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浦东新区2010学年度第一学期小学英语三年级M4练习卷(供参考)(满分:100分 完成时间:40分钟)Class _ Name _ Number _ Mark _Part 1 Listening 50%I. Listen and circle (听录音,圈出听到的单词,并将序号填入题前的括号内)10%( ) 1. A. pig B. big C. bag( ) 2. A. birds B. bees C. boats( ) 3. A. truck B. branch C. plant( ) 4. A. Miss B. Mrs C. Mr( ) 5. A. tree B. three C. there( ) 6. A. hall B. ball C. tall( ) 7. A. ladybird B. butterfly C. fly( ) 8. A. write B. white C. kite( ) 9. A. box B. book C. books( ) 10. A. purple B. orange C. brownII. Listen and circle(听录音,圈出听到的句子,并将序号填入题前的括号内)12%( ) 1. A. Look at the boat. B. Look at the balloon. C. Look at the blackboard.( ) 2. A. Kitty has a big red ball. B. Kitty has a small red ball. C. Kitty has a red and blue ball.( ) 3. A. Stick the chick on the board. B. Stick the duck on the board. C. Stick the dog on the board.( ) 4. A. The sunflowers grow and grow. B. The roses grow and grow. C. The trees grow and grow.( ) 5. A. Put on my shoes, please. B. Put on your shoes, please. C. Put on your dress, please.( ) 6. A. There are some oranges in the shop. B. There are many oranges in the shop.C. There are many plums in the shop.III. Listen and circle(听录音,圈出正确的应答句, 并将序号填入题前的括号)10%( ) 1. A. Theyre big. B. Four ducks. C. Theyre ducks.( ) 2. A. Its a butterfly. B. This is a butterfly. C. Purple and yellow.( ) 3. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I can. C. Yes, I do.( ) 4. A. Yellow . B. Its a yellow bee. C. Theyre yellow.( ) 5. A. This is an ant. B. No, its an ant. C. Yes, its an ant.IV. Listen and judge (听录音,判断下面的句子与录音内容是否一致,一致用T表示,不一致用F表示) 5%( ) 1. The ladybird is red and black.( ) 2. There are seven chicks on the farm.( ) 3. The plant has thin and short roots.( ) 4. Judy likes to sit on the swing.( ) 5. Our playground is big and nice.V. Listen and number (按听到的顺序给下列句子编号) 5%( ) Its nice, and it can fly too.( ) It has a head and six legs.( 1 ) Look at the insect. Its a bee.( ) Its very small. Its black and yellow.( ) Its lovely. I like it very much.( ) It likes flowers. We can see it in spring.VI. Listen and choose (听对话,选出正确的答案)8%( ) 1. A. A paper dog. B. A paper rabbit. C. A paper pig.( ) 2. A. Pink. B. Black. C. White.( ) 3. A. In the park B. At the zoo C. On the farm( ) 4. A. He is a pupil. B. Yes, he is. C. He is at school.Part 2 Reading and Writing 50%I. Read and copy(读一读,正确抄写下列句子, 注意大小写及标点符号)6%Count the butterflies, Ben. How many butterflies? II. Read and write (模仿例句,在空格内填上适当的词,使句子完整) 8%例:This is my family. This is my father, my mother and my sister.1. I like insects. I like bees, _ and _.2. On the farm, we can see ducks, and .3. This is a . It has a trunk, branches and .4. In the park, we can _ a kite and _ with a ball.III. Read and choose (读一读,选择适当的答案)12%( ) 1. Peter music. He makes the music with the tube. A. have B. has C. is( ) 2. Look at _ pencil. Its long and yellow. A. that B. a C. /( ) 3. Mix yellow and blue. We can see _ A. orange B. purple C. green( ) 4. Look at the roots . _ are thin and long. A. Roots B. They C. It( ) 5. _ is a pupil and _ mother is a teacher. A. Heher B. Sheher C. Shemy( ) 6. This is _ ant. Its _ black ant. A. aa B. ana C. anan( ) 7. It is cold. Put _ your scarf. A. in B. off C. on( ) 8. Look at the fat man. He _ some jam. A. has B. is C. have( ) 9. There are _ toys in the toy shop. A. much B. many C. a( )10. A sunflower has a _ and a _. A. stalkflower B. trunkflower C. stalkleaves( ) 11. What colour is your cat? _ brown. A. My cat B. Its C. Its( ) 12. -Is this _ balloon? -No, its _ balloon. A. yourmy B. yourhis C. myyourIV. Rewrite the sentences ( 按要求改写句子) 5%1. This is a red rose.(划线提问) _2. The rabbit is white. (改成一般疑问句)_3. Seven flowers. (划线部分提问)_4. Is that an insect? (肯定回答)_5. bird, a, green, under, is, the, tree (连词成句)_V. Read, think and write (读一读,想一想,填一填)5%. sun ladybird tree cow ducks chicks1. Its small. Its red and black. It can fly. Its a _.2. Theyre white. They like swimming in the river. Theyre _.3. Its hot. Its round. It is in the sky. Its the _.4. It has leaves. It has roots. It has a trunk. Its a_.5. We can see it on the farm. It goes “Moo, Moo”. It likes grass. Its a _.VI. Read and complete (把句子的编号填入到正确的地方,使对话通顺完整) 4%1. Do you like dogs 2. Look at that animal 3. Whats that 4. Theyre rabbits Its a fine day today. Peter