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九年级Unit2复习l 1非常害怕 _ 2.对 感兴趣_l 3.下决心_ 4令某人惊奇的是_ l 5. 即使 尽管_ 6.不在 _l 7. 聊天 _ 8. 听起来像_l 9. 结束_ 10. 在游泳队 _l 11.买得起_ 12. 对感到骄傲_l 13.对注意_ 14. 过去常常_l 15. 尽某人最大的努力_. l 16.放弃_used to do 过去常常做某事used to否定形式可为used not to ,也可为 didnt use to .疑问句式也有两种:Diduse to?或 Used to?There used to be 过去某地有知识拓展:关于used的短语你知道多少?l be used to do sth =be used for doing sth/sth. 被用来做某事l A knife is used to cut things. l A knife is used for cutting things.l be /get used to doing sth. 习惯于去做某事l The old man is /gets used to getting up early.牛刀小试:根据汉语提示完成英语句子,每空一词。is used for l (1) 伞是用来遮雨的。l The umbrella _ _ _ keeping yourself from the rain.l (2) 我习惯于吃比萨。l I _ _ _ _ pizza.l (3) 我过去常常在放学后跳舞。l I _ _ _ after school.同义词辨别:alone / lonely lonely 是形容词 意为“孤独的,寂寞的”说明一个人的心理感受,带有浓厚的感情色彩,也可修饰地点,意为“人迹稀少的,荒凉的”;alone 既是形容词又是副词,作副词时, 意为“单独地,独自地”,相当于by oneself ,作形容词时,意为“单独的,独身的”,表示客观情况,不带感情色彩。1.He was _ in the room .2.Though he lives _,he doesnt feel_.3.We must do our homework _.1、You should not walk _outside, especially at night. A. alone B. lonely C. slowly D. fast2、I am very_ because I often work_ in the shop. A. lonely; lonely B. alone; alone C. lonely; alone D. alone; lonely3、(用alone; lonely 填空)The old man lives _on the _island.二、died,dead,death 和 dying区别:l 1.die v. 短暂性动词,它的过去式是died.l 如: His grandfather died three years ago.三年前他爷爷去世了。l 2.dead adj. 死的,死去的l 如:His grandfather has been dead for 3 years.l death n. 死,死亡 l 如: I was extremely sad when I heard his death. 听到他死亡的消息,我极其难过。4. dying 是die 的现在分词,也可作形容词,意为“垂死的”。针对练习 用death的适当形式填空:1.His fathers _ made him very sad.2.He has been _ for 2 years.3.He _ 2 years ago.4.The old man is _.He has something to say to his sons.中招链接: (要求独立完成,时间5分钟)1.I_frustratedwhenIwasntsureofthecorrectanswer.A.maybeB.usedtoC.usedtobeD.usetobe2.WhenIwasachild,Iusedto_chocolate.A.likingB.likeC.likedD.likes3._workinMicrosoft?A.DidyouusedtoB.DidyouusetoC.DoyouusedtoD.Doyouuseto4.Where_livebeforeyoucamehere?A.didyouusedtoB.didyouusetoC.usehetoD.heusedto5.Noonelikeshim_.A.stillB.neverC.anymoreD.Too6.Iam_ofspiders.A.terrifyB.terrorC.terrifying D.terrified7.Heisafraidof_strangers.A.seeB.seeingC.sawD.seen8.It_thathehasbeenillforalongtime.A.seems B.looks C.looksasif D.seems as if 9.Ialwaysgotosleep_thelighton A.in B.with C.to D.and10.Dont_ aboutthingssomuch.Itwillmake youstressedout.A.afraid B.terrify C.terrified D.worry 1. used to to 相关句型l used to do sth 过去常常做某事(强调今昔对比) l I used to read books in the morning.l be used to doing sth 习惯于做某事l I am used to listening music after class.l be used to do sth 被用于做某事 Bed is used to fall asleep.、反意疑问句l 肯定陈述句+否定提问 如:You are a student, _ _?l 否定陈述句+肯定提问 如:They hardly finish their homework,_ _?l (有一些单词包含否定意思,例如little ,few ,never, nothing, hardly.)3、play的用法l He plays with a cat._I want to play the piano._l Boys like playing football._Ill be in the school play ._4、be interested in的用法l be interested in sth _ l Some girls are interested in music.l be interested in doing sth _ l Most of us are interested in watching TV at night.5、“害怕”的短语l terrified 与 afraid 的用法相似l be terrified of sth. 害怕某物 如:I am terrified of the dog.l be terrified of doing sth. 害怕做某事 l 如:I am terrified of speaking in front of my teachers.“花费”的几种说法l spendon sth,主语为人,在某事上花费时间或金钱 I spend a lot of money on my clothes. spend.in doing sth主语是人,花费时间或金钱去做某事 My father spent 3 hours in cooking delicious soup.l pay.for.主语是人,I pay 10 Yuan for this dog. l cost 主语为物,This notebook costs me 5 dollars.短语对等 chat with sb=talk with sb_look after sb=take care of sb _ in the end =at last_go to sleep=go to bed=fall asleep_ not any more= not.any longer_ all the time=always_ take pride in=be proud of _9、短语小结 take sb.to some place_be different from _ change ones life_ make a decision _ to ones surprise_pay attention to _l be able to do sth._give up doing sth _.


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