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1WeareChinese Wecomefrom Wespeak 2Heis HeisfromAmericaandhespeaksEnglish 3 comefromJapan Theyspeak 4ThegirlisAustralian Shecomesfrom 5Bethune 白求恩 isaCanadian Hecomesfrom 6 A Whataniceday B Yes it A Excuse Whereareyou B I mfromCanada What you A Me Oh I fromSingapore B Soyou speakEnglish Chinese A Yes you reright What canyouspeak B Well IcanspeakFrenchand Mypenpalcanspeaksome HelivesinBeijing 每空一词 使句子完整 1 Mypenpalisf Japan 2 Whatl doesshespeak 3 IthinkChinaisaveryi place 4 Myfavorites inschoolisP E 5 Canyouw tomesoon 6 Idon tlikephysics Itistood 7 Wheredoesyourp p l 8 SheisfromAmerica ShespeaksE 9 TheyarefromC TheyspeakChinese 10 Doesshehavea brothersandsisters 11 Ilike tothemovieswithmyfriendsand tomusic go listen 12 Iwant himaboutit tell 13 Whatis he favoritesport 14 Mypenpalisfrom French 15 Theyhavepenpalsin English 16 Doyouspeak China 17 Canada speakEnglishandFrench 18 Where do shelive 19 Pleasewriteandtell I about you 20 TomecomesfromSydney 21 Tokyoisthecapitalcityof 22 Where sToronto Itisin 23 Chinaisagreat inthe 24 She live inFrance 25 Doesshehave some brothersandsisters 26 What s she favoritesubject 27 Ilikegoingtothemoviesand play sports 28 Therearemany country intheworld 根据回答 写出问句 1 HelivesinBeijing 2 TheyarefromtheU K 3 Hisfavoritesportisswimming 4 HespeaksFrench 5 Yes Ihavetwopenpals 6 HecomesfromAustralia 7 Yes hecanspeakChinese 1 MypenpalisfromCanada 划线提问 yourpenpalcome 2 JohnlivesinNewYork 同上 John 3 MarylivesintheUnitedStates 一般疑问句 Mary intheUnitedStates 4 HerpenpalisfromAustralia 变为否定句 Herpenpal Australia 5 HecanspeakalittleFrench 改为一般疑问句 he alittleFrench 6 Ilikemath 改为否定句 I math 7 Whereisyourpenpalfrom Where yourpenpal 8 ShespeaksJapaneseandChinese 划线提问 she 用句中划线单词的反义词填空 1 Thereabigsupermarketnearthe hotel 2 Theclassroomisvery Pleasekeepitclean 3 Myschoolisn tonabusystreet It s 4 Look Theoldwatchisyours Mineisvery 5 Turnleftandyoucanfindapostoffice andthenturn andyoucanseethehospital Unit2Exercise There apenneartheruler 2 There 2booksonthetable 3 There apenandtwobooksonthetable 4 There 2booksandapenonthetable 用be的适当形式填空 Lookatthepicture There saschoolinthepicture It s SchoolStreet Thebookstoreis theschool Thebankis theschool Thepayphoneis theschoolandthehospital Canyouseethepostoffice It s theschool Thereisasupermarket It s thepark A Excuseme Whichisthe toEastPark please B Letmesee Er walk thisroadand right Go untilyou theend You ll theparkinfrontofyou 2 A Excuseme Canyoutellme togettothepostoffice please Iwantam B Sure Go Bridgestreetand right Thenyou llseeatallbuilding That sthe anditsbetweenthezoo thefruitshop Youcan t it 3 A Isit fromhere B No itsquitenear It llonly youabout10minutesifyouwalkthere A Thanksalot B You rewelcome 4 A Excuseme isthehospital B Idon tknow Thatpolicemanmayknow A Excuseme ahospitalhere C Yes thereis Go CenterStreet and rightatthefirstturning Then theNo 1busandgetoffatthefourthstop You llseearedbuilding thepostofficeandthepark Youcan t it A Thankyouverymuch C 5 这儿附近有图书馆吗 therea here 6 让我来告诉你如何到达飞机场 Letme youhowto theairport 7 Thisisthe begin ofthetour 8 I youareh youcanbuysomefoodthere Theshopiso 24hours 9 Ih youhaveagoodtrip I 在空格处填入一个适当的介词 使句子完整通顺 1 Thelibraryis therestaurantandthesupermarket 