八年级英语上册 Unit 10 If you go to the partyyou’ll have a great time Period 1训练案(课本P73-P74).ppt

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八年级英语上册 Unit 10 If you go to the partyyou’ll have a great time Period 1训练案(课本P73-P74).ppt_第1页
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八年级英语上册 Unit 10 If you go to the partyyou’ll have a great time Period 1训练案(课本P73-P74).ppt_第2页
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八年级英语上册 Unit 10 If you go to the partyyou’ll have a great time Period 1训练案(课本P73-P74).ppt_第3页
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Period1训练案 课本P73 P74 Unit10Ifyougototheparty you llhaveagreattime 一 单项填空 1 Ifthey theywillcallyouatonce arriveB toarriveC willarriveD arrived 2 What ifIlistentomusicinclass happensB willhappenC ishappeningD happened A 训练案 B 3 Willyou jeanstotheparty No Iwon t A putonB wearC dressD wears 4 Theappleonthetreeis high reach Canyouhelpme so thatB enough toC too toD such that B 训练案 C 5 IthinkIwillgototheparty mysister A andB withC butD for 6 It scoldoutside Jennyaskedme thewindow A closeB closedC closingD toclose B 训练案 D 7 Sheenjoyed attheparty A himselfB herselfC themD its 8 DidLucyhaveagoodtime withyou Yes Wehadagreattime A totalkB talkingC talksD talked B 训练案 B 9 Itisagoodtime China A visitB tovisitC visitingD visited 10 WewillgotoSydneyforvacation A HaveagreattimeB GoodluckC I msorrytohearthatD SodoI B 训练案 A 二 根据句意 用所给单词的适当形式填空 11 LastweekJaneandherfriends organize atriptoDalian 12 It sbadforyourhealthtoeattoomuch chocolate 13 Ilikewatchingdifferentkindsof video athomeonweekends organized 训练案 chocolate videos 14 We llhaveasports meet nextweek 15 Theywillbe bore iftheywatchavideoattheparty meeting 训练案 bored 三 完成句子 词数不限 16 你如果吃太多快餐 你将会变胖 Ifyoueat fastfood you fat 17 如果明天下雨 我们将会待在家里 Ifit tomorrow wewill 训练案 toomuch willbe rains stayathome 18 他们计划在星期五开一次班会 Theyplanto onFriday 19 他们太懒了都不做饭 Theyare lazy cook 训练案 haveaclassmeeting tooto 20 如果我们明天举行聚会 一半的同学将不会来 eifwehavethepartytomorrow 训练案 Halftheclasswon t 四 根据课本2d完成短文填空 JeffandBenaretalkingaboutthepartywhichwillbeheldnextweek Forthefood Benwantstoorderit21 arestaurant becausepeoplewillbetoolazy22 cook Forthegames 23 peoplewin 训练案 from to if Jeffwillgivethemsomesmallgifts IfJeffandBendothat morepeoplewillwanttoplaythe24 Andthat sa25 idea Theyhopethey llhaveagreatparty games 训练案 great good 五 完形填空 Whowouldyouliketochangeyourlifewithifpossible Lastweek weaskedmanymiddleschoolstudentsthisquestion Thefollowingaresomeoftheir26 ZhangYike 12Iwanttochangemylifewithmyfriend 训练案 WangXiaohui Sheisstudyingin27 Englandnow Shehasbeentomanycountries such28theUSAandFrance TheyaretheplacesIwishtovisit What smore she29muchbetterEnglishthanme IfIchangemylifewithher Icanvisitmanybeautifulcountries eatdelicious30andmeet 训练案 differentkindsofpeoplethere QiuHaoran 14I dliketochangemylifewithmyChineseteacherMissZhao MissZhaoisaverykindlady Sheknowsalot 31shealwayshassomanyinterestingstoriesto32us Wealllikeherclasses 训练案 Ialsowanttobesuchanexcellentteacherandbe33withmystudents TanBo 13Iwillchangemylifewithmyelderbrother Mybrotherisacollegestudentnow Hehastogotoclassallthetime 训练案 Hecanstudywhatheis34in Andheevenhasapart timejobtomakemoney To35 allofthesesoundveryinteresting Ireallywantalifelikethis 训练案 26 A answersB problemsC questionsD changes 27 A NewYorkB LondonC TokyoD Sydney 28 A asB forC ofD at 29 A saysB speaksC talksD tells 30 A drinkB airC foodD water A 训练案 B A B C 31 A butB soC ifD when 32 A tellB giveC understandD find 33 A busyB angryC popularD serious 34 A excitedB boredC interestedD tired 35 A meB himC youD them B 训练案 A C C A 谢谢观看


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