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外研版小学英语三年级1-4模块测试题清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站:http:/qinghua.yeryy.com/ 清华大学英语教授研究组提供外研版小学英语第一册1-4模块测试题小学英语 2009-10-11 19:51:46 阅读487 评论0 字号:大中小 班级: 三 年级-班 姓名:-LISTENING PART(听力部分).听音选出你所听到的单词或短语,将序号写在( )中。(每题2分,共20分) ( )1. Ahello Bhi C am ( )2. Agood Bgoodbye Cboy ( )3. Awhat Bwindow Cblackboard ( )4. Amorning Bafternoon Cthank ( )5. Agirl Bboy Cdog ( )6. A. cat B. cap C. chair ( )7. Ared Bblue Cyellow ( )8. Apanda Bdog Cbird ( )9. Adoor Bchair Cdesk ( )10. Aname Byour Cyou . 听音下列句子是否正确,正确在题前的括号内写“T”,错误在题前的号内写“F” (每题2分,共20分) ( ) 1. Good afternoon . ( ) 2. Point to the window . ( ) 3. Stand up , please . ( ) 4. Its a blue dog . ( ) 5. How are you ? ( ) 6. What s your name ? ( ) 7. Now , its black . ( ) 8. Its a red chair .9. Goodbye , Daming .10. My name is Panpan , Im a panda . 听音涂色。(每题2分,共10分) 12345WRITING PART(笔试部分). 根据句意填写出下面的单词(每题2分,共28分)1.S _( 坐 ) down , please .2.Its a green c _( 猫 ) .3.H_( 你好 ) , Im Amy .4.H_( 怎样 ) are you .5.P_ to ( 指向 ) the chair .6. Good morning,b_(男孩们)and g_(女孩们).7.point to the d_(书桌)and point to the d_(门).8. What s your n _(名字)?9. G_(好的)morning,Im A_(诶米).10.How are you ? Im f_(身体很好),t_(谢谢)you.II. 给下列句子选择正确的汉语意思(每题2分,共22分)( ) 1、How are you? A你好吗? B再见 ( ) 2、Good morning. A下午好。 B早上好。( ) 3、Point to a girl. A指向一个女孩。 B指向一个男孩。( ) 4、Im Sam. A我是大明。 B我是男孩。( ) 5、My name is Panpan. A我的名字叫熊猫。B我的名字叫盼盼。( ) 6、Good afternoon. A下午好。 B中午好。( ) 7、Its green. A 它是绿色的。 B它是蓝色的。( ) 8、Stand up! A 起立! B 请坐!( ) 9. Sit down ! A 起立! B 请坐!( )10、Its a yellow cap. A 它是一只黄色的帽子 B它是一只绿色的帽子( )11、Bye-bye,Sam! A 再见,山姆 B你好,山姆答案听力部分.BCACA BCABC . 1. Good afternoon . 2. Point to the door . 3. Sit down , please . 4. Its a black dog . 5. How are you?Im fine ,thank you . 6. What s your name ? Im Amy. 7. Now , its red . 8. Its a blue chair .11. Goodbye , Daming .12. My name is Panpan , Im a panda . 听音涂色。(每题2分,共10分)Blue black red yellow green笔试部分.Sit cat hello how point boys girls desk door name good amy fine thank.ABABB AAABAA五年级奥数班第八周练习题一、填空题(每小题4分,共60分)1计算:3222633+53=_ 。2观察右面的五个数:19、37、55、a 、91排列的规律,推知a =_ 。3小明喜欢:踢足球、上网、游泳、音乐、语文、数学;小英喜欢:数学、英语、音乐、陶艺、跳绳。用圆A、圆B分别表示小明、小英的爱好,如图所示,则图中阴影部分表示_。4玩具店的玩具每卖出一半,就补充20个,到第十次卖出一半后恰好余下20个,则玩具店原有玩具_个。 5计算: =_ .6将边长为a的正方形各边的中点连结成第二个正方形,再将第二个正方形各边的中点连结成第三个正方形,依此规律,继续下去,得到右图。那么,边长为a的正方形面积是图中阴影部分面积的_ 倍7表示实心圆,表示空心圆,若干个实心圆与实心圆排成一行如下:在前200个圆中有 _个实心圆。8过节了,爸爸妈妈给小光和小强每人买了一盒弹子(数目相同),打开后发现,小光的弹子全是红的,而小强的弹子倒是绿的。