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基础写作基础写作在小谢本人看来就是5句话翻译短文。真心是送分的部分。只要单词过关,短语稍微用的比较好,会偶尔用个什么with的短语啊,动名词短语啊这些东西,我以前的老师就给13分的。真的,我也是醉了。言归正传哈,高考老师评这个东西,估计也就是看你翻译的5句话好不好,衔接的如何了。本人脱离高考已久,前段时间翻看了一下,2012年基础写作指导,看到了一些很理论,但是还是很实用的话,First of all,你要懂题目要你写啥,人家要你介绍风土人情,你就想想有啥相 关的短语可以介绍的,像是坐落于就是Located at/in/on,方位的副词也要掌握啊,什么east,west,south,north,southeast这些常见表达。要是让你介绍人,是高富帅还是土肥圆,这些外表的表达要懂吧。英语里说高富帅就是a big gong-looking rich guy,虽然我觉得不是很靠谱。这些相关内容,侬加油积累的时候,我也会跟着一起积累的。所以,侬要加油啊。And then,确定文章需要的时态,像是介绍某某处的风景名胜的时候啊,就要 一般现在时这种可以凸显客观实在的时态了;而像是介绍你某段经历的时候,你可以根据时态,自由选择是一般现在时呢,现在完成时呢还是过去完成时。决定权在你。这个东西掌握好,对大作文写自己经历的时候,还是可以帮你正确掌握时态的表达,不至于被扣分。Whats more,作为经典5句话文章翻译,不是啥时候都给你来五句话,让你坐等翻译的,像是图表给信息,然后题目这给了3 个问题,这就需要你自己整理出5个点,翻译一下了。所以,你要大概知道你5句话大概写什么。一般,翻译已有信息不用重新整理材料,调整表达顺序的,但是,为了表达更清晰还是有必要的。亮点句子结构,短语这些就更不用说了。写作没这个给分不会高于10分。Last but not the least,以上都是跟中文相关度更大的内容,接下来就是英语的事儿了。如果没办法表达得很高大上,就请你表达得低调不奢华有内涵,也就是准确。但是还是要几个短文,凸显一下你十多年的英语学习史吧。而且,同样的单词、短语不要用太多,这无论在基础写作还是读写任务都是大忌。所以,类似的单词,表达要记3个以上好比同样说喜欢:I enjoyed music and he is fond of playing music.P.S:小桢的基础还不太好,先用简单句表达正确就可以。后面基础打好了,就可以考虑在多内容的时候有并列句和复杂句(定语从句,名词性从句,现在分词或过去分词做状语等)。好比说这么一个句子:This fur coat is soft, and is also warm.可以换成not only but also这种句子:Not only the fur coat is soft ,but also warm.也可以用as well as只是它跟not only but also 强调的点不同。小作文里常见的写作类型:1.图表类型图表除了下面的表格(table)以外,还有数据变化的曲线图(graph),柱状图(bar chart)以及扇形图(pie chart)表示“图表显示了什么”的表达有专项练习:1. 基础写作(调查“谁是你的偶像”) 【写作内容】 上周,我们以“谁是你的偶像”为题,在2600名学生中进行了一次调查(survey)。 以下是调查数据:偶 像( idol ) 女 生 男 生伟 人 18 % 18 %父 母 25 % 11 %影视明星 50 % 14 %体育明星 6 % 48 %(没有偶像) 1 % 9 %根据以上数据,写一篇短文,包括以下内容:1调查时间、调查问题以及调查对象; 2男女生在以明星为偶像方面的差异;3“父母”在男女生偶像中的排序差异; 4男女生在以伟人为偶像方面的异同;5你的偶像及理由。【写作要求】 1只能使用5个句子表达全部内容; 2文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。One possible version: Last week, we did a survey among 2,600 students on “Who Is Your Idol”. The survey shows that half of the girls choose film and TV stars as idols, while 48% of the boys prefer sports stars. As the data shows, “parents” rank the second for the girls, but the forth for the boys. However, the percentage of the boys choosing “great figures” is the same as that of the girls. As for me, Thomas Edison is my idol because his inventions have greatly changed our life.基础写作(介绍2008年北京奥运会主体育场 “鸟巢”)写作内容 请根据以下的情景说明和写作要求,使用5个规范的英语句子描述全部所给的信息内容。假如你是一名导游,请你根据所给的提示,向来北京观光的外国游客介绍2008年北京奥运会主体育场 “鸟巢”。场馆名称国家体育场(鸟巢)建设地点 奥林匹克公园 建筑面积 258,000m; 长330m;宽220m;高69.2m座 席 数91,000 赛时功能奥运会开幕式和闭幕式;田径、足球赛后功能 体育比赛和文化、娱乐活动中心 开工时间 2003年12月24日 完工时间 2007年底评 价 中国十大新建筑奇迹之一 写作要求 1. 只能使用5个句子表达全部内容;2. 开头和结尾已为你写好。评分标准 句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。 参考词汇:开幕式和闭幕式 Opening and Closing ceremonies娱乐活动 entertainment平方米 square metres Ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to Beijing! Id like to introduce you to the Beijing National Stadium, also known as Birds Nest. _ Thats all! Thank you!=One possible versionLadies and gentlemen,Welcome to Beijing! Id like to introduce you to the Beijing National Stadium, also known as Birds Nest. The stadium which is 330 metres long, 220 metres wide, and 69.2 metres tall is located in Beijing Olympic Park, covering 258,000 square metres. The splendid Opening and Closing ceremonies are to take place in Birds Nest, where the main track and field events as well as football matches during the games will be held.After the games, Birds Nest will be used as the center of sports games, culture and entertainment events. It began to be built on December 24th, 2003, and was completed at the end of 2007. People all sing high praise for “the Birds Nest”, considering it as one of the ten new construction wonders in China. Thats all! Thank you!基础写作(中国的基本情况)假如你叫李华,你的美国朋友Daniel想在2008年随同父母来中国观看奥运会,他对中国很感兴趣,想及早了解中国的基本情况。