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DBFQ SYY DYPT DFDF2011年福建省福州市中考英语试卷第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节, 满分25分)第一节 语法和词汇(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。31. What does Michael look like? He has big eyes and _ wide mouth. A. a B. an C. the 32. I am thirsty. May I have something to drink? Ok. Heres some _.A. rice B. breadC. water 33. I often listen to the song Rainbow. So do I. It _ beautiful. A. feelsB. smellsC. sounds34. Mom, must I finish my homework now? No, you _. You may have supper first.A. mustntB. neednt C. cant35. _ clever the girl is! So she is.A. HowB. WhatC. What a36. Where is Ben? He _ to the teachers office. He will be back soon.A. go B. has goneC. has been37. _ Mary _ Alice has joined the music club because they have no time. Its a pity! A. Bothand B. EitherorC. Neithernor38. I _ 5,000 yuan on this iPhone. Wow, so much! I cant afford it.A. spent B. paidC. cost39. Dont forget _ your history and politics books tomorrow morning. Thanks. I wont.A. bringB. to bring C. bringing40. Li Mei usually helps others, _? Yes, she is kind-hearted.A. does sheB. is she C. doesnt she41. Where were you at 7:00 last night? I _ to my mom at home.A. writeB. was writingC. wrote 42. We all like Miss Wang. I agree with you. She always makes her English classes _.A. interested B. interestC. interesting43. You study _ hard _ youre sure to pass the exam. Thank you for saying so. A. enough to B. asasC. sothat44. Could you tell me _? Sure. The day after tomorrow.A. when will you leave for the U.S.A. B. when Mr. Lee will come C. when your father returned45. Excuse me, where can I park my car? Drive ahead, and you will see the sign_ on your right. A. B. C. 完形填空。阅读下边短文,选择最佳答案。(每小题1分,共10分)Chi Li is one of the best known Chinese writers in the West. She was born in the west. She was born in the 1950s. 46 19, Chi entered a medical college in 1976. After she graduated, she 47 as a doctor at a hospital in Wuhan. As she loved _ 48 much more, she went to Wuhan University to study Chinese language and literature in 1983. She chose 49 as her profession(专业)。During the 1980s, Chi wrote many works full of love. In the 1990s, her works, such as Apart From Love and The Sun Was Born, were 50 lives of young people and everyday problems. Since 2003, Chi has 51 a higher level in her works. And many of her novels have received a 52 honor. Life Show is one of her representative (代表) works and 53 has been translated into many languages. The 54 shows the real life of a common woman in Wuhan.Chi says, Writers dont need to be anyone, 55 they should be able to understand everyone. So she often travels alone to get a feel of how the world is and tries to understand people from all social strata (阶层).46. A. At the age of B. At the moment C. In the beginning47. A. became B. worked C. enjoyed48. A. medicine B. travelling C. literature49. A. teaching B. writing C. nursing50. A. over B. under C. about51. A. reached B. arrived C. went52. A. great B. nice C. bad53. A. she B. they C. it54. A. picture B. story C. newspaper55. A. or B. till C. but阅读理解 (35分)I根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误,正确的用“T”,错误的用“F”。(每小题1分,共5分)Travelling has been popular with people for a long time. Many of todays travellers are trying to find an unusual experience or adventure. Hiking may be a good choice. Instead of spending your vacation on a bus, in a hotel or sitting on the beach, you may want to try hiking. Hiking is a great way to travel. You will get close to nature and take exercise at the same time. Hiking is easy to do and doesnt have to be very expensive. You can hike close to home or travel to other places. The basic equipment you need for hiking is simple: good shoes, clothes and a backpack. You can hike in the mountain, in a forest or along a river. You can also go for a hike in the city. Hiking is fun and exciting, but you shouldnt forget safety. Here are some basic tips for successful hiking: Dont hike alone. bring water, a good map and a cellphone. Wear a hat to protect yourself from the sun.56. Hiking is a good way to get close to nature.57. Good shoes, clothes and a backpack are the basic equipment for hiking.58. People can only hike in the mountain, in a forest or along a river.59. Hiking is always fun, exciting and safe60. Youd better go hiking with others.II根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(每小题2分,共20分)(A)Near the village, there is an old famous temple. Some people want to build new house where the temple now stands, because they can find no other area to build them, while others disagree with them. They meet to decide how to solve the problem. Here are their opinions about it.The expert wants to protect the temple and believes that there are some interesting things buried in the ground. If it is destroyed or moved, people may never learn about how people lived in the past.The businessman thinks that the houses should be built. History is important, but we must think about the future. The village needs development and building new houses will offer jobs to hundreds of