第一天玩弹子时,小光输了10枚弹子。第二天小光又同小强玩弹子,结果小光赢了10枚弹子。这里,是小光盒里的绿弹子多,还是小强盒里的红弹子多?答_ 。9下图是王超同学为环境保护专栏设计的一个报头,用到基本的几何图形:线段、三角形、四边形、圆、弧线,其中用得最多的一种图形是_ 。10数一数:图中共有_ 个正方形。11星期天,妈妈从超市买了4支小梦龙和3支可爱多冰淇淋,用去24元钱。妈妈对小丽说:上星期天我买了3支小梦龙和5支可爱多冰淇淋用去29元钱,你算一算,小梦龙每支 _元,可爱多冰淇淋每支_ 元。12一次口算比赛,规定:答对一题得8分,答错一题扣5分。小华答了18道题,得92分,小华在此次比赛中答错了_ 道题。13下图表示正方体的展开图,将它折叠成正方体,可能的图形是A、B、C、D中的_ 。(填A、B、C、D之一)14用直线把图形分成面积相等的两部分,在下图中画虚线给出了分法,其中正确的有_个。15在计算机中,对于图中的数据(或运算)的读法规则是:先读第一分支圆圈中的,再读与它相连的第二分支左边的圆圈中的,最后读与它相连的第二分支右边的圆圈中的,也就是说,对于每一个圆圈中的数据(或运算)都是按中左右的顺序。如:左图表示:2+3,中图表示2+321。右图中表示的式子的运算结果是_ 。二、问答题(每题10分,共40分)16甲、乙、丙、丁四人做游戏,丁对甲、乙、丙说:无论你们三人每人给出的整数是什么,我有一个结论总成立。甲、乙、丙三人半信半疑,经三人多次验证,结果都正确。请写出丁可能给的结论,并说明理由。17如果a、b 、c 是3个整数,则它们满足加法交换律和结合律,即a +b =b +a ;( a+b) + c= a+(b +c )。现在规定一种运算*,它对于整数 a、 b、c 、d 满足:(a,b)*(c,d)=(ac+bd,acbd)。例:(4,3)*(7,5)=(47+35,4735)=(43,13)请你举例说明,*运算是否满足交换律、结合律。18一个三位数,个位和百位数字交换后还是一个三位数,它与原三位数的差的个位数字是7,试求它们的差。19将边长为正整数n的正方形平均分成n2个小正方形,每个小正方形的顶点称为格点。例如:左图中的格点是边长为2的正方形的格点。右图中,在边长为12的正方形中有四个完全相同的直角三角形。如果三角形的一条直角边是3,那么这四个三角形各边共经过多少个格点?(每个格点只计一次)四会单词文具类bagpencilpenbookrulerpencil-case学校类teacherstudentboygirlfriendschoolclassroom家和房间类homeroomwindowdeskdoorchairbed食物类ricebeefbreadmilkeggwaterchickenfish家庭成员类sisterbrotherfathermother职业类driverdoctorfarmernurse三会单词教室类 window board light picture door floor classroomcomputer teachers desk wall fan书本类 Chinese book (an)English book math book schoolbag story-book notebook数字类 twenty twenty-one thirty thirty-one forty forty-one fifty朋友类 long hair short hair thin strong quiet friend(s) fat(胖) tall big eyes(眼睛)and ears(耳朵) small mouth(嘴巴)music science sports computer game painting家 类 study bathroom bedroom living room kitchen phone bed sofa shelf fridge table 食物类 rice fish noodles beef vegetable soup breakfast(早餐) lunch(中餐)dinner(晚餐) knife chopstick(s) spoon plate fork everything(每件事) hungry(饥饿)家庭类 family parents uncle aunt baby He他/His他的 She她/Her她的 baseball player driver doctor farmer nurse everyone(每个人)act(表演)Members(成员): grandpa grandma father mother (baby)brother (baby)sister uncle auntJobs(职业): teacher doctor nurse farmer driver baseball player重点句子1.Wheres my seat? Its near the door. 2. Lets clean the classroom. Good idea.3. Lets clean the desks and chairs. All right! Its nice and clean. Good job!4. Excuse me. 不好意思打扰了。After you. 你先请。 5. How much is it? Its 5 yuan.6. How many books do you have? I have 6. 