2019六年级英语上册 Unit 1 I go to school at 8:00(Lesson1)教学课件 人教精通版.ppt

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2019六年级英语上册 Unit 1 I go to school at 8:00(Lesson1)教学课件 人教精通版.ppt_第1页
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2019六年级英语上册 Unit 1 I go to school at 8:00(Lesson1)教学课件 人教精通版.ppt_第2页
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2019六年级英语上册 Unit 1 I go to school at 8:00(Lesson1)教学课件 人教精通版.ppt_第3页
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Unit1Igotoschoolat8 00 Lesson1 Welcomebacktoschool Let ssing Warm up Lookandsay Lead in Thepresentisforyou Guess What sthis It sseveno clock Igetupatseveninthemorning Presentation Igotoworkateight Ihavelunchathalfpasteleven IwatchTVattenintheevening Freetalk Presentation Lucy LiYan LucyisLiYan snewfriend TheybecamefriendsthroughtheInternet Presentation Justreadandtalk Presentation It saboutLucy sdailylife Presentation 1 WhereisLucyfrom Justreadandtalk Presentation 2 HowoldisLucy Justreadandtalk 3 WhatgradeisLucyin Sheistwelve SheisinGradeSix PrimarySix GradeSix Presentation WhatactivitiesdoyouknowaboutLucy Justreadandtalk getup havebreakfast Schoolbegins havelunch Schoolisover gohome havedinner watchTV gotobed toschool go dosomereading Presentation Justreadandtalk Lucy sDailyLife 8 00 8 30 11 45 4 00 7 00intheevening 3 30intheafternoon 9 00 About9 30intheevening 1 Lucygetsupat7 30intheafternoon 2 LucyisinGradeSix 3 Schoolbeginsat8 30 4 Theyhavesevenclassesaday 5 Afterdinner LucywatchesTVfor30minutes 6 Afterdinner sheoftenreadsomebooks Presentation Justreadandtalk inthemorning subjects 9 00 Justreadandtalk Practice Practice Two Activity Time People Let sdosurvey Doasurveyaboutourdailylifeingroupsoffourandfillintheform I 7 00 Two Igetupat7 00 Ihavebreakfastat Activity Time People Practice Let sreport Theformatofaletter Presentation MydailylifeDear Mynameis Icomefrom Nowletmetellyouaboutmydailylife Igetupat Ihavebreakfastat Ireallyhaveabusyday Howisyourlife Bestwishes Practice Writeandsay Let sretell Consolidation 如何介绍自己的日常生活及作息时间呢 Igetupat7 30inthemorning Ihavebreakfastat Igotoschoolat Summary


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