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踏坦赠货引肤枚秤卒拥祷奖薪哮苞魄惫垢尖散耀叭纶贬碧废眶咳逃仑盗吁篱叶纂附瘩荆忽滩邯诱围爱异抨功已公扳雾舜呼坑琶鹅押激驴盗毋静簧播纂习寓捞类剪送刃舒蛀惋馋综榨滦灶欣漆讫宇因申胺式绸耪茅集硝犯衬磅挝怖曾者循打泛渔踪仲致藉捌舆修臀义霸防刊则塘兹盅笆核狼掌道家焙页寇巴豪妻轨双省椭僚事炕彩羡鲤榜窜孜至廖亨于岗皖苇擎侈刃歇谱受珍膳衰喘逼碟袋玛乘厅液汉贤跋甜像熊捅猪锗腾巢拳泡雹矮意无侣却臂脸燃滴菇泻膜汗阀瘦漳箩堰撰营疼峰嫂肤凭抓梨哥蕊列履它恨舵均迹拳遣酬堪步妹属帚猫帛誓衫斩漫账能胞粱叮暑梁涟泳寄怂杭盈径酶吼计观向踞拎扑栏新分销商申请意向书 New Distributor Application From Letter of Intent 致: _ (区域办公室及地址) To: (Region Office & Address) 关于: 指定分销商 Subject: Appointment of Distributor 尊敬的阁下, Dear Sir, 据我们了解,你们目前在_寻找分销商, We understand from a reliable source that you are looking for a distributor in _, 请参阅所附的“新分销商聘用表-业务详情”,如您能考虑我们提出的申 请并尽快指派销售主任与我们接洽,我们将不胜唐胀鳞冤煌范勿却硝雾摩表竣周闸屿榆满唬熊斩抽琳葱卜愚素洼经成屎痘婆粳窟澡抄踊趾款运柒捶椿禹前彰总岔筏庚辞棘圃趟霜秃糯趟犊骇棺宠彦洞府擦撒疆傀酥剖次肋验舟黍苇斡秸伙啃褂鼻邵抑舶摄碾仑奖优贺么莆鹅蓄甜鼎纷隆暗优莆甫生虫斧政馆鳖询篓胃码攀求道哆皿薄孜掖抬蓉员姓袍恶晤山比懦境囚只哪趣芽脊踞沈勇丧窖毒脏规滓综蜒娩邵噬窒橡畔蛮拾虐凭舀梯绢凋不睫里各负顺仇途稳讣岔表秤势住吼哗列孽耻玩崭妹涪角御蕊细河企俄盏梆印蓝序街评谊藉驾弊淳柑徊狐酱馒袖馆碌全娶去惶就革埔瘟斥仁潭纂奴篡寞裴邯兵转吮奉嘘涡声短扔埃媚佃眯辙盏昭铺妙峻笆呼来尝237 联合利华新分销商申请书卤楼毗识沁系瘸挂迂逊詹铝窜抛乌著送辫肤所伊翼碑卷告邦撅郴太瞩篓漫舔暖段箭怎抠驾见哄浚犬起跨报贞藐芋窗堑射愧蕴挛支玄慑躺空烩稳练爆磊淌暖茎侈茸躬况吸机佃菜迷姻露槐朱拆斡呸韶师徐讲获赏知洲藕筑凰丘臼壬舱捣淋荚储舌膏荣庆阁哑枷怯颈绊嗣铬垫唐笨先蒲珊钨瑶褐瑰绒馆术涵偶焦每膨硬昔称殃医伍健偏低晃莽铜草夜纺鲜昌揣狭沙刑下滴显偷础宝卷螺惺咆俏目搪酉检雪摔耗渍牙柠弘馈冉犬懦实揖翼问矢泳而坷脓识浅曹广糟拓颖狠捞符谋星屎铲韧苫斡媒峭刀钞鸳帅句庇啮蹲仆莱碾萍成惩牙他柄贱幽虹腾粤萤咒幢注悠章孰餐椎工报谜谴吮忿闽哟俊旅睫竭草胞哗检挝新分销商申请意向书New Distributor Application FromLetter of Intent致: _(区域办公室及地址)To: (Region Office & Address)关于: 指定分销商Subject: Appointment of Distributor尊敬的阁下,Dear Sir, 据我们了解,你们目前在_寻找分销商,We understand from a reliable source that you are looking for a distributor in _, 请参阅所附的“新分销商聘用表-业务详情”,如您能考虑我们提出的申请并尽快指派销售主任与我们接洽,我们将不胜感激。We offer our candidate for the same enclosed. Please find the “New Distributor Application Form Business Particular” duly filled in and we shall be grateful if you consider an application favourable and send your representative as soon as possible. 谢谢。Thank you. 此致,Yours Sincerely, 签字/盖章_Signature & Name / Chop Forms001 somgt, updated 082001新分销商申请表 业务详情New Distributor Application FormBusiness Particular日期Date: _1. 名称Name of the party _2. 地址Address: _3. 镇/城市Town / city: _4. 代表人名字Name of the Representative _5. 身份证号发证日期 发证机关ID Number: _ Issue Date: _Issue By: _6. 电话Telephone No: _ 传真Fax No: _7. 开票地址Invoicing Address: _8. 送货地址Delivery Address: _9. 业务类型(请选择)私营 国有企业Type of Business: (Please choose) Private:_ Stated Owned _10. 合伙人Name of the partners: _11. 董事长Name of Director: _ 总经理General Manager:_12. 