7. What colour is it? Its red.8. May I have a look? Sure. Here you are. 9. How many books can you see? Sorry, too many./I can you see 10.10. Whats his name? His name is Zhang Peng. Whats her name? Her name is Amy.My friend is a boy. Hes thin. He has short hair.He likes math.11.Do you like sports? Yes, I do/ No, I dont.12. Whos he? He is Mike. Whos she? Shes Cheng Jiev. 13.My friend/He/She likes math/sports/music/science/painting/computer game 14. Is this your bedroom? Yes, it is!/No, it isnt.15. Is she in the living room? Yes,she is./No, she isnt.16. Where are the keys? Are they on the table? Yes,they are./No, they arent.17. What would you like for dinner? Id like some rice,some beef and soup.Help yourself.(随便吃) Wait and see. Everythings ready. I can use chopsticks. Let me try.We had a good time. See you tomorrow. I like Chinese food. Me too.18. Can I have some noodles, please? Sure. Here you are. Thank you.19. Whats your father? He is a doctor. Hes tall. He likes sports.20. Whats your mother? She is a teacher. Shes quiet. She likes painting. 21.How many people are there in your family? There are 5. My family has seven members.-词组:Open the door. Turn on the light. Sweep the floor. Clean the window. Put up the picture. Clean the board Putunder/in/on/near Go to the bedroom.Have a sleep. Go to the living room.Watch Tv. Go to the study .Read a book. Go to the bathroom.Take a shower. Go to the kitchen.Have a snack. Listen to music. Do sports. Paint. Make friends. Play computer games.Sit on the sofa. Make the bed. Watch Tv . Answer the phone. Open the fridge. Set the table.Pass(传递) me a fork Give(给)me a spoon Wash(洗)the plates Use(使用)the chopsticks. Cut(切割)with the knife Act like a teacher/doctor/nurse/farmer/driver/baseball player.望牛墩新联小学英语周活动方案活动目的:通过本次活动,为课题“以终为始,始终结合谈提高小学生英语书面表达之时态运用及形式准确性的研究” 的立项奠定一个坚实的基础。(本课题分步而走,本学期以低年级为主)同时为努力培养学生的创新精神和实践能力,创建良好的英语学习型校园。积极倡导“想说、敢说、能说”,“动口、动脑、动手”,通过系列活动,营造语言氛围,拓展学生视野,培养学生情趣,激发英语兴趣,展示语言能力,促进和谐发展活动主题:快乐学英语 “ I can speak English ,I am happy!”活动时间:2009年12月7日12月11日(第十五周)活动对象:全校师生活动安排:一、制定英语周的方案,布置工作负责人:卢秀珍老师二、全面覆盖,营造浓郁的英语学习氛围1“ I can speak English ,I am happy!”作为口号、校训,制作横幅挂在正门,让每个学生都能熟知和促进学生学习英语的兴趣。负责人:卢秀珍老师2每天英语(1)每天一句英语:利用早操的时间,每天学习一句英语,使每个学生及老师都能学习到一些日常用语。负责人:原定每周安排的教师(2)校园广播:利用中午(1:30)的广播时间放些轻快的歌曲和小广播员的英语小知识播放,这样能充分的利用学校良好的条件营造浓郁的学习英语的氛围。负责人:陈介开老师(3)英语角:四至六年级每班设计一个角落作为英语角,把优秀学生的作品和作业贴到上面去,给其他的学生分享和学习。负责人:全体教师(4)全体说英语:以英语周为起点,要求每个学生在学校和校外尽量利用英语进行交谈,养成大胆开口说英语,能说好英语的好习惯。负责人:全体教师三、活动表演1、活动对象:13年级全体学生2、活动场地:多功能电教室3、活动过程:(1)主持人开场白(2)三、二年级集体唱。(每级两首歌曲)(3)舞台表演以所任教师为单位,教1-3年级的有六个老师,每人出一个节目,共六个节目。