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笔记符号 state kingdom country nation national federal city metropolis cosmopolis metropolitan urban municipal village farm outskirt countryside suburban ruralareas 右上角 人右下角 地方 地名 机构 一 图形符号 citizen urbanresidents inhabitants famer peasant rancher agriculturist 领导 监督 顶点 顶级 最lead supervise head peak top supreme utmost maximum climax universal worldwide international transnational global transcontinental allovertheworld acrossboundaries 多国 其他国家othercountries 国民经济nationaleconomy domestic native internal interior athome foreign overseas abroad alien exotic outofthecountry beyondseas intheforeignland inandoutofthecountry athomeandabroad 进口import 出口export 进出口import export 飞行员pilot 飞机场airport 中国人Chinesepeople 经济实体economicentity 金融机构financialinstitution boss leader chairman ruler chief manager president majesty governor director supervisor monitor 国家领导人 政府首脑stateleader 广场square plaze 宏观调控 macro control 首都capitalcity 重要important significant key critical crucial essential vital eventful principal core ofgreatimportance significance consequence 3 主要main chief primary major dominant overwhelming 4 精彩wonderful terrific splendid fantastic marvelous 2 杰出great well known outstanding remarkable excellent perfect brilliant distinguished notable eminent promising prominent prestigious glorious noteworthy 5 强调emphasize focus underline underscorestress highlight spotlight accentuatefocuson layemphasis stressonattachimportanceto payattentionto themostimportant 特点 特色 特征mark feature character symbol sign characteristic specialitypeculiarity attribute 2 代表represent symbolize typify standfor onbehalfof 整体 全部 总共whole all total entire complete overallgeneral universal integral gross intact onthewhole allinall 2 团结 统一 团聚united unification gather gettogether 所有国家 所有人 人民群众 主权和领土完整sovereigntyandterritorialintegrity 会议meeting forum session seminar conference symposium committee association parliament council 峰会summit meeting 关联linkto connectwith relateto associatewith 2 替代replace displace supplant substituteinsteadof taketheplaceof 交流 交换exchange interact communicate 2 关系interaction relation relationshippartnership 双边关系 bilateralrelationship 多边关系 multilateralrelationship 举杯 协议toast agreement treaty contractConvention revolution 双边协议 bilateralagreement 多边协议 multilateralagreement 发展 develop development 发达的 developed 发展中的 developing 开始begin start initiate open originate launch pioneercommence inaugurate 2 形成 产生 出现establish found create appear emerge occur comeout breakout comeintobeing existence 3 医疗卫生RedCross hospital medicalcaremedicalinstitution 禁止 结束end conclude complete cease stop close terminate expire halt over pause turnoff switchoff breakupmakeanendof bringtoanend bringtoaconclusion 道路 方法method way road means measureapproach manner access route coursemode bymeansof bywayof 歪曲twist distortionoffact 2 困难 挫折difficulty hardship trouble painful tough frustration setback 远faraway 近near close 台阶 进步stepbystep progress advancemakeprogress 过去 历史inthepast history 昨天yesterday 上个月lastmonth 去年lastyear 前所未有的 unprecedented 很久以前 longbefore 未来 将要 inthefuture 改变 变化change transform 果实 成果fruit result accomplishmentachievement 使 消失 废除delete exclude dismiss erasedisappear vanish extinct removeabolish getridof wipeout 2 破坏 推翻 剥夺destroy ruin collapse overthrowdemolish deprive 4 倒闭 下岗bankrupt layoff resign retire 