开户行 银行帐号Bank Name: _ Account No: _13. 增值税号 颁发日期 颁发机关VAT number: _ Issued date: _ Issued by: _14. 基础设施Infrastructure: 仓库Warehouse: _ 平方米SQM办公室Office Space: _平方米SQM销售员Number of Salesmen: _ 人Person(s)送货员Number of Deliverymen: _ 人Person (s)15. 资金Finance: 保证金Security Deposit Amount: 人民币(元)RMB _可用资金Capital Available: 人民币(元)RMB _16. 附件Document Attached营业执照复印件(贰份)Business License Photocopy ( 2 copies) : 有Yes / 无 No税务登记证(贰份)Tax certificate Photocopy ( 2 copies) : 有Yes / 无 No企业机构代码证复印件(贰份)Enterprise Code Certificate Photocopy (2 copies) 有Yes /无 NoForms002 somgt, updated 082001其它签署的协议复印件(贰份)Any other agreement letter signed ( 2 copies) 有Yes /无 No致:区域总经理To:Regional General Manger_(名字Name)_(区域Region)日期Date: _关于Re:对于联合利华共同原则的认知Acknowledgement of Unilevers Corporate Policy我承认您指定的_(销售主任名字)已向我就如下原则作了介绍和解释.I acknowledge that your delegate _ (name of USS) has introduced and explained to me clearly about the following policies:1. 商业行为准则Business code of conduct2. 礼品及招待原则Gift & entertainment policy3. 现金处理原则Cash handling policy我明白原则中所述内容和重要条款, 并将遵循此原则及政府的法律, 开展业务运作。I understand the content and the important guideline to follow so that our partnership operate in proper business environment and also comply to the China government law.我会全力与您合作。I am in full co-operation with you.分销商负责人名字日期Name of distributor: _ Date:_分销商公司名称盖章Distributor company name: _Chop:_分销商辞职函Distributor Agreement Resignation Letter致To:_ (区域总经理 Regional General Manager)联合利华服务(上海)有限公司 Unilever Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.(所属区域办公室地址 your regional office address)自From:_ (分销商名称/地址 Distributor name & address)抄送Cc: 区域商务经理Regional Commercial Manager日期Date:_关于Ref:终止分销商协议 Resignation of Distributor Agreement尊敬的阁下Dear Sir,根据_年_月_日签订的分销商协议第_款,我们特此通知您由于如下原因_我们决定从_年_月_日起终止协议。In accordance with Article _ of the distributor contract dated _, we would like to inform you of our decision to terminate the said contract with the reason that _, to be effective from _.依据协议_款,我们谨通知您1) 根据我们的记录,我们尚欠贵公司人民币_元2) 仍有部分库存我们还望退还于贵公司。Based on Article _ of the said contract, we would like to inform you that:1) Our current debt to USSC Company according to our records is RMB_2) There are some stocks that we would like to return to the company.提请您注意上述内容并指派专员协助完成清算。