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目录Contents古代诗词 Ancient Chinese Poetry1. 悯农2. 静夜思3. 赋得古草原送别4. 春晓5. 登鹳雀楼论语摘录 Excerpts from The Analects of Confucius6. 食不言,寝不语7. 席不正,不坐古代故事 Ancient Chinese Story8. 孔融让梨古代成语 Ancient Chinese Proverb9. 拔苗助长10. 杞人忧天11. 掩耳盗铃弟子规摘录 Ancient Chinese from Standards for Students12. 晨必盥13 冠必正古代名人 Ancient Chinese Celebrities14. 岳飞悯农 (唐)李绅锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土。谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。【中文释义】夏天的中午,农民在田地里锄地,汗水滴到禾苗下的土地上,谁会在吃饭的时候记得盘中的每一粒米,都是农民的辛苦得来的。【英文释义】InterpretationAt noon farmers weed with hoes,Their sweat drips on the soil.Each bowl of rice, who knows,Is the fruit of hard toil.静夜思 (唐)李白窗前明月光,疑是地上霜。举头望明月,低头思故乡。 【中文释义】洁白的月光洒在了窗前,怀疑是地面上下了秋霜,抬头看看天上的月亮,低头想起了自己的故乡。【英文释义】InterpretationAbed, I see a silver light,I wonder if its the frost around.Looking up, I find the moon bright;Bowing, in homesickness Im drowned.赋得古草原送别 (节选)(唐)白居易离离原上草,一岁一枯荣。野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。【中文释义】草原上的草总是茂盛的青青的,草总是在一年之内,一次青青一次枯黄,就算是无情的野火他只能烧掉草的枝叶,当春风吹来大地时,草的根又会长出绿油油的青苗来。【英文释义】InterpretationGrass grows on the ancient plain, wide and far.They thrive and wither once every year.Heath fire burn but in vain.A touch of verbal breeze they thrive again.春晓 (唐) 孟浩然春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。夜来风雨声,花落知多少。【中文释义】春天睡觉很香,不知不觉天已经亮了起来,醒来时处处听到有很多鸟儿在啼叫。谁知昨天夜里又是雨声又是风声,被风雨打落在地上的花朵不知有多少。【英文释义】InterpretationI linger in bed contently this spring morn.While birds everywhere busily chirp to warn.After the flashing all night by winds and showers.Who cares to count the number of fallen flowers.登鹳雀楼(唐)王之涣白日依山尽,黄河入海流。欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。【中文释义】西落的太阳依着山势慢慢沉落下去,黄河仍然汹涌地奔向大海。要想看见更远的风光景物,还需要再等上高一层的城楼。【英文释义】InterpretationThe white sun diminished at the top of the mountain.The ocean-bound Yellow River flows non-stop.To see a grandeur view a thousand li from here.One more scale up the tower it will be near.论语摘录 Excerpts from The Analects of Confucius孔子曰:食不言,寝不语【中文释义】吃饭的时候不要说话,专心用餐。睡觉的时候不要言语,会很快入睡。【英文释义】InterpretationDo not converse while eating and do not talk when abed.孔子曰:席不正,不坐【中文释义】吃饭、会客,座位的顺序不对,就不要坐下,【英文释义】InterpretationWhen the sitting place is not put properly, dot not sit.孔融让梨 Kong Rong Showed Brotherly Love孔融四岁时,一天邻居送来一筐梨。家中兄弟七人围在一起吃梨,这时孔融很认真地从梨筐中挑了一个小梨吃。兄长问他为什么挑小梨吃?孔融说:“兄长年长,我是小辈,理应吃小的。”孔融长大以后,成了东汉末年的文学家。When Kong Rong was four years old, a neighbor sent them a basket of pears. Seven brothers gathered together to eat pears. Kong Rong picked a small pear carefully. His elder brothers were surprised by his deed and asked him why. Kong Rong replied, “As I am the youngest, I should eat the smaller pear and my brothers should eat the bigger ones. ” After he grew up, Kong Rong became a writer in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.拔苗助长 Haste Makes Waste【释义】这则“拔苗助长”成语的原意是,把生长中的禾苗往上拔,帮助他长高。比喻,急于求成,适得其反。Interpretation: The idiom originally tells us a story that a farmer pulled up seeding to help them grow.Allegory: Haste Makes Waste【故事】古代有一个农夫,总觉得自己田里的禾苗长得慢。有一天,他把自己田地里的所有禾苗都向上拔了起来,看起来是比原来长高了。第二天他到自己田里一看,所有的禾苗都枯死了,因我没住禾苗的根都被拔坏了。The story In ancient China, there was a farmer who always worried that his seedlings grew too slowly. One day, he went to the farmland and pulled up the seedlings one by one. It looked like that all the seedlings grew taller. However, on the following day when he returned to the fields, the farmer found that all the seedlings had shriveled up because their roots had been damaged by his pulling up.