2 Thereisanoldhotel fromthepark 3 Whichcountryisnext England 4 Thereisabank CenterStreet 5 Thecatis thedoor sowecan tseeit 6 Theywillarrive LondonnextMonday 7 Canyoutellmehowtoget thenewpark 8 Walk 到 theSeventhAvenue Thehotelis yourleft 9 Takeawalk thepark 穿过 1 Thereisapostofficenearhere 改为否定句 apostofficenearhere 2 Therestaurantisacrossfromthepark 划线提问 isacrossfromtherestaurant 3 ThehotelisonCenterStreet 划线提问 thehotel 4 Therearesomepeopleinthepark 一般疑问并肯答 there peopleinthepark Yes 5 go and right straight turn just 连词成句 7 Icangettothezoobytaxi Ican ataxi thezoo 8 Sheneedn tcleantheroomeveryday She tocleantheroomeveryday 9 Mr Zhangneedssomehelp 改一般疑问句 Mr Zhang help 10 Youpassabankonyourleft 同义句 You abankonyourleft 11 Shelikeskoalasverymuch 改为一般疑问句 she koalasverymuch 12 LionsarefromAfrica 划线提问 lions 13 Welikedogsbecausetheyareverycute 划线提问 youlikedogs 14 PandasarefromChina 写出同义句 Pandas China 15 Ilikecats Theyareinteresting 将两句合并成一句 选择题 1 Hismotherisfriendly us ofB toC onD at2 Thelittlegirlis shy kindsofB allkindsofC kindofD kind3 Why helikepandas isB doesC doD are4 Therearesome ontheground leafB leafsC leavesD leafes5 Myfavoriteanimalsare elephantB theelephantC anelephantD elephants 7 thedaytheysleep while nighttheygetup A On atB In inC On inD In at 8 Mr Smithlikes hisfriendsontheweekends A toplaywithB toplayC playwithD play 9 Please becausethisisareadingroom A quietB tobequietC toquietD bequiet10 Emily a girl isgoodatdrawing A 13 years oldB 13yearoldC 13 year old 1 Hisfatherisadoctor Heworksinah 2 Theyworkinasupermarket Theyaresalesa 3 JennyworksinaTVstation Sheisar 4 Doyouwanttoworkforam asawriter 5 Tobeapoliceofficerisveryexciting butkindofd 6 XiaoLiwantstobe becauseshelikesschool A ateacherB anactressC apoliceofficerD aworker 7 Doyoulike theguitar A playB playsC playingD player 8 A Whatdoyoudo B A IwentshoppingB I mworkingC IwasathomeyesterdayD I mastudent 9 Let s now A goingtoswimB goestoswimC gotoswimD gotoswimming 10 Everyone himbecauseheisagreatactor A knowsB knowC knowingD toknow 11 A Doyouwanttobeapoliceofficer B Oh yes Ithinkit s Butit salsoavery job A awful dangerousB dangerous boringC dangerous excitingD boring awful 12 Wehavetwo jobsforyou Theyare interesting A kindsof kindofB kindsof kindsofC kindof kindsofD kindof kindof 13 Jimisawaiter Soheisverybusy peoplegoout A what dinnersB when todinnersC why todinnersD where dinners 14 Tony money A hasmanyB hasmuchC havealotD haslotof 15 Jim sbrotherJack likeswimming A isn tB don tC doesn tD aren t 16 Iwanttobeanactor 就划线部分提问 youwant 17 Myuncleworksinarestaurant 就划线部分提问 youruncle 18 Mysisterisanurse 就划线部分提问 yoursister yoursister 19 Tomdoesn twanttobeawaiter 改为肯定句 Tom beawaiter 20 Heworksatahospital 改为一般疑问句 he atahospital 21 I mareporter 22 He sastudent 23 She sadoctor 24 Iwanttobeanactor 25 Hewantstobeabankclerk 26 Shewantstobeashopassistant 请把下列动词变成现在分词形式 playswimdancerunlieopenmake dieseecomewalkstudyeatbegin Discuss Unit5 Heisdrawingapicturenow 2 I mdoingsportsherenow 3 They rehavinglunchintheschoolnow Changethemintogeneralquestionsandanswer Askquestions Iamlisteningtotheteachernow Heisswimminginthepoolnow Theyarewritingontheblackboardnow Whatdopeopledointheseplaces 1 restaurant2 pool3 supermarket4 dormitory5 playground6 library7 