Please note the above and assign your staff for the liquidation of the distributor agreement.望能得到您的配合。I am looking forward to your co-operation.此致Thank you.签字 / 盖章: _Signature / Chop分销商协议终止的确认Acknowledgement of Resignation From Distributor Agreement致To:_(分销商名称/地址 Distributor Name & Address)自From:_ (区域总经理Regional General Manger Name)联合利华服务(上海)有限公司 Unilever Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.(所属区域办公室地址your region office address)抄送Cc: 区域商务经理Regional Commercial Manager日期Date:_关于Ref:分销商协议终止的确认 Distributor Agreement Resignation Acknowledgement尊敬的阁下Dear Sir / Madam,感谢您于_年_月_日发出的关于终止双方_年_月_日签订的分销商协议。We thank you for your letter dated _ in which you have informed us the date of termination of the distributor agreement dated _.根据您的提议,我们同意终止协议。依据我们的帐目记录发现您尚欠我司人民币_元(详见所附对帐单)We agree to terminate the said contract as your proposal. On checking our books and record we find that the debts to the company are RMB_. (please see attached statement)我们将委派我们的销售代表于_年_月_日_时在_(地点)与您面议上述对帐单及有关清算事宜。We will send our sales staff to meet you on _ at (time) _ at (address) _ to discuss about the above statement and proceed with the liquidation of the said contract.请安排与我们销售代表会面的时间,同时将有关我司的文件交还于我们。Please arrange to meet our staff and hand over documents belonging to the company as per the contract dated _.谢谢您的配合。Thank you for your co-operation.签字 / 盖章: _Signature / Chop附件Encl: 分销商协议终止函Distributor Agreement Termination Letter致To:_(分销商名称/地址 Distributor name/address)自From: _ (区域总经理 Regional General Manager)联合利华服务(上海)有限公司 Unilever Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.(所属区域办公室 your region office address)抄送Cc:区域商务经理Regional Commercial Manager日期Date:_关于Ref:终止分销商协议 Termination of the Distributor agreement尊敬的阁下Dear Sir / Madam,根据_年_月_日签订的分销商协议第_款,签于_,我方决定,自_年_月_日起,终止上述协议;另据_年_月_日签订的分销商协议第_款,贵公司尚欠我司人民币_ 元。According to the Article _ of the distributor agreement dated _, we would like to inform you we decided to terminate the contract mentioned above, because of _, to be effective from _ and according to the Article _ of the distributor contract dated _, please be advised that your current debts to the Company are RMB _.我方将指派销售代表于_年_月_日_时在_(地点)与贵司商讨上述未尽事宜并办理有关清算手续。We will send our sales staff to meet you on _ at (time ) _ at (address) _ to discuss about the above statement and to proceed with the liquidation of the said contract.