and his friends are on Mr McDonalds farm. Peter: Good afternoon, Mr McDonald.McDonald: Good afternoon. Welcome to my farm.Peter: Mr McDonald, I like rabbits.McDonald: Look. _. Theyre small. Theyre white.Peter: _, Mr McDonald?McDonald: Yes, I like dogs. I have ten small dogs.Peter: Mr McDonald, _? Is it a cow?McDonald: Yes, it is. It likes grass.Peter: _, Mr McDonald?McDonald: Its a pig. Its sleeping.Peter: Mr McDonald, I like your farm. Its nice.McDonald: I like my farm too. And I like my animals.VII. Read and judge( 阅读短文,并判断句子的正确与否,用T或F表示)5% I have a cat. She is a black and white cat. Her name is Kitty. She has a long tail and small ears. Her eyes are big and black. Her nose is white, too. She has a basket. She sleeps in her basket in a day. She likes fish and milk. She does not like dogs. She likes playing with her pink ball. Kitty likes me and I like her.( ) 1. Kitty is a black and white cat.( ) 2. Kittys tail is long but her ears are small.( ) 3. Kitty has two small and black eyes.( ) 4. Kitty likes fish but she doesnt like dogs.( ) 5. I like playing with my pink ball.VIII. Writing (写作部分)5% 小朋友,请用英文描述一下你喜欢的植物。比如:它有哪些部分?它的颜色等。至少25个字,两种以上句式。 浦东新区2010学年度第一学期小学英语三年级M4练习卷(供参考)听力材料及评分标准Part 1 Listening 50%I. Listen and circle (听录音,圈出听到的单词,并将序号填入题前的括号内)10%1. The pink pig is fat.2. Count the bees, Danny. 3. The plant is big and tall.4. Do you like animals, Miss Green?5. My little sister is only three years old.6. We can sing and dance in our hall.7. A butterfly is an insect.8. Please write your name on the book.9. Put the toy in the box, Kitty.10. Mix red and green. We can see brown. A B C A B A B A A C 每题1分II. Listen and circle(听录音,圈出听到的句子,并将序号填入题前的括号内)12%1. Look at the balloon.2. There are some oranges in the shop. 3. Kitty has a red and blue ball.4. Stick the duck on the board.5. The sunflowers grow and grow.6. Put on my shoes, please. B, A, C, B, A, A 每题2分III. Listen and circle(听录音,圈出正确的应答句, 并将序号填入题前的括号)10%1. Count the ducks. How many ducks?2. Whats that?3. Do you like insects?4. What colour is that small bee?5. Is this an ant?B A C A C 每题2分IV. Listen and judge (听录音,判断下面的句子与录音内容是否一致,一致用T表示,不一致用F表示) 5%1. Joe has a jar in his hand. A butterfly is in it. Its red and black.2. Look. Theyre chicks. Count the chicks. One, two, three, four, five. Five small chicks.3. That is a plant. It has thin and short roots.4. Judy is a pupil. She likes to sit on the swing. Swing to the sky.5. This is our playground. Its not big. But its nice. F F T T F 每题1分V. Listen and number (按听到的顺序给下列句子编号) 5%Look at the insect. Its a bee. Its very small. Its black and yellow. It has a head and six legs. Its nice, and it can fly too. It likes flowers. We can see it in spring. Its lovely. I like it very much. 4 3 1 2 6 5 每题1分VI. Listen and choose. (听对话,选出正确的答案)8%1. - Hello, Eddie! What can you make?- I can make a paper dog. Look, this is my paper dog.- Oh, its nice. Question: What can Eddie make?2. - Look at the ants. What color are they?- Are they black?- Yes, theyre black.Question: What color are the ants?3. - Look at the animals, Ben. What are they?- They are pigs. Theyre fat and lovely.Question: Where is Ben?4. - Hello. Im new here. My name is Eddie. Where is my classroom?- Im Alice. Nice to see you. This is your classroom.Question: Is Eddie a pupil? A B C B 每题2分Part 2 Reading and Writing 50%I. Read and copy(读一读,正确抄写下列句子, 注意大小写及标点符号)6%略。大小写、标点符号每个0.5分,抄写工整与否,酌情扣分。II. Read and write (模仿例句,在空格内填上适当的词,使句子完整) 8%1. ladybirds, butterflies, ants, butterflies 2. chicks, cow, sheep3. tree, leaves 4. fly, play每格1分;填出同类词,单复数错给0.5分一题。III. Read and choose (读一读,选择适当的答案)12%B A C B A B C A B A C B 每题1分IV. Rewrite the sentences. (按要求改写句子) 5%3. Whats this?4. Is the rabbit white?5. How many flowers?6. Yes, it is.7. A green bird is under the tree. 或The green bird is under a tree.8. A bird is under the green tree. The bird is under a green tree.每题1分。大小写、标点符号错0.5分一处,扣完为止;关键词错扣1分。V. Read, think and write (读一读,想一想,填一填)5%.1. ladybird 2. ducks 3. sun 4. tree 5. cow每题1分VI. Read and complete (把句子填入到正确的地方,使对话通顺完整) 4%4. Theyre rabbits 1. Do you like dogs 2. Look at that animal 3. Whats that 每格1分VII. Read and judge(阅读短文,并判断句子的正确与否,用T或F表示)5%T T F T F VIII. Writing (写作部分)5%略。 写满25个字,文章句式两种以上给满分。其他可酌情扣分。


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