评出哪个节目最受学生欢迎的和最有创意的。(在每一个节目过后进行互动)节目1:(指导老师:谢晓莹) 英语歌曲表演人数:8人。歌曲:“Hello!How are you?” “Do re mi”道具:7张凳子,7个do re mi 的头饰,Do re mi 的伴奏带。由一名女同学扮演老师Miss Yu,其他7位小朋友当做学生。Miss Yu:Good morning!Class。Ss: Good moring, Miss Yu.Miss Yu: Hello, boys, Hello, girls. Hello. Hello. How are you?Ss: Hello, teacher Hello, teachers. Hello. Hello. How are you?Miss Yu : Im fine, Im fine ,thankyou ,thankyou ,How are you ?Ss: Im fine, Im fine ,thankyou ,thankyou ,How are you ?(歌曲:Hello !How are you?)Miss Yu:Lets sing a song.Ss :OK.学生排成一排,Miss Yu:1,2,3,4,5,6,7. 分配好每一个同学一个音符。音乐伴奏起:S1:Do - a deer a female deer S2:Re - a drop of golden sun S3:Mi - a name I call myself S4:Fa - a long long way to run S5:So- a needle pulling thread S6:La - a note to follow so S7:Ti - a drink with jam and bread.Miss Yu:That will bring us back toSs:DOS1:Do - a deer a female deer S2:Re - a drop of golden sun S3:Mi - a name I call myself S4:Fa - a long long way to run S5:So- a needle pulling thread S6:La - a note to follow so S7:Ti - a drink with jam and bread.Miss Yu:That will bring us back toSs:DO1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,5,1.(歌曲:DO RE MI)每个学生要求边唱边做动作。由Miss Yu 来指挥。(邀请台下的同学进行互动,表演得好的能有一次机会抽奖。)节目2:(指导老师:张小颜)你做我猜准备材料:一个计时器,记分卡,PPT活动规则:三年级每个班选出两个同学参加该活动。两人合作猜单词,一个人看屏幕上的单词并做出相应的动作,另一个人背对屏幕,根据同伴的动作说出单词,猜对一个单词得10分。时间为1分钟。看哪个班得分最高。(邀请台下的同学进行互动,表演得好的能有一次机会抽奖。节目3:(指导老师:卢倩谊)快速反应在学了nose,ear,eye,leg,hand,arm,finger 等单词后,教师快速说出这些单词,学生听到指令便用手触摸这个部位。最快最准的获胜。当学生做得非常熟练后,还可以增加难度,可要求学生听到哪个单词不许摸哪个部位,如教师说“nose”,学生不可以摸鼻子,但可以摸眼睛、耳朵、嘴等其他部位。全班选15个学生,前7个后8个,教师站在前方发口令。谁做错了扮演一种动物,然后退出。如果难以分胜负,教师可加快口令速度,直至最后剩下的一人或两人获胜。(邀请台下的同学进行互动,表演得好的能有一次机会抽奖。节目4:(指导老师:陈介开)Sit with me.十四个学生参加游戏,分两组,每组七人,每组放三张凳子,第一轮每组三个学生坐凳,四个学生站立在凳子周围,主持人发起口令(Ready? Go!)音乐响起,四个站立的学生顺时针绕着凳子走,同时坐着的学生说Come here, sit with me. Come here, sit with me.音乐停时,站立的同学马上找位置坐下,每张凳子只能坐两人。每组会有一个同学抢不到凳子,这个同学就必须抽签表演一个节目。表演内容为二年级所学的rhyme 或 song.(标签注明页码和题目),根据表演情况颁发礼品。每组拿走一张凳子,减少一个坐凳的学生进入下一轮游戏,坚持到最后的为优胜者,可以拿到最好的奖品。(邀请台下的同学进行互动,表演得好的能有一次机会抽奖。节目5:(指导老师:卢旺嫌 ) You say , I find目的:认读三年级所学的单词和句子。准备:1、单词和句子卡片若干,内容是三年级所学到的。 2、选以上部分单词或句子,做成课件。规则:两人一组,甲面向屏幕,乙面向观众。 屏幕出现一个单词或句子,甲大声读出来,乙根据甲所读的在卡片中迅速找出此单词或句子并读出来。如果乙找对的话,屏幕再呈现第二个单词或句子,如此下去在规定的时间内找的多的那组为胜。(如果甲遇到自己不会读的时候,可以说pass,但只能说三次。)(邀请台下的同学进行互动,表演得好的能有一次机会抽奖。节目6 : (指导老师:卢江林)Sing songs一年级活动以全体同学唱歌为主,配合一些小游戏互动起来,以达到共同参与的效果。一年级全级同学分班上台坐好。主持:Hello, boys and girls. (挥手)、学生:Hello/Hi.主持:Lets say hello to the others.学生:Hello/Hi.播放歌曲,全体学生拍掌齐唱。