摘 要
关键字: 机械手;液压系统;自由度
Industrial manipulator is a new mode of production of modern mechanization, and also a new kind of equipment developed by intelligent automation. Nowadays with the rapid development of science and technology, more attention paid to the principle and application technology of the manipulator, in modern industrial factory production and manufacturing, industrial robots have been comprehensively applied in the workshop of the automated assembly line, as a result, people began to study has become increasingly urgent for robots. The hydraulic system is the most widely used, so the hydraulic system is designed.
Described in hydraulic driving mechanism, the manipulator arm scaling and lift adopts the double-acting piston hydraulic cylinder and the guide rod guide, to ensure the movement precision of the manipulator, the rotation of the wrist with oscillating hydraulic cylinders (rotary cylinder), manipulator arm rotation and gripper clamping used rack piston hydraulic cylinder.
This topic through the application of the principle of the mechanical and hydraulic transmission technology design, the classification of the hydraulic system of industrial manipulator structure, characteristics, stress analysis, and analyses the working principle of the hydraulic system. With the hydraulic system of the structure of the manipulator robot can flexible scraping of the moving objects in space, and a high degree of freedom to operate, can be in high temperature and position of dangerous operation, reducing manpower, and greatly promote production rhythm.
Keywords: manipulator; The hydraulic system; degree of freedom
1 绪论 1
1.1 选题背景及其意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状与发展趋势 1
1.2.1国内的研究现状 1
1.2.2国外研究现状 2
1.3液压技术的现状及发展趋势 2
2机械手液压系统概述和计算 3
2.1 手臂伸缩液压缸的设计计算 3
2.1.1伸缩液压缸驱动力计算 3
2.1.2伸缩液压缸的结构尺寸确定 4
2.2手臂垂直升降液压缸的设计计算 7
2.2.1 垂直升降液压缸驱动力的计算 7
2.2.2升降液压缸的结构尺寸的确定 8
2.3手臂回转齿条活塞液压缸的设计计算 9
2.3.1齿条活塞液压缸驱动力的计算 9
2.3.2齿条活塞液压缸结构尺寸的确定 10
2.4手腕回转液压缸的设计计算 10
2.5手爪夹合液压缸的设计计算 11
3工业机械手液压系统的工作原理 13
3.1液压原理简图 13
3.2确定液压系统的工作要求 14
3.3拟定液压系统原理图 15
3.3.1液压系统原理图 15
3.3.2电磁铁工作状态表 15
3.3.3液压系统工作原理 16
3.3.4液压系统特点分析: 19
3.3.5电气控制系统原理图 20
3.3.6电气控制系统工作原理 21
3.3.7电气系统特点分析: 23
4液压系统的设计 24
4.1设计方案 24
4.1.1 液压回路的选择 24
4.2系统工作压力的选择 25
4.3 液压元件的选择 25
4.3.1 液压泵的选择 25
4.3.2 液压泵所需液压马达的确定 26
4.3.3 液压阀的选择 27
4.3.4 液压辅助元件的选择原则 28
4.3.5 管道尺寸的确定 28
4.3.6 油箱容量的确定 29
5 总结 31
致 谢 32
参考文献 33