九年级英语下册 Unit 10 Get Ready for the Future Lesson 55 Look into the Future课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt

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九年级英语下册 Unit 10 Get Ready for the Future Lesson 55 Look into the Future课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt_第3页
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Unit10GetReadyfortheFuture Lesson55LookintotheFuture Whatdoyouwanttobewhenyougrowup singer boss worker painter doctor cook dancer astronaut footballplayer Listentothetapeofothers dream 1 Jennywouldliketobea 2 Brianwantstobea 3 Stevenwouldthingsthathelpimprovetheenvironment 4 Katewouldenjoybeinga 5 Dannyisgoingtobean pilot boss invent cook astronaut 老板 boss 管理 负责 manage 怀疑 doubt 钱财 财富 wealth 宇航员 astronaut Howmanyjobwordscanyoufind Writethemdown Across actor singer doctor astronaut nurse engineer farmer tailor policeofficer businessman actress artistDown worker dentist teacher pilot journalist cook reporter LookintotheFuture展望未来lookinto此处是 观察 还有 朝里看 调查 浏览 书籍 资料等 的意思 e g InoticedTomlookingintoashopwindow 我注意到汤姆正往商店橱窗里看 Thepolicearelookingintotheaccident 警方正在调查那起事故 You dbetterlookintothenovel andgetitsmainidea 你最好翻阅一下这部小说 了解其主题思想 growup长成 成熟 发展 e g Thelittlegirlhasgrownuptobeabeautifulwoman 那个小女孩已经长成了美丽的女人 China sagricultureisgrowingupquickly 中国的农业正在快速发展 could would都是表推测的情态动词 其所指时间几乎总是 现在 说话人的主观看法总是以现在时间为基点的 eg Ilovetotravel anditwouldbefuntoflyanairplane 我喜欢旅行 开飞机旅行会很有趣 Iwanttobeabossandmanageabigpany Icouldmakealotofmoney 我想当老板管理一家大公司 我会赚很多钱 可能性大小 一般might最低 must最高 由低到高的顺序 might 可能 may 可能 could 可能 can 可能 should 应该会 oughtto 必然 would 会 will 会 must 一定 说话人推测的事件所发生的时间 要根据不定式所采取的形式而定 可以是现在时间和过去时间 也可以是将来时间 一般 情态动词之后的不定式若不是完成式 则表示现在时间或将来时间 e g Hemustbethere 他一定在那里 Ourteammightwintherace 我们队可能在赛跑比赛中获胜 Hemustbeworkingattheoffice 他一定正在办公室里工作 doubt意为 怀疑 不相信 既可用作名词 也可用作动词 doubt用作名词时 常用于句型 Thereisnodoubt that引导的从句 意为 毫无疑问 e g Thereisnodoubtthatwewillwinthematch 毫无疑问我们会赢得这场比赛 doubt用作及物动词时 后面可跟名词 代词和从句等 e g Whydoyoudoubthiswords Idoubthimbecauseheoftencheatsus 你为什么怀疑他说的话 因为他经常骗我们 所以我才怀疑他 在否定句和疑问句中 doubt后多跟由that引导的从句 e g Wedon tdoubtthathecaneontime 我们毫不怀疑他能准时来 Doyoudoubtthathewillgiveupthegame 你怀疑他会放弃这场比赛吗 在肯定句中 doubt后通常跟由if whether引导的从句 e g Idoubtif whetheritwillbesunnytomorrow 我怀疑明天是否会有阳光 asfor至于 关于 e g Asforthethief hewascaughtbythepolice 至于那个小偷 他被警察抓住了 Asformyachievement Ihavemuchtosay 关于我的成就 我有很多要说的 alotof意为 很多 alot意为 很 非常 lotsof alotof可用来修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词 alot可用来修饰动词 e g Therearealotofbooksinourschoollibrary 我们学校图书馆有许多书 Wehavealotoftimetomakeourplan 我们有很多的时间来制定我们的计划 Doyouwearyournewwatchalot 你常戴你的新手表吗 Readandanswerthequestions 1 WhodidLiMingruninto 2 WasGaoYuanhappytohearfromLiMing GaoYuan Ofcourse Readthelessonandfillintheblanks Somestudentsarehavingadiscussionabouttheirfuture Jennywantstobeapilot Shelovesto Brianwantstobea butJennythinksBrianshoulddosomethingthatheenjoys Stevenwantstobean Hewantstoinventsomethingthatwon tharmtheenvironment Katelikes mealsandenjoystryingdifferentkindsoffood AsforDanny heisgoingtochoosethemostfunand jobintheworld Heisgoingtobeanastronaut travel boss engineer cooking exciting Practicethedialogueingroups Groupwork 1 Makeanewdialogue 2 Actitout Across actor singer doctor astronaut nurse engineer farmer tailor policeofficer businessman actress artistDown worker dentist teacher pilot journalist cook reporter LookatthejobwordsyoufoundaboveinActivity2 Thinkaboutthesequestions Aresomejobsbetterthanotherjobs Whatjobdoyoulikebestinthelist Why Whatjobdoyoudislikeinthelist Why Discuss Whatdoyouwanttobe Across actor singer doctor astronaut nurse engineer farmer tailor policeofficer businessman actress artistDown worker dentist teacher pilot journalist cook reporter Insmallgroups organizealistofjobs Thenpresentyourlisttotheclassortoanothergroupofstudents Next chooseajobthatyouwantwhenyougrowup Chooseajobthatmatchesyourtalentsandinterests Youcanchooseanyjob itdoesn thavetobeonthelist Nowthink Whatdoyouneedtodotogetthisjob Howcanyougetreadyforit Makeaplan Writeashortpassagetodescribeyourpredictionforyourfuture 1 Listenandread 2 Finishexercisesofthislesson Homework


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