四个同学头戴头饰分别上台介绍自己:HI, Im Merry; 介绍完后四位小朋友齐说:We can play. We are great.播放歌典A happy play,全体同学拍掌齐唱。唱完歌后进入一个猜动物的小游戏互动:主持:Boys and girls, Now lets play a game, listen and guess what the animal is. (播放动物声音素材,请一年级的同学们猜猜是什么。)主持:Whats it? Its 对于答对的同学给予小奖品作为奖励,也可以延伸对现场观众玩这游戏。游戏后播放有关于跟小动物打招呼的歌曲Good morning,台上四位小朋友领唱,全体一年级学生扮演小动物呼应。最后,一年级全体学生说再见(Goodbye),播放歌曲Goodbye,全体拍掌齐唱。4总结和评出一个优秀节目奖。5活动在欢快的音乐中结束。五、总结活动周的情况和写好反思外研版五年级下册英语全册备课一、教材分析第六册英语是五年级下册用书,这套教材是根据教育部制定的和编写而成的。本教材的设计和编写体现了外语教学思想的继承和发展。在分析、研究许多种国内外小学英语教材的基础上,取其精华,博材众长,形成了本套教材特有的编写体系。同时又吸收了国内外英语作为外语教学的理论和成功经验,把这些教学理论和实践经验同我国的小学外语教学实际相结合,以形成我国小学英语的外语教学模式和教学方法。全书共有11个模块,每个模块有两个单元。运用的主要时态是过去式。全册需要学生掌握的单词共有96个,每个模块都有一句重点句型供学生学习和运用。本册教材具有以下特点:、注重学生语言运用能力的培养,突出语言的实践性和交际性,同时也突出语言的真实性和实用性。、注重学生自学能力和学习策略的培养,为学生进一步学习或终身学习奠定基础。、注重中外方化的双向交流,使学生通过学习,培养未来跨方化交际所需要的能力。、注重学习兴趣的培养,以不同方式最大限度地激发学生的学习动机。、注重融合学科内容,加强学科之间的整合和渗透,让学生通过英语学习来获得其他学科的知识。、注重教材的灵活性和可操作性,以满足不同层次学生的要求。、注重教学资料的配套,为学生提供良好的学习环境,帮助学生拓展自我发展空间。、注重中小学各阶段的衔接,以保证各学段的顺利过渡,全面提高中小学英语教学的质量。二、各模块教学目标第一模块changing:比较和谈论过去和现在的生活,鼓励学生敢于开口,积极参与,用所学语言与他人比较过去和现在的生活。第二模块Grandparents:谈论他人过去,并与现在作比较,鼓励学生乐于开口,积极参与课堂活动,并与他人合作学习。有兴趣谈论自己家人的过去并与现在作比较。第三模块English Food:谈论饮食习惯,鼓励学生积极参与课堂活动,并与他人合作学习。 乐于开口进行谈论英国人的饮食习惯及自己的饮食习惯。第四模块Library:如何在图书馆借书及寻问和寻找相关信息,鼓励学生积极参与课堂活动,完成小组合作学习任务。有兴趣用所学英语知识从图书馆借书,交流。培养学生爱书、读书的好习惯。第五模块Decisions:了解如何表达自己的看法,敢于开口,积极参与,有兴趣描述各种事物的特征,有兴趣与他人进行交流。第六模块Travel:能听懂描述某个地方的方位,了解如何用问词Where问方位。敢于开口,积极参与,有兴趣听别人描述旅游见闻,有兴趣谈论不同城市的方位。第七模块Communications:学习如何发送电子邮件,乐于开口,积极与他人配合,有兴趣了解互联网知识。第八模块Discussion:学习如何给别人提建议,通过对事物的比较发表自己的看法。有兴趣给别人提建议,有兴趣通过比较发表自己的看法。第九模块Letters from Abroad:学会描述过去的动作和状态,能听懂别人对过去事情的描述。鼓励学生乐于模仿,积极参与课堂活动,有兴趣与别人谈论过去的事情。 第十模块Preparations:学会表达自己的需要,能听懂别人对过去经历。积极参与课堂活动,有兴趣与别人交流。三、教学策略1、创造良好的学习气氛;2、在课堂上尽量的使用英语,适当使用汉语;3、合理确定教学要求。4、注重学生合作学习。共同完成学习任务, 树立学习英语的兴趣。5、多表扬多鼓励 。6、利用录音磁带、多媒体教学课件、挂图、卡片、贴纸、电视教学片等。7、鼓励学生大胆提问,敢于开口。四、时间安排:每模块用1周时间。每周3课时其中单词学习一课时,课文讲解、训练2课时。Unit 2 单元分析 1 、教学内容 A: 本单元的对话句型 How many do you have? I have .What colour is it? It is . B: 本单元有关学习用具的单词,要求学生做到听懂、会说。bag pencil pen book ruler pencil-case2 、教学要求 A: 能听懂、会说每一课会话; B: 能听懂、会说每一课出现的常用单词; C: 能听懂 put on,put in and put under.并做出正确反应。1、 教学重点难点A: 会话的熟练听说B: 常用单词的熟练听说 put on, put in ,put under. 较难学,注意区分4、 教学时间 本单元共6课,每一课约用1课时,共记6课时,两周完成。Lesson 71、 Teaching AimsA: How many do you have? B: I have. put on / in / under2、 Teaching AidsA tape-recorder,an English book, a Chinese book, a storybook, a notebook and a math book.3、Important points puton . /in/ under.4、Steps(1)GreetingsAfter the greetings and let them sing a song with the teacher. (2) Revision. “What is in our classroom?”Let the students answer it. They can say the words like that,Desk, chair, light, window and so on.