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三年级英语下册期中考试试题一、按字母表的顺序默出“HhNn”的大小写字母。 二、选出不同类的单词。请把序号填在题前括号里。( )1、A. dog B. tiger C. desk( )2、A. banana B. football C. apple( )3、A. milk B. rice C. noodles( )4、A. dinner B. lunch C. meat( )5、A. car B. ship C. favourite( )6、A. seven B. time C. eight( )7、A. English B. swimming C. Music( )8、A. tiger B. pear C. orange( )9、A. tall B. short C. panda( )10、A. basketball B. doll C. football三、单项选择。请把序号填到题前括号中。( )1.-Whats this? -Its elephant. A. the B. a C. an( ) 2. This boy is short. That boy is . A. tall B. big C. small( ) 3. -Does Tom like milk? - .A. No, she doesnt. B. Yes, he doesnt. C. Yes, he does.( ) 4. I get up six oclock. A. in B. for C. at( ) 5. -Whats the ? -Its nine oclock. A. time B. times C. a time( ) 6. Its past five. A. to B. half C. at( ) 7. Amy pears. A. like B. likes C. dont like( ) 8. Mingming plays football the morning. A. on B. in C. at( ) 9. I bed at eight oclock. A. go B. goes C. go to( ) 10. -What are they? - .A. Its a tiger. B. Theyre monkeys. C. Theyre monkey.四、根据问句选择正确答案,把序号填到题前括号内。( )1. Do you like fish? A. Its five oclock. ( ) 2.Whats your favourite toy? B. I go swimming. ( ) 3. What do you do at the weekend? C. I have Science. ( ) 4. Whats the time, please? D. Its a car. ( ) 5. What do you have at school? E. No, I dont.五 请把单词抄写到四线格内,并与正确的汉语意思连线。1. Chinese 船2. apple 风筝 3. half 语文 4. ship 一半 5. kite 苹果六、选择下列单词正确的中文意思。( )1.book (A.书本 B.鸡蛋 C.桌子)( )2.fly (A.飞 B.读 C.游泳)( )3.girl (A.女孩 B.河马 C.山羊)( )4.banana (A.狗 B.香蕉 C.梨)( )5.fish (A.狐狸 B.鱼 C.鸡)( )6.table (A.书桌 B.桌子 C.椅子)( )7.cat (A.猫 B.狗 C.熊)( )8.draw (A.画 B.煮 C.飞)( )9.kite (A.果汁 B.果酱 C.风筝)( )10.monkey (A.猴子 B.狮子 C.妈妈)七 从B栏中选出A栏的答案。 A B( )1.Whats this? A.Nice to meet you.( )2.Hello! B.Im Gogo.( )3.Whats your name? C.Yes, I can.( )4.Can you read? D.Hi!( )5.Nice to meet you. E.Its a book.八、看图,选出正确的单词,并写在横线上。1. Whos she? Shes my (father mother). . 2. Whos he? Hes my (sister brother). 九、选择题。( )1.当别人对你说“Goodbye!”时,你应该怎么回答:A.Im Tony. B.Bye. C.Hello!( )2.当别人问你会不会唱歌,可以问:A.Can you read? B.Can you sing? C.Can you fly? ( )3.你想问这是什么,可以问:A.Whats this? B.Can you read? C.Im Tony.( )4.如果你是Jenny,人家问你“Whats your name?”,你 可以回答: A.Im Gogo. B.Im Tony. C.Im Jenny.( )5.人家问你会不会游泳,你不会,你该怎么回答:A.Yes, I can. B.No, I cant. C.Can you swim?( )6.Whats this? Its _ apple.A.an B.a C./( )7.Whos she? _.A.Shes my mother. B.Hes my father. C.Its a desk.( )8.Whats _ name? Her names Ms.Black.A.your B.her C.his( )9._ to meet you, Tony.A. Goodbye B. What C. Nice( )10.Whats this?_.A.Its a book. B.Im Gogo. CYes, I can.十、阅读短文,判断正()误()。My name is Kelly. I get up at six oclock. I have breakfast at seven oclock. I like football and table tennis at school. My friend(朋友) is Amy. She likes dogs, cats and monkeys very much(非常). She goes home at half past four in the afternoon. She has dinner at six oclock. She likes swimming and table tennis.( ) 1. Kelly and Amy are friends.( ) 2. Kelly likes basketball very much.( ) 3. Amy goes home at 5:30 in the afternoon.( ) 4. They all like table tennis.( ) 5. Kelly likes dogs and cats very much.


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