classroom a shopb readbooksc havearestd dothehomeworke run playbasketballf swimg eatmeals 1 Thechild thewindowsnow open 2 Theboy apicturenow draw 3 Look She abook read 4 I ane mailtomypenpalnow write 5 You yourhomeworkathomenow do 6 We atschoolnow run 7 They TVnow watch Fillintheblanks 1 What you do I wash myclothes 2 they play thepianonow No They sing 3 she close thedoornow No She open thedoor 4 Where hermother go now She go tothemovies 5 Listen Tom sbrother talk tohisteacher 6 Jim What you think I think aboutthisproblem 7 Look Yourcousin sit onabench No heisn tmycousin Mycousin stay athomenow 请用现在进行时态来完成下列习题 Exercise 1 Whatareyoudoing I A eatB caneatC eatingD ameating2 Wewant thisbooknow A readingB amreadingC readD toread3 Ourteacheris aredsweater A puttingonB putonC wearingD wear4 Thatboyisn t theteacher A listenB listensC listeningD listeningto 5 you thewindow Yes Iam A Do cleanB Is cleaningC Are cleaningD Do cleaning 6 It seighto clock Jim sfather TV A iswatchingB arewatchingC watchD towatch 7 istheweatherthere It swindy A WhatB HowC What sD how8 theweatherliketoday Cloudy A How sB WhatdoesCWhatD What s9 What stheweatherliketoday A It srain B It sraining C Itrainy D It swind 根据汉语意思完成下列句子 1 今天天气怎么样 热 3 她现在在干什么 她正在看电视 5 Lily通常穿着一件蓝色的衣服 2 你喜欢寒冷的天气吗 不 我不喜欢 the today It s youlike No I What she Sheis they They Lilyalways a 4 他们在干什么 他们在拍照 1 Lookatthesun It sshining 照耀 brightly It sas day 2 It sblowingcoolwind It saw day 3 Theradiosaysitwillber tomorrow Pleaseputonyourraincoat 4 Todayiss Thegroundisallwhite 5 Lookattheclouds It sc today Exercise2 6 How sthew inBeijing It sraining 7 It sraining Maryandhersisterared theirhomeworkintheroom 8 Areyouathome Yes itiss outside soIhavetostayathome How stheweather It s What shedoing He theguitar Exercise3 theweather It s What doing They soccer 1 ItiscloudyinShanghainow 画线提问 theweatherinShanghainow theweather inShanghainow 2 Thereismuchrainthisyear It very thisyear 3 How stheweatherinGudao 同义句 inGudao Exercise4 4 Howcolditistoday itistoday Tony MayI LiLei Daming Sorry ThisisDaming Tony Hi Daming Daming I mfine Tony likethere Daming Tony Great WillyouandLiLeibefreetomorrow Daming Yes wewill What sup Tony Let smakeasnowmantogether Daming Tony CanyoutellLiLeiaboutthat Daming Sure Seeyoutomorrow TonyandDamingaretalkingonthephone Exercise5 I 用适当的介词填空 1 Nowsheisn tworking Sheis vacation 2 Look thesepictures Howbeautifultheyare 3 It sveryhot Buttheboyisplaying thisheat 4 Thankyou invitingmetoyourbirthdayparty 5 Look Agroup boysarerunningonthebeach 根据汉语意思完成英语句子 每空一词 含缩写 1 一个人正在拍熊猫的照片 Amanis ofthepanda 2 北京的天气春天温暖 秋天凉爽 It s inspringand inautumninBeijing 3 这个游戏非常轻松 因此我们都很放松 Thisgameisvery sowearereally 4 在我们班有些学生喜欢英语 也有一些喜欢数学 Inourclass studentslikeEnglish likemath 5 太原是个有趣的地方 这些天大家在这里玩得很高兴 Taiyuanisan place Everyone herethesedays 6 史蒂夫不想在这么热的情况下踢足球 Stevedoesn twanttoplaysoccer 7 下雨的时候我通常看书 Iusuallyreadabook 1 It s sun today butit s wind 2 Look What they do They play tennis 3 There be somemilkintheglass 4 Canhe go shoppingwithme 5 Lucy have lunchatschoolnow Sheusually have lunchatschool 单词化妆 根据汉语意思完成下列句子 1 今天天气怎么样 热而潮湿 2 你喜欢寒冷的天气吗 不 我不喜欢 the today It s and youlike No I 3 她现在在干什么 她正在看电视 What she Sheis


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