(3) New contentThe teacher hands out a schoolbag with many books in it, and asks the students what are in the bag. “Can you read them?” Let some ones to read them and then asks others follow him. Then listen to the tape and practice more. Then, asks them read them as quickly as they can.(4) PhraseThe teacher picks up a ruler and put it in the desk / put it on the desk / put it under the book. Next, ask what they can see. Ask some students to answer. They can know the words of in, on under and so on. Let them read after the teacher and do the actions : put in put on put under.Practice more and more in order to let the students remember them well.(5) HomeworkMaster the new phrases.Listen to the tape and imitate the accent. (6) Teaching notes本文的重点句型是I have a 和单词math/Chinese/English book and schoolbag, notebook and so on.Lets do 部分学生在音乐的环境下能很有节奏地做出来。Lesson 81、 Teaching AimsA: Let them master the sentences:What color is it? It is B: Using the sentences freely. 2、Teaching AidsA tape-recorder a schoolbag with some books in it 3 、Teaching Steps(1) greetingsGreetings and then practice the chant “ work and play” with the students clapping hands together.(2) RevisionReview the question “How many can you see?”The teacher say the phrase and the students do the actions.Put the book in the desk.Put the pen under the book. And so on.(3) new contentsUse a question Do you have a new schoolbag? to show the dialogue to students. Then let students read after you one by one. Listen to the tape and ask some students to read it.4 HomeworkListen to the tape and read the dialogue.Make a new dialogue. 5 Notes Lesson 91.Teaching aims Let the students master the numbers that after 20.(thirtyforty.fifty) 2. Teaching Aidsa tape-recorder and some cards.3.Teachings Steps1) GreetingsSay “Good morning” to everybody and sing a song together with them. 2) RevisionAll the students listen to the tape and read after the tape. 3) New contentThe teacher shows some cards to the students and ask them what they are. Let some ones to answer. Then the teacher teaches the new words to them. And let them listen to the tape. Give them some minutes and let them practice by themselves.4) Practice The teacher asks “How many students in our class?” “How many windows in