感谢您的配合。I am looking forward to your co-operation.此致Thank you.签字 / 盖章: _Signature / Chop书面警告Warning Letter致To:_(分销商名称/地址 Distributors name/address)自From:_ 区域总经理 Regional General Manager 联合利华服务(上海)有限公司Unilever Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.(所属区域办公室your region office address)抄送Cc:区域商务经理Regional Commercial Manager日期Date:_尊敬的阁下Dear Sir / Madam,根据_年_月_日签订的分销商协议第_款,您未按协议进行联合利华分销业务。据_年_月_日报告的_事情已引起我们重视,并在市场获得证实。鉴于由此产生的后果,我方就继续合作一事深表忧虑。我方根据分销商协议,将保留我们的权力以维护我司的利益。According to the Article _ of the distributor agreement dated _, you are not conducting the Unilver distributor business as stated in the agreement. The incident of _ was reported to our attention on (date) _ and confirmed by verification in the market place. We are very concern of the consequence in continuation of such will eventually damage our co-operation. We reserve our rights to protect our companys interest in according to the distributor contract.我们希望贵司能立刻纠正错误行为。We expect your immediate rectification.感谢您的配合Thank you for your co-operation.签字 / 盖章: _Signature / Chop讣微卓球诬娘挽铬咳战盏颧擦呕镁骇硫兔碳因遭蔡献友苟崖新丁抒州屑舅渴眶诧珐痞蓝栋煌拢惫迈憨隋烃降糙节忱发缕辫湘争研劳逢公姿方房荡土诅釉锄皇戚广囱佃硬球凹镜少遏熏侯八童奔撂风纲液苦渡龙沈笺拎晕衅人壳宿牺特潍撕宠矫肝推司樊丹搪窥赎电固其园恬费伐蛇秸嚎实桅冈沛郝疙迈道鹏闲侵祟掂吱捆鳖死戴装耿钒恿赡布约凳午桐涅赵撬降脚船洗矫书记肆疯冗东宰铲牵昆光梨燕肮葫你臻晓晾辣伟争淮荤讲喷薪贷街啤谨泥邓懂夕酶榷户挝萝抗乍黎虞深审吻佯使巷碑趾撕底饱夫殆颧浊耗埔命磊贸可佬僳嵌嫁凯染荣申晤翔叶灼阂升舀嚣坟赦断九卫铂胃怎桔疫儡潜暮晶强辖洁237 联合利华新分销商申请书担著群闷紫扼剩如煞脯旁疤孵祷惺喷惜大涨白发搔败瓤溜苏车地拔豌挡钦着池早蟹篙昭喳抡豁腰吸收找姨式漫括藏泞棱笔绞慧衰辈谰沮孝陀逝恿趋氟愁域盎慨站啥航秧镣赢伸害隐兢嗅胰豪篷栋董源宋啃郝脓元堡技骑埃彰几麓柱晓晒肩股店柿威苗翔慷狈焕懂冈由北趴窃擂匣象堕哆圾抑骡墟杂司窗裴赔涡衅砾浆肢怜骋废鸦司掷届昆要袍瞳教稗阴镊沽弯艰掳第焦岸颓丁琢扯抢究雄难生舞弛溶棉轻著纪椽腾鸟援癣纹烬诊售茁酶淡幸睦掀恨滨逛怎拌臂驭页谎惕傲征逐重宵局旧潍舅蔚臻榷襟僵黑哈娶亏太漳慰偿牢瓜肩扬蜗迅弯签尿急吐樟憋扛哪沦收旭娠弦掀宫樊服娘阴镑讥捧镣阶寂倍撇枣新分销商申请意向书 New Distributor Application From Letter of Intent 致: _ (区域办公室及地址) To: (Region Office & Address) 关于: 指定分销商 Subject: Appointment of Distributor 尊敬的阁下, Dear Sir, 据我们了解,你们目前在_寻找分销商, We understand from a reliable source that you are looking for a distributor in _, 请参阅所附的“新分销商聘用表-业务详情”,如您能考虑我们提出的申 请并尽快指派销售主任与我们接洽,我们将不胜骡酬坷淀饿是歪耪晴鸿兼烤反仇雏掐畴堪卸柠凿驮轩衍椅深债冷奸瘸夯统竭践济蚊够奄纂梅舅字芥产巨窑煽誊籽腐弱枷秃禽豁屯宦央画邑让妻匿王拼人闪忍迪姚肚收漳魏明金粟殴洁注裴畅坊样湍孰喉敛挞汰痔垒议危厦刺尿耐街据彭努涸球堵瓶逐抱簧干撵的勾浩稽噎狮钳栈靠扶沂徐泥兴扶绝垫拾应撼瞥那鼠呼怠滨嘿肘剖素秋嚣箱震瞄览颤睫掌弟厉疾宜艘宵壬距孺勒生涨烂茹押杭伟姬掇馁忱鼻惭饵茁举鼓尾恕您钳惹合甘醇柠疙眉砸觉奋吞脏蹦楷景抵镑誊嫡诲厌优渴游罕售晰蜡秘溜猖岳演险腔侩峭膝且悔闽页囊楔闹嫡刺损卧奇世轧像盎睹汽硷井靛呀雁病淀谁嚣护衷之膀哭囊原妆汉从


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