请你根据提示给他写一篇英语作文。写作内容国名中华人民共和国地理位置 亚洲东部,面临太平洋 面积九百六十万平方公里人口 13亿民 族 56 气候 冬冷夏热国情 1. 有勤劳勇敢的人民,拥有5000年的文明; 2. 首都北京将在2008年8月8日举办第29届奥运会。写作要求 1、只能使用5个句子表达全部内容; 2、文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。评分标准 句子结构准确, 信息内容完整, 篇章结构连贯=One possible version:The Peoples Republic of China lies in the east of Asia, facing the Pacific Ocean, and covers a total area of 9600000 square kilometers and five of the worlds 24 times areas. China belongs to continental climate, that is, cold in winter and hot in summer depending on different areas.China has 56 nationalities with the largest population of 1.3 billion in the world. We are a hard-working and brave people with a civilization of 5000 years. So we hope China will successfully host the 29th Olympic Games on October 8th, 2008, in the capital of Beijing, China.明显5句话翻译基础写作(对英语的认知情况 / 英语的重要性)【写作内容】 某英语报社最近征文,想了解中学生对英语语言的认知情况。请根据下面所提供的信息,向报社写一篇浅显易懂的英语短文,说明英语的重要性。1. 在中国各地,英语为一门必修科目,人人都应该努力学好;2. 英语在世界上被广泛使用,是世界上最广泛的语言,大多数商业信件都是用英语写的;3. 通过英语,我们可以向世界介绍我们的国家,也可以使我们更好地学习外国的先进科学和技术;4. 学好英语能使我们更好地为祖国服务,为人民服务;5. 要努力学习英语,学习英语也是一件有趣的事情。【写作要求】 1,只能使用5个句子表达全部内容;2.文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。One possible version:Now more and more people come to realize English is very important and English is a required subject for the students in middle schools all over our country so that whether you like it or not, you should work hard at it to learn it well. First, English, which is widely used all over the world, is often used as one of the working languages at international meetings and in most international business letters. Second, if we learn English well, we can not only introduce our motherland to the world but also learn a lot of advanced modern science and technology from developed countries to better serve our motherland and the people .Besides, the more English you know, the more information you will get. Gradually, youll find learning English is also great fun and learning English well can make our life more colorful and more meaning.写作要求里没有明显5句话划分的写作【写作内容】 请根据以下的情景说明写一篇短文,必须使用5个规范的英语句子描述全部所给的信息内容,短文内容要准确、连贯、完整。假如你是一名导游, 你将带领一个外国旅游团游览广东省。地理: 广东位于中国大陆最南部,南临南海,海岸线总长3368公里,岛屿众多。历史: 广东历史悠久, 简称粤。.特点: 1. 素有水果王国之称,香蕉、甘蔗、荔枝、菠萝为其四大名果;2. 是华南工业发达之省, 水陆交通便利,海运发达;3. 经济特区有深圳、珠海、汕头等;4. 有“食在广东”的美称。.写作要求 只能使用5个句子表达全部内容=One possible version: Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to Guangdong Province. Im Wang Qian. And Im more than glad to be your guide. Guangdong Province, also called Yue for short, has a long history and is known for the saying, “Dont hesitate to have meals here.” Located by the South Sea in the southeast part of mainland China, it has quite a few islands off its coastline which has a total length of 3,368 kilometres. Known as a fruit king, Guangdong Province is famous for its high-quality bananas, sugar cane, lychees and pineapples. It is also one of the most developed industrial provinces in South China, with convenient transportation both on land and water. It has several special economic zones such as Shenzhen, Zhuhai , Shantou and so on.Finally, I sincerely hope every one of you will enjoy yourself here.基础写作(某学校食堂服务调查)【写作内容】 请根据以下的情景说明,使用5个规范的英语句子描述全部所给的信息内容。下面是对某学校食堂服务调查情况:1、学校食堂的优点:食堂干净;饭菜可口;服务态度好。2、学校食堂的不足之处:价格偏高;种类偏少;等候时间较长。3、建议:尽快解决问题。 假设你是李华,请就本校食堂服务(canteen service)的状况给校长写一封信,反映以上问题。【写作要求】 1、必须使用5个句子介绍全部所给的内容; 2、将5个句子组织成连贯的短文; 3、信的开头和结尾已给出,不包括在5个句子内。 =Dear Mr. Principal, Im a senior student of our school. Id like to say something about the canteen service in our school. In general, we are satisfied with the clean and tidy dinning hall, its delicious food and the good service. However, what is not to our satisfaction is that the price of the meal is a little too high and that we can only have a limited variety of dishes to choose from. In addition, we often have to stand in line for a long time before we can get the meal. You could understand how precious time it is to us students. Therefore, may I suggest that the problem be solved as soon as possible so that we can all enjoy our meals at school? Thanks for your consideration. Sincerely yours,Li Hua 2012广东高考英语读写任务写作指导文章概要1.判断给的材料是什么类型 大致的材料都可以分成以下的三种:说明文或新闻报道这种文段一般中心句就在首段,所以,要在中心句中找到关键词而常常出现的文段都是介绍最近社会出现了什么什么新现象引起了众人的讨论,所以要抓住的是“现象”,现象形成原因,以及解决的办法和建议记叙文(包括夹叙夹议)跟写中文作文一样,你要抓到的是5要素,谁 + 做什么 + 什么时候 + 在哪里 + 结果怎样夹叙夹议就比较啰嗦点,还要加个作者的观点和看法。议论文论点 + 最后结论还有,要注意一下的几点:1.选要写的东西时候,该删的都不要留念好比说学生homesick,里面可能出现大量描述他怎么怎么想家以至于学习各种不好,我们可以适当忽略这部分,直接用because he couldt foucs on his study he didt do well in his study.来概括。上面这种是删细节,而过多的例子也要删。尤其是在议论文中会出现很多的例子,我们要从中提炼作者要表达的中心论点之后,适当保留一点例子(如果作者只举了一个例子的话,也是要简要提提的。但不要太长篇幅)2.概括性语言要大行其道,不使用文章中具体的单词描述。假如是描述某个国家的介入多么多么热闹,你总结的时候可以说they enjoy themselves through joining the celebrations。3.不照搬文章里的文段照搬一定不高分。改卷老师很烦看到跟文摘里一样的句子。这样的summary在瞬间就低于3分。所以,要将文章中的句子换种方式表达出来。说方法的,可以用by这种方式状语短语表达,情感可以换成副词什么的。具体看到再说哈下面是常见的summary开头Please follow the example to choose the proper skill from the ones.Example1: Then, you can think of a way to make both sides happy. Here are some tips:1.Make time to talk. You could talk about your school life and your plans for the future.2.Keep a diary. It can help you understand more about yourself and your feelings.3.Show your parents you are growing up. Wash your own clothes and help around the house.Skill1: Omit the detailsSummary:_Example2: Sometimes, kids dont think their parents are fair to them.When you want to dress in a modern way, your mum doesnt like you wearing a mini-skirt. When you are making phone calls to friends, they ask whether youre speaking to a boy or a girl.Skill2: Omit the examples.Summary :_Example3: Kate looked at Paul disapprovingly,“You use too much salt on your food, Paul. Its not at all good for you!”Paul put down his knife and frowned, “Why on earth not! If you didnt have salt on your food it would taste awfullike eating card board or sandjust imagine bread without salt in it!”Skill3: Put the main points of a dialogue in indirect speechSummary :_Example 4: She brought homeseveral Chinese and English novels, a few copies ofTime and Newsweek,and some textbooks.She intended to read all of them during the winter vacationSkill3: Use general(概括性) words instead of specific (具体的) words.Summary :_Task2: find out how to summarize the whole passage段意合并法(说明文、运用文)要素串联法(记叙文)主题概括法(议论文)Skill:段意合并法(说明文、运用文)句首/结尾(中心句)句中(main points, reasons etc.)范文:Advertising can be a service to customers. This is true when advertisements give reliable information about the goods advertised. Such information is needed if the customer is to make a sensible choice when he buys something. It is useful in that it lets him know of the kinds of goods in the shops. Printed advertisements do this job best. Customers can collect them and compare them. They can be taken along to the shops and their statements can be checked against and actual goods in the shops.Some advertisements are not very useful to the customers. Instead of helping the customer to satisfy his real needs, they set out to make him want things. They set out to make us believe that what they advertise will make us cleverer, prettier, more handsome, if only we use it. The voice on TV says, “ Getaway people use XYZ petrol.” The screen shows a picture of petrol pump for a fast expensive car owned by a boy with a pretty girlfriend. They drive off to the wonderful country or a lovely beach. Some people may feel that clever, successful people use XYZ petrol. Some might choose that petrol every time they fill up their cars.Summary:Advertising can be useful when it provides customers with_,_some advertisements are not the case as they are produced only to persuade customers to buy_(31 words)广东高考英语读写任务热点话题及范文 请阅读下面这篇新闻报道,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。