5 死亡 已故的kill murder die passaway thelate 6 解决 达到 实现overcome settle solve address realize achieve accomplish fulfill 3 抛弃abandon desert discard 二 人体行为符号 smile happy glad pleased excitedinagoodmood unhappy sad unsatisfied angry inabadmood Q 1 说tell state announce express claim address declare argue vow explain Introduce report 2 评论comment remark evaluateappraise review 开罗宣言 CairoManifesto 赞扬speakhighlyof praise 批评criticize 众说纷纭 若干说法variousopinions 改革开放reformandopeningup 爱 关心love concern careabout 吓唬 威胁scare threaten 1 听 listento2 开放 beopento 看observe view glance stare noticeglimpse scan skim witness gaze 2 想think consider regard conceiveponder suppose imagine meditatespeculate contemplate 3 揭示 显示show suggest indicate reveal discover reflect 1 来come2 收到receive3 需要 缺少need require want beshortof 4 邀请 应邀invite oninvitation 愿意接受acceptwithpleasure 1 卖sell2 获利makeaprofit 去 到go引起 导致resultin leadto 1 买buy2 投资invest 增加 上升 完善 繁荣increase heighten enhance grow liftsoar rise raise elevate ascendflourish advance update improveprosperity boost giveboostto goup 减少 降低 贬值decrease decline reduce descenddiminish fall drop sink lowerrelieve weaken lessen deterioratedevalue degrade depreciate discountgodown falloff 1 很 非常deeply very quite awfully 2 深远的profound far reaching 推动 促进 有助于promote strengthen encouragestimulate facilitate reinforcestrive push urge stir forceaccelerate drive prompt propelgiveimpetusto carryforward 阻碍 推迟obstacle postpone delay restrainwithdraw discourage curb hamperhinder barrier bar encumber putoffstandinone sway holdback drawback 冲突 矛盾 分歧 争议conflict contradictiondifference dispute 越来越increasing growing moreandmore 越来越大biggerandbigger 越来越多moreandmore 压力 影响pressure burden load stress impact influence effect affectexertinfluenceon haveeffecton 迄今为止sofar uptonow tillnow 四 标点符号 多numerous countless enormousabundant various mass uncountableinnumerable considerable substantialaseriesof 2 持续 继续 一直last continue remain maintainpersist still continuouseverlasting eternal permanent constant frequent always endless allalong keepon goon 3 信息点的弱化 4 信息的省略andsoon 在某种程度上tosomedegree 不那么重要notsoimportant 1 危险 警告 当心dangerous hazardous jeopardywarning alarming alertindanger watchout 2 加强语气 务必 一定 当然sure certainly ofcourse 老实说 说实在的tobefrank totellyouthetruth 问题 疑问question problem perplexity issue puzzle mystery ask inquiry queryinterrogate confused bewildered 2 所有疑问句以 开头来记录 百分比 percent 引用 理论 名言等 邓小平理论Dengxiaopingtheories 红楼梦 ADreaminRedMansionsTheStroyoftheStone 书 由 组成 包括 容纳contain comprise cover includeenclose involve embrace bemadeupof consistof 用于记录状语 五 数学符号 因为 由于 幸亏because dueto thanksto 所以 因此 结果是so therefore thatiswhy consequently 和 另外 多plus and add morethan besides moreover inaddition 另外五十anotherfifty 五十多morethanfifty 更少fewer 减去 负增长minus 除了except 相同 一致thesameas公平fair equal justice比作compare to 符合beconsistentwithbeinagreementwithcomplywith 不赞同 不平等 有差距 不符合disagree unfair difference disparity 不符合事实notcomplywiththefact 大约 大概about almost nearly 等于说 也就是说thatistosay inotherwords 1 大于 超过surpass exceed morethansuperiorto 2 供过于求supplyexceedsdemand 过热overheated 少于 低于lessthan inferiorto 2 供不应求demandexceedssupply 总和sum 属于belongto 错的 不好的 负面的wrong mistake fault bad negativenotorious 2 否决veto 不称霸notseekhegemony 对的 好的 积极的correct good positive affirmative 2 支持 善于 有利于support begoodat intheinterestof 3 认可 批准endorse ratify confirm approve 文 中 