across from Mingshan Hotel_5. near the restaurant_2.用方框中的介词或介词短语填空。across from, behind, between, in front of, next to, near, on 1. A: Is there a pay phone _ here?B: Yes, there is a pay phone _ Center Street.2. A: Wheres Xinghua Park? B: Its _ Hongqi Supermarket and The Bank of China.3. The restaurant is _ _ the post office.4. The library is _ _ the pay phone.5.Forest Hotel is _ _ of the park.6.The pay phone is _ the small supermarket.训练稿一、 看地图,完成对话。The Peoples Park Hotel First AvenueBankSuper-marketLibraryRestaurantPost office1. A: Where is the Peoples Park?B: _.2. A: Where is the library?B: _.3. A: Where is the bank?B: _.4. A: _?B: Its between the library and the post office.5. A: _?B: Its across from the post office.二、 填空。A: _ _. Where is the park?B: Its _ here _ the neighborhood. Just _ _ and _ right. Its _ New Street _ _ right. Its _ to a hotel.A: Thank you very much.B: Youre _.三、教学反思: Unit2 Wheres the post office ? (第四课时 Section B 1a4b )一、学习目标1、培养方位感。 2、在社会这个大家庭中,注重人际关系与交往,养成助人为乐的好习惯。二、学习重点、难点 1、重点词汇: hotel, video arcade, bank, park, street, pay phone, new, clean, quiet, big, small, dirty, old, busy take a taxi take a walk. 2、重点句子: Is there a big supermarket near where you live ? Turn left off the busy First Avenue and enjoy the citys quiet streets and small parks. there is a small house with an interesting garden. Bridge Street is a good place to have fun.预习稿一、根据音标试读单词表中的单词open 开着的 营业中的market 市场 市集clean 清洁的 干净的quiet 宁静的dirty 肮脏的house 房子 住宅welcome 欢迎garden 花园 菜园district 区域 地区enjoy 享受的乐趣 欣赏take a walk 散步through 穿过 通过beginning 开始tour 旅行 游历visit 参观 游览place 地方 地点have a fun 玩得开心if (表条件)如果hungry 饥饿的arrive 到达 抵达way 路 路线 路途take 乘 坐 搭(车 船)taxi 出租车 的士 计程车airport飞机场 pass 通过hope 希望 盼望 期待yours 您的(用在信末署名前,做客套语)二、写出反义词old_ clean_ quiet_ big_三、英汉互译 1、一个有趣的公园_ 2、一条宁静的街道_ 3、公园之旅的开始_ 4、have fun _ 5、take a walk_6、邮局 7、公用电话 8、 在对面 9、紧靠旁边 10、在前面 11、在右边 12、向左转 13、玩得痛快 四、趣味词汇,归类本单元的单词(1)名词 (2)位置介词 (3)动词 (4)形容词 (5)其它 三、我的疑惑: 探究稿一、任务一:复习几组反义词,让学生看1a的对比图并对图进行描述;完成 1a 的要求。重点词汇探究1、open adj.开着的,营业中 be open. v.开放 open the door.clean adj.干净的 be clean, a dean room. v.打扫 clean the room.趁热打铁:The shop is in the morning (open)Please the classroom. This is a place.(dean)2、quiet adj.安静的be quiet/keep quiet保持安静3、house n.房子,指家庭成员或人们居住的地方,强调住的地点及建筑物。home n.家 指一家人共同生活的地方,特别强调家里的气氛和环境。family n.家庭成员趁热打铁:We live in a big . There is no place like .There are 3 people in my .二、任务二:将第10页1a运用于句型 Is there a big supermarket near where you live ? 中做替换练或者现实情况进行会话练习。三、任务三:听录音,检验对 1a 的掌握。四、任务四、任务性活动:同学们两人一组准备写有Section B 1a 短语的纸条(每张纸条上只写一个短语),将它们反过来放在桌子上;假设同学A 抽到a big supermarket ,只能说 There is a small supermarket . 同学B 根据同学A 的叙述,回答 No! There is a big supermarket .五、任务五:根据以下问题,读Section B 3a 后再回答:1、Where is the park ?2、Is there an old hotel or a small hotel ?3、Where is it ?4、Is there a big house next to the hotel ?重点词汇探究1、welcome to地点 welcome to my home.2、enjoy v.喜欢,享受乐趣 enjoys(单三)enjyoy sth喜欢enjoy doing 喜欢做某事enjoy oneself (myself, yourself, himself, herseft,itseft,ourselves, yourselves, themselves)玩得痛快,过得愉快=have a good time.趁热打铁:He enjoys (collect)stamps.She enjoys (my)very much.3、through prep.穿过(从物体中间穿过)across prep.穿过,横过(从物体表面横穿过)go the road. Walk the forest.(森林)六、任务六:让学生读3b , 完成短文中的空格;老师检查其答案,学生齐读。重点词汇探究have fun注:反身代词oneself 要与主语保持一致1、have fun doing 愉快地做某事 We have fun (学习)English.2、人/物with 表示“带有的人/物”a boy (梳短发的) a room (有三个窗户的)a country (有悠久历史的)七、任务七:四个同学组成一组,一人用英语描述自家的位置及周围环境,其余的人听并画出该同学的住地;大家轮流进行。四归纳总结1.注意描述性词语的用法。2.会指路并会灵活运用指路常用句子。训练稿一、单选题( )1. Is there a library? _. A. Yes, there is B. Yes, it is C. it isnt( )2. I have a house _a small beautiful garden. A. on B. to C. with( )3.Please look around. What can you see your right?A. inB. on C. at( )4.The park is across the supermarket. A. inB. onC. from( )5.We can buy some in the food market. A. breadB. baseballsC. clothes( )6. there a bank along the street? A. IsB. AreC. Am( )7.The pay phone is the post office and the library.A. inB. betweenC. near( )8.The girl next _ Nancy is talking to her in English.A. at B. inC. to( )9.Where is _ post office?A. aB. theC. an ( )10.Go _ the street and then turn right _ Bridge Street.A. along; on B. down; at C. straight; on 二选词填空。 to through beginning from is left with to enjoyWelcome the Garden District. Turn on Fist Avenue and the citys quiet streets and small parks. Take a walk the park on Center Avenue. Across the park an old hotel. Next the hotel is a small house an interesting garden. This is the of the garden tour.三书面表达 以写信、或发e-mail 的方式邀请朋友、笔友、网友来你家乡作客,告之详细的走法,然后互相交流。


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