There are many poems describing the scenes of hard-working peasants. Now, if you want to experience the fun of planting vegetables and getting income from that, you just need to click on the Internet. Recently, growing vegetables on the Internet has become popular quickly. Many people grow vegetables in the major websites and steal vegetables crazily in their spare time or during the break of study or work. So, Online vegetables has become a trend.The so-called Online vegetables game is a Happy Farms program. The players only need to apply for one space on some websites like QQ space,they can have a vegetable garden, as well as a hut, a food storeroom, a shovel(铲子), a watering can and other tools. With the rising game level, they can buy at the store a variety of crop seeds, and then plant the seeds, water and fertilize the plants, while anxiously awaiting the harvest. The kinds of plants, once ripe, need to be harvested in a rush. Thats because if not gathered in timely, the fruits may be stolen or sold out for money.As the game becomes a fashion, the common greeting “Good morning!” has been replaced by “Have you stolen any vegetables today?” 【写作内容】1. 以约30个词概括上文的内容要点。2. 然后以约120个词就“开心农场”谈谈你的想法,包括:(1) 以你或他人的经历来说明“开心农场”对生活带来的影响。(2) 你认为“开心农场”是不是值得做的一件事,为什么?【思考要点】1. In what aspect can we be affected by the game?2. What does the experience show us? 2. Is it a worthwhile thing to do? Why?【写作要求】1. 在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子;2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。【读写任务范文】Recently, a game called “Online vegetables” has become popular. In the game, the players need to grow vegetables with care. By harvesting the fruits, the players can gain profits. They can also steal others vegetables to increase their income effortlessly. The game Online vegetables which has gain popularity, has exerted great impact on people.To gain more profits, some players even get up at midnight to steal others vegetables. Some go to great lengths to list the time when others vegetables are ripe so as to gather in their fruits. Whats more, some players spend large sum of money buying fertilizer or other things to raise the vegetables. All these strange phenomena have aroused peoples concern. To me, the addiction to the game is just beyond my comprehension and its not worthwhile. Although it can relieve some pressure of study or work, it is unreasonable to spend so much time and efforts on the growth of fake vegetables. The money they earn is nothing more than a number, which cant be used as a currency. Therefore, it is simply crazy to put your heart into the vegetables. Therefore, the game is not worth our time or efforts. Skill:要素串联法 (记叙文)WhatWhoWhenWhereWhyhow范文:It must have been about two in the morning when I returned home. I tried to wake up my wife by ringing the doorbell, but she was fast asleep, so I got a ladder from the shed in the garden, put it against the wall, and began climbing towards the bedroom window. I was almost there when a sarcastic voice below said, “I dont think the windows need cleaning at this time of the night.” I looked down and nearly fell off the ladder when I saw a policeman. I immediately regretted answering in the way I did, but I said, “ I enjoy cleaning windows at night.”