立 六 中文 文化 文学 文明culture literature civilization 中国People sRepublicofChina 立场 position 一 中文字 力 儿 大 力量 能力 权力power strength force ability capability 儿童 children big huge great vast gianttremendous immense spacious extensive massive capacious 市 市场 market 二 偏旁部首 学习study learn 家family home 快 迅速soon rapid swift speedyquick prompt 组织organize structure tissue 建设build construct 措施measure 饭 食物meal ricefood 餐馆 饭店restaurant 疾病illness disease ailment sick 病人patient 军事 军队military army troop 管理management administration 健康health fu 三 拼音字母 感谢thank appreciate 称霸 霸权主义hegemony seekhegemony 贡献contribution 腐败corruption 七 谐音 仅仅just merely only nothingmorethan notonly 环境environment surroundings settingcircumstance condition background 八化学符号 Fe 铁ferrum iron 铁路railway 九生物 女性woman female 男性man male 十地图标识 学校 教育 十一英文 一 英文字母 b c d 但是but however nevertheless相信believe trust 世纪century 日子 今天day today e f g h 经济economy 金融finance 政府government 1 希望hope 2 小时 hour I m M 我I me 1 月month 2 分钟minute 管理management n 多many much multi p 1 政治 政党 政权 政策politics party power policy 2 部门department section ministry 外交部theMinistryofForeignAffairs 生产 产品produce manufacture product r R 改革reform 1 权利right2 公路road 高速公路expressway s 1 科学science 2 社会society 3 自从since 社会主义socialism 从那以后fromthenon t R D 时间 倍time想 认为think 技术technology 科技scienceandtechnology 高科技high tech 研发researchanddevelopment u v w y 你you 胜利 成功win success victory triumph 我们we 年year 二 英文小写缩略 al co 虽然 尽管 即使although though despiteindespiteof evenif eventhough 商业business commerce 公司company corporation firm com 社团community 财政fiscal 教育education 例如forexample forinstance ins info infra 保险insurance 信息information message 基础设施infrastructure 邀请invitation nu 核的nuclear 消息news 贸易trade 旅游travel tour journey 税tax gym grad doc demo 利用use utilize makeuseof 体育馆gymnasium 毕业生graduates 医生 博士doctor 演示demonstrate en 经验 经历experience 效率effective efficiency 尽快assoonasimpossible 请please 能源energy 三 英文大写缩略 CPC SOE PC 中国共产党CommunistPartyofChina 国有企业state ownedenterprise 1 个人电脑personalcomputer 2 记者招待会pressconference DPRK ROK 亚太地区Asia Pacificregion 朝鲜DemocraticPeople sRepublicofKorea 韩国RepublicofKorea LR JC JV HR 劳动力资源laborresources 联合公报JointCommunique 合资企业JointVenture 人权humanright人力资源humanresources PE SME SEZ OK 批准 认可ratify authorize 计划经济PlannedEconomy 社会主义市场经济SocialistMarketEconomy 经济特区SpecialEconomicZone 组织缩略 国家地区缩略 UN 联合国UnitedNations UNESCO GATT 联合国教科文组织UnitedNationsEconomic Scientific andCulturalOrganization 关贸总协定GeneralAgreementonTariffsandTrade APEC OPEC EU WTO 世界贸易组织WorldTradeOrganization 亚太经合组织theAsia PacificEconomicCooperation 石油输出国家组织OrganizationofPetroleumExportingCountries 欧盟EuropeanUnion IMF Am US UK 国际货币基金组织InternationalMonetaryFund 美国America theUnitedStates 英国theUnitedKingdom HK TW Kr 朝鲜 韩国Korea 香港Hongkong 台湾Taiwan 日本Japan BJ SH SZ CS 北京Beijing 上海Shanghai 深圳Shenzhen 长沙Changsha 四 单词 spy new 五 音标 1 行动act action activity 2 计划 方案 项目program project 十二货币符号 1 美元dollars 2 钱money 1 人民币RMB 2 利益interest profit 英镑pound 十三其它符号 这 现在 现行 当前this now here existing moderncurrent nowadays contemporaryatpresent 2 基础basis basic foundation fundamental 3 稳定stability 现行政策 本届政府 和平与稳定 保障 坚持 维护ensure guarantee safeguardinsiston maintenance 千thousand 一千onethousand 十四关联词 路标词 虽然 但是 因为 所以 不是 而是 不但 而且 if I b I h I t I exp I est 如果if providedthat 我相信Ibelieve 我希望Ihope 我认为Ithink 我期待Iexpect 我估计Iestimate


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