our primary school? Teach the number 2150. Listen to the tape and imitate. Imitate and practice the whole dialogue, then act it out.2. Homework Listen to the tape and imitate the accent.Recite the new words and write them.3. Teaching notesLesson101. Teaching AimsA: Let the students master the dialogueB: Act a short dialogue in pairs2. Teaching Aidsa tape- recorder, story-book, crayons, sharpeners, erasers and a picture-book3. Important sentenceWhat is in it?4.Steps1) OrganizationSay Hello to everyone, and then chant “ work and play” with the students clapping hands together.2) Revision. Ask the following questions: How many books do you have? Revise the numbers in this way.3)New words Show the teachers schoolbag to the students and do the actions that make the students feel the bag is too heavy. Then say “I have a new bag, but its too heavy.” Ask them whats the meaning of heavy. Then take out the things in the bag and then say” Now its light!” Write heavy and light on the borad. Tell them the new words heavy and light.4) Learn the dialogueThen let students see whats in it. There are many things in it. Then ask them to see the dialogue in the book. Listen to the tape and practice the dialogue.5) Group workDivide the students into many small groups and let them practice in groups“How many do you have?” “I have ”5. Homework 1. Remember the new words. 2. Listen to the tape and practice the dialogue.6. NotesLesson 111. Teaching AimsA: Remember and write the following letters and words well: Oo Pp Qq Rrbook ruler pencil-caseB: Solve the problem with the new words in this unit, for example fill the blank, ect.2. Teaching Aidsa tape-recorder some cards3. Keys and difficulties1) 4-skill letters and words:Oo Pp Qq Rrbook ruler pencil-case2) New words: queue rice quiet 4. Steps 1) Organization Say Hello to everyone, Lets begin our class.2) Revision Revise the new words that theyve learned in this unit.3) Shopping game The teacher ask the students” Whether there is someone who like go shopping with his mother in the market. Stick the card on the board and ask the students to act “ON SALE 50% OFF”.4) Do the exerciseLet them look at the book at page of 23 and listen to the tape.Then let them see the second part and see what they are, and fill blank with the words .At last, the teacher check them.5.Class work and homework1)listen 、 read and write the letters and


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