people.Villager A says, “We should build the new houses because we need houses to live in.”Villager B says, “We should protect the temple because it can attract many tourists to come for a visit. If the temple is destroyed or moved, we will lose a lot of business.”The village leader thinks that he has a duty to make life better for the villagers. They need jobs and new houses. He also thinks the cultural site (遗迹) is important and they should be careful with it as well.61. The expert doesnt want to _ the old famous temple.A. rebuild B. protect C. pull down D. fall down62. The businessman thinks building houses there can _.A. help the village develop B. attract many tourists to come for a visitC. help people learn about how people lived in the pastD. help people learn about the interesting things buried in the ground63. _ agree that they should build new houses there.A. The expert and the village leaderB. The businessman and Villager AC. Villager A and Villager BD. Villager B and the businessman64. The village leader thinks _.A. they should destroy the temple B. they neednt build new housesC. They should build the temple to make life betterD. they should not only build new houses but also be careful with the temple65. According to the passage, which of the following is RIGHT?A. Its difficult to satisfy everyone.B. The cultural site is not so important.C. Its easy to make a decision on the problem.D. The villagers will lose their jobs with the development of their hometownBFor the British, the home is private place in which he or she goes to hide away from the troubles of life. It is very seldom that one would be invited to a British persons home. It is rude to knock on a persons door if you are not invited. If you are invited, dont ask to see more than the downstairs that your British host invites you into. Never ask how much the house or any of the items in if cost. To the American, most of them want their home to be a place where they can entertain (款待) and share their lives with their friends. They may be delighted to give you a full tour of their houses. They may also be pleased when you show your interest and pleasure in their houses. Both British and American people will engage in quite a bit of chat and a drink or two before the meal is served. After the first mouthful, you should say how delicious the food is and ask something about it. Remember, never eat with your mouth open and make very little noise while eating. It would be nice of you to help your host in any way. Maybe offer to pour some drinks or clear up after the meal.66. British people _ invite friends to their home. A. often B. always C. seldom D. never 67. If your British friend invites you to his home, you can _.A. see anything you like B. ask how much his house isC. ask the cost of any of the items in it D. only see the downstairs that you are invited into68. When you show your interest and pleasure in American peoples house, they may be _.A. angry B. happy C. sad D. worried69. What does the underlined “engage in” mean in Chinese?A. 陷入 B. 参与 C. 回避 D. 限制70. Whats the main idea of the passage?A. Some manners on visiting British and American peoples home.B. Different table manners between British and American people.C. Different ideas about the home between British and American peopleD. Different ideas about how to get along well with neighbors between British and American people三、阅读短文,把AD四个句子填入短文的空缺处,使短文内容完整、正确,然后完成第75个小题。 The word “cartoon” came form Italian. It first referred to the picture before an actual(真实的)drawing on the wall. _71_ Since the 1840s, it has also come to mean any drawing that is humorous, satirical(讽刺的)or showing an opinion. It usually appears in a newspaper and magazine, with or without a short test._72_ People of all ages, especially young children enjoy all kinds of cartoons in newspapers and magazines, or television and at the movies. Cartoons not only show their life, but help form it. _73_They have supplied ideas to plays, movies and television series and so on. Names or words form cartoon series have also come into modern languages. Many cartoonists (漫画家)draw with special pens._74_Surely, computers are especially effective for the making of animated cartoons. This helps us to enjoy more lively cartoons._ A .They have set the style for clothing, food, manner and many other things.B. In the mid-19th century, it came into English.C. Some use the computer.D. Today cartoons are a part of the daily lives of most people.75. Form the passage, we know that _.A. few young children like cartoons B. the word “cartoon” came form English.C. all cartoonists use pencils to draw cartoons nowadays.D. people like cartoons because they show and help form the life.第卷语言知识运用(20分). 词汇(10分). 根据句意,用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空。(每小题1分,共5分)sleep win tomato play nine 76. I often hear them _the piano in the room.77. Teachers Day in the _month of the year .78. Tom fell _in the class yesterday because he was very tired. 79.Excuse me ,whats the price of these _? Six yuan a kilo .80. I think Sally will be the _of the English competition in our school. 