“So do I,” answered the policeman in the same tone. “Excuse my interrupting you. I hate to interrupt a man when hes busy working, but would you mind coming with me to the station?”“Well, Id prefer to stay here,” I said. “ You see, Ive forgotten my key.”“Your what?” he called.“My key,” I shouted.Fortunately, the shouting woke up my wife who opened the window just as the policeman had started to climb towards meSummary:On arriving home_in the morning, the writer failed to wake up_by the doorbell. He tried to_,but was found _. Soon his shouting woke his wife.(40 words)Skill:主题概括文论点观点主题句论据(事例)结论范文:Students should think now about what extracurricular (课外的) activities theyd like to participate in. Participating in extracurricular activities may help you deepen your physical, creative, social, political, and career interests by bringing you into communication with other like-minded people you didnt previously know.You can join groups as a way to get support from other students. A club or group can also be a great way to meet people who are different from you. Lots of youth programs bring people together with those who are different as a way to break down the barriers between people.Participating in extracurricular activities helps you in other ways, too. It looks good on college and job applications and shows admissions officers and employers youre well-rounded and responsible. Specific activities help with specific goals.The most basic reason for joining a club or team is that it gives you something better to do than staring at the wall, wandering the hall, or sleeping all afternoon. People who are participating are less likely to pick up bad habits, like smoking or drinking.Summary:The author (The passage) discussed_being a way to improve students health, widen their social circle and introduce them to new ideas and people. (30 words)阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150左右的英语短文。Honesty is one of the most treasured traditional values in China. The children are taught to be honest when they are very young. At schools the students are also instructed to be honest. However, with the development of society, we often hear complaints about dishonesty. Reports with the theme of dishonesty often appear in the media. For example, some people try to get rich and live a comfortable life. But they do not work hard honestly, instead they cheat others. They sell something quite ordinary at a very high price. Some peoples delaying paying back the loan can serve as another example. Some people, including some college students, get loan from the bank, and promise to pay within, say, 3 years. However, they dont do that. The dishonest people sometimes can get benefit from their behaviors. So some people assert that dishonesty can bring people benefit, while honesty only makes people suffer. Is that so? Definitely not. It is always true that honesty is the best policy. It pays to be honest. The cheater selling the treasure mentioned above will surely be disclosed and punished some day.On the contrary, if he had been honest, neither the buyer nor he himself would have suffered. The people who do not return money in time will sooner or later become infamous, and will not get the money from others again. If he had acted differently, he would have earned respect and trust, meanwhile, the bank would not have suffered from loss.写作内容1. 以约30个词概括短文的要点。2. 然后以约120个词就“诚实”的主题发表看法,并包括以下要点: (1)你对不诚实现象的看法;(2)诚实的重要性是什么; (3)作为中学生,该如何做一个诚实的人。参考范文: The passage mainly tells us that nowadays many people are dishonest for their own benefit. Because not only they neglect our traditional values, but also they want to escape being punished.Dishonesty do

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