杞人忧天Meet Trouble Halfway【释义】这则“杞人忧天”成语的原意是,有个杞国人,整天忧虑天会塌下来。比喻没有必要的忧虑或担心。Interpretation: The idiom originally tells us a story that a man of Qi State worried the sky would fall down.Allegory: It satirizes those suffering unnecessary anxieties.【故事】很早以前杞国有个人,震天害怕天会塌下来,因此每天吃不下饭也睡不好觉。有个好心人知道特德情况后就劝他说:天不过是很厚很厚的气体罢了,我们大家每天都生活在这个气体当中,进行呼吸,气体怎么能塌下来呢?杞国人明白了天的道理,这才转忧为喜。The story: Long long ago, there was a man of a Qi State who always worried that the sky would fall down one day. The more he thought, the more frightened he was. During the day, he couldnt eat, and at night, he didnt dare to sleep. A kindhearted man got to know his story and persuaded him, “The sky is all around us, made up of thick gases in the atmosphere. Every day we live in the atmosphere and breathe air. How can the thick gas fall down? ” When the man of Qi State was enlightened as to the principle of the sky, he was relieved from worry and his face lit up with a smile.掩耳盗铃 Ostrich logic【释义】这则“掩耳盗铃”成语的原意是,捂住自己的耳朵去偷铃铛。比喻做事愚蠢,自己在欺骗自己。Interpretation: The idiom originally tells us a story that a thief covers his ears to steal a bell.Allegory: It alludes to acting foolishly and deceiving oneself.【故事】春秋末期,有一个人发现逃走的人家门口有一个大钟,想占为己有,因为钟太重搬不动,他就想把钟打碎后搬到自己家中。他砸了一下,钟发出了洪亮的声音,他怕被别人听见钟声来与他争抢钟。于是便用手把自己的两只耳朵紧紧捂住,以为自己听不到钟声别人也就听不到了,这样就可以安全把钟拿走,于是他又使劲砸起钟来。The story: In the late Spring and Autumn Period, when a person became a fugitive, a thief found a bell at the front gate of the fugitives house and tried to steal it. However, the bell was too heavy for him to move, so he tried to break it into pieces with a hammer to move to his home. When he struck the bell, the bell emitted clanging sound. The thief was afraid that someone would hear the sound and snatch the bell. Therefore, he covered his own ears, taking it for granted that others also could not hear it if he could not and then he could take the bell away. After covering his ears, he hit the bell again. 弟子规摘录 Ancient Chinese from Standards for Students晨必盥,兼漱口。便溺回,辄净手。【中文释义】早晨起床后,要洗干净脸和手,要漱口。每天大小便以后,要洗手。【英文释义】InterpretationWash your face after getting up, and brush your teeth as well. Wash your hands after you go to the toilet.冠必正,纽必结,袜与履,俱紧切。【中文释义】帽子要戴正,衣扣要扣好,穿袜要平整,鞋带要系紧。【英文释义】InterpretationMake sure your hat is on straight,And fasten your buttons up right.Your socks should both matched and look tidy,And tie up your shoelaces tight.岳飞岳飞年幼时,家里十分贫穷,读不起书。但岳飞的母亲想尽一切办法让岳飞学习文化,她做了一个沙盘,让岳飞用树枝当笔,在沙盘上写字。同时,岳飞的母亲还把他送到武术大师家中学习武艺,岳飞母亲教育他要忠于祖国,不忘报国志向,就亲手在岳飞背上刺上了“精忠报国”四个字来激励他,后来月费城了南宋著名的抗金将领。后被奸臣所害。Yue Fei Yue Fei was born from a poor family and could not afford to go to school, but his mother spared no effort to let him acquire knowledge by all means. Yues mother made a sand table and let Yue Fei write on the sand table with a twig. Meanwhile, his mother also sent him to learn martial arts from martial arts masters. Yues mother also instilled the thought of serving the country with the utmost loyalty into him and tattooed four Chinese characters of serving the country with the utmost loyalty on Yues back to inspire him. Yue Fei became a famous patriot and military general who fought for the Southern Song Dynasty against the armies of the Jin Dynasty. Afterwards, Yue Fei was framed and imprisoned by the traitors.


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