七年级英语下册 Module 5 Shopping Unit 2 You can buy everything on the Internet课件 外研版.ppt

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七年级英语下册 Module 5 Shopping Unit 2 You can buy everything on the Internet课件 外研版.ppt_第1页
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七年级英语下册 Module 5 Shopping Unit 2 You can buy everything on the Internet课件 外研版.ppt_第2页
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七年级英语下册 Module 5 Shopping Unit 2 You can buy everything on the Internet课件 外研版.ppt_第3页
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Module5 Shopping Colour PurpleSize Large 1 Whatcolourisit 2 Whatsizedoyoutake 3 Howmuchisit RivisionTime 网上购物 Therearemanynewwaysshopping andonlineshoppingisoneofthem Vocabulary Unit2 YoucanbuyeverythingontheInternet DoyouoftenbuysomethingontheInternet WhatdoyouwanttobuyontheInternet Discussion YoucanbuyalmosteverythingontheInternet andit sveryeasy 几乎 差不多 Youcanchooseclothes tickets amobilephone evenanewputer Onlineshoppinghasseveraladvantages 有利条件 优势 Youcanshopatanytime Theshopsarealwaysopen 在任何时候 随时 Listenandread 1 Onlineshoppingisanewwayofshopping 2 Youpayforonlineshoppingbeforeyoureceiveit 3 Onlineshoppingisverydifficult 4 It sverysafetoshopovertheInternet 5 Ourwayoflifeischangingbecauseofonlineshopping Readthepassageandcheck thetruesentences Workinpairs Completethetable Youcanshopatanytime YouonlyneedaputerandamousetoshopontheInternet Youcanalsoparethepricesofthesameproduct Youcansavemoney PayingovertheInternetisn talwayssafe Youcan tseetheproductortrytheclotheson Writesentencesdescribingtheadvantageswithfirst second thirdandfourth First youcanshopatanytime Second Third Fourth First youcanshopatanytime Theshopsarealwaysopen Second youonlyneedaputerandamouse Third youcanalsoparethepricesofthesameproduct Fourth youcansavemoney Nowwritesentencesdescribingthedisadvantages Butmanypeoplelikegoingout Butmanypeoplelikegoingoutandshoppingwithfriends Theydon tlikeshoppingontheInternetbecausetheycan tseetheproductortrytheclotheson AlsopayingovertheInternetisn talwayssafe Languagepoints 1 Second shoppingusuallytakesalotoftime 其次 购物通常需要花很多时间 take spend cost和pay的用法区别 spend take cost和pay都可以表示 花费 但用法却不尽相同 1 take后面常跟双宾语 常见用法有以下几种 Ittakessb 时间 todosth 做某事花了某人多少时间 例 Ittookthemthreeyearstobuildthisroad 他们用了三年时间修完了这条路 2 spend的主语必须是人 常用于以下结构 spendtime moneyonsth 在 上花费时间 金钱 例 Ispenttwohoursonthismathsproblem 这道数学题花了我两个小时 2 spendtime money in doingsth 花费时间 金钱 做某事 例 Theyspenttwoyears in buildingthisbridge 造这座桥花了他们两年时间 3 spendmoneyforsth 花钱买 例 Hismoneywasspentforbooks 他的钱用来买书了 3 cost的主语是物或某种活动 还可以表示 值 常见用法如下 1 sth costs sb 金钱 某物花了 某人 多少钱 例 Anewputercostsalotofmoney 买一台新电脑要花一大笔钱 2 doing sth costs sb 时间 某物 做某事 花了 某人 多少时间 例 Rememberingthesenewwordscosthimalotoftime 他花了大量时间才记住了这些单词 4 pay的基本用法是 1 pay sb moneyforsth 付钱 给某人 买 例 Ihavetopaythem20poundsforthisroomeachmonth 我每个月要付20英磅的房租 2 payforsth 付 的钱 例 Ihavetopayforthebooklost 我不得不赔丢失的书款 3 payforsb 替某人付钱 例 Don tworry I llpayforyou 别担心 我会给你付钱的 中考链接 1 Ittookmetwoweeks readingthenovelswrittenbyGuoJingming 2012广东 A finishB tofinishC finishesD finishing B 2 Ienjoyplayingputergames butIcan t toomuchtime that 2012广东梅州 A take doingB spend doingC spend fordoingD take todo B 3 I veshownyoualltheinterestingandimportantplacesofourschool Thankyoufor somuchtime 2012湖北荆州 A takingB spendingC costingD having4 Cathyspendalotofmoneyonherson sstudy 2012湖北黄冈 A cost aboutB took forC spent inD paid for B D 一 翻译下列短语 1 网购 2 几乎所有的东西 3 在网上 4 选择一些东西 5 支付 6 几天 达标练习 onlineshoppingalmosteverythingontheInternetchoosesomethingpayforafewdays 7 通过邮递 8 几个缺点 9 在任何时候 10 花费一些时间 11 对比 的价格 12 同样的产品 13 花钱 bypostseveraladvantagesatanytimetakealotoftimeparethepricesofthesameproductspendalot 14 节约钱 15 喜欢外出 16 试穿衣服 17 网上支付 18 改变生活方式 19 不再 20 能够 savemoneylikegoingouttrytheclothesonpayingovertheInternetchangeone swayoflifenot anymorebeableto Writeaparagraphaboutshoppingatasupermarket Beginlikethis Supermarketshoppingisnotdifficult Ithasseveraladvantages First But italsohasseveraldisvantages Listtheadvantages Listthedisadvantages Finishlikethis Shoppingatasupermarketisfun Homework Thankyou


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