根据中文提示,用词组的适当形式填空,每空一词。(每小题1分,共5分) 81. Students should get to school_ _every day(准时).82. _ _ to some fruit, Bruce.(请随便吃点)83. Amy has grown up and she is _ _a child.(不再).84. Doing eye excises is _our eyes (对有利)。85.Have you _ _the new dress ?Yes, it looks nice on me. (试穿). 综合填空。(每小题1分,共10分) 用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文正确、通顺。每词限用一次,每空一词。outdoor print show young smoke rule how each attention in China has the largest number of smokers in the world. _86_year, about one million Chinese die from smoking-related illness. Official statistics(统计) in 2007 _87_China has 300 million smokers, with another 540 million people forced to breathe in. China began taking part _88_the world Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control(烟草控制框架公约)in 2006. Governments at different levels have paid more _89_to tobacco control in the last few years. Beijing , Shanghai and Hangzhou have tobacco-control_90_. Half of Chinas public health institutions have been non-smoking spaces since2010. Smoking in some indoor public spaces and special _91_work spaces has not been allowed since January 2011. Selling to tobacco to anyone _92_than 18 is not allowed. The seller should ask the buyer to show his or her ID card if the seller can not see _93_old the buyer is . Now at least 23 countries use pictures on the packages to warn more people of the dangerous of _94_. The picture warnings now are _95_in bigger characters, and the use of colors of makes the warning clearer. For others and for yourself, please give up smoking. 口语应用(10分). 根据对话内容,选择恰当的句子补全下列对话。(每小题1分,共 5分)(At the doctors)A: Good morning, doctor!B: 96 Whats wrong?A: I have a sore throat. 97 B: How long have you been like this?A: 98 B: Have you taken your temperature?A: Yes. My temperature is OK.B: 99 Say “Ah” You have a cold.A: Is it serious?B: Nothing serious. 100 Youll get better soon.A: Thank you, doctor!A. Im feeling terrible.B. Im sorry to hear that.C. Open your mouth.D. I have a fever.E. Take the medicine three times a day.F. Good morning, young man!G. Since yesterday morning. 96-100 FAGCE . 用恰当的词语填空,完成对话。每空一词。(每小题1分,共5分)A: Hello! 68307142.B: Hi, Judy! 101 is Tony. A: Good afternoon, Tony! How is it going? B: Very 102 , thanks. Im calling to ask where you had your family party last week.A: At Hilton Restaurant. Why?B: Im 103 for a proper restaurant. Some of my friends want to get together for a big dinner. A: Hilton Restaurant opened last month. Its a little bit expensive, but its 104 the money. B: Is the restaurant 105 from my home?A: No, it isnt. B: Thank you very much. A: You are welcome. 101. This 102. well 103. looking 104. worth 105. far 阅读理解(10分)I.根据短文内容,完成下面的句子,每空一词。(每小题2分,共10分) Do you like coke? Do you know we can cook chicken with it? And does it have anything to do with our mobile phones? The latest cell phone, the “Coke Phone”, by the Chinese designer Daizi Zheng is a surprise.Daizi Zheng is a famous designer in England. The Nokia company asked her to design a phone that is not bad for the environment. As a result of her research, she found that normal phone batteries are expensive and bad for the environment. It also uses many good resources(资源)to make a normal battery. So she wanted to design a battery that is green. Then a Nokia cellphone that drinks coke was born.The cell phone has a bio-battery(生物电池).It gets power from sugar. So users only need to pour a glass of coke into it, and then watch the coke turn into power. Once the battery dies, only oxygen and water are left. Bio-batteries can last three to four times longer than the usual batteries. In fact, Zheng said that not only coke but also soda(苏打)with sugar can be good resources to power the cell phone. If so, you may never look at a can of coke in the same way again.106. The “Coke Phone” is the _ cell phone that is designed _ a Chinese girl.107. The normal phone batteries are _and do _ to the environment.108. The Chinese girl designed a bio-battery to_ the _of a normal phone battery.109. Coke and soda with sugar can _ the “Coke Phone” _ power.110. From the passage, we know coke has _ use besides being used to _ and a drink.106. latest, by 107. expensive, harm 108. take, place 109. provide, with 110. another, cook书面表达(20分). 将下列各句译成英语。必须用上所给提示词。(每小题2分,共4分) 111. 他太害羞,不敢在公共场合做演讲。(tooto, speech) _. 112. 我一收到你的来信就会打电话给你。(as soon as, hear from) _.113. 根据所给图和提示词,各写一句话。必须用上所给提示词。(每小题2分,共4分)提示作文(12分)115. 目前中学生早餐问题已经引起社会关注,你所在学校的学生会在5月20日“全国学生营养日”开展问卷调查,其结果令人担忧。请你根据调查结果写一篇短文,倡导营养早餐。学生比例早餐情况健康状况55%有规律地吃早餐身体健康,精力充沛25%吃垃圾食品营养不均衡20%没有吃早餐感到饥饿,上课无法认真听讲,容易生病提示词:regularly, active, junk food(垃圾食品), a balanced diet, as a result要求:1. 所写内容必须包括表格中所提供的信息,并发表自己的看法。2. 所给的提示词必须全部用上,可适当发挥。3. 字数80词左右。文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数。Breakfast Is ImportantBreakfast is important. But not all the students have realized its important. Heres the result of our survey. About 55 percent of the students _ 9囡囡电影 WWW.7CKG.COM 81影视 WWW.81VOD.COM 九元街 WWW.JIUYUANJIE.COM 最新韩剧 WWW.HANJUWANG.CC TXT小说下载 WWW.SJGOD.COM


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